Bible verses about "unbelievers" | Bishops

Luke 10:30-37

30 And Iesus aunswered, and sayde. A certaine man descended from Hierusalem to Hierico, and fell among thieues, which robbed hym of his rayment, and wounded hym, and departed, leauyng hym halfe dead 31 And it befell, that there came downe a certayne priest that same way, and whe he sawe hym, he passed by on the other syde 32 And likewise a Leuite, when he went nye to the place, came and loked on him, and passed by the other syde 33 But a certayne Samaritane, as he iourneyed, came vnto hym, and when he saw him, he had compassion on him 34 And went to hym, and bounde vp his woundes, and powred in oyle and wine, and set hym on his owne beast, and brought hym to a [common] Inne, and made prouision for hym 35 And on the morowe when he departed, he toke out two pence, and gaue them to the hoste, and sayde vnto hym, take cure of hym, and whatsoeuer thou spendest more, when I come agayne, I wyll recompence thee 36 Which nowe of these three, thinkest thou, was neyghbour vnto hym that fell among the thieues 37 And he sayde: He that shewed mercy on hym. Then sayde Iesus vnto hym: Go, and do thou lykewyse

John 14:15

15 If ye loue me, kepe my commaundementes

John 3:16

16 For God so loued the worlde, that he gaue his only begotten sonne, that whosoeuer beleueth in hym, shoulde not perishe, but haue euerlastyng lyfe

Romans 6:23

23 For the rewarde of sinne is death: but the gyft of God is eternall lyfe, thorowe Iesus Christe our Lorde

Romans 1:20

20 For his inuisible thinges, being vnderstanded by his workes, through the creation of the worlde, are seene, that is, both his eternall power and godhead: So that they are without excuse

Romans 13:4

4 For he is the minister of God for thy wealth. But yf thou do euyll, feare: For he beareth not the sworde in vayne, for he is the minister of God, reuenger of wrath on hym that doth euyll

