Psalms 68:18 Cross References - Coverdale

18 Thou art gone vp an hye, thou hast led captyuite captyue, & receaued giftes for me: Yee euen for thy enemies, that they might dwell with the LORDE God.

Judges 5:12

12 Vp Debbora vp, get the vp, get the vp, & rehearse a songe. Arise Barak, & catch him yt catched the, thou sonne of Abinoam.

2 Chronicles 6:18

18 For thinkest thou that God in very dede dwelleth amonge men vpon earth? Beholde, the heauen and ye heauens of all heauens maye not coteyne the: how shulde then this house do it, which I haue buylded?

Psalms 7:7

7 That the congregacion of the people maye come aboute the, for their sakes therfore lift vp thyselff agayne,

Psalms 24:3

3 Who shal go vp in to the hill off the LORDE? Or, who shal remayne in his holy place?

Psalms 24:7-10

7 Sela. Open yor gates (o ye prices) let the euerlastinge dores be opened, yt ye kynge of glory maye come in. 8 Who is this kynge of glory? It is the LORDE stroge and mightie, euen the LORDE mightie in batell. 9 Open youre gates (o ye prynces) let the euerlastinge dores be opened, yt the kynge off glory maye come in. 10 Who is this kynge off glory? It is the LORDE of hoostes, he is the kynge of glory. Sela.

Psalms 47:5

5 Sela. God is gone vp wt a mery noyse, & the LORDE wt the sownde of the tropet.

Psalms 78:60

60 When God herde this, he was wroth, and toke sore displeasure at Israel.

Psalms 110:1

1 The LORDE sayde vnto my LORDE: Syt thou on my right hande, vntill I make thine enemies thy fotestole.

Psalms 132:13-14

13 Yf thy children wil kepe my couenaunt, & my testimony yt I shal lerne the, their childre also shal syt vpo thy seate for euermore. 14 For the LORDE hath chosen Sio, to be an habitacio for him self hath he chosen her.

Proverbs 1:22-23

22 O ye childre, how loge wil ye loue childyshnesse? how longe wil ye scorners delyte in scornynge, & ye vnwyse be enemies vnto knowlege? 23 O turne you vnto my correccion: lo, I wil expresse my mynde vnto you, and make you vnderstode my wordes.

Isaiah 55:7

7 Let the vngodly man forsake his wayes, ad the vnrightuous his ymaginacios, & turne agayne vnto the LORDE, so shal he be merciful vnto him: and to oure God, for he is redy to forgeue.

Isaiah 57:15

15 For thus saieth the hie and excellet, euen he that dwelleth in euerlastingnesse, whose name is the holyone: I dwel hie aboue and in the sanctuary, & with him also, yt is of a cotrite and huble sprete: yt I maye heale a troubled mynde, and a cotrite herte.

Ezekiel 48:35

35 Thus shal it haue xviij M measures roude aboute. And from that tyme forth, ye name of the cite shalbe: the LORDE is there.

Matthew 9:13

13 Go and learne, what that meaneth: I haue pleasure in mercy, and not in offerynge. For I am not come to call the righteous, but ye synners to repentaunce,

Mark 16:9

9 But Iesus, whan he was rysen vp early vpo the first daye of the Sabbathes, he appeared first vnto Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast out seuen deuels.

Luke 24:47

47 and to let repentaunce and remyssion, of synnes be preached in his name amoge all nacions, and to begynne at Ierusale.

Luke 24:49

49 And beholde, I wil sende vpon you the promes of my father: but ye shal tary in the cite of Ierusalem, tyll ye be endewed with power from aboue.

Luke 24:51

51 And it came to passe wha he blessed them, he departed from them, and was caried vp in to heauen.

John 14:16-17

16 And I wyl praye the father, and he shal geue you another comforter, that he maye byde wt you for euer: 17 euen ye sprete of trueth, whom ye worlde can not receaue, for it seyth him not, nether doth it knowe him: but ye knowe him, for he abydeth wt you, & shalbe in you

John 14:23

23 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto him: He that loueth me, wyl kepe my worde, and my father wyl loue him: and we wyl come vnto him, and wyll make oure dwellynge with him.

