Song of Songs 8:11 Cross References - Coverdale

11 Salomon had a vynyarde at Baal Hamon, this vynyarde delyuered he vnto the kepers: yt euery one for the frute therof shulde geue him a thousande peces of syluer.

Genesis 20:16

16 And vnto Sara he sayde: Beholde, I haue geuen thy brother a thousande syluer pens: lo, he shalbe vnto the a couerynge of the eyes, for all that are with the, and euery where, and a sure excuse.

Ecclesiastes 2:4

4 I made gorgious fayre workes, I buylded me houses, and planted vynyardes:

Song of Songs 1:6

6 but yet am I faire & welfauoured withal. Maruell not at me yt I am so black, & why? ye Sonne hath shyned vpo me. For whan my mothers childre had euell wil at me, they made me ye keper of the vynyarde. Thus was I fayne to kepe a vynyarde, which was not myne owne.

Song of Songs 7:12

12 In the mornynge wil we ryse by tymes, and go se the vynyarde: yf it be spronge forth, yf the grapes be growne, & yf the pomgranates be shott out. There wil I geue the my brestes:

Isaiah 5:1-7

1 Now well than, I will synge my beloued frende a songe of his vynyearde. My beloued frende hath a vyneyearde in a very frutefull plenteous grounde. 2 This he hedged, this he walled rounde aboute, and planted it with goodly grapes. In the myddest of it buylded he a towre, and made a wyne presse therin And afterwarde when he loked yt it shulde bringe him grapes, it brought forth thornes. 3 I shewe you now my cause (o ye Citysens of Ierusalem and whole Iuda:) Iudge I praye you betwixte me: and my wynegardinge. 4 What more coude haue bene done for it, that I haue not done? Wherfore then hath it geuen thornes, where I loked to haue had grapes of it? 5 Well, I shall tell you how I will do wt my vynyarde: I will take the hedge from it, that it maye perish, and breake downe ye wall, that it maye be troden vnder fote. 6 I will laye it waist, that it shall nether be twysted nor cut, but beare thornes and breares. I wil also forbyd ye cloudes, that they shal not rayne vpon it. 7 As for the vynyarde of the LORDE of hoostes it is the house of Israel, and whole Iuda his fayre plantinge. Of these he loked for equyte, but se there is wronge: for rightuousnesse, lo, It is but misery.

Isaiah 7:23

23 At the same tyme all vynyardes (though there be a thousand vynes in one, and were solde for a thousand siluerlinges) shalbe turned to brears and thornes.

Matthew 21:33-43

33 Heare another parable. There was a certayne houssholder which planted a vynyarde, and hedged it roude aboute, and dygged a wyne presse in it, and built a tower, and let it out vnto hussbandmen, and wente in to a straunge countre. 34 Now wha the tyme of the frute drew neare, he sent his seruautes to the hussbandmen, to receaue the frutes of it. 35 Then the hussbandmen caught his seruauntes: one they bett, another they kylled, the thirde they stoned. 36 Agayne, he sent other seruauntes, moo then the first, and they dyd vnto them in like maner. 37 At the last he sent his owne sonne vnto them, and sayde: they wyl stode in awe of my sonne. 38 But whe the hussbandme sawe the sonne, they sayde amonge the selues: This is the Heyre, come, let us kyl hym, and take his inheritauce vnto oure selues. 39 And they caught him, and thrust him out of the vynyarde, & slew him. 40 Now whe the lorde of the vynyarde commeth, what wyl he do wt those hussbandmen? 41 They sayde vnto him: He wyl cruelly destroye those euell personnes, & let out his vyniarde vnto other hussbadmen, which shal delyuer him the frute at tymes conuenyent. 42 Iesus sayde vnto the: Dyd ye neuer rede in the scriptures: The same stone which the buylders refused, is become the heade stone in the corner? This was the LORDES doynge, & it is maruelous i oure eyes 43 Therfore I saie vnto you: The kingdome of God shalbe take fro you, & shalbe geue vnto the Heithe, which shal brynge forth ye frutes of it.

Mark 12:1

1 And he beganne to speake vnto them by parables: A certayne ma planted a vynyarde, and made a hedge aboute it, and dygged a wynne presse, and buylded a tower, and let it out vnto hussbande men, and wente in to a straunge countre.

Luke 20:9-18

9 And he beganne to tell the people this symilitude: A certayne man planted a vynyarde, and let it out vnto hussbadmen, and wente himself in to a straunge countre for a greate season. 10 And whan his tyme was come, he sent a seruaut to the hussbadmen, that they might geue him of the frute of the vynyarde. But the hussbandmen bet him, and sent him awaye emptye. 11 And agayne he sent yet another seruaut: but they bet him also, and intreated him shamefully, & sent him awaye emptye. 12 And besydes this, he sent the thirde: but they wounded him also, and thrust him out. 13 Then sayde the lorde of the vynyarde: What shal I do? I wil sende my deare sonne, peraduenture they wil stonde in awe of him, whan they se him. 14 But whan the hussbande men sawe the sonne, they thought in the selues, and sayde: This is the heyre, come, let vs kyll him, yt the inheritaunce maye be oures. 15 And they thrust him out of ye vynyarde, and slew him. What shal now the lorde of the vynyarde do vnto them? 16 He shal come, and destroye those hussbandmen, and let out his vynyarde vnto other. Whan they herde that, they sayde: God forbyd. 17 But he behelde the, and sayde: What is this then that is wrytten: The same stone which the buylders refused, is become the head corner stone? 18 Who so euer falleth vpon this stone, shalbe broken in sunder: but vpo who so euer he falleth, he shall grynde him to poulder.

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