1 Corinthians 15:1-16:24

1 Moreouer brethren I declare vnto you, the Gospell which I preached vnto you, which also ye haue receaued, and wherin ye cotinue 2 By the which also ye are saued, yf ye kepe in memorie after what maner I preached vnto you, except ye haue beleued in vayne 3 For first of all I deliuered vnto you, that which I receaued: howe that Christe dyed for our sinnes, agreeyng to the scriptures 4 And that he was buryed, and that he arose agayne the thirde day, accordyng to the scriptures 5 And that he was seene of Cephas, then of the twelue 6 After that, he was seene of mo then fiue hundred brethren at once: of which, many remayne vnto this day, & some are fallen a slepe 7 After that, he was seene of Iames, then of all the Apostles 8 And last of all he was seene of me, as of one borne out of due tyme 9 For I am the least of the Apostles, which am not worthy to be called an Apostle, because I persecuted the Churche of God 10 But by the grace of God, I am that I am: And his grace which is in me, was not in vayne: But I laboured more aboundauntly then they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which is with me 11 Therfore, whether it were I or they, so we preache, and so haue ye beleued 12 If Christe be preached howe that he rose from the dead: howe say some among you, that there is no resurrection of the dead 13 If there be no rysyng agayne of the dead, then is Christe not rysen agayne 14 If Christe be not rysen agayne, then is our preachyng vayne, and your fayth is also vayne 15 Yea, and we are founde false witnesses of God: For we haue testified of God, howe that he raysed vp Christe, whom he raysed not vp, yf it be so that the dead ryse not agayne 16 For yf the dead ryse not agayne, then is not Christe rysen agayne 17 If it be so, that Christ rose not againe, then is your fayth vayne, and ye are yet in your sinnes 18 Therfore, they which are fallen in a slepe in Christe, are perisshed 19 If in this lyfe only we haue hope on Christe, then are we of all men moste miserable 20 But nowe is Christe rysen from the dead, the first fruites of them that slept 21 For since by man [came] death, euen so by man [came] the resurrection of ye dead 22 For, as by Adam all dye: euen so by Christe shall all be made alyue 23 But euery man in his owne order. The first fruites [is] Christe, afterward, they that are Christes at his commyng 24 Then [commeth] the ende, when he hath deliuered vp the kingdome to God the father, when he hath put downe all rule, and all auctoritie, and power 25 For he must raigne tyll he haue put all his enemies vnder his feete 26 The last enemie that shalbe destroyed, [is] death 27 For he hath put downe all thynges vnder his feete: But when he saith, all thynges are vnder hym, it is manifest that he is excepted which dyd put all thynges vnder hym 28 When all thynges are subdued vnto hym, then shall the sonne also hym selfe be subiect vnto him that put all thinges vnder hym, that God may be all in all 29 Els what shall they do, which are baptized for the dead, yf the dead ryse not at all 30 Why are they then baptized for them? And why stande we in ieopardie euery houre 31 By our reioycyng which I haue in Christe Iesu our Lorde, I dye dayly 32 If I haue fought with beastes at Ephesus after the maner of men, what auauntageth it me, yf the dead ryse not agayne? Let vs eate & drynke, for to morowe we shall dye 33 Be not deceaued. Euyll wordes, corrupt good maners 34 Awake truely out of slepe, and sinne not: For some haue not the knowledge of God. I speake this to your shame 35 But some man wyll say, howe are the dead raysed vp? With what bodie shall they come 36 Thou foole, that which thou sowest, is not quickened except it dye 37 And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shalbe, but bare corne, as of wheate, or of some other 38 But God geueth it a body at his pleasure, to euery seede his owne body 39 All flesshe, is not the same flesshe: But there is one [maner of] flesshe of me, another flesshe of beastes, another of fisshes, and another of byrdes 40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: But the glorie of the celestial is one, and [the glorie] of the terrestrial another 41 There is another glorie of the sunne, and another glorie of the moone, and another glorie of the starres: For [one] starre differeth from [another] starre in glorie 42 So is the resurrection of the dead. It is sowen in corruption, it ryseth in incorruption 43 It is sowen in dishonour, it riseth in honour. It is sowen in weakenesse, it ryseth in power 44 It is sowen a naturall bodie, it ryseth a spirituall bodie. There is a naturall bodie, and there is a spirituall bodie 45 As it is also written: The first man Adam was made a lyuyng soule, and the last Adam was made a quickenyng spirite 46 Howebeit, that is not first whiche is spirituall, but that [whiche is] naturall, and then that [whiche is] spirituall 47 The first man [is] of the earth, earthy: the seconde man [is] the Lorde from heauen 48 As is the earthy, suche [are] they that are earthy: And as is the heauenly, such [are] they also that are heauenly 49 And as we haue borne the image of the earthy, so shall we beare the image of the heauenly 50 This saye I brethren, that fleshe and blood can not inherite the kyngdome of God: Neither doth corruption, inherite incorruption 51 Beholde, I shewe you a misterie. We shall not all slepe: but we shall all be chaunged 52 In a moment, in the twynklyng of an eye, at the last trumpe. For the trumpe shall blowe, and the dead shall ryse incorruptible, and we shalbe chaunged 53 For this corruptible, must put on incorruption, and this mortall [must] put on immortalitie 54 When this corruptible, hath put on incorruption, and this mortal, hath put on immortalitie, then shalbe brought to passe the saying that is written, Death is swalowed vp into victorie 55 O death where is thy stynge? O hell where is thy victorie 56 The stynge of death [is] sinne, and the strength of sinne [is] the lawe 57 But thankes be vnto God, whiche hath geue vs victorie through our Lord Iesus Christe 58 Therfore my beloued brethren, be ye stedfast, vnmouable, alwayes riche in the worke of the Lorde, forasmuch as ye knowe that your labour is not in vayne in the Lorde

