Bible verses about "travel" | Bishops

Psalms 121:1-8

1 I will lift vp myne eyes vnto the hilles: from whence my helpe shall come 2 My helpe commeth from God: who hath made heauen and earth 3 He wyll not suffer thy foote to moue: he wyll not sleepe that kepeth thee 4 Beholde, he that kepeth Israel: wyll neither slumber nor sleepe 5 God hym selfe is thy keper: God is thy defence vpon thy ryght hande 6 The sunne shal not hurt thee by day: neither the moone by nyght 7 God wyll preserue thee from all euill: he wyll preserue thy soule 8 God wyll preserue thy goyng out and thy commyng in: from this tyme foorth for euermore

2 Peter 3:9

9 The Lorde that hath promised, is not slacke, as some men count slacknesse, but is pacient to vswarde [forasmuch] as he woulde haue no man lost, but wyll receaue all men to repentaunce

Deuteronomy 1:30-31

30 The Lorde your God which goeth before you, he shall fight for you, accordyng to all that he dyd vnto you in Egypt before your eyes 31 And in the wyldernesse, where thou hast seene howe that the Lord thy God bare thee, euen as a man doth beare his sonne, in al the way which ye haue gone by, vntill ye came vnto this place

Psalms 37:23-29

23 The pathes of man is directed by God: and his way pleaseth 24 Though he fall, he shall not be vndone: for God vpholdeth him with his hande 25 I haue ben a young chylde, and nowe I am olde: and yet sawe I neuer the righteous forsaken, nor his seede begyng bread 26 The righteous is euer mercifull and lendeth: and his seede is blessed 27 Flee from euill & do good: and dwell for euer 28 For God loueth iudgement, he forsaketh not his saintes: they are preserued for euermore, but the seede of the vngodlye shalbe rooted vp 29 The righteous shal inherite the land: and dwell therin for euer

Proverbs 3:23

23 Then shalt thou walke safely in thy way, and thy foote shall not stumble

Joshua 1:7

7 Only be thou strong, and of a stoute courage, that thou maiest obserue and do according to all the law which Moses my seruaunt commaunded thee: Turne from the same neither to the right hande, nor to the lefte, that thou maiest do wisely in al that thou takest in hande

Psalms 119:105

105 (119:1) Thy worde is a candell vnto my feete: and a lyght vnto my pathes

Proverbs 16:9

9 A man deuiseth a way in his heart: but it is the Lorde that ordereth his goynges

Isaiah 6:8

8 Also I hearde the voyce of the Lorde on this maner: whom shall I sende, and who wyll be our messenger? Then I sayde, Here am I, sende me

Matthew 28:18-20

18 And Iesus came, and spake vnto the, saying: All power is geuen vnto me in heauen and in earth 19 Go ye therfore, & teache all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the holye ghost 20 Teachyng the to obserue all thynges, whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you. And loe, I am with you alway, euen vnto the ende of the worlde

Psalms 139:9-10

9 If I take the wynges of the morning: and [go to] dwell in the vttermost part of the sea 10 Euen there also thy hande shall leade me: and thy right hande shall holde me

Psalms 121:8

8 God wyll preserue thy goyng out and thy commyng in: from this tyme foorth for euermore

Psalms 91:11

11 For he wyll geue his angels charge ouer thee: to kepe thee in all thy wayes

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