John 16:7

7 Neuertheles I tell you the trueth, It is better for you yt I go awaye: For yf I go not awaye that comforter commeth not vnto you: but yf I departe, I wil sende hi vnto you.

John 16:13-15

13 howbeit whan he (the sprete of trueth commeth) he shal lede you in to all trueth. For he shal not speake of himself, but what soeuer he shal heare, that shal he speake: and he shall shewe you, what is for to come. 14 He shal glorifye me: for he shal receaue of myne, and shal shewe vnto you. 15 All that the father hath, is myne. Therfore haue I sayde: he shal receaue of myne, and shewe vnto you.

Acts 1:2-9

2 vntyll ye daye that he was taken vp, after that he (thorow the holy goost) had geuen commaundementes to to the Apostles, whom he had chosen: 3 to who also he shewed himself alyue after his passion, by many tokes, and appeared vnto them fourtye dayes longe, and spake vnto them of the kyngdome of God. 4 And whan he had gathered them together, he commaunded them that they shulde not departe from Ierusalem, but to wayte for the promyse of the father, wherof (sayde he) ye haue herde of me: 5 For Ihon baptysed with water, but ye shalbe baptysed wt ye holy goost, & that within this few dayes. 6 Now whan they were come together, they axed him, and sayde: LORDE, shalt thou at this tyme set vp the kyngdome of Israel agayne? 7 But he sayde vnto them: It belongeth not vnto you to knowe the tymes or seasons, which the father hath kepte in his awne power, 8 but ye shal receaue the power of ye holy goost, which shal come vpon you, and ye shalbe my witnesses at Ierusalem, and in all Iewrye and Samaria, and vnto the ende of the earth. 9 And whan he had spoken these thinges, whyle they behelde, he was taken vp, and a cloude receaued him from their sight.

Acts 2:4

4 and they were all fylled with the holy goost. And they beganne to preach with other tunges, euen as the sprete gaue them vtteraunce.

Acts 2:23

23 him (after that he was delyuered by the determinate councell and foreknowlege of God) haue ye taken by the handes of vnrighteous personnes, and crucifyed him, & slayne him,

Acts 2:33-41

33 Seynge now that he by the right hande of God is exalted, and hath receaued of ye father ye promyse of the holy goost, he hath shed forth this, that ye se and heare. 34 For Dauid is not ascended in to heauen, but he sayde: The LORDE sayde vnto my LORDE: Syt thou on my righte hande, 35 vntyll I make thine enemies yi fote stole. 36 So therfore let all the house of Israel knowe for a suertye, yt God hath made this same Iesus (whom ye haue crucified) LORDE and Christ. 37 Whan they herde this, their hert pricked them, and they sayde vnto Peter and to the other Apostles: Ye men and brethre, What shal we do? 38 Peter sayde onto them: Amede youre selues, and let euery one of you be baptysed in the name of Iesus Christ, for the remyssion of synnes, and ye shal receaue the gifte of the holy goost. 39 For this promyse was made vnto you and youre children, and to all that are farre of, who so euer the LORDE oure God shal call. 40 And wt many other wordes bare he witnesse, and exorted them, and sayde: Saue youre selues from this vntowarde generacion. 41 They that gladly receaued his preachinge, were baptysed, & the same daye there were added vnto them aboute thre thousande soules.

Acts 9:17

17 And Ananias wente his waye, and came in to the house, and layed the handes vpon him, and sayde: Brother Saul, the LORDE which appeared vnto ye in the waye as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest receaue thy sight, and be fylled with the holy goost.

Romans 5:8

8 Therfore doth God set forth his loue towarde vs, in yt Christ dyed for vs,whan we were yet synners:

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

9 Knowe ye not that ye vnrighteous shal not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not disceaued. Nether whoremongers, ner worshippers off ymages, ner breakers off wedlocke, ner weaklinges, nether abusers of them selues with mankynde, 10 ner theues, nether the couetous, ner drokardes, ner cursed speakers, ner extorcioners shal inheret the kyngdome of God. 11 And soch haue some of you bene, but ye are wasshed, ye are sanctified, ye are made righteous by the name of the LORDE Iesus, and by the sprete of oure God.

