Micah 4:13 Cross References - Coverdale

13 Therfore get the vp (o thou doughter Sion) and throsshe out the corne: For I wil make thy horne yron, and thy clawes brasse, that thou mayest grynde many people: their goodes shalt thou appropriate vnto the LORDE, and their substaunce vnto the ruler off the whole worlde.

Deuteronomy 33:25

25 Yron and brasse be on thy shues. Thyne age be as thy youth.

Joshua 6:19

19 But all the syluer and golde, with the ornametes of brasse & yron, shalbe sanctified vnto the LORDE, that it maye come to the LORDES treasure.

2 Samuel 8:10-11

10 he sent his sonne Ioram vnto Dauid to salute him frendly, & to blesse him, because he had foughten with Adad Eser and smytten him (for Thoi had warre with Hadad Eser) and had Iewels with him of syluer, of golde, and of brasse: 11 which kynge Dauid halowed also vnto ye LORDE, with the syluer and golde which he sanctified vnto the LORDE from all the Heythe, whom he subdued,

Psalms 68:29

29 For thy teples sake at Ierusalem shal kynges brynge presentes vnto the.

Psalms 72:10

10 The kynges of the see and of the Iles shal brynge presentes, ye kinges of Araby & Saba shall offre giftes.

Isaiah 5:28

28 Their arowes are sharpe, and their bowes bent. Their horse hoofes are like flynt, and their cartwheles like a stormy wynde.

Isaiah 18:7

7 Then shal there be a present brought vnto the LORDE of hoostes: euen that harde folke, that fearful folke, and that further is the this: yt desperate and pylled folke (whose londe is deuyded from vs with floudes of water) vnto the place of the name of the LORDE of hoostes: euen vnto the hill of Sion.

Isaiah 23:18

18 But all hir occupiege and wynnynge, shalbe halowed vnto the LORDE. For then shal they laye vp nothinge behinde them nor vpon heapes: but the marchaudise of Tirus shal beloge vnto the citisens of the LORDE, to the fedinge and susteninge of the hugrie, and to the clothinge of the aged.

Isaiah 41:15-16

15 Beholde, I wil make the a treadinge cart & a new flale, yt thou mayest throsshe & grynde the mountaynes, and bringe the hilles to poulder. 16 Thou shalt fanne them, & the wynde shal carie them awaye, & the whyrlwynde shal scatre the. But thou shalt reioyse in the LORDE, and shalt delite in praysinge the holyone of Israel.

Isaiah 60:6-9

6 The multitude of Camels shal couer ye, the Dromedaries of Madia and Epha. All they of Saba shal come, bringinge golde & incense, & shewinge the prayse of the LORDE. 7 All the catel of Cedar shalbe gathered vnto ye, the rames of Nabaioth shal serue the, to be offred vpo myne aulter, which I haue chosen, & in the house of my glory which I haue garnished. 8 But what are these that fle here like the cloudes, and as the doues flienge to their wyndowes? 9 The Iles also shal gather the vnto me, and specially the shippes of ye see: that they maye bringe the sonnes from farre, and their syluer and their golde with them, vnto the name of the LORDE thy God, vnto the holy one of Israel, that hath glorified the.

Jeremiah 51:33

33 For thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: The doughter of Babilon hath bene in hir tyme like as a thre?shinge floore, but shortly shal hir haruest come.

Daniel 2:44

44 In the dayes off these kynges, shall the God of heauen set vp an euerlastinge kyngdome which shall not perish, and his kyngdome shall not be geuen ouer to another people: Yee the same shall breake and destroye all these kyngdomes, but it shall endure for euer.

Micah 5:8-15

8 Yee the residue of Iacob shalbe amonge the Gentiles and the multitude off people, as the lyon amonge the beestes of ye wodde, and as the lyons whelpe amonge a flocke of shepe: which (when he goeth thorow) treadeth downe, teareth in peces, and there is no man that can helpe. 9 Thyne honde shalbe lift vp vpon thine enemies, and all thine aduersaries shal perish. 10 The tyme shal come also (sayeth the LORDE) that I wil take thine horses from the, & destroye thy charettes. 11 I will breake downe the cities off thy londe, and ouerthrewe all thy stronge holdes. 12 All witchcraftes will I rote out of thyne hande, there shall no mo soythsayenges be within the. 13 Thine Idols and thyne ymages will I destroye out of ye so that thou shalt nomore bowe thy self vnto the workes of thyne owne hondes. 14 Thy groues wil I plucke vp by the rotes, & breake downe thy cities. 15 Thus will I be aueged also, vpon all Heithen that will not heare.

Zechariah 4:14

14 Then sayde he: These are the two olyue braunches, that stonde before the ruler of the whole earth.

Zechariah 6:5

5 The angel answered, & sayde vnto me: These are the iiij. wyndes of the heauen, which be come forth to stode before the ruler of all ye earth.

Zechariah 9:13-15

13 For Iuda haue I bent out as a bowe for me, and Ephraim haue I fylled. Thy sonnes (o Sio) wil I rayse vp agaynst the Grekes, and make the as a giauntes swearde: 14 the LORDE God shalbe sene aboue the, and his dartes shall go forth as the lightenynge. The LORDE God shall blowe the trompet, and shal come forth as a storme out of the south. 15 The LORDE of hoostes shall defende the, they shall consume and deuoure, and subdue them with slynge stones. They shal drynke & rage, as it were thorow wyne. They shalbe fylled like ye basens, & as ye hornes of ye aulter.

Romans 15:25-28

25 But now go I to Ierusalem, to mynister vnto the sayntes. 26 For they of Macedonia and Achaia haue wyllingly prepared a commen colleccion together, for the poore sayntes at Ierusalem. 27 They haue done it wyllingly, and their detters are they. For yf ye Heythen be made partakers off their spiritual thinges, their dutye is to mynister vnto the in bodely thinges. 28 Now whan I haue perfourmed this, and haue broughte the this frute sealed, I wil take my iourney by you in to Spayne.

1 Corinthians 16:2

2 Vpon some Sabbath daye let euery one of you put aside by him selfe, and laye vp what so euer he thinketh mete, that the colleccion be not to gather whan I come.

Revelation 2:26-27

26 and whosoeuer ouercometh and kepeth my workes vnto ye ende, to him wil I geue power ouer nacions, 27 and he shal rule them with a rodde of yron: and as the vessels of a potter, shal he breake them to sheuers. Eue as I receaued of my father,

Revelation 21:24-26

24 And ye people which are saued, shal walke in the light of it: and the kynges of the earth shal brynge their glory vnto it. 25 And the gates of it shal not be shut by daye. For there shalbe no nyght there. 26 (Omitted Text)

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.