Job 22:5 Cross References - Geneva

5 Is not thy wickednes great, and thine iniquities innumerable?

Job 4:7-11

7 Remember, I pray thee: who euer perished, being an innocent? or where were the vpright destroyed? 8 As I haue seene, they that plow iniquitie, and sowe wickednesse, reape the same. 9 With the blast of God they perish, and with the breath of his nostrels are they cosumed. 10 The roaring of the Lion, and the voyce of the Lionesse, and the teeth of the Lions whelpes are broken. 11 The Lyon perisheth for lacke of pray, and the Lyons whelpes are scattered abroade.

Job 11:6

6 That he might shewe thee the secretes of wisedome, howe thou hast deserued double, according to right: know therefore that God hath forgotten thee for thine iniquitie.

Job 11:14

14 If iniquitie be in thine hand, put it farre away, and let no wickednesse dwell in thy Tabernacle.

Job 15:5-6

5 For thy mouth declareth thine iniquitie, seeing thou hast chosen ye tongue of the crafty. 6 Thine owne mouth condemneth thee, and not I, and thy lippes testifie against thee.

Job 15:31-34

31 He beleeueth not that he erreth in vanitie: therefore vanitie shalbe his change. 32 His branch shall not be greene, but shall be cut off before his day. 33 God shall destroy him as the vine her sower grape, and shall cast him off, as the oliue doeth her flowre. 34 For the congregation of the hypocrite shalbe desolate, and fire shall deuoure the houses of bribes.

Job 21:27

27 Behold, I know your thoughts, and the enterprises, wherewith ye do me wrong.

Job 32:3

3 Also his anger was kindled against his three friends, because they could not finde an answere, and yet condemned Iob.

Psalms 19:12

12 Who can vnderstand his faultes? clense me from secret fautes.

Psalms 40:12

12 For innumerable troubles haue compassed mee: my sinnes haue taken such holde vpon me, that I am not able to looke vp: yea, they are moe in nomber then the heares of mine head: therefore mine heart hath failed me.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.