Bible verses about "control" | Coverdale

Leviticus 26:1-46

1 Ye shall make you no Idols ner ymage, and ye shal reare you vp no piler, ner set vp eny markstone in youre londe, to bowe youre selues therto. For I am the LORDE youre God. 2 Kepe my Sabbathes, and stonde in awe of my Sanctuary. I am the LORDE. 3 Yf ye wyll walke now in my statutes, and kepe my commaundementes and do them, 4 the wyl I geue you rayne in due season, and ye londe shal geue hir increase, and the trees of ye felde shal brynge forth their frute. 5 And the thresshinge tyme shall reache vnto the wyne haruest, and the wyne haruest shal reache vnto the sowynge tyme. And ye shall eate yor bred in plenteousnes, and shal dwell safe in youre londe. 6 I wil geue peace in youre londe, so that ye shall slepe, and no man shall make you afrayed. I wyl ryd euell beestes out of youre londe, and there shall no swerde go thorow youre londe. 7 Ye shal chace youre enemies, & they shal fall into ye swerde before you. 8 Fyue of you shal chace an hundreth: and an hundreth of you shal chace ten thousande. For youre enemies shall fall in to the swerde before you. 9 And I wyl turne me vnto you, and wyl cause you to growe and increase, and wyl set vp my couenanut with you. 10 And ye shal eate of the olde stoare, and shall let go the olde for plenteousnesse of the new. 11 I will haue my dwellynge amonge you, and my soule shall not refuse you. 12 And I wyll walke amonge you, and wyl be youre God, and ye shalbe my people. 13 For I am the LORDE youre God, which brought you out of the londe of Egipte, that ye shulde not be their bondmen. And I haue broke the cepter of youre yocke, and caused you to go vp right. 14 But yf ye wil not harken vnto me, ner do all these commaundementes, 15 and wyl despyse my statutes, and yf youre soules refuse my lawes, yt ye wyll not do all my commaundementes, & shal let my couenaunt stonde, 16 then wyll I do this agayne vnto you. I wyl vyset you shortly with swellynges and feuers, which shal destroye ye eyes, & consume awaie ye hert. Ye shal sowe youre sede in vayne, and youre enemies shal eate it vp. 17 And I wyl set my face agaynst you, and ye shal be slayne before youre enemies. And they that hate you, shal haue dominion ouer And ye shall flye, wha no man chaseth you. 18 But yf ye wyll not herken vnto me for all this, then wyl I make it yet seuen tymes more, to punysh you for youre synnes, 19 that I maye breake ye pryde of youre strength, and wyl make youre heauen lyke yron, and youre earth as brasse: 20 and youre trauaile and labor shal be but lost, so that youre londe shall not geue hir increase, and the trees in the londe shal not brynge forth their frute. 21 Yf ye walke yet agaynst me, and wyll not harken vnto me, then wyl I make it yet seuen tymes more, to punysh you because of youre synnes: 22 & wyl sende wylde beestes amoge you, which shal robbe you, and destroie youre catell, and make you fewer, and youre hye waye shal be come waist. 23 But yf ye wyl not yet be refourmed here withall, and wyll walke contrary vnto me, 24 then wyl I walke contrary vnto you also, & wyll punysh you yet seuen tymes for youre synnes. 25 And I wyl brynge vpon you a swerde of vengeaunce, which shall auenge my Testament. And though ye gather you together in to youre cities, yet wyll I sende the pestilence amonge you, and wyll delyuer you in to the handes of youre enemies. 