Mark 14:24 Cross References - Coverdale

24 And he sayde vnto them: This is my bloude of the new Testament, which shalbe shed for many.

Exodus 24:8

8 Moses toke the bloude, & sprenkled it vpon the people, & sayde: Beholde, this is ye bloude of the couenaunt that the LORDE maketh wt you vpon all these wordes.

Zechariah 9:11

11 Thou also thorow the bloude of thy couenaunt: shalt let thy presoners out of the pytte, wherin is no water.

Mark 10:45

45 For the sonne of man also came not to be serued, but to do seruyce, and to geue his life to a redempcion for many.

John 6:53

53 Iesus sayde vnto the: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Excepte ye eate ye flesh of ye sonne of man and drynke his bloude, ye haue no life in you.

1 Corinthians 10:16

16 The cuppe of thakesgeuynge wherwith we geue thankes, is it not the partakinge of the bloude of Christ?

1 Corinthians 11:25

25 After the same maner also he toke ye cuppe whan supper was done, and sayde: This cuppe is the new Testament in my bloude, this do (as oft as ye drynke it) in the remebrauce of me.

Hebrews 9:15-23

15 And for this cause is he ye mediatour of the new Testament, that thorow death which chaunsed for the redempcion of those trasgressions (that were vnder the first Testament) they which were called mighte receaue the promes of eternall inheritaunce. 16 For where soeuer is a Testament, there must also be the death of him that maketh the testament. 17 For a Testamet taketh auctorite whan men are deed: for it is no value, as longe as he that made it is alyue. 18 For the which cause that first Testamet also was not ordeyned without bloude. 19 For whan all the commaundementes (acordinge to the lawe) were red of Moses vnto all the people, he toke ye bloude of calues and of goates, with water and purple woll and ysope, and sprenkled the boke and all the people, 20 sayenge: This is the bloude of the Testament, which God hath appoynted vnto you. 21 And the Tabernakle and all the vessels of the Gods seruyce sprenkled he with bloude likewyse. 22 And allmost all thinges are pourged with bloude after the lawe: and without sheddynge of bloude is no remyssion. 23 It is necessary then, that the symilitude of heauenly thinges be purified with soche: but ye heauenly thinges themselues are purified with better sacrifices, then are those.

Hebrews 13:20-21

20 The God of peace (that broughte agayue fro the deed oure LORDE Iesus the greate shepherde of the shepe thorow the bloude of the euerlastinge Testament) 21 make you perfecte in all good workes, to do his wyll, workynge in you that which is pleasaunt in his sighte thorow Iesus Christ, to whom be prayse for euer and euer Amen.

Revelation 5:8-10

8 And when he had taken the boke, the foure beestes and the xxiiij. elders fell downe before the lambe, hauinge harpes and golden vialles full of odoures (which are ye prayers of the sayntes) 9 and they songe a newe songe saynge: thou art worthy to take the boke & to ope the seales therof: for thou wast kylled, and hast redemed vs by thy bloud, out of all kynreddes, and toges, and people, and nacions, 10 & hast made vs vnto or God, kynges and prestes, and we shal raygne on ye earth.

Revelation 7:9-17

9 After this I behelde, and lo, a gret multitude (which no man coulde nombre) of all nacions and people, and tonges, stode before the seate, and before the lambe, clothed wt longe whyte garmetes, and palmes in their hondes, 10 and cryed with a loude voyce, sayenge: saluacion be asscribed to him yt sytteth vpon the seate of oure God, and vnto the lambe. 11 And all the angels stode in the compase of the seate, and of the elders and of the foure beastes, and fell before ye seat on their faces, and worshipped God, 12 sayenge, amen: Blessynge and glory, wissdome and thakes, and honour, and power and might, be vnto oure God for euermore Amen. 13 And one of the elders answered, sayenge vnto me: what are these which are arayed in longe whyte garmetes, and whence cam they? 14 And I sayde vnto him: LORDE thou wotest. And he sayde vnto me: these are they which cam out of gret tribulacion, and made their garmentes large, and made the whyte in the bloude of the lambe: 15 therfore are they in the presence of the seate of God and serue him daye and night in his temple, and he that sytteth in the seate, wyll dwell amonge them. 16 They shal honger nomore nether thyrst, nether shal the sonne lyght on them, nether eny heate: 17 For the labe which is in the myddes of the seate, shal fede them, and shal leade them vnto fountaynes of lyuynge water, and God shal wype awaye all teares from their eyes.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.