Bible verses about "gays" | Coverdale

Leviticus 20:13

13 Yf eny man lye with the mankynde, as with womankynde, they haue wrought abhominacion, & shal both dye the death: their bloude be vpon them.

Isaiah 56:3-5

3 Then shal not the straunger, which cleaueth to the LORDE, saye: Alas the LORDE hath shut me cleane out from his people. Nether shal the gelded man saye: lo, I am a drie tre. 4 For thus saieth the LORDE, first vnto the gelded yt kepeth my Sabbath: Namely: that holdeth greatly of the thinge that pleaseth me, and kepeth my couenaut: 5 Vnto them wil I geue in my housholde and with in my walles, a better heretage & name: the yf they had bene called sonnes & daughters. I wil geue them an euerlastinge name, that shall not perishe.

Matthew 7:12

12 Therfore what soeuer ye wolde that me shulde do to you, eue so do ye to them. This ys the lawe and the Prophetes.

Romans 1:26-27

26 Therfore God gaue the vp vnto shamefull lustes. For their wemen chaunged the naturall vse in to the vnnaturall: 27 likewyse ye me also lefte the naturall vse of the woman, and brent in their lustes one on another, and man with man wrought fylthines, and receaued in them selues the rewarde of their erroure, as it was acordinge.

1 Timothy 5:8

8 But yf there be eny man that prouydeth not for his awne, and specially for them of his houssholde, the same hath denyed the faith, and is worse then an infydele.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10

9 Knowe ye not that ye vnrighteous shal not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not disceaued. Nether whoremongers, ner worshippers off ymages, ner breakers off wedlocke, ner weaklinges, nether abusers of them selues with mankynde, 10 ner theues, nether the couetous, ner drokardes, ner cursed speakers, ner extorcioners shal inheret the kyngdome of God.

James 4:12

12 There is one lawe geuer, which is able to saue and to distroye. What art thou that iudgest another man?

Leviticus 18:22

22 Thou shalt not lye with mankynde as with womankynde, for yt is abhominacion.

Matthew 7:1-29

1 Ivdge not, that ye be not iudged: 2 For as ye iudge, so shal ye be iudged. And with what measure ye meete, with the same shall it be measured to you agayne. 3 Why seist thou a moate in thy brothers eye, and perceauest not the beame yt is yn thine awne eye? 4 Or why saiest thou to yi brother: holde, I wil plucke the moate out of thyne eye, and beholde, a beame is in thyne awne eye. 5 Ypocryte, fyrst cast out the beame out of thyne awne eye, and then shalt thou se clearly, to plucke out the moate out of thy brothers eye. 6 Geue not that which is holy, to dogges: nether cast ye youre pearles before swyne, lest they treade them vnder their fete, & the other turne agayne and all to rente you. 7 Axe, and it shalbe geuen you: Seke, and ye shall fynde: knocke, and it shalbe opened vnto you. 8 For whosoeuer axeth, receaueth: and he that seketh, fyndeth: and to hym yt knocketh, it shal opened. 9 Ys there eny man amonge you, which yf his sonne axed hym bred, wolde offer him a stone? 10 Or yf he axed fysshe, wolde he proffer hym a serpent? 11 yf ye then which are euell, can geue youre chyldren good gyftes: how moche more shall youre father which is in heauen, geue good thynges to them that axe hym? 12 Therfore what soeuer ye wolde that me shulde do to you, eue so do ye to them. This ys the lawe and the Prophetes. 13 Enter in at the strayte gate: for wyde is the gate, and broade is the waye, that leadeth to destruccion: & many there be, which go in therat. 14 But strayte is the gate, and narowe ys the waye, which leadeth vnto lyfe, and fewe there be that fynde it. 15 Beware of false Prophetes, which come to you in shepes clothinge, but inwardly they are rauenynge wolues, 16 Ye shall knowe them by their frutes. Do men gather grapes of thornes? or figges of thistles? 17 Euen so euery good tree bryngeth forth good frute. But a corrupte tree, bryngeth forth euyl frute, 18 A good tree can not bryng forth bad frute: nother can a rotten tre bringe forth good frute. 19 Euery tre that bryngeth not forth good frute, shalbe hewen downe, and cast into the fyre. 20 Wherfore by their frutes ye shall knowe them. 21 Not all they that saye vnto me, LORDE LORDE, shall enter in to the kyngdome of heauen: but he that doth the will of my father which ys in heauen. 22 Many shall saye to me in that daye: LORDE, LORDE: haue we not prophecied in thy name? Haue we not cast out deuyls in thy name? Haue we not done many greate dedes in thy name? 23 And then will I knowlege vnto them: I neuer knewe you, Departe fro me, ye workers of iniquite. 24 Whosoeuer therfore heareth of me these sayinges, and doeth the same, I wyll lycke hym vnto a wyse man, which buylt hys house vpon a rocke: 25 Now whan abundaunce of rayne descended, and the wyndes blewe and bet vpon that same house, it fel not, because it was grounded on the rocke. 26 And who soeuer heareth of me these sayinges, & doth the not, shalbe lyckened vnto a folysh ma, which buylt his housse apon the sonde: 27 Now whan abudaunce of rayne desceded, & the wyndes blewe, & bet vpon yt housse, it fell, and great was the fall of it. 28 And it came to passe, that when Iesus had ended these saynges, the people were astonnyed at hys doctryne. 29 For he taught them as one hauynge power, and not as the Scribes.

