Bible verses about "nudity" | Coverdale

Genesis 9:20-29

20 Noe beganne to take hede vnto ye tyllinge of the grounde, & planted a vyniarde. 21 And dranke of the wyne, and was dronken, and laye vncouered in his tente. 22 Now when Ha the father of Canaan sawe his fathers preuities, he tolde his two brethren without. 23 The toke Sem and Iaphet a mantell and put it vpo both their shulders, and wente backwarde, and couered their fathers secretes: & their faces were turned asyde, yt they shulde not se their fathers preuyties. 24 So whan Noe awaked from his wyne, and perceaued what his yonger sonne had done vnto him, 25 he sayde: Cursed be Canaan, and a seruaunt of seruauntes be he vnto his brethren. 26 He sayde morouer: Praysed be the LORDE God of Sem, and Canaan be his seruaunt. 27 God increase Iaphet, and let him dwell in the tentes of Sem, and Canaan be his seruaunt. 28 And Noe lyued after the floude thre hundreth & fiftie yeare, 29 so yt his whole age was ix. hudreth and fyftie yeare, and so he dyed.

Genesis 3:7

7 Then were the eyes of them both opened, and they perceaued that they were naked, and sowed fygge leaues together, and made them apurns.

Genesis 3:10-11

10 And he saide: I herde thy voyce in the garden, and was afrayed, because I am naked, and therfore I hyd my self. 11 And he sayde: who tolde the, that thou art naked? Hast thou not eaten of the tre, wherof I commaunded the, yt thou shuldest not eate?

1 Samuel 19:24

24 And he put of his clothes, & prophecied likewise before Samuel, & fell downe naked all that daye and all that nighte. Here of came the prouerbe: Is Saul also amonge the prophetes?

Job 1:21

21 and sayde: Naked came I out of my mothers wombe, and naked shall I turne thither agayne. The LORDE gaue, and the LORDE hath taken awaye (the LORDE hath done his pleasure) now blessed be ye name off the LORDE.

Isaiah 20:2-4

2 The spake the LORDE vnto Esaye ye sonne of Amos, sayenge: go and lowse of yt sack cloth fro thy loynes, and put of yi shues from thy fete. And so he dyd, goinge naked & barefote. 3 Then sayde the LORDE: where as my seruaunt Esaye goeth naked and barefote, it is a token and signifienge of the thinge, that after thre yeare shal come vpo Egipte and Ethiopia. 4 For euen thus shal the kinge of the Assirians driue both yonge and olde, as prisoners naked and barefote, out of Egipte and Ethiopia, And shal dyscouer ye shame of Egipte.

Isaiah 58:7

7 It pleaseth not me, till thou deale thy bred to the hongrie, & brynge the poore fatherlesse home in to thy house, when thou seist the naked that thou couer him, and hyde not thy face fro thine owne flesh.

John 21:7

7 The sayde ye disciple who Iesus loued, vnto Peter: It is the LORDE.Whan Simon Peter herde that is was the LORDE, he gyrde his mantell aboute him (for he was naked) and sprange in to ye see.

2 Corinthians 5:1-5

1 We knowe surely, yt yf oure earthy house of this dwellynge were destroyed, we haue a buyldynge ordeyned of God, an house not made with handes, but euerlastynge in heauen. 2 And in the same sighe we also after oure masion, which is from heauen: 3 and longe to be clothed therwith, so yet, yf that we be founde clothed, and not naked. 4 For as longe as we are in this tabernacle, we sighe and are greued, for we had rather not be vnclothed, but to be clothed vpon, that mortalite might be swalowed vp of life. 5 But he that hath ordeyned vs for this, is God, which hath geuen vs the earnest of the sprete.

Revelation 16:15

15 Beholde, I come as a thefe. Happy is he that watcheth and kepeth his garmentes, lest he be founde naked, and men se his filthynes.

Genesis 3:21

21 And the LORDE God made Adam & his wyfe garmentes of skynnes, & those he put on them.

Job 24:10

10 In so moch that they let them go naked without clothinge, and yet the hungrie beare the sheeues.

Isaiah 20:2

2 The spake the LORDE vnto Esaye ye sonne of Amos, sayenge: go and lowse of yt sack cloth fro thy loynes, and put of yi shues from thy fete. And so he dyd, goinge naked & barefote.

