Psalms 112:9 Cross References - Coverdale

9 He hath sparsed abrode, & geue to the poore, his rightuousnes remayneth for euer, his horne shalbe exalted wt honor.

Deuteronomy 15:11

11 The londe shal neuer be without poore, therfore commaunde I the and saye, that thou open thine hande vnto thy brother, which is neady and poore in thy londe.

Deuteronomy 24:13

13 but shalt delyuer him his pledge agayne, whan the Sonne goeth downe, that he maye slepe in his awne rayment, and blesse the, so shall the same be rekened vnto the for righteousnes before the LORDE thy God.

1 Samuel 2:1

1 And Anna prayed, and sayde: My hert reioyseth in the LORDE, & my horne is exalted in the LORDE. My mouth is opened wyde vpo myne enemies, for I am glad of thy saluacion.

1 Samuel 2:30

30 Therfore sayeth the LORDE God of Israel: I haue spoken, that thy house and thy fathers house shulde walke before me for euer. But now sayeth the LORDE: That be farre fro me. But who so euer honoureth me, him wil I honor also: as for those yt despyse me, they shal not be regarded.

Psalms 75:10

10 But I wil talke of the God of Iacob, & prayse him for euer. All the hornes of the vngodly will I breake, & ye hornes of the rightuous shalbe exalted.

Psalms 92:10

10 But my horne shalbe exalted like the horne of an Vnicorne, & shal be anoynted with fresh oyle.

Psalms 112:3

3 Riches & pleteousnesse shalbe in his house, & his rightuousnes endureth for euer.

Proverbs 11:24-25

24 Some man geueth out his goodes, and is the richer, but ye nygarde (hauynge ynough) wil departe from nothinge, and yet is euer in pouerte. 25 He that is lyberall in geuynge, shal haue plenty: and he that watereth, shalbe watered also himself.

Proverbs 19:17

17 He yt hath pitie vpon the poore, ledeth vnto ye LORDE: & loke what he layeth out, it shalbe payed him agayne.

Ecclesiastes 11:1-2

1 Sende thy vytayles ouer the waters, and so shalt thou fynde the after many yeares. 2 Geue it awaye amonge seuen or eight, for thou knowest not what misery shal come vpo earth.

Ecclesiastes 11:6

6 Cease not thou therfore with thy handes to sowe thy sede, whether it be in ye mornynge or in the euenynge: for thou knowest not whether this or that shall prospere, & yf they both take, it is the better.

Isaiah 32:8

8 But the liberall person ymagineth honest thinges, and commeth vp with honesty.

Isaiah 58:7

7 It pleaseth not me, till thou deale thy bred to the hongrie, & brynge the poore fatherlesse home in to thy house, when thou seist the naked that thou couer him, and hyde not thy face fro thine owne flesh.

Isaiah 58:10

10 yf thou hast compassion vpon the hongrie, and refre?shest ye troubled soule: Then shal thy light springe out in the darknesse, and thy darknesse shalbe as the noone daye.

Matthew 6:4

4 that thine almes maye be secrete: and thy father which seith in secrete, shall rewarde the openly.

Mark 14:7

7 Ye haue allwaye the poore with you, and wha so euer ye wil, ye maye do the good: but me haue ye not allwaie.

Luke 11:41

41 Neuertheles geue almesse of that ye haue, and beholde, all is cleane vnto you.

Luke 12:33

33 Sell that ye haue, and geue almesse. Make you bagges, which waxe not olde: euen a treasure that neuer fayleth in heauen, where no thefe commeth, and no moth corruppeth:

Luke 14:12-14

12 He sayde also vnto him that had bydden him: Wha thou makest a dyner or a supper, call not thy frendes, ner thy brethren, ner thy kynsfolkes, ner yi riche neghbours, lest they call the agayne, and recompece be made ye. 13 But wha thou makest a feast, call the poore, the crepell, the lame, the blynde, 14 then art thou blessed, for they can not recompece ye. But it shalbe recompensed the in the resurreccion of the righteous.

Luke 16:9

9 And I saye vnto you: Make you frendes with the vnrighteous Mammon, yt whan ye shal haue nede, they maye receaue you in to euerlastinge Tabernacles.

Luke 18:22

22 Wha Iesus herde that, he sayde vnto him: Yet lackest thou one thinge, sell all that thou hast, and geue it vnto ye poore, and thou shalt haue a treasure in heauen, and come & folowe me.

John 13:29

29 Some thought (for so moch as Iudas had the bagge) that Iesus had sayde vnto him: Bye that is necessary for vs agaynst the feast: Or that he shulde geue some thinge vnto the poore.

Acts 4:35

35 and layed it at the Apostles fete. And distribucion was made vnto euery ma, acordinge as he had nede.

Acts 20:35

35 I haue shewed you all thinges, how that so labouringe ye oughte to receaue the weake, and to remembre the worde of the LORDE, how that he sayde: It is more blessed to geue, then to receaue.

Romans 12:13

13 Distribute vnto the necessities of the sayntes. Be glad to harbarow.

2 Corinthians 8:9

9 For ye knowe the liberalite of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, which though he be riche, yet for youre sakes he became poore, yt ye thorow his pouerte mighte be made riche.

2 Corinthians 9:9-15

9 As it is wrytte: He hath sparsed abrode & geue to ye poore, his righteousnes remayneth for euer. 10 He that geueth sede vnto the sower, shal mynistre bred also for fode, and shal multiplye youre sede, and increase the frutes of yor righteousnes, 11 that in all thinges ye maye be made riche vnto all singlenesse, which causeth thorow vs, thankesgeuynge vnto God. 12 For the hadreachinge of this colleccion not onely suppleeth the nede off the sayntes, but also is abudaunt herin, that for this laudable mynistracion many mighte geue thakes vnto God, 13 and prayse God for yor obedient professynge of the Gospell of Christ, & for yor synglenesse in distributynge vnto the, and to all men, 14 and in their prayer for you, which longe after you, for the abundaunt grace of God in you. 15 Thankes be vnto God for his vnoutspeakeable gifte.

1 Timothy 6:18

18 That they do good: that they be rich in good workes: that they geue and distribute with a good wyll:

Hebrews 6:10

10 For God is not vnrighteous, that he shulde forget youre worke and laboure of loue, which ye shewed in his name, whan ye mynistred vnto the sayntes, and yet mynister.

Hebrews 13:16

16 To do good and to destribute forget not, for wt soch sacrifices God is pleased.

James 2:15-16

15 If a brother or a sister be naked or destitute of dayly fode, 16 & one of you saye vnto them: Departe in peace, God sende you warmnes and fode: notwithstodinge ye geue them not tho thinges which are nedfull to the body: what helpeth it them?

1 John 3:16-18

16 Hereby haue we perceaued loue, that he gaue his life for vs, and therfore ought we also to geue oure lyues for the brethre. 17 But he yt hath this worldes good, & seyth his brother haue nede, and shutteth vp his hert fro him, how dwelleth the loue of God in him? 18 My litle children, let vs not loue with worde nether with tonge, but with ye dede, and with the trueth.

Revelation 22:11

11 He that doeth euell, let him do euell styll: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy styll: and he that is righteous, let him be more righteous: and he that is holy, let him be more holy.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.