Romans 7:14 Cross References - Coverdale

14 For we knowe, that the lawe is spirituall, but I am carnall, solde vnder synne:

Genesis 37:27

27 Come, let vs sell him vnto the Ismaelites, that oure handes be not defyled vpon him, for he is oure brother, oure flesh and bloude. And they herkened vnto him.

Genesis 37:36

36 But the Madianites solde him in Egipte vnto Potiphar Pharaos chefe Marshall.

Genesis 40:15

15 for I was preuely caried out of the lande of the Hebrues, and here also haue I done nothinge, that they shulde haue put me in this dongeon.

Exodus 21:2-6

2 Yf thou bye a seruaunt that is an Hebrue, he shal serue the sixe yeares, in the seuenth yeare shall he go out fre and lowse. 3 Yf he came alone, then shal he go out alone also: but yf he came maried, then shall his wife go out with him. 4 Yf his master haue geue him a wife, & she haue borne him sonnes or doughters, the shal the wife and ye children be the masters, but he shall go out alone. 5 Neuertheles yf the seruaunt saye: I loue my master, and my wife and children, I wil not go out fre: 6 then let his master brynge him before the Goddes, and holde him to the dore or post, and bore him thorow the eare with a botkin, and let him be his seruaunt for euer.

Exodus 22:3

3 But yf the sonne be gone vp vpo him, then hath he committed manslaughter, and he shal dye. A thefe shall make restitucion. Yf he haue nothige, the let him be solde for his theft.

Leviticus 19:18

18 Thou shalt not auenge thy self, ner beare euell will agaynst the childre of thy people. Thou shalt loue thy neghboure, as thy self: for I am the LORDE.

Deuteronomy 6:5

5 And thou shalt loue the LORDE thy God wt all thy hart, with all yi soule, & with all thy mighte.

1 Kings 21:20

20 And Achab sayde vnto Elias: Hast thou euer founde me thine enemye? He saide: Yee, I haue founde the, because thou art euen solde to do euell in the sighte of the LORDE.

1 Kings 21:25

25 So cleane solde to do myschefe in ye sighte of the LORDE hath no man bene, as Achab: for his Iesabel hath so disceaued him,

2 Kings 17:17

17 and caused their sonnes and doughters to go thorow the fyre, and medled wt soythsayers and witches, and gaue them selues ouer to do that which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE, to prouoke him vnto wrath.

Job 42:6

6 Wherfore I geue myne owne self ye blame, and take repentaunce in the dust and asshes.

Psalms 51:6

6 But lo, thou hast a pleasure in the treuth, and hast shewed me secrete wy?dome.

Psalms 119:25

25 My soule cleueth to the dust, O quicken thou me acordinge to thy worde.

Proverbs 30:2

2 For though I am ye leest of all, & haue no mas vnderstodige

Proverbs 30:5

5 All the wordes of God are pure & cleane, for he is a shylde vnto all them, that put their trust in him.

Isaiah 6:5

5 Then I sayde: O wo is me. For I was astonished: that I (which am a man of vnclene lippes, and dwell amonge people yt hath vnclene lippes also:) Shulde se ye Kynge and LORDE of hoostes with myne eyes.

Isaiah 50:1

1 Thus saieth the LORDE: Where is the bill of yor mothers deuorcemet, that I sent vnto her? or who is the vsurer, to who I solde you? Beholde, for youre owne offeces are ye solde: & because of youre transgression, is youre mother forsake.

Isaiah 52:3

3 For thus saieth the LORDE: Ye are solde for naught, therfore shal ye be redemed also without eny money.

Isaiah 64:5-6

5 Thou helpest him that doth right with cherefulnesse, and them that thynke vpon thy wayes. But lo, thou art angrie, for we offende, and haue bene euer in synne, and there is not one whole. 6 We are all as an vnclene thinge, & all oure rightuousnesses are as the clothes stayned with the floures of a woman: we fall euerychone as the leaf, for oure synnes carie vs awaye like the wynde.

Amos 2:6

6 Thus sayeth the LORDE: For thre & foure wickednesses of Israel, I wil not spare him: because he hath solde the rightuous for money, and the poore for shues.

Matthew 5:22

22 But I saye vnto you: whosoeuer is angrie with his brother, is in daunger of the iudgement. Whosoeuer sayeth vnto his brother: Racha, is in daunger of ye cousell. But whosoeuer sayeth: thou foole, is in daunger of hell fyre.

Matthew 5:28

28 But I saye vnto you, that whosoeuer loketh on a wife lustinge after her, hath committed aduoutrie with hir already in his hert.

Matthew 16:23

23 Neuertheles he turned him aboute, & sayde vnto Peter: Auoyde fro me Satha, thou hindrest me, for thou sauourest not ye thinges that be of God, but of men.

Matthew 18:25

25 Now wha he had nothinge to paye his lorde comaunded him to be solde, & his wife & his childre, & all yt he had, & payment to be made.

Matthew 22:37-40

37 Iesus saide vnto him: Thou shalt loue the LORDE thy God with all thy hert, with all thy soule, and with all thy mynde: 38 this is the pryncipall and greatest comaundement. 39 As for the seconde, it is like vnto it: Thou shalt loue thy neghboure as thy self. 40 In these two commaundementes hange all the lawe and the prophetes.

Luke 5:8

8 Whan Symon Peter sawe yt, he fell downe at Iesus knees, & sayde: LORDE, go

Luke 7:6

6 And Iesus wente wt them.Now whan they were not farre from ye house, ye captaine sent fredes vnto hi, saiege vnto him: Oh LORDE, trouble not thy self, I am not worthy, yt thou shuldest enter vnder my rofe,

Luke 18:11-14

11 The Pharise stode, and prayed by himself after this maner: I thanke the God, that I am not as other men, robbers, vnrighteous, aduouters, or as this publican. 12 I fast twyse in the weke, I geue the tithes of all that I haue. 13 And the publican stode afarre of, and wolde not lift vp his eyes to heauen, but smote vpon his brest, and sayde: God be thou mercyfull vnto me synner. 14 I tell you: This man wente downe in to his house iustified more the the other. For who so euer exalteth himself, shalbe brought lowe: and he that humbleth himself, shalbe exalted.

Romans 7:18

18 for I knowe that in me (yt is, in my flesh) there dwelleth no good thinge.To wyll is present wt me, but to perfourme yt which is good,

Romans 7:22-24

22 For I delite in the lawe of God after the inwarde man: 23 but I se another lawe in my membres, which stryueth agaynst ye lawe of my mynde, and taketh me presoner in ye lawe of synne, which is in my membres. 24 O wretched man that I am, who shal delyuer me from the body of this death?

1 Corinthians 3:1-3

1 And I brethren, coulde not speake vnto you as vnto spirituall, but as vnto carnall, euen as vnto babes in Christ. 2 I gaue you mylke to drynke, and not meate, for ye mighte not then awaye withall, nether maye ye yet euen now, in so moch as ye are yet fleshlye. 3 For seynge there is enuyenge, stryfe, and discencion amonge you, are ye not fleshly, & walke after ye maner of men?

Ephesians 3:8

8 Vnto me the leest of all sayntes is this grace geuen, that I shulde preach amonge the Heythe ye vnsearcheable riches of Christ,

Hebrews 4:12

12 For ye worde of God is quycke, and mightie in operacion, and sharper the eny two edged swerde, and entreth thorow, euen to the deuydinge of the soule & the sprete, and of ye ioyntes & the mary, and is a iudger of the thoughtes & intetes of the hert,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.