Leviticus 18:6-23

6 No ma shal come at his nexte kinswoma, to vncouer hir preuytie: for I am ye LORDE. 7 Thou shalt not vncouer ye preuytie of yi father & of yi mother. It is thy mother, therfore shalt thou not vncouer hir preuytie. 8 Thou shalt not vncouer ye preuytie of yi fathers wife, for it is yi fathers preuytie. 9 Thou shalt not vncouer the preuytie of thy sister, which is the doughter of yi father or of yi mother, whether she be borne at home or without. 10 Thou shalt not vncouer the preuytie of thy sonnes doughter, or of thy doughters doughter, for it is thine awne preuytie. 11 Thou shalt not vncouer ye preuytie of yi fathers wiues doughter, which is borne vnto him, and is thy sister. 12 Thou shalt not vncouer the preuytie of thy fathers sister, for it is thy fathers nexte kynswoman. 13 Thou shalt not vncouer the preuytie of thy mothers sister, for it is yi mothers nexte kynswoman. 14 Thou shalt not vncouer the preuytie of thy fathers brother, to take his wife, for she is thine awnte. 15 Thou shalt not vncouer ye preuytie of yi doughter in lawe, for she is yi sonnes wife, therfore shalt thou not vncouer hir preuitie. 16 Thou shalt not vncouer the preuytie of thy brothers wife, for it is thy brothers preuytie. 17 Thou shalt not vncouer the preuytie of thy wife and of hir doughter also, nether shalt thou take hir sonnes doughter or hir doughters doughter, to vncouer their preuyties, for they are hir nexte kynswomen. And it is wickednesse. 18 Thou shalt not take a wife and hir sister also, to vncouer hir preuytie, whyle she is yet alyue. 19 Thou shalt not go vnto a woman to vncouer hir preuytie, so longe as she hath hir disease in hir vnclennesse. 20 Thou shalt not lye with thy neghbours wife to medle with her, for to defyle thy self withall. 21 Thou shalt not geue of thy sede also, to be burnt vnto Moloch, lest thou vnhalowe the name of thy God, for I am the LORDE. 22 Thou shalt not lye with mankynde as with womankynde, for yt is abhominacion. 23 Thou shalt lye with no maner of beest, to defyle yi self therwith. And no woman shal haue to do wt a beest, for it is abhominacion.

Exodus 20:26

26 Morouer thou shalt not go vp vpon steppes vnto myne altare, that thy shame be not discouered before it.

Job 24:7

7 They are the cause yt so many men are naked and bare, hauynge no clothes to couer them and kepe them from colde:

Isaiah 47:1-15

1 But as for the (O doughter, thou virgin Babilon) thou shalt syt in the dust. Thou shalt syt vpon the groude, and not in a trone (o thou mayden of Chaldea). Thou shalt nomore be called tender, and pleasaut. 2 Thou shalt bringe forth the querne, & grynede meel, put downe thy stomacher, make bare thy knees, and shalt wade thorow the water ryuers. 3 Thy shame shalbe discouered, ad thy preuyties shal be sene. For I wil auenge me of the, and no man shal let me: 4 saieth oure redemer, which is called the LORDE of hoostes, the holy one of Israel. 5 Syt still, holde thy tunge, and get the in to some darcke corner (O doughter Caldea) for thou shalt nomore be called lady of kyngdomes. 6 I was so wroth with my people, yt I punyshed myne enheritaunce, and gaue them in to thy power. Neuertheles, thou shewdest them no mercy, but euen the very aged men of the, didest thou oppresse right sore with thy yock, 7 & thou thoughtest thus: I shalbe lady for euer. And besyde all that, thou hast not regarded these thinges, nether cast, what shulde come after. 8 Heare now therfore, thou wilful, that syttest so carelesse, & speakest thus in thine herte: I am alone, and without me is there none: I shal neuer be wydow, ner desolate agayne. 9 And yet both these thiges shal come to the vpo one daye in the twincklinge of an eye: Namely, wyddowhead, and desolacion. They shal mightely fall vpon the, for ye multitude of thy witches, and for the greate heape of thy coniurers. 10 For thou hast conforted thy self in thy disceatfulnes, and hast sayde: No ma seith me. Thyne owne wisdome & connynge haue disceaued the, In that thou hast sayde: I am alone, and without me there is none. 11 Therfore shal trouble come vpo ye, & thou shalt not knowe, from whece it shal arise. Myschefe shal fall vpo ye, which thou shalt not be able to put of. A sodane misery shal come vpon the, or euer thou be awarre. 12 Now go to thy coniurers, and to the multitude of thy witches, (whom thou hast bene acquanted withal from thi youth) yf they maye helpe the, or strengthe the. 13 Thou hast hither to had many councels of them, so let the heauengasers & the beholders of starres, come on now and delyuer the: yee and let the shewe, when these new thinges shall come vpon the. 14 Beholde, they shalbe like strawe, which yf it be kindled with fyre, no man maye rydde it for the vehemence of the flame: And yet it geueth no zynders to warme a ma by, ner cleare fyre to syt by. 15 Euen so shal they be vnto the, whom thou hast vsed & occupide from thy youth. Euery one shal shewe ye his erroneous waye, yet shall none of them defende the.

Matthew 5:28

28 But I saye vnto you, that whosoeuer loketh on a wife lustinge after her, hath committed aduoutrie with hir already in his hert.

1 Corinthians 12:23

23 and vpon those membres of the body which we thinke least honest, put we most honestie on: and oure vncomly partes haue most beutye on.

Exodus 28:42

42 And thou shalt make them lynnen breches, to couer the flesh of their prenities, from the loynes vnto the thyes.

1 Timothy 2:9

9 Likewyse also the wemen, that they araye them selues in comly apparell with shamfastnes and discrete behaueor, not with broyded heer, or golde, or perles, or costly araye:

Genesis 2:25

25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

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