Matthew 13:2 Cross References - JMNT

2 And so great was the concourse of people that were gathered together toward Him, that He was stepping into a small boat to continue sitting down – and the entire crowd stood on the beach.

Matthew 4:25

25 Consequently many and huge crowds followed Him – from the Galilee [province] and Decapolis (the Ten Cities; a league of cities east of the Jordan) and Jerusalem and Judea, as well as [from] the other side of the Jordan [River] (or: Transjordan).

Matthew 15:30

30 Then many crowds came toward Him, [they] having with them, or continuing in holding, lame and crippled folks, blind people, maimed and deformed ones or those with crooked [bodies], mute folks, as well as many [people with] different [maladies], and they deposited (as it were, tossed) them near His feet – and He tended, attentively served, gave treatment to, began therapy with, prescribed ongoing treatment for, or cured and healed them,

Mark 4:1

1 Once again He starts to continue teaching, beside the sea (or: along the lake-side). And a very great (most numerous) crowd is being progressively gathered toward Him, so that He, stepping into a little boat, takes a seat and continues sitting on the sea (lake; = just off shore) – and the crowd, facing toward the sea (lake), were all upon the land (= the shore).

Luke 5:3

3 So, stepping into one of the boats (or: ships; sailing vessels) – which was Simon's, He asked him to pull away (or: lead back upon [the water]) from the land a little. So, upon sitting down, He began teaching the crowds, from out of the sailing vessel.

Luke 8:4-8

4 Now with a large crowd being gathered together, and with the people keeping on making their way to Him from town after town, He spoke through an illustration (parable): 5 "The sower (= the farmer; the one normally scattering seed) went out to sow his seed, and during the process of his sowing, one [handful] actually fell along the path (or: beside the road), and then the birds of the sky (or: atmosphere; heaven) ate it down (or: devoured it). 6 "Also, a different [handful] fell down upon the rock mass, and later, having been sprouted and caused to grow, it was dried out and caused to wither, because it was not having moisture. 7 "Then a different [handful] fell within the midst of the thorns, thistles and prickly weeds, then, after their being made to grow up together, the thorny plants choked it off. 8 "Still a different [handful] fell into the good soil, and later, having been sprouted and caused to grow, it produced a hundred times as much fruit as had been sown." Concluding saying these things, He then call out (or: shouts), "Let the person presently having ears to be now listening and hearing, continue to listen and hear!"

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.