Luke 5:34 Cross References - Great

34 He sayde vnto them: Can ye make the chyldren of the wedding fast, whyle the brydgrome is with them?

Judges 14:10-11

10 And so hys father came vnto the woman, and Samson made there a feaste, for so vsed the yonge men to do. 11 And when they sawe him, they brought .xxx. companions to be with hym.

Psalms 45:10-16

10 Kynges daughters were among thy honorable wemen: vpon thy ryght hande dyd stande the quene in a vesture of gold. 11 Herken (O daughter) and consydre: enclyne thyne eare: forget also thine awne people, & thy fathers house. 12 So shall the kyng haue pleasure in thy bewtye, for he is thy Lorde & worshype thou hym. 13 And the daughter of Tire shall be there wt a gyfte, lyke as the ryche also amonge the people shall make theyr supplicacyon before the. 14 The kynges daughter is all gloryous wythin, her clothyng is of wrought golde. 15 She shalbe brought vnto the king in rayment of nedle worke: the virgins that be hyr felowes, shall beare hir company, and shalbe brought vnto the. 16 Wyth ioye & gladnesse shall they be brought, & shall entre into the kynges palace.

Song of Songs 2:6-7

6 His left hande lyeth vnder my heade, & hys ryght hande shall embrace me. 7 I charge you, (O ye daughters of Ierusalem) by the Roes and hyndes of the felde, that ye wake not vp my loue nor touche her, tyll she be content her selfe.

Song of Songs 3:10-11

10 the pilers are of syluer, the couerynge of golde, the seate of purple, the grounde is pleasauntly paued with loue for the daughters of Ierusalem. 11 Go forth (O ye daughters of Syon) and beholde Kynge Salomon in the crowne: wherwith his mother crowned him in the daye of hys mariage, and in the daye of the gladnesse of his hert.

Song of Songs 5:8

8 I charge you therfore, O ye daughters of Ierusalem, yf ye fynde my beloued, that ye tell hym, how that I am syck for loue.

Song of Songs 6:1

1 Whither is thy loue gone then (O thou fayrest amonge wemen) whither is is thy loue departed? we will seke him with the:

Isaiah 54:5

5 For he that made the, shalbe thy Lord & husbande (whose name is the Lorde of hostes) and thy redemer shalbe euen the holy one of Israel, the Lorde of the whole worlde.

Isaiah 62:5

5 And lyke as a yonge man taketh a daughter to mariage, so shall thy sonnes be maryed vnto the. And as a bryde grome is glad of hys bryde, so shall thy God reioyse ouer the.

Zephaniah 3:17

17 for the Lorde thy God is with the, it is he that hath power to saue: he hath a speciall pleasure in the, & a maruelous loue towarde the: yee, he reioyseth ouer the wt gladnesse.

Matthew 22:2

2 The kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto a man that was a kynge, whych made a mariage for hys sonne

Matthew 25:1-10

1 Then shall the kyngdom of heauen be like vnto ten virgins, which toke their lampes, & went to mete the brydgrome 2 But fyue of them were foolysshe, & fyue were wise. 3 They that were folysshe, toke their lampes, but toke none oyle wt them. 4 But the wyse toke oyle wt them in their vessels with the lampes also. 5 Whyle the brydegrome taryed, they all slombred & slept. 6 And euen at midnyght, there was a crye made: behold, the brydgrome commeth, go out to mete hym. 7 Then all those virgins arose, & prepared theyr lampes. 8 So the folysshe sayde vnto the wyse: geue vs of youre oyle: for oure lampes are gone out. 9 But the wyse answered, sayinge: not so, lest ther be not ynough for vs and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, & by for your selues. 10 And whyll they went to bye, the brydgrome came: & they that were ready went in with hym to the mariage, & the gate was shut vp.

John 3:29

29 He that hath the bryde, is the brydegrome. But the frende of the brydegrome, whych standeth and heareth hym, reioyseth greatly because of the brydegromes voyce. This my ioye therfore is fulfilled.

2 Corinthians 11:2

2 For I am gelous ouer you wt godly gelousye: For I haue coupled you to one man, that ye shulde make your selues a chaste virgin vnto Christ.

Ephesians 5:25-27

25 Ye husbandes, loue youre wyues, euen as Chryst also loued the congregacyon, and gaue hym selfe for it, 26 to sanctifye it, and clensed it in the fountayne of water thorow the worde, 27 to make it vnto him selfe a gloryous congregacyon, without spot or wrynckle, or eny soche thynge: but that it shulde be holy, and without blame.

Revelation 19:7-9

7 Let vs be glad and reioyce, & geue honoure to him, for the mariage of the lambe is come, and hys wyfe made her selfe ready. 8 And to her was graunted, that she shuld be arayed with pure and goodly raynes. For the raynes is the rightewesnes of sainctes. 9 And he sayd vnto me, wryte, happy are they whiche are called vnto the supper of the lambes mariage. And he sayd vnto me: these are the true sayinges of God.

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