Nehemiah 9:11 Cross References - Coverdale

11 And the reed See partedst thou in sunder before them, so that they wete thorow the myddes of the See drye shod: & their persecuters threwest thou in to the depe as a stone, in the mightie waters,

Exodus 14:21-22

21 Wha Moses now stretched forth his hade ouer ye see, the LORDE caused it to passe awaye thorow a mightie eastwynde all that night, and made the see drye, and ye water deuyded it self a sunder. 22 And the children of Israel wente in thorow the middest of ye see vpon the drye grounde: and ye water was vnto them as a wall, vpon their right hande & vpo their lefte.

Exodus 14:27-28

27 Then Moses stretched out his hande ouer the see, and the see came agayne before daye in his course and strength, and the Egipcians fled agaynst it. Thus the LORDE ouerthrew them in the myddest of the see, 28 so that the water came agayne, and couered ye charettes and horsmen, and all Pharaos power which folowed after them in to the see, so that there remayned not one of them.

Exodus 15:1-21

1 Then sange Moses and the childre of Israel this songe vnto the LORDE, and sayde: I will synge vnto ye LORDE, for he hath done gloriously, horse & charet hath he ouerthrowne in the see. 2 The LORDE is my strength, and my songe, and is become my saluacion. This is my God, I wil magnifie him: He is my fathers God, I wil exalte him. 3 The LORDE is the right man of warre, LORDE is his name. 4 The charettes of Pharao & his power, hath he cast in to the see. His chosen captaynes are drowned in the reed see, 5 ye depe hath couered them: they fell to the grounde as a stone. 6 Thy right hande (O LORDE) is glorious in power: thy right hade (O LORDE) hath smytten the enemies. 7 And with thy greate glory thou hast destroyed thine aduersaries: thou sentest out yi wrath, & it cosumed them, euen as stobble. 8 In the breth of thy wrath the waters fell together, the floudes wente vpon a heape: The depes plomped together in ye myddest of the see. 9 The enemie thought: I will folowe vpon them, and ouertake them, and deuyde ye spoyle, and coole my mynde vpon them. I wil drawe out my swerde, and my hande shal destroye them. 10 Thou blewest with thy wynde, the see couered them, and they sancke downe as leed in the mightie waters. 11 LORDE, who is like vnto the amonge ye goddes? Who is so glorious in holynes, fearfull, laudable, and doinge wonders? 12 When thou stretchedest out yi right hande, the earth swalowed them vp. 13 Thou of yi very mercy hast led this people, whom thou hast delyuered, and with yi strength thou hast brought them vnto the dwellynge of thy Sanctuary. 14 Whan ye nacions herde this, they raged, sorowe came vpon the Philistynes. 15 Then were ye prynces of Edom afrayed, tremblynge came vpo ye mightie of Moab, all the indwellers of Canaan waxed faynte harted. 16 Let feare and drede fall vpon them thorow thy greate arme, that they maye be as styll as a stone, tyll thy people (O LORDE) be gone thorow, tyll yi people whom thou hast gotten, be gone thorow. 17 Brynge them in, and plante them vpon the mountayne of thy enheritaunce, vnto ye place that thou hast made for thyne owne dwellynge: euen to yi teple (O LORDE) which thy handes haue prepared. 18 The LORDE shal be kynge for euer & euer. 19 For Pharao wente in to the see with horses, and charettes, and horsmen, and the LORDE made the see fall agayne vpon them. But the children of Israel wete drye thorow the myddest of the see. 20 And Miriam the prophetisse, Aarons sister, toke a tymbrell in hir hande, and all the women folowed out after her with timbrels in a daunse. 21 And Miriam sange before the: O let vs synge vnto the LORDE, for he hath done gloriously, man and horse hath he ouerthrowne in the see.

Psalms 66:6

6 He ruleth with his power for euer, his eyes beholde the people: the rennagates shal not be able to exalte them selues.

Psalms 78:13

13 Maruelous thinges dyd he in the sight of their fathers in the londe of Egipte, euen in the felde of Zoan.

Psalms 106:9-11

9 He rebuked the reed see, and it was dried vp: so he led the thorow the depe as in a wildernesse. 10 Thus he saued them from the honde of the hater, & delyuered them from the honde of the enemie. 11 As for those yt troubled them, the waters ouerwhelmed the, there was not one of the left.

Psalms 114:3-5

3 The see sawe that, and fled, Iordan turned backe. 4 The mountaynes skipped like rammes, & the litle hilles like yonge shepe. 5 What ayled the (o thou see) that thou fleddest? and thou Iordan, that thou turnedest backe?

Psalms 136:13-15

13 Which deuyded the reed see in to partes, for his mercy endureth for euer. 14 And made Israel to go thorow ye myddest of it, for his mercy endureth for euer 15 But as for Pharao and his hoost, he ouerthrewe them in the reed see, for his mercy endureth for euer.

Isaiah 63:11-13

11 Yet remebred he the olde tyme, of Moses & his people: How he brought them from the water of the see, as a shepherde doth with his shepe: how he had geuen his holy sprete amonge them: 12 how he had led Moses by the right honde with his glorious arme: how he had deuyded the water before them (wherby he gat him self an euerlastinge name) 13 how he led them in the depe, as an horse is led in the playne, that they shulde not stomble.

Hebrews 11:29

29 By faith they passed thorow the reed See as by drye londe: which wha the Egipcians assayed to do, they were drowned.

Revelation 18:21

21 And a mighty angell toke vp a greate stone lyke a mylstone, and cast it in to the see, sayenge: with suche violece shal that greate cite Babylon be cast, and shalbe founde no more.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.