26 For I wil destroye youre prouysion of bred, so yt ten wemen shall bake youre bred in one ouen, and youre bred shal be delyuered out by weight. And whan ye eate, ye shall not haue ynough. 27 Yf ye wyl not yet for all this harken vnto me, & wyl walke contrary vnto me, 28 then wyll I also walke cotrary vnto you in wrathfull displeasure, and wyll punysh you seuenfolde because of youre synnes, 29 so that ye shal eate the flesh of youre sonnes and doughters. 30 And I wyl destroye youre hye altares, and rote out youre ymages, and wyll cast youre bodies vpon the bodies of youre Idols, and my soule shall abhorre you. 31 And youre cities wyll I make waist, and brynge youre churches to naught, and wyll not smell youre swete odoures. 32 Thus wyll I make the londe desolate, so that youre enemies shall dwell therin, and make it waist: 33 but you will I scater amonge the Heythen, and drawe out the swerde after you, so that youre londe shal be waist, & youre cities desolate. 34 Then shall the londe reioyse in hir Sabbathes, as longe as it lyeth wayst, and ye be in the enemies londe. Yee then shal the londe kepe holy daye, and reioyse in hir rest, 35 as longe as it lieth wayst, because it coude not rest in youre Sabbathes, whan ye dwelt therin. 36 And as for them that remayne of you, I wyll make them faynte harted in the londe of their enemies, so that a shakynge leaf shall chace them. And they shall flye from it, as though a swerde persecuted them, and shal fall noman folowynge vpon them. 37 And they shall fall one vpon another (as it were before the swerde) and noman yet chacynge them. And ye shall not be so bolde, as to withstonde youre enemies, 38 and shal perishe amonge the Heithen, and the londe of youre enemies shal eate you vp. 39 And they that are left of you, shall pyne awaye in their mysdede, euen in the enemies londe, and in the mysdedes of their fathers shall they consume awaye. 40 Then shall they knowlege their mysdedes, and the mysdedes of their fathers in the trespace, wherwith they haue trespaced agaynst me, and walked contrary vnto me. 41 Therfore wyll I also walke contrary vnto the, and wyll brynge them in to the enemies londe. Then shal their vncircumcysed herte be tamed. And then shall they ende their mysdedes. 42 And I shal thinke vpo my couenaut with Iacob, and vpon my couenaunt with Isaac, and vpon my couenaunt with Abraham, and wyl thynke vpon the lode. 43 As for the londe, whan it shalbe left of them, it shal reioyse in hir Sabbathes, euen then, whan it lyeth waist, and they tylle it not. And they shall make attonement for their mysdedes, because they despysed my lawes, & their soules refused my statutes. 44 Morouer I haue not so refused them, that they shulde be in the enemies londe: nether haue I so vtterly abhorred them, that I wolde brynge them to naught, and breake my couenaunt wt them: for I am ye LORDE their God. 45 And for their sake I wyl remebre my first couenaut, wha I brought them out of ye londe of Egipte in the sight of the Heythen, yt I might be their God. Euen I the LORDE. 46 These are the ordinaunces, statutes and lawes, which ye LORDE made betwixte him and the children of Israel vpon mount Sinai, by the hande of Moses.

