Psalms 79:6 Cross References - Geneva

6 Powre out thy wrath vpon the heathen that haue not knowen thee, and vpon the kingdomes that haue not called vpon thy Name.

Psalms 9:16-17

16 The Lord is knowen by executing iudgement: the wicked is snared in the worke of his owne handes. Higgaion. Selah. 17 The wicked shall turne into hell, and all nations that forget God.

Psalms 14:4

4 Doe not all the workers of iniquitie know that they eate vp my people, as they eate bread? they call not vpon the Lord.

Psalms 53:4

4 Doe not the workers of iniquitie knowe that they eate vp my people as they eate bread? they call not vpon God.

Psalms 69:24

24 Powre out thine anger vpon them, and let thy wrathfull displeasure take them.

Psalms 145:18

18 The Lord is neere vnto all that call vpon him: yea, to all that call vpon him in trueth.

Isaiah 13:1-22

1 The burden of Babel, which Isaiah the sonne of Amoz did see. 2 Lift vp a standard vpon the hie mountaine: lift vp the voyce vnto them: wagge the hand, that they may goe into the gates of the nobles. 3 I haue commanded them, that I haue sanctified: and I haue called ye mightie to my wrath, and them that reioyce in my glorie. 4 The noyse of a multitude is in the mountaines, like a great people: a tumultuous voyce of the kingdomes of the nations gathered together: the Lord of hostes nombreth the hoste of the battell. 5 They come from a farre countrey, from the end of the heauen: euen the Lord with the weapons of his wrath to destroy the whole land. 6 Howle you, for the day of the Lord is at hande: it shall come as a destroier from the Almightie. 7 Therefore shall all hands be weakened, and all mens hearts shall melt, 8 And they shalbe afraid: anguish and sorowe shall take them, and they shall haue paine, as a woman that trauaileth: euery one shall be amased at his neighbour, and their faces shalbe like flames of fire. 9 Beholde, the day of the Lord commeth, cruel, with wrath and fierce anger to lay the land wast: and he shall destroy the sinners out of it. 10 For the starres of heauen and the planets thereof shall not giue their light: the sunne shalbe darkened in his going foorth, and the moone shall not cause her light to shine. 11 And I will visite the wickednes vpon the worlde, and their iniquitie vpon the wicked, and I wil cause the arrogancie of the proud to cease, and will cast downe the pride of tyrants. 12 I will make a man more precious then fine golde, euen a man aboue the wedge of golde of Ophir. 13 Therefore I will shake the heauen, and the earth shall remooue out of her place in the wrath of the Lord of hostes, and in the day of his fierce anger. 14 And it shall be as a chased doe, and as a sheepe that no man taketh vp. euery man shall turne to his owne people, and flee eche one to his owne lande. 15 Euery one that is founde, shall be striken through: and whosoeuer ioyneth himselfe, shall fal by the sworde. 16 Their children also shall be broken in pieces before their eyes: their houses shall be spoiled, and their wiues rauished. 17 Beholde, I will stirre vp the Medes against them, which shall not regarde siluer, nor be desirous of golde. 18 With bowes also shall they destroy ye children, and shall haue no compassion vpon the fruit of the wombe, and their eies shall not spare the children. 19 And Babel the glorie of kingdomes, the beautie and pride of the Chaldeans, shall be as the destruction of God in Sodom and Gomorah. 20 It shall not bee inhabited for euer, neither shall it be dwelled in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch his tents there, neither shall the shepheardes make their foldes there. 21 But Ziim shall lodge there, and their houses shall be ful of Ohim: Ostriches shall dwel there, and the Satyrs shall dance there. 22 And Iim shall crie in their palaces, and dragons in their pleasant palaces: and the time thereof is readie to come, and the daies thereof shall not be prolonged.

