Bible verses about "art" | Coverdale

Exodus 31:2-14

2 I haue called by name Bezaleel the sonne of Vri ye sonne of Hur, of ye trybe of Iuda, 3 and haue fylled him with ye sprete of God, with wysdome and vnderstodynge and knowlege, and to worke 4 with all maner of connynge worke, in golde, syluer, brasse, 5 to graue stones connyngly, and to set them, to carue well in tymbre, and to make all maner worke. 6 And beholde, I haue geuen him Ahaliab the sonne of Ahisamach of the trybe of Dan, to be his companyon, and haue geuen wysdome in to the hertes of all that are wyse, that they shall make all that I haue commaunded the: 7 the Tabernacle of wytnesse, the Arke of wytnesse, the Mercyseate theron, and all the ornamentes of ye Tabernacle: 8 the table and his apparell, the candilsticke and all his apparell, the altare of incense, 9 the altare of burntofferynges wt all his apparell, the lauer with his fote, 10 the mynistrynge vestimentes of Aaron ye prest, and the garmentes of his sonnes to serue like prestes, 11 the anoyntinge oyle, and the incese of spyces for ye Sactuary. All that I haue commaunded the, shal they make. 12 And the LORDE talked vnto Moses, and sayde: 13 Speake vnto the children of Israel, and saye: Kepe my Sabbath, for it is a token betwene me and you, and youre posterities, that ye maye knowe, how that I am the LORDE which haloweth you: 14 therfore kepe my Sabbath, for it shalbe holy vnto you. Who so vnhaloweth it, shall dye the death: For who so doth eny worke therin, shalbe roted out from amonge his people.

Exodus 31:2-9

2 I haue called by name Bezaleel the sonne of Vri ye sonne of Hur, of ye trybe of Iuda, 3 and haue fylled him with ye sprete of God, with wysdome and vnderstodynge and knowlege, and to worke 4 with all maner of connynge worke, in golde, syluer, brasse, 5 to graue stones connyngly, and to set them, to carue well in tymbre, and to make all maner worke. 6 And beholde, I haue geuen him Ahaliab the sonne of Ahisamach of the trybe of Dan, to be his companyon, and haue geuen wysdome in to the hertes of all that are wyse, that they shall make all that I haue commaunded the: 7 the Tabernacle of wytnesse, the Arke of wytnesse, the Mercyseate theron, and all the ornamentes of ye Tabernacle: 8 the table and his apparell, the candilsticke and all his apparell, the altare of incense, 9 the altare of burntofferynges wt all his apparell, the lauer with his fote,

1 Samuel 18:6

6 It fortuned, that whan Dauid was come agayne from the slaughter of the Philistyne, the wemen wente out of all the cities of Israel with songes & daunses, to mete kynge Saul, with tymbrels, with myrth, and with fyddels.

1 Kings 7:13-51

13 And kynge Salomon sent to fetch one Hiram of Tyre 14 a wedowes sonne, of the trybe of Nephtali, and his father had bene a man of Tyre, which was a connynge ma in metall, full of wy?dome, vnderstondinge and knowlege to worke all maner of metall worke. Whan he came to kynge Salomon, he made all his worke, 15 and made two brasen pilers, ether of them eightene cubites hye: and a threde of xij. cubites was the measure aboute both ye pilers: 16 and he made two knoppes of brasse molten, to set aboue vpon the pilers: and euery knoppe was fyue cubytes hye: 17 and on euery knoppe aboue vpon ye pilers seue wrythen ropes like cheynes. 18 And vpon euery knoppe he made two rowes of pomgranates rounde aboute on one rope, wherwith ye knoppe was couered. 19 And the knoppes were like roses before ye porche foure cubites greate. 20 And the pomgranates in the rowes rounde aboute were two hudreth aboue and beneth vpon the rope, which wete rounde aboute the thicknes of the knoppe, on euery knoppe vpon both the pilers. 21 And set vp the pilers before the porche of the temple. And that which he set on the right hande, called he Iachin: and that which he set on the lefte hande, called he Boos. 22 And so stode it aboue vpon the pilers euen like roses. Thus was the worke of ye pilers fynished. 23 And he made a molten lauer ten cubytes wyde from the one syde to the other rounde aboute, and fyue cubites hye, and a threde of thirtie cubites loge was ye measure rounde aboute: 24 and aboute the same lauer that was then cubites wyde, there wente knoppes on the edge therof rounde aboute the lauer. Two rowes were there of the knoppes molten with the lauer. 25 And it stode vpon twolue bullockes, wherof thre were turned towarde the north, thre towarde the west, thre towarde the south, and thre towarde the east, and the lauer aboue theron, so that all their hynder partes were within vnder the lauer: 26 wherof the thicknesse was an handbreth: and the edge of it was like the edge of a cuppe, and as a floured rose, and it conteyned two thousande Battes. 27 And he made ten brasen seates, euery one foure cubites longe and brode, and thre cubites hye. 28 The seate was made so, that it had sydes betwene the ledges. 29 And on the sydes betwene the ledges there were lyons, bullockes and Cherubins. And on ye ledges which were aboue and beneth the lyons and bullockes, were the sydes made so, that they were set downwardes. 30 And euery stole had foure brasen wheles with brasen axeltrees. And vpon the foure corners there were proppes molten, euery one ouer agaynst another, vnderset vnto the kettell. 31 And the soket vpon the stole was a cubyte hye and rounde, a cubyte and an halfe wyde: and on the soket there were knoppes in foldes, which were foure squared & not rounde. 32 The foure wheles stode beneth by the sydes, & the axeltrees of the wheles were harde on ye seate. Euery whele was a cubite and a halfe hye, 33 and they were wheles like cart wheles. And their axeltrees, spokes, nales, & shaftes were all molten. 34 And the foure proppes vpo the foure corners of euery seate were harde on the seate. 35 And on the soket aboue vpon the seate a cubyte and an halfe rounde aboute, there were ledges and sydes harde on the seate. 36 And on the plat of the same sydes and ledges, he caused to carue Cherubins, lyons and palme trees, one by another rounde aboute theron. 37 After this maner made he ten molte seates, one maner of measure & widenes was in all. 38 And he made ten copper kettels, so that one kettell coteyned fortye Battes, and was foure cubites greate, and vpon euery seate was a kettell. 39 And fyue seates set he on the righte syde of the house, and the other fyue on the lefte syde. But the lauer set he before on the righte hande towarde the south. 40 And Hiram made pottes also and shouels and basens, & so fynished he all the worke, that kynge Salomon caused to be made in the house of the LORDE: 41 namely ye two pilers, and the rounde knoppes aboue vpon the two pilers, and the two wrythen ropes to couer the two rounde knoppes vpon the pilers. 42 And the foure hudreth pomgranates on the two wrythen ropes, euer two rowes of pomgranates vnto euery rope, to couer the two rounde knoppes vpon the pilers. 43 And the ten seates, and ten kettels theron, and the lauer, 44 and twolue bullockes vnder ye lauer. 45 And the pottes, shouels and basens. And all the ornamentes which Hiram made vnto kynge Salomon for the house of the LORDE, were of pure metall. 46 In the countre by Iordane, caused the kynge them to be molten in thicke earth, betwene Sucoth and Zarthan. 47 And Salomon let all the apparell be vnweyed, because the metall was so moch. 48 Morouer Salomon made all the apperell that belonged vnto the house of the LORDE: namely a golden altare, a golden table that the shewbred laye on, 49 fyue candelstickes on the righte hande, and fyue candelstickes on the lefte (before the quere) of pure golde, wt floures, 50 lampes and snoffers of golde, therto flat peces, charges, basens, spones and censours of pure golde. And the hokes of ye dores on the insyde of the house in the most holy, and in the dores of the house of the teple of the LORDE were of golde. 51 Thus all the worke that kynge Salomon made in ye house of the LORDE, was fynisshed. And Salomon brought in that his father Dauid had sanctified, of syluer and golde and ornamentes, and layed it amonge the treasures of the house of the LORDE.

