Revelation 10:5 Cross References - Coverdale

5 And the angel which I sawe stonde vpo the see, and vpon the earth, lifte vppe his honde to heauen,

Genesis 1:1-2

1 In ye begynnynge God created heauen & earth: 2 and ye earth was voyde and emptie, and darcknes was vpon the depe, & ye sprete of God moued vpo the water.

Genesis 14:22

22 But Abram sayde vnto the kinge of Sodome: I lift vp my honde vnto the LORDE the most hye God, possessor of heauen and earth,

Genesis 22:15-16

15 And the angell of the LORDE cryed vnto Abraham from heauen the seconde tymy, 16 and sayde: I haue sworen by myne owne self (sayeth the LORDE) that for so moch as thou hast done this, and hast not spared thine onely sonne,

Exodus 6:8

8 and will brynge you into the lande, ouer the which I haue lift vp my hande, to geue it vnto Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, ye same wil I geue vnto you for a possession. I the LORDE.

Exodus 20:11

11 For in sixe dayes the LORDE made heauen and earth, and the see, and all that therin is, and rested vpon the seuenth daye: therfore the LORDE blessed the seuenth daye, & halowed it.

Deuteronomy 32:40

40 For I wil lifte vp my hande to heauen, & wyl saye: I lyue euer.

Nehemiah 9:6

6 LORDE, thou art alone, thou hast made heauen, and the heauen of all heauens, with all their hoost, the earth and all that therin is, the See and all that is therin: thou geuest life vnto all, and ye hoost of heauen bowe themselues vnto the.

Psalms 95:3-6

3 For the LORDE is a greate God, and a greate kynge aboue all goddes. 4 In his honde are all ye corners of the earth, and the strength of the hilles is his also. 5 The see is his, for he made it, and his hondes prepared the drie lode. 6 O come, let vs worshipe and bowe downe oure selues: Let vs knele before the LORDE oure maker.

Psalms 146:5

5 Which made heauen and earth, ye see and all that therin is, which kepeth his promise for euer

Psalms 148:1-7

1 O prayse the LORDE of heauen, prayse him in the heyth. 2 Prayse him all ye angels of his, prayse hi all his hoost. 3 Prayse him Sonne & Moone, prayse him all ye starres & light. 4 Prayse him all ye heauens, & ye waters yt be vnder the heauens. 5 Let them prayse the name of the LORDE, for he comaunded, & they were made. 6 He hath made the fast for euer and euer, he hath geue them a lawe which shal not be broke. 7 Prayse the LORDE vpon earth, ye whalfishes and all depes.

Jeremiah 10:10-13

10 But the LORDE is a true God, a lyuinge God, and an euerlastinge kinge. Yf he be wroth, the earth shaketh: all the Getiles maye not abyde his indignacion. 11 As for their goddes, it maye well be sayde of the: they are goddes, that made nether heaue ner earth: therfore shal they perish fro the earth, and from all thinges vnder heauen. 12 But (as for oure God) he made the earth with his power, and with his wisdome hath he fynished the whole compasse of the worlde, with his discrecion hath he spred out the heauens, 13 At his voyce the waters gather together in the ayre, he draweth vp ye cloudes from the vttemost partes of ye earth: he turneth lighteninge to rayne, and brigeth forth the wyndes out of their treasuries:

Ezekiel 20:5

5 & tell the: Thus saieth the LORDE God: In the daye when I chose Israel, and lift vp myne honde vpon the sede of the house of Iacob, & shewed my self vnto them in the londe of Egipte: Yee when I lifte vp myne honde ouer the, and sayde: I am the LORDE youre God,

Ezekiel 20:15

15 But I swore vnto them in the wildernesse, that I wolde not bringe them into the londe, which I gaue them: a londe that floweth with mylcke & hony, & is a pleasure of all londes:

Ezekiel 20:23

23 I lift vp myne honde ouer them also in the wildernesse, that I wolde scatre them amonge the Heithen, and strowe them amonge the nacions:

Ezekiel 20:28

28 For after I had brought them in to the londe, yt I promysed to geue them, when they sawe euery hie hill & all the thicke trees: they made there their offringes, and prouoked me with their oblacions, makinge swete sauoures there, & poured out their drinkeofferinges.

Ezekiel 20:42

42 and that ye maye knowe, that I am the LORDE, which haue brought you in to the londe of Israel: yee in to the same lode, that I swore to geue vnto youre forefathers.

Ezekiel 36:7

7 therfore thus saieth the LORDE God: I haue sworne, that the Gentiles which lye aboute you, shal beare youre confucion them selues.

Ezekiel 47:14

14 Parte it indifferently vnto one as vnto another: of the which lode I swore vnto youre fathers, that it shulde fall to youre enheritaunce.

Daniel 12:7

7 Then herde I the man with the lynnynge clothes, which stode aboue vpon the waters of the floude: when he helde vp his right and left honde vnto heauen, & sware by him which lyueth for euer: that it shal tary for a tyme, two tymes & half a tyme: & when the power of the holy people is clene scatred abrode, the shal all these thinges be fulfilled.

Acts 14:15

15 and sayenge: Ye me, Why do ye this? We are mortall me also like vnto you, & preach vnto you ye Gospell, that ye shulde turne from these vayne thinges vnto ye lyuynge God, which made heaue and earth, and the see, and all that therin is,

Acts 17:23

23 I haue gone thorow, & sene youre gods seruyce, and founde an altare, where vpo was wrytten: To the vnknowne God. Now shewe I vnto you ye same, whom ye worshippe ignorauntly.

Romans 1:20

20 that the inuisible thinges of God (that is, his euerlastinge power and Godheade) mighte be sene whyle they are considered by the workes from the creacion of the worlde: so that they are without excuse,

Hebrews 6:13

13 For whan God made promes to Abraham, because he had none greater to sweare by, he sware by himselfe,

Revelation 1:18

18 and am alyue, and was deed. And beholde, I am alyue for euer more and haue the kayes of hell & of deth.

Revelation 4:9

9 And when those beestes gaue glory and honour and thankes to him that sat on the seate, which lyueth for euer and euer:

Revelation 4:11

11 thou art worthy LORDE to receaue glory, and honor, and power, for thou hast created all thinges, and for thy willes sake they are, and were created.

Revelation 10:2

2 and he had in his honde a lytell boke opyn: and he put his right fote vpon ye see, and his lifte fote on ye earth.

Revelation 14:7

7 sayege with a lowde voyce: Feare God, and geue honour to him, for the houre of his iudgement is come: and worshippe him that made heauen and earth, and the see, and the fountaynes off water.

Revelation 16:17

17 And the seuenth angell poured out his viall in to the ayre. And there came a greate voyce out of heauen from the seate, sayenge: It is done.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.