Isaiah 21:1-17

1 The burden of the desert Sea. As the whirlewindes in the South vse to passe from the wildernesse, so shall it come from the horrible land. 2 A grieuous vision was shewed vnto me, The transgressour against a transgressour, and the destroyer against a destroyer. Goe vp Elam, besiege Media: I haue caused all the mourning thereof to cease. 3 Therefore are my loynes filled with sorow: sorowes haue taken me as the sorowes of a woman that trauayleth: I was bowed downe when I heard it, and I was amased when I sawe it. 4 Mine heart failed: fearefulnesse troubled me: the night of my pleasures hath he turned into feare vnto me. 5 Prepare thou the table: watch in the watch towre: eate, drinke: arise, ye princes, anoynt the shielde. 6 For thus hath the Lord said vnto me, Go, set a watchman, to tell what he seeth. 7 And he sawe a charet with two horsemen: a charet of an asse, and a charet of a camel: and he hearkened and tooke diligent heede. 8 And he cryed, A lyon: my lorde, I stand continually vpon ye watche towre in the day time, and I am set in my watche euery night: 9 And beholde, this mans charet commeth with two horsemen. And he answered and said, Babel is fallen: it is fallen, and all the images of her gods hath he broken vnto the ground. 10 O my threshing, and the corne of my floore. That which I haue heard of the Lord of hostes, the God of Israel, haue I shewed vnto you. 11 The burden of Dumah. He calleth vnto me out of Seir, Watchman, what was in ye night? Watchman, what was in the night? 12 The watchman saide, The morning commeth, and also the night. If yee will aske, enquire: returne and come. 13 The burden against Arabia. In the forest of Arabia shall yee tarie all night, euen in the waies of Dedanim. 14 O inhabitants of the lande of Tema, bring foorth water to meete the thirstie, and preuent him that fleeth with his bread. 15 For they flee from the drawen swords, euen from the drawen sword, and from the bent bowe, and from the grieuousnesse of warre. 16 For thus hath the Lord sayd vnto me, Yet a yeere according to the yeeres of an hireling, and all the glorie of Kedar shall faile. 17 And the residue of the nomber of ye strong archers of the sonnes of Kedar shall be fewe: for the Lord God of Israel hath spoken it.

Isaiah 23:1-18

1 The burden of Tyrus. Howle, yee shippes of Tarshish: for it is destroied, so that there is none house: none shall come from the lande of Chittim: it is reueiled vnto them. 2 Be still, yee that dwell in the yles: the marchantes of Zidon, and such as passe ouer the sea, haue replenished thee. 3 The seede of Nilus growing by the abundance of waters, and the haruest of the riuer was her reuenues, and she was a marte of the nations. 4 Be ashamed, thou Zidon: for the sea hath spoken, euen the strength of the sea, saying, I haue not trauailed, nor brought forth children, neither nourished yong men, nor brought vp virgins. 5 When the fame commeth to the Egyptians, they shall be sorie, concerning the rumour of Tyrus. 6 Goe you ouer to Tarshish: howle, yee that dwell in the yles. 7 Is not this that your glorious citie? her antiquitie is of ancient daies: her owne feete shall leade her afarre off to be a soiourner. 8 Who hath decreed this against Tyrus (that crowneth men) whose marchantes are princes? whose chapmen are the nobles of the worlde? 9 The Lord of hostes hath decreed this, to staine the pride of all glorie, and to bring to contempt all them that be glorious in the earth. 10 Passe through thy lande like a flood to the daughter of Tarshish: there is no more strength. 11 He stretched out his hand vpon the sea: he shooke the kingdomes: the Lord hath giuen a commandement concerning the place of marchandise, to destroy the power thereof. 12 And he saide, Thou shalt no more reioyce when thou art oppressed: O virgin daughter of Zidon: rise vp, goe ouer vnto Chittim: yet there thou shalt haue no rest. 13 Behold the lande of the Caldeans: this was no people: Asshur founded it by the inhabitantes of the wildernesse: they set vp the towers thereof: they raised the palaces thereof and hee brought it to ruine. 14 Howle yee shippes of Tarshish, for your strength is destroyed. 15 And in that day shall Tyrus bee forgotten seuentie yeeres, (according to the yeeres of one King) at the ende of seuentie yeeres shall Tyrus sing as an harlot. 16 Take an harpe and go about the citie: (thou harlot thou hast beene forgotten) make sweete melodie, sing moe songes that thou maiest be remembred. 17 And at the ende of seuentie yeres shall the Lord visite Tyrus, and shee shall returne to her wages, and shall commit fornication with all the kingdomes of the earth, that are in the world. 18 Yet her occupying and her wages shall bee holy vnto the Lord: it shall not be laied vp nor kept in store, but her marchandise shalbe for them that dwell before the Lord, to eate sufficiently, and to haue durable clothing.

Isaiah 42:25

25 Therefore hee hath powred vpon him his fierce wrath, and the strength of battell: and it set him on fire round about, and he knewe not, and it burned him vp, yet he considered not.

