Luke 1:32 Cross References - Coverdale

32 he shalbe greate, & shalbe called ye sonne of the Hyest. And the LORDE God shal geue him ye seate of Dauid his father,

2 Samuel 7:11-13

11 and sence the tyme that I ordeyned Iudges ouer my people of Israel. And I wyll geue the rest from all thine enemies. And the LORDE sheweth the, that the LORDE wyl make the a house. 12 Now whan yi tyme is fulfylled yt thou shalt slepe wt thy fathers, I wil after ye rayse vp thy syde, which shal come of thy body: his kyngdome wyl I stablishe, 13 he shal buylde an house for my name, and I wyll stablyshe ye seate of his kyngdome for euer.

2 Samuel 7:16

16 As for yi house & thy kyngdome, it shal be stablished for euer before the, & thy seate shal endure fast for euermore.

Psalms 132:11

11 The LORDE hath made a faithfull ooth vnto Dauid, & he shal not shrenke from it:

Isaiah 9:6-7

6 For vnto us a childe shalbe borne, and vnto us a sonne shalbe geue. Vpo his shulder shal the kyngdome lye, and he shalbe called wt his owne name: The woderous geuer of councel, the mightie God, the euerlastinge father, the prynce of peace, 7 he shal make no ende to encrease the kyngdome and peace, and shal syt vpon the seate of Dauid and in his kyngdome, to set vp the same, to stablish it with equyte and rightuousnesse, from thence forth for euermore. This shal the gelousy of the LORDE of hoostes bringe to passe.

Isaiah 16:5

5 But ye Trone of youre kingdome is ful of grace, therfore he that sytteth vpon it wt faitfulnesse & treuth in the house of Dauid, knowe the thinge & do his diligence to helpe shortly, acordinge to Equite and rightuousnes.

Jeremiah 23:5-6

5 Beholde, the tyme commeth (saieth the LORDE) that I wil rayse vp the rightuous braunch off Dauid, which shall beare rule, and discusse matters with wy?dome, and shall set vp equyte and rightuousnes agayne in the earth. 6 In his tyme shall Iuda be saued, and Israel shal dwell with out feare. And this is the name that they shall call him: euen the LORDE oure rightuous maker.

Jeremiah 33:15-17

15 In those daies and at the same tyme, I will bringe forth vnto Dauid, the braunch of rightuousnes, and he shall do equite and rightuousnesse in the londe. 16 In those daies shall Iuda be helped, and Ierusalem shall dwell safe, and he that shall call her is euen God oure rightuous maker. 17 For thus the LORDE promyseth: Dauid shal neuer want one, to syt vpon the stole of the house of Israel:

Ezekiel 17:22-24

22 Thus saieth the LORDE God: I will also take a braunch from an hie Cedre tre, and will set it, and take the vppermost twygge, that yet is but tendre, and plante it vpon an hie hill: 23 Namely, vpon the hie hill of Sion will I plante it: that it maye bringe forth twygges, and geue frute, and be a greate Cedre tre: so that all maner of foules maye byde in it, and make their nestes vnder the shadowe of his braunches. 24 And all the trees of the felde shall knowe, that I the LORDE haue brought downe the hie tre, and set the lowe tre vp: that I haue dryed vp the grene tre, and made the drye tre to florish: Euen I the LORDE yt spake it, haue also brought it to passe.

Ezekiel 34:23-24

23 I wil rayse vp vnto them one only shepherde: euen my seruaunt Dauid, he shal fede the, and he shal be their shepherde. 24 I the LORDE wil be their God, and my seruaunt Dauid shal be their prince: Euen I the LORDE haue spoken it.

Ezekiel 37:24-25

24 Dauid my seruaunt shalbe their kinge, & they all shal haue one shepherde only. They shal walke in my lawes, and my commaundementes shalt they both kepe & fulfill. 25 They shal dwell in the londe, that I gaue vnto Iacob my seruaunt, where as youre fathers also haue dwelt. Yee eue in the same londe shal they, their children, & their childers children dwell for euermore: and my seruaunt Dauid shal be their euerlastynge prynce.

Amos 9:11-12

11 At that tyme wil I buylde agayne the tabernacle off Dauid, that is fallen downe, and hedge vp his gappes: and loke what is broke, I shal repayre it: Yee I shal buylde it agayne, as it was a fore tyme, 12 yt they maye possesse the remnaunt of Edom, yee and all soch people as call vpon my name wt the, saieth the LORDE, which doth these thinges.

Matthew 1:1

1 This is the boke of the generacion of Iesus Christ ye sonne of Dauid, the sonne of Abraham.

Matthew 3:11

11 I baptise you with water to repentaunce: but he that cometh after me, is myghtier the I, whose shues I am not worthy to beare. He shall baptise you with ye holy goost & wt fyre:

Matthew 12:42

42 The quene of the south shal aryse in the last iudgmet with this generacion, and shal condene it: for she came from the vttemost partes of the earth, to heare ye wyssdome of Salomon: And lo, here is one greater then Salomon.

Matthew 28:18

18 And Iesus came vnto them, talked with them, and sayde: Vnto me is geue all power in heauen and in earth.

Mark 5:7

7 and cried loude, and sayde: What haue I to do with the O Iesus thou sonne of ye Hyest God? I charge the by God, that thou torment me not.

Mark 14:61

61 But he helde his tunge, and answered nothinge. The the hye prest axed him agayne, and sayde vnto him: Art thou Christ the sonne of the blessed?

