Malachi 4:4 Cross References - Coverdale

4 Remembre the lawe of Moses my seruaunt, which I committed vnto him in Oreb for all Israel, with the statutes and ordinaunces.

Exodus 20:3-21

3 Thou shalt haue none other Goddes in my sight. 4 Thou shalt make the no grauen ymage ner eny symilitude, nether of it that is aboue in heauen, ner of it that is beneth vpon earth, ner of it that is in the water vnder the earth. 5 Worshipe them not, and serue them not: for I the LORDE thy God am a gelouse God, vysitinge ye synne of the fathers vpon the children, vnto ye thirde and fourth generacion, of them that hate me: 6 And do mercye vpo many thousandes, that loue me, and kepe my commaundementes. 7 Thou shalt not take the name of ye LORDE thy God in vayne. For the LORDE shal not holde him vngiltie, that taketh his name in vayne. 8 Remembre the Sabbath daie, that thou sanctifie it. 9 Sixe dayes shalt thou laboure and do all thy worke: 10 But vpon the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the LORDE thy God: thou shalt do no maner worke in it, nether thou, ner thy sonne, ner thy doughter, ner thy seruaunt, ner thy mayde, ner thy catell, ner thy straunger that is within thy gates. 11 For in sixe dayes the LORDE made heauen and earth, and the see, and all that therin is, and rested vpon the seuenth daye: therfore the LORDE blessed the seuenth daye, & halowed it. 12 Honoure thy father and thy mother, that thou mayest lyue longe in the londe, which the LORDE thy God shal geue the. 13 Thou shalt not kyll. 14 Thou shalt not breake wedlocke. 15 Thou shalt not steale. 16 Thou shalt beare no false wytnesse agaynst thy neghboure. 17 Thou shalt not lust after yi neghbours house. Thou shalt not lust after thy neghbours wife, ner his seruaut, ner his mayde, ner his oxe, ner his Asse, ner all that thy neghboure hath 18 And all the people sawe the thonder and the lightenynge, and the noyse of the trompet, and how that the mountayne smoked, and were afrayed, and stackerd, & stode afarre of, 19 and sayde vnto Moses: Talke thou with vs, we wil heare: and let not God talke with vs, we might els dye. 20 And Moses sayde vnto the people: Be not afrayed, for God is come to proue you, and that his feare maye be before youre eyes, yt ye synne not. 21 And the people stode afarre of. But Moses gat him in to the darcke cloude, where in God was.

Exodus 21:1-23

1 These are the lawes, that thou shalt laye before them. 2 Yf thou bye a seruaunt that is an Hebrue, he shal serue the sixe yeares, in the seuenth yeare shall he go out fre and lowse. 3 Yf he came alone, then shal he go out alone also: but yf he came maried, then shall his wife go out with him. 4 Yf his master haue geue him a wife, & she haue borne him sonnes or doughters, the shal the wife and ye children be the masters, but he shall go out alone. 5 Neuertheles yf the seruaunt saye: I loue my master, and my wife and children, I wil not go out fre: 6 then let his master brynge him before the Goddes, and holde him to the dore or post, and bore him thorow the eare with a botkin, and let him be his seruaunt for euer. 7 Yf a man sell his doughter to be an handmayde, then shal she not go out as the menseruauntes. 8 But yf she please not hir master, and he haue not maried her, then shal he let her go fre: but to sell her vnto a strauge people he hath no auctorite, for so moch as he hath despysed her. 9 Yf he promyse her vnto his sonne, then shal he do vnto her after the lawe of doughters. 10 But yf he geue him another wife, then shall he mynishe nothinge of hir foode, rayment, and dewtye of mariage. 11 Yf he do not these thre, then shal she go out fre, and paye nothinge. 12 He that smyteth a man that he dye, shall dye the death. 13 Yf he haue not layed wayte for him, but God let him fall in his hande vnawares, then wil I appoynte the a place, where he shal flye vnto. 14 But yf a man presume vpon his neghboure, and slaye him with disceate, then shalt thou take the same fro myne altare, that he maye be slayne. 15 Who so smyteth his father or mother, shall dye the death. 16 He that stealeth a man, and selleth him, so that he be founde by him, the same shall dye the death. 17 Who so curseth father and mother, shal dye the death. 18 Yf men stryue together and one smyte another with a stone, or with his fist, so that he dye not, but lyeth in bedd: 19 Yf he ryse, and go forth vpon his staff, the shall he that smote him, be vngiltie: saue that he shal paye the losse of his tyme, and geue ye money for healynge him. 20 He that smyteth his seruaunt or mayde with a staff, that he dye vnder his handes, the same shall suffre vengeaunce therfore. 21 But yf he endure a daye or two, then shall he suffre no vegeaunce therfore, for it is his money. 22 Yf men stryue, and hytt a woman with childe, so that ye frute departe from her, and no harme happen vnto her, then shall he be punyshed for money, as moch as the womans husbande layeth to his charge, and he shall geue it, acordinge to the appoyntement of the dayes men. 23 But yf there come harme vnto her there thorow, then shal he paye soule for soule,