Judges 5:8

8 God hath chosen a new thinge. He hath ouercome ye portes in battayll: and yet was there sene nether shylde ner speare amonge fortye thousande in Israel.

Psalms 46:1

1 In oure troubles and aduersite, we haue founde, that God is oure refuge, oure strength and helpe.

Psalms 144:1

1 Blessed be the LORDE my refuge, which teacheth my hades to warre, & my fyngers to fight.

Matthew 4:1-25

1 Then was Iesus ledd awaye of the spirite in to wildernes, to be tempted of the deuyll. 2 And when he had fasted fourtye dayes and fourtye nightes, he was afterward an hungred. 3 And the tepter came to him and sayde: yf thou be the sonne of God, commaunde, that these stones be made breed. 4 He answered & sayde: yt is wrytte: Man shall not lyue by bred onlye, but by euery worde that proceadeth out of the mouth of God. 5 Then the deuyll toke hym vp into the holy cite, and set hym on a pynacle of the temple, 6 and sayde vnto hym: yf thou be ye sonne of God, cast thy sylfe downe. For it is wrytten: he shall geue his angels charge ouer the and with their handes they shal holde the vp, that thou dashe not thy fote agaynst a stone. 7 And Iesus sayde vnto hym: it ys wrytten also: Thou shalt not tempte thy LORDE God. 8 Agayne, the deuyll toke hym vp and led hym into an excedynge hye mountayne, and shewed hym all the kyngdomes of the worlde, and all the glorie of them, 9 and sayde vnto hym: all these wil I geue the, yf thou wilt fall downe and worship me. 10 Then sayde Iesus vnto hym: Auoyde Sata. For it ys wrytte: thou shalt worshyp the LORDE thy God and hym onely shalt thou serue. 11 Then the deuell left hym, and beholde, the angels came and ministred vnto hym. 12 When Iesus had herde that Ihon was taken, he departed into Galile 13 and left Nazareth, and went and dwelt in Capernaum, which is a cite apon the see, in the coostes of zabulon and Neptalim, 14 yt the thinge might be fulfilled whiche was spoken by Esay the Prophet, sayinge: 15 The londe of zabulon and Neptalim, the waye of the see beyonde Iordan, and Galile of the Gentyls, 16 the people which sat in darknes, sawe a greate lyght, & to them which sat in the region & shadowe of deeth, lyght is begone to shyne. 17 From that tyme forth beganne Iesus to preach, and to saye: Amende youre selues, ye kingdome of heauen is at honde. 18 As Iesus walked by the see of Galile, he sawe two brethren: Simon which was called Peter, & Andrew his brother, castynge a net into ye see, for they were fisshers, 19 and he sayde vnto them: folowe me, & I will make you fisshers of me. 20 And they strayght waye lefte their nettes, and folowed hym. 21 And whan he wet forth from thence, he sawe other two brethren, Iames the sonne of zebede, and Ihon his brother, in the ship with zebede their father, mendynge their nettes, and called them. 22 And they without tarynge lefte ye shyp and their father, and folowed hym. 23 And Iesus went aboute all Galile, teachyng in their synagoges, and preachynge the gospel of the kyngdome, and healed all maner of siknes, & all maner dyseases amonge the people. 24 And his fame spred abrode through out all Siria. And they brought vnto hym all sick people, that were taken with diuers diseases and gripinges, and the yt were possessed with deuils, & those which were lunatyke, and those that had the palsie: & he healed the. 25 And ther folowed hym a greate nombre of people, from Galile, & from the ten cities, and from Ierusalem, and from the regions that lye beyonde Iordan.

Matthew 26:52-54

52 Then sayde Iesus vnto him: Put vp yi swerde in to his place. For all that take the swerde, shal perish with the swerde. 53 Or thinkest thou that I can not praye my father now, to sende me more then twolue legions of angels? 54 But how the shulde the scriptures be fulfylled? For thus must it be.