Luke 1:15

15 for he shal be greate before the LORDE. Wyne and stronge drynke shal he not drynke. And he shalbe fylled wt the holy goost, euen in his mothers wombe.

Luke 1:35

35 The angell answered, & sayde vnto her: The holy goost shal come vpon the, & the power of the Hyest shal ouershadowe the. Therfore that Holy also which shalbe borne (of the) shalbe called the sonne of God.

Luke 1:76

76 And thou childe shalt be called a prophet of the Hyest: for thou shalt go before ye LORDE, to prepare his wayes.

Luke 3:16

16 Ihon answered, and sayde vnto the all: I baptyse you with water, but after me there cometh one stronger the I, whose shue lachet I am not worthy to lowse: he shal baptyse you with the holy goost and with fyre.

Luke 6:35

35 But rather loue ye yor enemies, do good, and lende, lokynge for nothinge therof agayne: so shal yor rewarde be greate, and ye shalbe the children of the Hyest, for he is kynde, euen to the vnthankfull and to the euell.

John 3:35-36

35 The father loueth the sonne, and hath geuen him all thinges in to his hande. 36 He that beleueth on the sonne, hath euerlastinge life: he that beleueth not the sonne, shal not se the life, but ye wrath of God abydeth vpon him.

John 5:21-29

21 For as the father rayseth vp the deed, and maketh them lyue, eue so the sonne also maketh lyuynge whom he wyll. 22 For the father iudgeth no man, but hath geuen all iudgmet vnto the sonne, 23 that they all might honoure the sonne, euen as they honoure ye father. Who so honoureth not the sonne, the same honoureth not the father, which hath sent him. 24 Verely verely I saye vnto you: Who so heareth my worde, and beleueth him that sent me, hath euerlastinge life, and cometh not in to damnacion, but is passed thorow from death vnto life. 25 Verely verely I saye vnto you: The houre cometh, & is now allready, yt the deed shal heare ye voyce of ye sonne of God: and they that heare it, shal lyue. 26 For as the father hath life in him self, so likewyse hath he geuen vnto the sonne, to haue life in himself: 27 & hath geue hi power also to execute iudgmet because he is the sonne of ma. 28 Maruayle not ye at this: for ye houre cometh, in ye which all that are in ye graues, shal heare his voyce, 29 and shal go forth, they that haue done good, vnto the resurreccion of life: but they that haue done euell, vnto the resurreccion of damnacion.

John 6:69

69 and we haue beleued & knowne, that thou art Christ the sonne of the lyuynge God.

John 12:34

34 Then answered him the people: We haue herde in the lawe, that Christ endureth for euer: and how sayest thou then, that the sonne of man must be lift vp? Who is this sonne of man?

Acts 2:30

30 Wherfore now seinge yt he was a prophet, and knewe that God had promised him with an ooth, that the frute of his loynes shulde syt on his seate,

Acts 2:36

36 So therfore let all the house of Israel knowe for a suertye, yt God hath made this same Iesus (whom ye haue crucified) LORDE and Christ.

Acts 7:48

48 Howbeit ye Hyest of all dwelleth not in temples that are made with handes: As he sayeth by the prophete:

Acts 16:17

17 ye same folowed Paul and vs, and cryed, and sayde: These men are the seruauntes of the most hye God, which shewe vs ye waye of saluacion.

Romans 1:4

4 and mightely declared to be the sonne of God after the sprete which sanctifieth, sence the tyme that he rose agayne from the deed, namely, Iesus Christ oure LORDE,

Ephesians 1:20-23

20 which he wroughte in Christ, whan he raysed him vp fro the deed, and set him on his righte hade i heauely thinges, 21 aboue all rule, power, and mighte, and dominacio, and aboue all that maye be named, not onely in this worlde, but also in ye worlde to come. 22 And hath put all thinges vnder his fete, and hath made him aboue all thinges the heade of the cogregacion, 23 which is his body, and the fulnesse of him that fylleth all in all.

Philippians 2:9-11

9 Therfore hath God also exalted him, and geuen him a name, which is aboue all names, 10 that in the name of Iesus euery kne shulde bowe, both of thinges in heauen of thinges vpo earth, and of thinges vnder the earth, 11 and that all tunges shulde confesse, that Iesus Christ is the LORDE vnto the prayse of God the father.

Hebrews 1:2-8

2 but in these last dayes he hath spoken vnto vs by his sonne, whom he hath made heyre of all thinges, by whom also he made the worlde. 3 Which (sonne) beynge the brightnes of his glory, & the very ymage of his substaunce, bearinge vp all thinges with the worde of his power, hath in his owne personne pourged oure synnes, and is set on the righte hande of the maiestie on hye: 4 beynge eue as moch more excellet the ye angels, as he hath optayned a more excellet name then they. 5 For vnto which of the angels sayde he at eny tyme: Thou art my sonne, this daye haue I begotten the? And agayne: I will be his father, & he shalbe my sonne: 6 And agayne, wha he bryngeth in the fyrst begotte sonne in to the worlde, he sayeth: And all the angels of God shal worshippe him. 7 And of the angels he sayeth: He maketh his angels spretes, & his mynisters flames of fyre. 8 But vnto ye sonne he sayeth: God, yi seate endureth for euer & euer: the cepter of yi kyngdome is a right cepter.

Revelation 3:7

7 And wryte vnto ye angell of the cogregacio of Philadelphia: this sayth he yt is holy and true, which hath the keye of Dauid: which openyth and noman shutteth, and shutteth and no man openeth.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.