1 Corinthians 16:1-24

1 Concerning the gatheryng for the saintes, as I haue ordeined in the Churches of Galacia, euen so do ye 2 Upon some Sabboth daye, let euery one of you put asyde by hym selfe, and laye vp as God hath prospered hym, that then there be no gatherynges when I come 3 When I am come, whomsoeuer ye shall alowe by [your] letters, them wyll I sende, to bryng your liberalitie vnto Hierusalem 4 And yf it be meete that I go also, they shall go with me 5 I wyll come vnto you, after I haue gone ouer Macedonia (For I wyl passe through Macedonia 6 And it may be, that I wyll abyde, yea or wynter with you, that ye may bryng me on my way whyther soeuer I go 7 For I wyll not see you nowe in my passage, but I trust to abyde a whyle with you, yf the Lorde shall suffer me 8 I wyll tarie at Ephesus vntyll whytsontyde 9 For a great doore and effectuall is opened vnto me, and there are many aduersaries 10 Yf Timotheus come, see that he be without feare with you: For he worketh the worke of the Lorde, as I do 11 Let no man therfore despise hym, but conuay him foorth in peace, that he may come vnto me: for I loke for hym with the brethren 12 As touchyng our brother Apollo, I greatly desired hym to come vnto you with the brethren, but his mynde was not at all to come at this tyme: Howebeit, he wyll come when he shall haue conuenient tyme 13 Watche ye, stande fast in the fayth, quyte you lyke men, be strong 14 Let al your thinges be done with loue 15 I beseche you brethren (ye knowe the house of Stephanas, that it is ye first fruites of Achaia, and that they haue appoynted them selues to minister vnto the saintes 16 That ye be obedient euen vnto suche, and to all that helpe with vs, & labour 17 I am glad of the commyng of Stephanas, and Fortunatus, & Achaicus: for that whiche was lackyng [vnto me] on your part, they haue supplied 18 For they haue comforted my spirite, and yours: Loke therfore that ye know them that are such 19 The Churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you muche in the Lord, and so doth the Churche that is in their house 20 All the brethren greete you: Greete ye one another with an holy kysse 21 The salutatio of [me] Paul, with mine owne hande 22 Yf any man loue not the Lorde Iesus Christe, the same be Anathema maranatha 23 The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ be with you 24 My loue be with you all in Christe Iesus. Amen

Revelation 21:8

8 But the fearefull and vnbeleuing, and the abhominable, and murtherers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, & all lyers, shall haue their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brymstone: which is the seconde death

Hebrews 3:12

12 Take heede brethren, lest at any tyme there be in you an euyll heart of vnbeliefe, to depart from the lyuyng God

2 Corinthians 4:4

4 In whom the god of this worlde hath blinded the myndes of them whiche beleue not, lest the lyght of the Gospell of the glorie of Christe (which is the image of God) should shine vnto them

Proverbs 24:20

20 For the wicked shall haue no posteritie, and the candle of the vngodly shalbe put out

1 Timothy 5:8

8 But if any prouide not for his owne, and specially for them of his housholde, he hath denyed the fayth, and is worse then an infidell

2 Corinthians 6:14

14 And beare not ye a straunge yoke with the vnbeleuers. For what felowship hath righteousnesse with vnrighteousnesse? Or what communion hath lyght with darkenesse

Ephesians 4:18

18 Darkened in cogitation, being alienated from the lyfe of God by the ignoraunce that is in them, by the blindnesse of their heartes

1 Corinthians 5:9-13

9 I wrote vnto you in an epistle, that ye should not companie with fornicatours 10 [And I meant] not at all with the fornicatours of this worlde, or with the couetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters: for then must ye needes haue gone out of the world 11 But nowe I haue written vnto you, that ye companie not together, if any that is called a brother be a fornicatour, or couetous, or a worshipper of idols, or a rayler, or a drunkarde, or an extortioner: with him that is such [see that ye] eate not 12 For what haue I to do to iudge them that are without? Do ye not iudge them that are within 13 Them that are without God iudgeth. Put away from among you that wicked person

2 Corinthians 6:14-18

14 And beare not ye a straunge yoke with the vnbeleuers. For what felowship hath righteousnesse with vnrighteousnesse? Or what communion hath lyght with darkenesse 15 Or what concorde hath Christe with belyall? Eyther what part hath he that beleueth, with an infidell 16 Or howe agreeth the temple of God with images? For ye are the temple of the lyuing God, as saide God, I wyll dwell in them, & walke in [them] & wyll be their God, & they shalbe my people 17 Wherfore come out fro among them, and separate your selues from them (saith the Lorde) and touche none vncleane thyng, and I wyll receaue you 18 And wyll be a father vnto you, and ye shalbe my sonnes and daughters, saith the Lorde almightie

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