Psalms 103:8 Cross References - Coverdale

8 The LORDE is full of compassion and mercy, longe sufferinge, and of greate goodnesse.

Exodus 34:6-7

6 And whan ye LORDE passed by before his face, he cryed: LORDE LORDE, God, mercifull & gracious, & longe sufferinge, and of greate mercy and trueth, 7 thou that kepest mercy in stoare for thousandes, and forgeuest wickednes, trespace and synne (before whom there is no man innocent) thou that visitest the wickednesse of the fathers vpon ye children and childers children, vnto the thirde and fourth generacion.

Numbers 14:18

18 The LORDE is of longe sufferaunce and of greate mercy, and forgeueth synne and trespace, and leaueth no man innocent, & vysiteth the my?dede of the fathers vpon the children in to the thirde and fourth generacion.

Deuteronomy 5:10

10 & shewe mercye vpon many thousandes yt loue me, and kepe my commaundementes.

Nehemiah 9:17

17 and refused to heare, and were not myndefull of the wonders yt thou dyddest for them: but became obstynate and heady, in so moch that they turned back to their bondage in their dishobedience. But thou my God forgauest, and wast gracious, mercifull, pacient, and of greate goodnesse, and forsokest them not.

Psalms 86:5

5 For thou LORDE art good and gracious, & of greate mercy vnto all them that call vpon the.

Psalms 86:15

15 But thou (o LORDE God) art full of compassion and mercy, longesuffrynge, greate in goodnesse & trueth.

Psalms 130:7

7 Let Israel trust in the LORDE, for with the LORDE there is mercy and plenteous redempcion.

Psalms 145:8

8 The LORDE is gracious and mercifull, longe sufferynge & of greate goodnesse.

Isaiah 55:7

7 Let the vngodly man forsake his wayes, ad the vnrightuous his ymaginacios, & turne agayne vnto the LORDE, so shal he be merciful vnto him: and to oure God, for he is redy to forgeue.

Jeremiah 32:18

18 Thou shewest mercy vpon thousandes, thou recompecest the wickednes of the fathers, in to the besome of the children that come after them.

Joel 2:13

13 rente youre hertes, & not youre clothes. Turne you vnto the LORDE youre God, for he is gracious & mercifull, longe sufferynge & of greate compassion: & redy to pardone wickednes.

Jonah 4:2

2 And he prayed vnto the LORDE, and sayde: O LORDE, was not this my sayenge (I praye the) when I was yet in my countre? therfore I haisted rather to fle vnto Tharsis, for I knowe well ynough that thou art a mercifull God, full of compassion, loge sufferinge, and of greate kyndnesse, and repentest when thou shuldest take punyshment.

Nahum 1:3

3 The LORDE suffreth longe, he is of greate power, & so innocent, that he leaueth no man fautlesse before him. The LORDE goeth forth in tempest and stormy wether, the cloudes are the dust of his fete.

Romans 5:20-21

20 But the lawe in the meane tyme entred, that synne shulde increace. Neuertheles where abundaunce of synne was, there was yet more plenteousnes of grace: 21 that, like as synne had reigned vnto death, eue so mighte grace reigne also thorow righteousnes to euerlastinge life by the meanes of Iesus Christ.

Ephesians 1:7-8

7 in whom we haue redempcion thorow his bloude (namely) the forgeuenes of synnes, acordynge to ye riches of his grace, 8 which he hath shed vpon vs abundauntly in all wyssdome and prudece:

James 5:11

11 Beholde we counte them happy which endure. Ye haue hearde of ye paciece of Iob, and haue knowen what ende the LORDE made. For the LORDE is very pitifull and mercifull.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.