Romans 12:6

6 and haue dyuers giftes, acordinge to the grace that is geuen vnto vs Yf eny man haue the gifte of prophecienge, let it be acordinge to the faith.

Philippians 4:8

8 Furthermore brethren, whatsoeuer thinges are true, whatsoeuer thinges are honest, what soeuer thinges are iust, what so euer thinges are pure, what soeuer thinges pertayne to loue, whatsoeuer thinges are of honest reporte: yf there be eny vertuous thinge, yf there be eny laudable thinge,

2 Timothy 1:6

6 Wherfore I warne the, that thou stere vp ye gifte of God which is in the by puttynge on of my handes.

Ephesians 2:10

10 For we are his workmanshippe, created in Christ Iesu vnto good workes, to ye which God ordeyned vs before, that we shulde walke in them.

Exodus 28:3

3 & shalt speake vnto all them that are wise of hert, whom I haue fylled with the sprete of wisdome, that they make garmentes to Aaron for his consecracion, that he maye be my prest.

2 Chronicles 2:14

14 (which is the sonne of a woman of the doughters of Dan, and his father was of Tyre) which can worke in golde, syluer, brasse, yron, stone, tymber, scarlet, yalowe sylke, lynnen, purple and to carue all maner of thinges, and to make what conynge thinge so euer is geuen him, with thy wyse men, and with the wyse men of my lorde kynge Dauid yi father.

1 Chronicles 15:16

16 And Dauid spake vnto ye rulers of ye Leuites, that they shulde ordeyne some of their brethren to be syngers with psalteries, harpes and loude instrumentes, and Cimbales, to synge loude with ioye.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

11 All this hath he ordened maruelous goodly, to euery thinge his due tyme. He hath plated ignoraunce also in the hertes of men, yt they shulde not fynde out ye grounde of his workes, which he doth from ye beginninge to ye ende.

Exodus 35:25

25 And soch wemen as were wyse herted, spanne with their hades, and brought their sponne worke of yalow sylke, scarlet, purple, and whyte sylke.

Exodus 35:30-35

30 And Moses saide vnto the childre of Israel: Beholde, ye LORDE hath called by name Bezaleel ye sonne of Vri, ye sonne of Hur of the trybe of Iuda, 31 & hath fylled him wt the sprete of God, that he maye haue wysdome, vnderstondinge, & knowlege for all maner of worke, 32 to worke connyngly in golde, syluer & brasse, 33 to graue precious stones & to set them, to carue in wodd, to make all maner of connynge workes, 34 and hath geue instruccion in his hert, both him and Ahaliab the sonne of Ahisamach of ye trybe of Dan. 35 These hath he fylled wt wysdome of hert, to make all maner of worke, to carue, to broder, to worke with nedle worke, with yalow sylke, scarlet, purple and whyte sylke, and with weeuynge to make all maner of worke, and to deuyse connynge workes.

Exodus 35:35

35 These hath he fylled wt wysdome of hert, to make all maner of worke, to carue, to broder, to worke with nedle worke, with yalow sylke, scarlet, purple and whyte sylke, and with weeuynge to make all maner of worke, and to deuyse connynge workes.

Isaiah 64:8

8 But now o LORDE, thou father of ours: we are the claye, and thou art oure potter, and we all are the worke of thy hondes.

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