Mark 12:12 Cross References - Coverdale

12 And they wente aboute to take him (but they feared the people) for they perceaued, that he had spoke this parable agaynst the. And they left him, and wente their waye.

2 Samuel 12:7-15

7 Then sayde Nathan vnto Dauid: Thou art euen the man. Thus sayeth the LORDE the God of Israel: I haue anoynted the to be kynge ouer Israel, and delyuered the out of the hande of Saul, 8 and haue geuen the yi lordes house, and his wyues into thy lappe, and the house of Israel and Iuda haue I geuen the: and yf that be to litle, I wyl yet do this and that for the also. 9 Wherfore hast thou then despysed the worde of the LORDE, to do soch euell in his sighte? Vrias the Hethite hast thou slayne with the swerde: His wife hast thou taken to be thy wyfe, but him hast thou slayne with ye swerde of the children of Ammon. 10 Now therfore shal not ye swerde departe from thy house for ouer, because thou hast despysed me, and taken the wife of Vrias the Hithite, to be thy wife. 11 Thus sayeth the LORDE: Beholde, I wyll rayse vp euell of thyne awne house, and wyll take thy wyues before thyne eyes, and wyl geue them vnto thy neghboure, so that he shall lye with thy wyues by Sonnelighte. 12 For thou hast done it secretly, but I wyl do this in the sighte of all Israel, and by Sonne lighte. 13 Then sayde Dauid vnto Nathan I haue synned vnto the LORDE. Nathan sayde vnto Dauid: So hath the LORDE also taken awaye thy synne, thou shalt not dye. 14 But for so moch as thou thorow this dede hast caused the enemies of the LORDE to blaspheme, ye sonne that is borne vnto the, shall dye the death. 15 And Nathan wente home. As for the childe which Vrias wife bare vnto Dauid, the LORDE smote it, so that it was deedsicke.

1 Kings 20:38-41

38 Then wente the prophet, and stepte vnto the kynge by the waye syde, and altered his face with a?shes. 39 And whan the kynge wente by, he cried vpon ye kynge, and sayde: Thy seruaunt wente forth in to the battayll, and beholde, there wente one asyde, and broughte a man vnto me, and sayde: Kepe this ma: yf he be myssed, thy soule shall be in steade of his soule, or els thou shalt weye downe an hundreth weighte of syluer. 40 And whyle thy seruaunt had here & there to do, he was awaye. The kynge of Israel sayde vnto him: It is thine owne iudgment, thou hast geuen it thyselfe. 41 Then put he the a?shes from his face in all the haist. And the kynge of Israel knewe him, that he was one of the prophetes.

1 Kings 21:17-27

17 But the worde of the LORDE came to Elias the The?bite, and sayde: 18 Get the vp, and go downe to mete Achab the kynge of Israel, which is at Samaria: beholde, he is in Naboths vynyarde, in to the which he is gone downe to take possession of it, 19 and talke thou with him, and speake: Thus sayeth the LORDE: Thou hast slayne, and taken in possession. And thou shalt talke morouer vnto him, and saye: Thus sayeth the LORDE: Euen in the place where the dogges licked vp Naboths bloude, shall the dogges licke thy bloude also. 20 And Achab sayde vnto Elias: Hast thou euer founde me thine enemye? He saide: Yee, I haue founde the, because thou art euen solde to do euell in the sighte of the LORDE. 21 Beholde, I wyll brynge mysfortune vpon the, and take awaye thy posterite, and wil rote out from Achab, euen him that maketh water agaynst the wall, and him that is shut vp and lefte behynde in Israel: 22 and thy house wyll I make as the house of Ieroboam ye sonne of Nebat, and as the house of Baesa the sonne of Ahia, because of ye prouocacion wherwhith thou hast prouoked me vnto wrath, and made Israel to synne. 23 And ouer Iesabel spake the LORDE also and sayde: The dogges shal deuoure Iesabel in ye felde of Iesrael. 24 Who so of Achab dyeth in ye cite, him shal the dogges eate vp: and who so dyeth in the felde, the foules vnder the heauen shall eate him vp. 25 So cleane solde to do myschefe in ye sighte of the LORDE hath no man bene, as Achab: for his Iesabel hath so disceaued him, 26 and he maketh him selfe a greate abhominacion, that he goeth after Idols, acordige vnto all as dyd the Amorites, whom the LORDE expelled before the children of Israel. 27 But whan Achab herde these wordes, he rete his clothes, & put a sack cloth on his body, & fasted, and slepte in sack cloth, and wente aboute hanginge downe his heade.

Matthew 21:26

26 But yf we saye it was of men, the feare we the people: For euery ma helde Ihon for a prophet.

Matthew 21:45-46

45 And when the hye prestes & Pharises herde his parables, they perceaued, that he spake of them. 46 And they wente aboute to take him, but they feared ye people, because they helde hi for a prophet.

Matthew 22:22

22 When they herde that, they marueyled, and left him, & wete their waye.

Mark 11:18

18 And the scrybes and hye prestes herde of it. And they sought how they might destroye him, but they were afrayed of him, for all the people marueled at his doctryne.

Mark 11:32

32 But yf we saye: It was of men, then feare we the people, for they all helde that Ihon was a true prophet.

Luke 20:6

6 But yf we saye, of men, then shal all the people stone vs, for they be persuaded, that Ihon is a prophet.

Luke 20:19

19 And the hye prestes and scrybes wente aboute to laye handes vpon him the same houre, and they feared the people: for they perceaued, that he had spoke this symilitude agaynst them.

John 7:25

25 Then sayde some of them of Ierusalem: Is not this he, who they go aboute to kyll?

John 7:30

30 Then sought they to take him, but no mam layed handes vpon him, for his houre was not yet come.

John 7:44

44 Some of them wolde haue taken him, but no man layed handes on him.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.