Mark 7:1-37

1 And there came vnto him the Pharises, and certayne of the scrybes, that were come from Ierusale. 2 And wha they sawe certayne of his disciples eate bred with comon (that is, with vnwashen) handes, they complayned. 3 For the Pharises & all the Iewes eate not, excepte they wash their handes oft tymes: obseruynge so the tradicions of the elders. 4 And whan they come from the market, they eate not, excepte they wasshe. And many other thynges there be, which they haue taken vpon them to obserue, as the washinge of cuppes and cruses, and brasen vessels and tables. 5 Then the Pharises and scrybes axed him: Why walke not thy disciples after the tradicions of the elders, but eate bred with vnwasshen handes? 6 But he answered & sayde vnto them: Full well hath Esay prophecied of you Ypocrytes, as it is wrytte: This people honoureth me wt their lippes, but their hert is farre fro me. 7 But in vayne do they serue me, whyle they teach soch doctrynes as are nothinge but the commaundemetes of me. 8 Ye leaue the comaundement of God and kepe the tradicions of men, as the wasshynge of cruses and cuppes, & many soch thinges do ye. 9 And he saide vnto the: How goodly haue ye cast asyde the comaundement of God, to manteyne youre owne tradicions? 10 For Moses sayde: Honoure father & mother. Whoso curseth father and mother, shal dye the death. 11 But ye saye: A ma shal saye to father or mother: Corban, that is, The thinge yt I shulde helpe the withall, is geue vnto God. 12 And thus ye suffre him nomore to do ought for his father or his mother, 13 & make Gods worde of none effecte, thorow youre owne tradicions that ye haue set vp. And many soch thinges do ye. 14 And he called vnto him all the people, and sayde vnto them: Herken vnto me ye all, and vnderstonde me. 15 There is nothinge without a man, that can defyle him, whan it entreth in to him. But that goeth out of him, that is it that maketh the man vncleane. 16 Yf eny man haue eares to heare, let him heare. 17 And whan he came from the people in to ye house, his disciples axed him of this symilitude. 18 And he sayde vnto them: Are ye so then without vnderstondinge? Perceaue ye not yet, yt euery thinge which is without, and goeth in to the ma, can not defyle him? 19 For it entreth not in to his hert, but in to ye bely, and goeth out in to the draught, that purgeth all meates. 20 And he sayde: The thinge that goeth out of the man, 21 that defyleth the man. For from within out of the hert of man proceade euell thoughtes, aduoutrye, whordome, murthur, 22 theft, coueteousnes, wickednes, disceate, vnclennes, a wicked eye, blasphemy, pryde, foolishnes. 23 All these euell thinges go from within, and defyle the man. 24 And he arose, and wente from thence in to the borders of Tyre and Sydon, & entred in to an house, and wolde let no man knowe of it, and yet coude he not be hyd: 25 For a certayne woman (whose doughter had a foule sprete) herde of him, and came and fell downe at his fete 26 (and it was in Heithe woman of Syrophenices) and she besought him, that he wolde dryue out the deuell from hir doughter. 27 But Iesus sayde vnto her: Let the children be fed first: It is not mete to take the childres bred, and to cast it vnto dogges. 28 She answered and sayde vnto him: Yee LORDE, neuertheles the whelpes also eate vnder ye table, of ye childres cromes. 29 And he sayde vnto her: Because of this sayenge go thy waye, the deuell is departed out of thy doughter. 30 And she wente vnto her house, & founde that the deuell was departed, and hir doughter lyenge on the bed. 31 And whan he wente out agayne from the coastes of Tyre and Sydon, he came vnto the see of Galile, thorw the myddes of ye coastes of the te cities. 32 And they brought vnto him one that was deaf, and had impediment in his speach. And they prayed him, that he wolde laye his hande vpon him. 33 And he toke him a syde from the people, and put his fyngers in his eares, and dyd spyt, and touched his tonge, 34 and loked vp vnto heauen, sighed, and sayde vnto him: Ephatha, that is, be opened. 35 And immediatly his eares were opened, and the bonde of his toge was lowsed, and he spake right. 36 And he charged them, that they shulde tell noman.But the more he forbad them, the more they published it, 37 & marueyled out of measure, and sayde: He hath done all thinges well. The deaf hath he made to heare, and the domme to speake.

John 14:26

26 But that comforter euen ye holy goost, who my father shal sende in my name, he shal teache you all thinges, & bringe all to youre remembraunce, what soeuer I haue tolde you.

Romans 12:19

19 Dearly beloued, auenge not youre selues, but geue rowme vnto the wrath off God. For it is wrytte: Vengeaunce is myne, and I wil rewarde, sayeth ye LORDE.

1 Timothy 5:8

8 But yf there be eny man that prouydeth not for his awne, and specially for them of his houssholde, the same hath denyed the faith, and is worse then an infydele.

1 Corinthians 10:13

13 There hath yet no teptacion ouertaken you, but soch as foloweth the nature of man. Neuertheles God is faithfull, which shal not suffre you to be tempted aboue youre strength, but shal in the myddes of ye temptacion make a waye to come out, that ye maye beare it.

Romans 13:4

4 for he is the minister off God for thy wealth. But yff thou do euell, then feare, for he beareth not the swerde for naughte. For he is the mynister of God, a taker of vengeaunce, to punyshe him that doth euell.

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