Luke 1:49 Cross References - new

  49 G3754 For G1415 he that is powerful G4160 [G5656] hath done G3427 to me G3167 great things; G2532 and G40 holy G846 is his G3686 name.

Genesis 17:1

  1 H87 And when Abram H8673 H8141 was ninety H8672 and nine H8141 years H1121 old, H3068 the LORD H7200 [H8735] appeared H87 to Abram, H559 [H8799] and said H7706 to him, I am the Almighty H410 God; H1980 [H8690] walk H6440 before the face of me, H8549 and be thou perfect.

Exodus 15:11

  11 H3068 Who is like thee, O LORD, H410 among the gods? H142 [H8737] who is like thee, expansive H6944 in holiness, H3372 [H8737] fearful H8416 in praises, H6213 [H8802] doing H6382 wonders?

1 Samuel 2:2

  2 H6918 There is none holy H3068 as the LORD: H1115 for there is none besides H6697 thee: neither is there any rock H430 like our God.

Psalms 24:8

  8 H4428 Who is this King H3519 of glory? H3068 The LORD H5808 strong H1368 and mighty, H3068 the LORD H1368 mighty H4421 in battle.

Psalms 71:19-21

  19 H6666 Thy righteousness H430 also, O God, H4791 is very high, H6213 [H8804] who hast done H1419 great things: H430 O God, who is like thee!
  20 H7200 [H8689] Thou, who hast shown H7227 me great H7451 and many H6869 straits, H2421 [H8762] wilt revive H7725 [H8799] me again, H5927 [H8686] and shalt bring me H7725 [H8799] again H8415 from the depths H776 of the earth.
  21 H7235 [H8686] Thou shalt increase H1420 my greatness, H5162 [H8762] and comfort H5437 [H8735] me on every side.

Psalms 99:3

  3 H3034 [H8686] Let them praise H1419 thy great H3372 [H8737] and terrible H8034 name; H6918 for it is holy.

Psalms 99:9

  9 H7311 [H8786] Exalt H3068 the LORD H430 our God, H7812 [H8690] and worship H6944 at his holy H2022 mountain; H3068 for the LORD H430 our God H6918 is holy.

Psalms 111:9

  9 H7971 [H8804] He sent H6304 redemption H5971 to his people: H6680 [H8765] he hath commanded H1285 his covenant H5769 to the age: H6918 holy H3372 [H8737] and reverend H8034 is his name.

Psalms 126:2-3

  2 H6310 Then was our mouth H4390 [H8735] filled H7814 with laughter, H3956 and our tongue H7440 with singing: H559 [H8799] then said H1471 they among the nations, H3068 The LORD H6213 [H8800] hath done H1431 [H8689] great things for them.
  3 H3068 The LORD H6213 [H8800] hath done H1431 [H8689] great things H8056 for us; for which we are glad.

Isaiah 1:24

  24 H5002 [H8803] Therefore saith H113 the Sovereign, H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts, H46 the mighty One H3478 of Israel, H1945 Ah, H5162 [H8735] I will rid H6862 myself of my constricters, H5358 [H8735] and avenge H341 [H8802] me of my enemies:

Isaiah 6:3

  3 H7121 [H8804] And one called H559 [H8804] to another, and said, H6918 Holy, H6918 holy, H6918 holy, H3068 is the LORD H6635 of hosts: H776 the whole earth H4393 is full H3519 of his glory.

Isaiah 57:15

  15 H559 [H8804] For thus saith H7311 [H8802] the high H5375 [H8737] and lofty One H7931 [H8802] that inhabiteth H5703 eternity, H8034 whose name H6918 is Holy; H7931 [H8799] I dwell H4791 in the high H6918 and holy H1793 place, with him also that is of a contrite H8217 and humble H7307 spirit, H2421 [H8687] to revive H7307 the spirit H8217 of the humble, H2421 [H8687] and to revive H3820 the heart H1792 [H8737] of the contrite ones.

Isaiah 63:1

  1 H935 [H8802] Who is this that cometh H123 from Edom, H2556 [H8803] with dyed H899 garments H1224 from Bozrah? H1921 [H8803] this that is magnificent H3830 in his apparel, H6808 [H8802] travelling H7230 in the abundance H3581 of his strength? H1696 [H8764] I that speak H6666 in righteousness, H7227 mighty H3467 [H8687] to liberate.

Jeremiah 10:6

  6 H3068 Forasmuch as there is none like thee, O LORD; H1419 thou art great, H8034 and thy name H1419 is great H1369 in might.

Jeremiah 20:11

  11 H3068 But the LORD H1368 is with me as a mighty H6184 terrible one: H7291 [H8802] therefore my persecutors H3782 [H8735] shall stumble, H3201 [H8799] and they shall not prevail: H3966 they shall be greatly H954 [H8804] pale; H7919 [H8689] for they shall not prosper: H5769 their everlasting H3639 disgrace H7911 [H8735] shall never be forgotten.

Mark 5:13

  13 G2532 And G2112 immediately G2424 Jesus G2010 0 gave G846 them G2010 [G5656] leave. G2532 And G169 the unclean G4151 spirits G1831 [G5631] went out, G1525 [G5627] and entered G1519 into G5519 the swine: G2532 and G34 the herd G3729 [G5656] ran G2596 violently down G2911 a steep place G1519 into G2281 the sea, G1161   G2258 [G5713] (they were G5613 about G1367 two thousand; G2532 ) and G4155 [G5712] were choked G1722 in G2281 the sea.

Ephesians 3:20

  20 G1161 Now G1410 [G5740] to him that is able G4160 [G5658] to do G5228 exceeding G1537 G4053 abundantly G5228 above G3956 all G3739 that G154 [G5731] we ask G2228 or G3539 [G5719] comprehend, G2596 according to G1411 the power G1754 [G5734] that worketh G1722 in G2254 us,

Revelation 4:8

  8 G2532 And G5064 the four G2226 living beings G2192 [G5707] had G303 G1520 each G2596 G1438 of them G1803 six G4420 wings G2943 about G2532 him; and G1073 [G5723] they were full G3788 of eyes G2081 within: G2532 and G372 they rest G3756 G2192 [G5719] not G2250 day G2532 and G3571 night, G3004 [G5723] saying, G40 Holy, G40 holy, G40 holy, G2962 Lord G2316 God G3841 Almighty, G3588 who G2258 G3801 0 [G5713] was, G2532 and G5607 G3801 0 [G5752] is, G2532 and G2064 G3801 [G5740] is to come.

Revelation 15:4

  4 G5101 Who G5399 0 shall G3364 not G5399 [G5680] fear G4571 thee, G2962 O Lord, G2532 and G1392 [G5661] glorify G4675 thy G3686 name? G3754 for G3441 thou only G3741 art holy: G3754 for G3956 all G1484 nations G2240 [G5692] shall come G2532 and G4352 [G5692] worship G1799 before G4675 thee; G3754 for G4675 thy G1345 judgments G5319 [G5681] are revealed.

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