Lamentations 1:6 Cross References - Matthew

6 Vau. All the bewtie of the daughter of Syon is awaye, her princes are become like wethers that fynd no pastur. They are driuen away befor their enemye, so that they haue no more power.

Leviticus 26:36-37

36 And vpon them that are left a liue of you I wyl sende a fayntnes into theyr hertes, in all the land of their enemies: so that the sound of a leaf that falleth, shall chase them & they shall flee as though they fled a swerde, and shall fal, no man folowyng them. 37 And they shal fal, one vpon another, as it were before a swerde, euen no man folowyng them, and ye shal haue no power to stand before your enemies.

Deuteronomy 28:25

25 And the Lorde shall plage the before thyne enmyes: Thou shalt come out one waye agaynste them, and flee seuen wayes before them, & shalt be scatered amonge al the kingdomes of the erth.

Deuteronomy 32:30

30 How it cometh that one shal chace a thousande, and two putt ten thousande of theym to flyght, excepte theyr rocke had solde them, and bicause the Lord had deliuered them.

Joshua 7:12-13

12 And therfore the chyldren of Israel cannot stande before theyr enemyes. They shall turne theyr backes before theyr enemyes, because they be excommunicate. Nether wyll I be with you any more, except ye destroye the excommunicate from among you. 13 Vp & sanctifye the people and byd them to sanctifye them selues against the morowe for so sayth the Lorde God of Israel, the excommunicacyon is amonge you Israel, and therfore ye cannot stande before youre enemyes, vntyll ye haue put the excommunicacyon from amonge you.

2 Samuel 4:11-12

11 And how much more ought I so to deale with weked men that haue slayne a ryghtuouse person in hys owne house vpon hys bed. Now therfore thynke ye that I wyll not requyre hys bloude of youre handes and take you from the earth? 12 And Dauid commaunded hys younge men, and they slue them and cut of theyr handes and theyr fete & hanged them vp by the pole in Hebron. And they toke the head of Isboseth, and buryed in the sepulchre of Abner in Hebron.

2 Kings 19:21

21 This is the kinge that the lorde sayth of him: he hath despysed the, O virgine doughter of Sihon: he hath shaked his head at the, thou doughter of Ierusalem:

Psalms 44:9-11

9 But now thou forsakest vs, and puttest vs to confusyon, and goest not forth wyth oure Hostes. 10 Thou makest vs to turne oure backes vpon oure enemyes, so that they which hate vs spoyle our goodes. 11 Thou lettest vs be eaten vp lyke shepe, & scaterest vs among the Heathen.

Psalms 48:2-3

2 The hyll of Syon is lyke a fayre plante, whereof all the lande reioyseth: vpon the north side lyeth the cytye of the great kyng. 3 God is well knowen in her palaces, that he is the defence of the same.

Psalms 50:2

2 Out of Sion apeareth the glorious beuty of God.

Psalms 96:9

9 O worship the lorde in the beuty of holynesse, lette the whole earthe stande in awe of hym.

Psalms 132:12-13

12 If thy chyldren wyll kepe my couenaunt, and my testimony that I shal lerne them: their chyldren also shal syt vpon thy seate for euermore. 13 For the Lord hath chosen Syon, to be an habitacyon for him selfe hath he chosen her.

Isaiah 1:21

21 Howe happeneth it then that the ryghtuous cytye (whiche was full of equyte) is be come vnfaythful as an whore? ryghteousnes dwelt in it, but now murthur.

Isaiah 4:5

5 Moreouer vpon al the dwellynges of the hyl of Syon, and vpon their whole congregacyon, shal the Lord prouyde a cloude & smoke by daye, and the shynynge of a flammynge fyre by nyght: for all their glorye shalbe preserued.

Isaiah 12:6

6 Crye oute, and be glad, thou that dwellest in Sion, for greate is thy prince, the holy one of Israell.

Jeremiah 13:18

18 Tell the kynge and the rulers: Humble youre selues, sett you downe lowe, for the crowne of youre glory shall fall from your head.

Jeremiah 14:5-6

5 The Hynde shall forsake the yonge fawne, that he bringeth forth in the felde because there shalbe no grasse. 6 The wylde Asses shall stande in the Mosse, and drawe in their wynde lyke the Dragons, their eyes shall fayle for want of grasse.

Jeremiah 29:4

4 Thus hathe the Lorde of hostes the God of Israell spoken vnto all the presonners, that were led from Ierusalem vnto Babilon:

Jeremiah 47:3

3 at the noyse & stampynge of theyr stronge barbed horses, at the shakynge of theyr charettes and at the romblynge of the wheles. The fathers shall not loke to theyr chyldren, so feable and wery shall theyr handes be:

Jeremiah 48:41

41 They shall clymme ouer the walles, and winne the strong holdes. Then the mighty mens hertes in Moab shalbe lyke the herte of a woman trauaylinge wyth chylde.