1 Corinthians 15:45-47

45 As it is wrytten: The first man Adam was made in to a naturall life, and the last Ada in to a spiritual life. 46 Howbeit the spirituall body is not the first, but ye naturall, and then the spirituall. 47 The first man is of the earth, earthy: ye seconde ma is fro heaue, heauely.

2 Corinthians 6:16

16 How acordeth ye teple of God with ymages? Ye are the temple of the lyuynge God, as sayeth God: I wyl dwell in them, and walke in them, and wyl be their God, & they shalbe my people.

Ephesians 4:8-10

8 Therfore sayeth he: He is gone vp an hye, and hath led awaye captiuyte captyue, and hath geue giftes vnto men. 9 That he wente, vp what is it, but that he first came downe in to ye lowest partes of ye earth? 10 He that came downe, is euen the same which is gone vp aboue all heauens, to fulfill all.

Colossians 1:18-19

18 And he is the heade of the body, namely, of the cogregacion: he is the begynnynge and first begotten from the deed, that in all thinges he mighte haue the preemynence. 19 For it pleased the father, that in him shulde dwell all fulnesse,

Colossians 2:3

3 in whom are hyd all the treasures of wyssdome and knowlege.

Colossians 2:9

9 For in him dwelleth all the fulnes of the Godheade bodely,

1 Timothy 1:13-15

13 wha before I was a blasphemer, & a persecuter, & a tyraunt: but I optayned mercy, because I dyd it ignorauntly in vnbeleue. 14 Neuertheles the grace of or LORDE was more abudaunt thorow ye faith & loue which is in Christ Iesu. 15 For this is a true sayenge, and by all meanes worthy to be receaued, that Christ Iesus came in to ye worlde to saue synners, of whom I am chefe.

Titus 3:3-7

3 For we oure selues also were in tymes past, vnwyse, dishobedient, in erroure, seruynge lustes and dyuerse maners of voluptuousnes, lyuynge in maliciousnes and envye, full of hate, hatynge one another. 4 But after that ye kyndnesse and loue of God oure Sauioure to man warde appeared, 5 not for ye dedes of righteousnes which we wroughte, but after his mercy he saued vs by the fountayne of the new byrth, and renuynge of the holy goost, 6 which he shed on vs abundauntly, thorow Iesus Christ oure Sauioure: 7 yt we beynge made righteous by his grace, shulde be heyres of eternall life acordynge to hope.

Hebrews 1:3

3 Which (sonne) beynge the brightnes of his glory, & the very ymage of his substaunce, bearinge vp all thinges with the worde of his power, hath in his owne personne pourged oure synnes, and is set on the righte hande of the maiestie on hye:

Hebrews 4:14

14 Seynge then that we haue a greate hye prest, eue Iesus ye sonne of God, which is entred in to heauen, let vs holde oure profession.

Hebrews 6:20

20 whither the foreruner is for vs entred in, eue Iesus, which is made an hye prest for euer after ye order of Melchisedech.

Hebrews 8:1

1 Of the thinges which we haue spoken, this is the pyth: We haue soch an hye prest, that is set on ye righte hande of the seate of maiestie in heaue:

1 Peter 3:22

22 which is on the righte hande of God, and is gone in to heaue, angels, power and mighte subdued vnto him.

Revelation 1:20-2:1

20 & the mistery of the seuen starres which thou sawest in my right honde, and the seuen golden candelstickes. The seuen starres are the angels of the seue congregacions: And the seuen candelstyckes which thou sawest, are the seuen congregacions.

Revelation 21:3

3 And I herde a greate voyce from the seate, sayenge: beholde, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he wil dwell with them. And they shalbe his people, and God himselfe shalbe with the, and shalbe their God.

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