Isaiah 45:4-5

4 For Iaakob my seruants sake, and Israel mine elect, I will euen call thee by thy name and name thee, though thou hast not knowen me. 5 I am the Lord and there is none other: there is no God besides me: I girded thee though thou hast not knowen me,

Jeremiah 10:25

25 Powre out thy wrath vpon the heathen, that knowe thee not, and vpon the families that call not on thy Name: for they haue eaten vp Iaakob and deuoured him and consumed him, and haue made his habitation desolate.

Jeremiah 25:29

29 For loe, I beginne to plague the citie, where my Name is called vpon, and shoulde you goe free? Ye shall not goe quite: for I will call for a sword vpon al the inhabitants of the earth, saith the Lord of hostes.

Jeremiah 46:1-28

1 The wordes of the Lord, which came to Ieremiah the Prophet against the Gentiles, 2 As against Egypt, against ye armie of Pharaoh Necho King of Egypt, which was by the riuer Perath in Carchemish, which Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel smote in the fourth yere of Iehoiakim the sonne of Iosiah King of Iudah. 3 Make readie buckler and shielde, and goe forth to battell. 4 Make readie the horses, and let the horsemen get vp, and stande vp with your sallets, fourbish the speares, and put on the brigandines. 5 Wherefore haue I seene them afraid, and driuen backe? for their mighty men are smitten, and are fled away, and looke not backe: for feare was rounde about, sayeth the Lord. 6 The swift shall not flee away, nor the strong man escape: they shall stumble, and fall towarde the North by the riuer Perath. 7 Who is this, that commeth vp, as a flood, whose waters are mooued like the riuers? 8 Egypt riseth vp like the flood, and his waters are mooued like the riuers, and he sayth, I wil goe vp, and will couer the earth: I wil destroy the citie with them that dwell therein. 9 Come vp, ye horses, and rage ye charets, and let the valiant men come foorth, the blacke Mores, and the Lybians that beare the shield, and the Lydians that handle and bend the bowe. 10 For this is the day of ye Lord God of hostes, and a day of vengeance, that he may auenge him of his enemies: for the sworde shall deuoure, and it shall be saciate, and made drunke with their blood: for the Lord God of hosts hath a sacrifice in the North countrey by the Riuer Perath. 11 Goe vp vnto Gilead, and take balme, O virgine, the daughter of Egypt: in vaine shalt thou vse many medicines: for thou shalt haue no health. 12 The nations haue heard of thy shame, and thy crie hath filled the lande: for the strong hath stumbled against the strong and they are fallen both together. 13 The woorde that the Lord spake to Ieremiah the Prophet, howe Nebuchad-nezzar king of Babel shoulde come and smite the lande of Egypt. 14 Publish in Egypt and declare in Migdol, and proclaime in Noph, and in Tahpanhes, and say, Stand still, and prepare thee: for the sworde shall deuoure rounde about thee. 15 Why are thy valiant men put backe? they could not stand, because the Lord did driue them. 16 Hee made many to fall, and one fell vpon another: and they saide, Arise, let vs goe againe to our owne people, and to the land of our natiuitie from the sworde of the violent. 17 They did cry there, Pharaoh King of Egypt, and of a great multitude hath passed the time appointed. 18 As I liue, saith the King, whose Name is the Lord of hostes, surely as Tabor is in the mountaines, and as Carmel is in the sea: so shall it come. 19 O thou daughter dwelling in Egypt, make thee geare to goe into captiuitie: for Noph shall be waste and desolate, without an inhabitant. 20 Egypt is like a faire calfe, but destruction commeth: out of the North it commeth. 21 Also her hired men are in the middes of her like fat calues: they are also turned backe and fled away together: they could not stand, because the day of their destruction was come vpon them, and the time of their visitation. 22 The voyce thereof shall goe foorth like a serpent: for they shall march with an armie, and come against her with axes, as hewers of wood. 23 They shall cut downe her forest, saith the Lord: for they cannot be counted, because they are moe then ye grashoppers, and are innumerable. 24 The daughter of Egypt shall be confounded: she shall be deliuered into the handes of the people of the North. 25 Thus saith the Lord of hostes, the God of Israel, Behold, I will visite the common people of No and Pharaoh, and Egypt, with their gods and their Kings, euen Pharaoh, and al them that trust in him, 26 And I will deliuer them into the handes of those, that seeke their liues, and into the hand of Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel, and into the handes of his seruants, and afterwarde she shall dwell as in the olde time, saith the Lord. 27 But feare not thou, O my seruant Iaakob, and be not thou afraid, O Israel: for behold, I will deliuer thee from a farre countrey, and thy seede from the land of their captiuitie, and Iaakob shall returne and be in rest, and prosperitie, and none shall make him afraid. 28 Feare thou not, O Iaakob my seruant, saith the Lord: for I am with thee, and I will vtterly destroy all the nations, whither I haue driuen thee: but I will not vtterly destroy thee, but correct thee by iudgement, and not vtterly cut thee off.