Jeremiah 51:30-32

30 The worthyes of Babylon shal leaue the battell, & kepe them selues in stronge holdes, theyr strength hath fayled them, they shalbe lyke wemen. Theyr dwellynge places shal be brente vp, theyr barres shalbe broken. 31 One purseuaunte shal mete another, yea one poste shall come by another, to bring the king of Babylon tydynges: that his citie is taken in on euerye syde, 32 the foordes occupyed, the fennes brente vp, and the soudyares sore afrayed.

Jeremiah 52:7-8

7 So all the soudyers brake awaye, & fled out of the cytie by myght thorow the waye of the porte betwene the two walles by the kynges garden. Now the Caldees had compassed the cytie rounde aboute, yet wente these men their waye to warde the wyldernesse. 8 And so the Caldees folowed vpon them, & toke Zedekiah the kynge in the felde of Ierycho, when his hoost was runne from him.

Jeremiah 52:11

11 Moreouer he put out the eyes of Zedekiah, caused hym to be bounde with chynes, to be caried vnto Babylon: and lett hym lye in preson, tyll he dyed.

Jeremiah 52:13

13 & brent vp the house of the Lorde. He brent vp also the kynges palaces, all the houses & all the gorgeous buildinges in Ierusalem.

Lamentations 2:1-7

1 Aleph. Alas, how hath the Lorde darkened the daughter of Syon so sore in hys wrath? As for the honour of Israel, he hath casten it downe from heauen: How happeneth it, that he remembred not hys owne fote stole when he was angrye? 2 Beth. The Lorde hath cast downe all the glorye of Iacob without any fauoure: all the stronge places of the daughter Iuda hath he broken in his wrath, and thorowen them downe to the grounde: her kyngdome & her Princes hath he suspended. 3 Gymel. In the wrath of his indygnacyon he hath broken all the horne of Israel: he hath withdrawen his ryght hande from the enemye: yee a flame of fyre is kyndled in Iacob, and hath consumed vp all rounde aboute. 4 Daleth. Ie hath bent hys bowe lyke an enemye, he hath fastened his ryght hande as an aduersarye: and euerye thynge that was pleasaunt to se, he hath smyten it downe. He hath poured out hys wrath lyke a fyre, into the tabernacle of the daughter of Syon. 5 He. The Lorde is become lyke as it were an enemye, he hath cast downe Israell & all hys places: yee all his stronge holdes hath he destroyed, & fylled the daughter of Iuda wyth moch sorow and heuynesse. 6 Vau. Her tabernacle (which was lyke a garden of pleasure) hath he destroyed: her hye solempne feastes hath he put downe. The Lorde hath brought it so to passe, that the hye solempne feastes & Sabbathes in Sion, are cleane forgotten. In his heuy displeasure hath he made the kynge and prestes to be despysed. 7 Zain. The Lorde hath forsaken hys owne aulter, and is wroth with his owne Sanctuary, and hath geuen the walles of their towres in to the handes of the enemye. Their enemyes made a noyse in the house of the Lorde, as it had bene in a solempne feast daye.

Ezekiel 7:20-22

20 because they made therof not only costly Ieweles for their pompe and pryde, but also abhomynable ymages and Idoles. For this cause wyll I make them to be abhorred. 21 Moreouer, I will geue it into the handes of the straungers to be spoyled: and to the wycked, for to be robbed, and they shall destroye it. 22 My face wyll I turne from them, my treasury shalbe defiled: for the theues shall go in to it, and suspende it.

Ezekiel 11:22-23

22 After thys did the Cherubins lyft vp theyr wynges, and the wheles wente wyth them, and the glorye of the Lorde was vpon them. 23 So the glorye of the Lorde wente vp from the myddeste of the cytye, and stode vpon the mounte of the cytye towarde the east.

Ezekiel 24:21

21 Tell the house of Israell, thus sayeth the Lorde God: beholde, I wyl suspende my sanctuarye: euen the glorye of your power, the pleasure of youre eyes, & the thyng that ye loue, youre sonnes & doughters whome ye haue left, shall fal thorow the swerde.

Ezekiel 24:25

25 But beholde, O thou sonne of man: In the daye, when I take from them their power, their ioye and honoure, the lust of their eyes, the burthen of their bodies: namelye, their sonnes and doughters.

Zephaniah 3:14-17

14 Geue thankes O doughter Syon, be ioyfull O Israell, reioyce and be glad from thy whole herte, O doughter Ierusalem, 15 for the Lorde hath taken awaye thy punyshemente, and turned backe thyne enemyes. The kynge of Israell, euen the Lorde hymselfe is with the: so that thou nedest no more to feare any mysfortune. 16 In that tyme it shall be sayed to Ierusalem: feare not, and to Syon: let not thyne handes be slacke, 17 for the Lorde thy GOD is with the, it is he that hath power to saue: he hath a specyall pleasure in the, & a maruelous loue towarde the: yea, he reioyseth ouer the wyth gladnesse.

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