Leviticus 1:1-7

1 And the LORDE called Moses, and spake vnto him out of ye Tabernacle of wytnesse, and sayde: 2 Speake vnto ye childre of Israel, & saie vnto them: Who so euer amoge you wyl brynge an offerynge vnto the LORDE, let him brynge it of ye catell, euen of the oxen, & of the shepe. 3 Yf he wyl brynge a burntofferynge of ye oxen (or greate catell) the let him offre a male without blemysh, before ye dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, to reconcyle himself before the LORDE, 4 let him laye his hande vpon the heade of the burntofferynge, then shal he be reconcyled, so yt God shalbe mercifull vnto him. 5 And he shall kyll the yonge oxe before ye LORDE: and ye prestes Aarons sonnes shal brynge the bloude, and sprenkle it rounde aboute vpon the altare, that is before the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 6 And the skynne shalbe flayne from of the burntofferynge, and it shalbe hewen in peces. 7 And the sonnes of Aaron the prest shal make a fyre vpon the altare,

Deuteronomy 4:5-6

5 Beholde I haue taughte you ordinauces and lawes, soch as the LORDE my God commaunded me, that ye shulde do eue so in the londe, into ye which ye shal come, to possesse it. 6 Kepe them now therfore and do them: for that is youre wysdome and vnderstondinge in the sight of all nacions, which wha they haue herde all these ordinaunces, shall saye: O what a wyse and vnderstondinge folke is this? and how excellent a people?

Deuteronomy 4:10

10 the daye wha thou stodest before the LORDE thy God by mount Horeb, whan the LORDE sayde vnto me: Gather me the people together, that I maye make them heare my wordes, which they shal lerne, that they maye feare me all the dayes of their life vpon earth, & that they also maye teach their children.

Psalms 147:19-20

19 He sheweth his worde vnto Iacob, his statutes & ordinaunces vnto Israel. 20 He hath not dealte so wt all the Heithen, nether haue they knowlege of his lawes. Halleluya.

Isaiah 8:20

20 Yf eny man want light, let him loke vpon the lawe and the testimony, whether they speake not after this meanynge.

Isaiah 42:21

21 The LORDE be merciful vnto them for his rightuousnesse sake, that his worde might be magnified & praysed.

Matthew 5:17-20

17 Thinke not, that I am come to destroye the lawe, or the Prophetes: no, I am not come to destroye them, but to fulfyll them. 18 For truly I saye vnto you: till heauen and earth perisshe, one iott or one tyttle of the lawe shall not escape, tyll all be fulfilled. 19 Whosoeuer breaketh one of these least comaundmentes, and teacheth me so, he shalbe called the leest in the kyngdome of heauen, But whosoeuer obserueth and teacheth the same shalbe called greate in the kyngdome of heauen. 20 For I saye vnto you: excepte youre rightewesnes exceade the righetewesnes of the Scribes and Pharises, ye can not entre in to the kyngdome of heauen.

Matthew 19:16-22

16 And beholde, one came vnto him, and sayde: Good master, what good shal I do, yt I maye haue the euer lastinge life? 17 He sayde vnto him: Why callest thou me good? there is none good, but God onely. Neuertheles yf thou wilt entre into life, kepe ye comaudemetes. 18 The sayde, he vnto him: Which? Iesus saide: Thou shalt not kyll: thou shalt not breake wedlocke: thou shalt not steale: thou shalt beare no false wytnes: 19 Honoure father and mother: and thou shalt loue thy neghboure as thy self. 20 Then sayde the yonge ma vnto him: All these haue I kepte fro my youth vp: what lack I yet? 21 Iesus sayde vnto him: Yf thou wilt be perfecte, go thy waye and sell that thou hast, & geue it vnto the poore, and thou shalt haue a treasure in heauen, and come and folowe me. 22 Whan ye yonge man herde yt worde, he wente awaye sory, for he had greate possessions.

Matthew 22:36-40

36 Master, which is the chefest commaundemet in the lawe? 37 Iesus saide vnto him: Thou shalt loue the LORDE thy God with all thy hert, with all thy soule, and with all thy mynde: 38 this is the pryncipall and greatest comaundement. 39 As for the seconde, it is like vnto it: Thou shalt loue thy neghboure as thy self. 40 In these two commaundementes hange all the lawe and the prophetes.