Zephaniah 3:8

8 Therefore wait ye vpon me, saith the Lord, vntill the day that I rise vp to the praye: for I am determined to gather the nations, and that I will assemble the kingdomes to powre vpon them mine indignation, euen all my fierce wrath: for all the earth shall be deuoured with the fire of my ielousie.

John 16:3

3 And these things will they doe vnto you, because they haue not knowen ye Father, nor me.

John 17:25

25 O righteous Father, the worlde also hath not knowen thee, but I haue knowen thee, and these haue knowen, that thou hast sent me.

Acts 17:23

23 For as I passed by, and behelde your deuotions, I founde an altar wherein was written, VNTO THE VNKNOWEN GOD. Whom ye then ignorantly worship, him shewe I vnto you.

Romans 1:28

28 For as they regarded not to acknowledge God, euen so God deliuered them vp vnto a reprobate minde, to doe those things which are not conuenient,

Romans 10:12-14

12 For there is no difference betweene the Iewe and the Grecian: for he that is Lord ouer all, is rich vnto all, that call on him. 13 For whosoeuer shall call vpon the Name of the Lord, shalbe saued. 14 But how shall they call on him, in whome they haue not beleeued? and how shall they beleeue in him, of whom they haue not heard? and howe shall they heare without a preacher?

1 Corinthians 1:2

2 Vnto the Church of God, which is at Corinthus, to them that are sanctified in Christ Iesus, Saintes by calling, with all that call on the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ in euery place, both their Lord, and ours:

2 Thessalonians 1:8

8 In flaming fire, rendring vengeance vnto them, that doe not know God, and which obey not vnto the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ,

Revelation 16:1-21

1 And I heard a great voyce out of the Temple, saying to the seuen Angels, Go your wayes, and powre out the seuen vials of the wrath of God vpon the earth. 2 And the first went and powred out his viall vpon the earth: and there fell a noysome, and a grieuous sore vpon the men, which had the marke of ye beast, and vpon them which worshipped his image. 3 And the second Angel powred out his viall vpon the sea, and it became as the blood of a dead man: and euery liuing thing dyed in the sea. 4 And the third Angel powred out his viall vpon the riuers and fountaines of waters, and they became blood. 5 And I heard the Angel of the waters say, Lord, thou art iust, Which art, and Which wast: and Holy, because thou hast iudged these things. 6 For they shed the blood of the Saints, and Prophets, and therefore hast thou giuen them blood to drinke: for they are worthy. 7 And I heard another out of the Sanctuarie say, Euen so, Lord God almightie, true and righteous are thy iudgements. 8 And the fourth Angel powred out his viall on the sunne, and it was giuen vnto him to torment men with heate of fire, 9 And men boyled in great heate, and blasphemed the Name of God, which hath power ouer these plagues, and they repented not, to giue him glorie. 10 And the fifth Angel powred out his viall vpon the throne of the beast, and his kingdome waxed darke, and they gnawed their tongues for sorowe, 11 And blasphemed the God of heauen for their paines, and for their sores, and repented not of their workes. 12 And the sixth Angel powred out his viall vpon the great riuer Euphrates, and the water thereof dried vp, that the way of the Kings of the East should be prepared. 13 And I sawe three vncleane spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of that dragon, and out of the mouth of that beast, and out of the mouth of that false prophet. 14 For they are the spirits of deuils, working miracles, to go vnto the Kings of the earth, and of the whole world, to gather them to the battell of that great day of God Almightie. 15 (Beholde, I come as a theefe. Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, least hee walke naked, and men see his filthines) 16 And they gathered them together into a place called in Hebrewe Arma-gedon. 17 And the seuenth Angel powred out his viall into the ayre: and there came a loude voyce out of the Temple of heauen from the throne, saying, It is done. 18 And there were voyces, and thundrings, and lightnings, and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were vpon the earth, euen so mightie an earthquake. 19 And the great citie was deuided into three partes, and the cities of the nations fell: and that great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to giue vnto her the cup of the wine of the fiercenesse of his wrath. 20 And euery yle fled away, and the mountaines were not found. 21 And there fell a great haile, like talents, out of heauen vpon the men, and men blasphemed God, because of the plague of the haile: for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

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