Matthew 19:11-12

11 But he sayde vnto them: All me can not coprehende yt sayenge, saue they to who it is geue. 12 For there be some gelded, which are so borne from their mothers wombe: and there be some gelded, which are gelded of men: & there be some gelded, which haue gelded the selues for the kyngdome of heauens sake. He that can coprehende it, let him comprehende it.

Galatians 3:28

28 Here is nether Iewe ner Greke: here is nether bode ner fre: here is nether man ner woman, for ye are all one in Christ Iesu.

Galatians 5:14

14 For all the lawe is fulfylled in one worde, namely in this: loue thy neghboure as thy selfe.

1 John 4:20

20 Yf eny man saye: I loue God, & yet hateth his brother, he is a lyar. For he that loueth not his brother whom he seyth, how can he loue God, whom he seyth not?

Matthew 7:1

1 Ivdge not, that ye be not iudged:

Romans 13:8-10

8 Owe nothinge to eny man, but to loue one another. For he that loueth another, hath fulfylled the lawe. 9 For where it is sayde: ( Thou shalt not breake wedlocke: thou shalt not kyll: thou shalt not steale: thou shalt not beare false witnesse: thou shalt not lust) and yf there be eny other commaundement, it is compreheded in this worde.Thou shalt loue thy neghboure as thy selfe. 10 Loue doth his neghboure no euell. Therfore is loue ye fulfillynge of the lawe.

Acts 5:29

29 But Peter and the Apostles answered, and sayde: We ought more to obeye God then men.

Romans 1:32

32 which men, though they knowe the righteousnes of God (that they which do soch, are worthy of death) yet not onely do the same, but also haue pleasure in those that do the.

2 Timothy 4:3

3 For the tyme wil come, whan they shal not suffre wholsome doctryne, but after their awne lustes shal they (whose eares ytche) get them an heape of teachers,

Jude 1:7

7 euen as Sodom and Gomor, and the cities aboute them (which in lyke maner defiled them selues with fornicacion and folowed straunge flesshe) are set forth for an ensample, and suffre the vengeaunce of eternall fyre.

Romans 1:26-28

26 Therfore God gaue the vp vnto shamefull lustes. For their wemen chaunged the naturall vse in to the vnnaturall: 27 likewyse ye me also lefte the naturall vse of the woman, and brent in their lustes one on another, and man with man wrought fylthines, and receaued in them selues the rewarde of their erroure, as it was acordinge. 28 And as they regarded not to knowe God, euen so God gaue the vp in to a lewde mynde, to do those thinges which were not comly,

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

9 Knowe ye not that ye vnrighteous shal not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not disceaued. Nether whoremongers, ner worshippers off ymages, ner breakers off wedlocke, ner weaklinges, nether abusers of them selues with mankynde, 10 ner theues, nether the couetous, ner drokardes, ner cursed speakers, ner extorcioners shal inheret the kyngdome of God. 11 And soch haue some of you bene, but ye are wasshed, ye are sanctified, ye are made righteous by the name of the LORDE Iesus, and by the sprete of oure God.

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