Bible verses about "perversity" | Coverdale

Acts 16:31

31 They sayde: Beleue on the LORDE Iesus, and so shalt thou and thy housholde be saued.

1 Peter 2:1-25

1 Wherfore laye asyde all maliciousnes and all gyle, and ypocrisye, and envye, and all bacbytinge, 2 & as new borne babes desyre that reasonable mylke, which is without corrupcion, that ye maye growe therin, 3 yf so be that ye haue taisted how frendly the LORDE is. 4 Vnto whom ye are come, as to the lyuynge stone, which is disalowed of men, but chosen of God and precious. 5 And ye also as lyuynge stones are made a spirituall house, and an holy presthode, to offre vp spirituall sacrifices, acceptable vnto God by Iesus Christ. 6 Wherfore it is conteyned in the scripture: Beholde, I put in Sion an heade corner stone, electe & precious, and he that beleueth on him, shal not be cofounded. 7 Vnto you therfore which beleue, he is precious: but vnto them that beleue not, is ye same stone which the buylders refused, made the heade stone in the corner, 8 and a stone to stomble at, and a rock to be offended at, namely in the which stomble at ye worde, and beleue not that wheron they were set. 9 But ye are that chosen generacion, that kyngly presthode, that holy nacion, that peculier people, yt ye shulde shewe the vertues of him, which hath called you out of darknesse in to his maruelous lighte: 10 Euen you which in tyme past were not a people, but now are the people of God: which were not vnder mercy, but now haue optayned mercy. 11 Dearly beloued, I beseke you as straungers and pilgrems, absteyne fro the fleshly lustes, which fighte agaynst the soule, 12 and lede an honest conuersacion amonge the Heythen, that they which bacbyte you as euell doers, maye se youre good workes, and prayse God in the daye of visitacion. 13 Submytte youre selues vnto all maner ordinaunce of men for the LORDES sake: whether it be vnto the kynge as vnto ye chefe heade, 14 or vnto rulers, as vnto them that are sent of him, for the punyshment of euell doers, but for the prayse of the that do well. 15 For so is the will of God, that ye with well doynge shulde put to sylence the ignoraunce of folishmen: 16 as fre, and not as hauynge the libertye for a cloke of wickednes, but eue as the seruauntes of God. 17 Honoure all men. Loue brotherly fellishippe. Feare God. Honoure the kynge. 18 Ye seruautes, obey youre masters with all feare: not onely yf they be good and curteous, but also though they be frowarde. 19 For that is grace, yf a man for conscience towarde God endure grefe, and suffre wronge. 20 For what prayse is it, yf wha ye be buffeted for yor fautes, ye take it paciently? But yf whan ye do well, ye suffre wronge, and take it paciently, that is grace with God. 21 For here vnto are ye called, for so moch as Christ also suffred for vs, leauynge vs an ensample, that ye shulde folowe his fotesteppes, 22 which dyd no synne, nether was there gyle founde in his mouth: 23 which whan he was reuyled, reuyled not agayne: wha he suffred, he threatened not: but commytted the cause vnto him, that iudgeth righteously: 24 which his owne selfe bare oure synnes in his body vpon the tre, that we shulde be delyuered from synne, & shulde lyue vnto righteousnes: by whose strypes ye were healed. 25 For ye were as shepe goinge astraye, but now are ye turned vnto the shepherde and Bisshoppe of youre soules.

Hebrews 10:26-27

26 For yf we synne wylfully after that we haue receaued the knowlege of the trueth, there remayneth vnto vs nomore sacrifice for synnes, 27 but a fearfull lokynge for iudgment, and violente fyre, which shal deuoure ye aduersaries.

James 3:2

2 for in many thinges we synne all. Yf a man synne not in worde, the same is a parfecte man, & able to tame all the body.

1 Corinthians 6:9

9 Knowe ye not that ye vnrighteous shal not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not disceaued. Nether whoremongers, ner worshippers off ymages, ner breakers off wedlocke, ner weaklinges, nether abusers of them selues with mankynde,

Jude 1:4

4 For there are certayne craftely crept in, of which it was wrytten afore tyme vnto soche iudgement. They are vngodly, and turne the grace of oure God vnto wantanes, and denye God the onely LORDE, and oure LORDE Iesus Christ.