Mark 12:28-34

28 And there came vnto him one of the scrybes, that had herkened vnto the how they disputed together, and sawe that he had answered them well, and axed him: Which is the chefest comaundement of all? 29 Iesus answered him: The chefest commaundemet of all commaundementes is this: Heare O Israel, the LORDE oure God is one God, 30 and thou shalt loue the LORDE thy God with all thy hert, with all thy soule, with all thy mynde, and with all thy strength. This is the chefest commaundement, 31 and the seconde is like vnto it: Thou shalt loue thy neghboure as thy self. There is none other greater commaundement then these. 32 And the scrybe sayde vnto him: Master, Verely thou hast sayde right: for there is but one God, & there is none other without him, 33 and to loue him with all the hert, with all the mynde, with all the soule, and with all the strength, and to loue a mans neghboure as himself, is more then brent sacrifices and all offerynges. 34 But wha Iesus sawe that he answered discretly, he sayde vnto him: Thou art not farre from the kyngdome of God. And after this durst no man axe him eny mo questions.

Luke 10:25-28

25 And beholde, there stode vp a scrybe and tempted him, and sayde: Master, what must I do, to inheret euerlastinge life? 26 He sayde vnto him: What is wrytten in the lawe? How readest thou? 27 He answered and sayde: Thou shalt loue thy LORDE God with all thy hert, with all thy soule, with all thy strength, and with all thy mynde, and thy neghboure as thy self. 28 He sayde vnto him: Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt lyue.

Luke 16:29-31

29 Abraham sayde vnto him: They haue Moses and the prophetes, let them heare them. 30 But he sayde: Nay father Abraham, but yf one wente vnto them fro the deed, they wolde do pennaunce. 31 Neuertheles he sayde vnto him: Yf they heare not Moses & the prophetes, then shal they not beleue also, though one rose agayne fro the deed.

John 5:39-47

39 Searche the scripture, for ye thinke ye haue euerlastinge life therin: and the same is it that testifyeth of me, 40 and ye wil not come vnto me, that ye might haue life. 41 I receaue not prayse of men. 42 But I knowe you, that ye haue not the loue of God in you. 43 I am come in my fathers name, and ye receaue me not. Yf another shal come in his awne name, him wil ye receaue. 44 How can ye beleue which receaue prayse one of another, and seke not the prayse, that is of God onely? 45 Ye shall not thynke that I wyll accuse you before ye father: there is one yt accuseth you, euen Moses, in who ye trust. 46 Yf ye beleued Moses, ye shulde beleue me also: For he hath wrytte of me. 47 But yf ye beleue not his wrytinges, how shal ye beleue my wordes?

Romans 3:31

31 Destroye we then the lawe thorow faith? God forbyd. But we mantayne the lawe.

Romans 13:1-10

1 Let euery soule submytte himselfe to the auctorite off the hyer powers. For there is no power but of God. 2 The powers that be, are ordeyned of God: so that who so euer resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinaunce of God. And they that resiste, shal receaue to them selues danacion. 3 For rulers are not to be feared for good workes, but for euell. Yf thou wilt be without feare off the power, do well then, and thou shalt haue prayse of the same: 4 for he is the minister off God for thy wealth. But yff thou do euell, then feare, for he beareth not the swerde for naughte. For he is the mynister of God, a taker of vengeaunce, to punyshe him that doth euell. 5 Wherfore ye must nedes obeye, not onely for punyshmet, but also because of conscience. 6 For this cause must ye geue trybute also. For they are Gods mynisters, which mateyne ye same defence. 7 Geue to euery man therfore his dutye: tribute, to whom tribute belongeth: custome, to whom custome is due: feare, to whom feare belongeth: honoure, to whom honoure pertayneth. 8 Owe nothinge to eny man, but to loue one another. For he that loueth another, hath fulfylled the lawe. 9 For where it is sayde: ( Thou shalt not breake wedlocke: thou shalt not kyll: thou shalt not steale: thou shalt not beare false witnesse: thou shalt not lust) and yf there be eny other commaundement, it is compreheded in this worde.Thou shalt loue thy neghboure as thy selfe. 10 Loue doth his neghboure no euell. Therfore is loue ye fulfillynge of the lawe.

Galatians 5:13-14

13 But brethre, ye are called vnto liberty, onely let not youre libertie be an occasion vnto the flesh, but by loue serue one another. 14 For all the lawe is fulfylled in one worde, namely in this: loue thy neghboure as thy selfe.

Galatians 5:24-25

24 But they that are Christes, haue crucified their flesh, with the lustes and desyres. 25 Yf we lyue in the sprete, let vs walke also in the sprete.

James 2:9-13

9 But yf ye regarde one person more then another, ye comit synne, and are rebuked of the lawe as trsagressours. 10 Whosoeuer shal kepe the whole lawe, and yet fayle in one poynt, he is gyltie in all. 11 For he that sayde: Thou shalt not commit adulterie, sayed also: thou shalt not kyll. Though thou do none adulterie, yet yf thou kill, thou art a transgresser of the lawe. 12 So speake ye, and so do as they that shalbe iudged by the lawe of libertie. 13 For ther shalbe iudgement merciles to him that sheweth no mercy, & mercy reioiseth against iudgment.

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