1 John 2:1-29

1 My litle children, these thinges wryte I vnto you, that ye shulde not synne: and yf eny man synne, we haue an aduocate with the father, euen Iesus Christ which is righteous: 2 and he it is that optayneth grace for oure synnes: not for oure synnes onely, but also for the synnes of all the worlde. 3 And hereby are we sure that we knowe him, yf we kepe his comaundemetes. 4 He that sayeth: I knowe him, and kepeth not his comaundemetes, is a lyar, and the trueth is not in him, 5 But who so kepeth his worde, in him is the loue of God perfecte in dede. Hereby knowe we, that we are in him. 6 He yt sayeth he abydeth in him, oughte to walke euen as he walked. 7 Brethren, I wryte no new commaundement vnto you, but that olde commaundement, which ye haue herde from the begynnynge. 8 The olde comaundement is the worde, which ye haue herde from the begynnynge. Agayne, a new comaundemet wryte I vnto you, a thinge that is true in him & also in you: for the darknesse is past, and the true lighte now shyneth. 9 He that sayeth he is in lighte, and hateth his brother, is yet in darknesse. 10 He yt loueth his brother, abydeth in the lighte, and there is none occasion of euell in him. 11 But he yt hateth his brother, is in darknes, and walketh in darknes, and can not tell whither he goeth, for ye darknes hath blynded his eyes. 12 Babes, I wryte vnto you, that yor synnes are forgeuen you for his names sake. 13 I wryte vnto you fathers, how that ye haue knowne him which is from ye begynnynge. I wryte vnto you yonge me, how that ye haue euercome the wicked. I wryte vnto you litle children, how that ye haue knowne the father. 14 I haue wrytten vnto you fathers, how that ye haue knowne him, which is fro the begynnynge. I haue wrytten vnto you yonge men, how that ye are stronge, and the worde of God abydeth in you, and ye haue ouercome that wicked. 15 Se that ye loue not the worlde, nether ye thinges that are in the worlde. Yf eny man loue the worlde, the loue of the father is not in him: 16 for all that is in the worlde (namely the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pryde of life) is not of the father, but of the worlde. 17 And the worlde passeth awaye and the lust therof. But he that fulfylleth the wyll of God, abydeth for euer. 18 Litle children, it is the last houre, and (as ye haue herde that Antechrist shal come) euen now are there many become Antechristes allready: wherby we knowe, that it is ye last houre. 19 They wente out fro vs, but they were not of vs: for yf they had bene of vs, they wolde no doute haue contynued with vs. But that they maye be knowne, how that they are not all of vs. 20 But ye haue the anoyntinge of him yt is holy, & ye knowe all thiges. 21 I haue not wrytte vnto you, as though ye knewe not ye trueth but ye knowe it, & are sure, yt no lye cometh of ye trueth. 22 Who is a lyar, but he yt denyeth yt Iesus is Christ? The same is ye Antichrist, yt denyeth the father & ye sonne. 23 Whosoeuer denyeth the sonne, the same hath not the father. 24 Loke what ye haue herde now from ye begynnynge, let the same abyde in you. Yf yt which he herde from the begynnynge shal remayne in you, then shal ye also abyde in ye sonne and in the father. 25 And this is the promes yt he hath promysed vs, eue eternall life. 26 This haue I wrytte vnto you cocerninge the that disceaue you. 27 And the anoyntinge which ye haue receaued of him, dwelleth in you: & ye nede not yt eny ma teach you, but as the anoyntinge teacheth you all thiges, euen so is it true, & is no lye. And as it hath taughte you, eue so abide ye therin. 28 And now babes, abyde in hi, yt wha he shal appeare, we maye be bolde, & not be made ashamed of him at his commynge. 29 Yf ye knowe yt he is righteous, knowe also that he which doth righteousnes, is borne of him.

Leviticus 18:22

22 Thou shalt not lye with mankynde as with womankynde, for yt is abhominacion.

2 Corinthians 5:10

10 For we must all appeare before the iudgment seate of Christ, yt euery one maye receaue in his body, acordinge to yt he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

James 1:14-15

14 But euery ma is tepted, drawne awaye, & entysed of his awne cocupiscece. 15 The whe lust hath conceaued, she bringeth forth synne, & synne when it is fynished, bringeth forth deeth.

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