Leviticus 4:20 Cross References - Coverdale

20 & shal do with this bullocke, as he dyd with ye bullocke of the synofferinge: Thus the prest shal make an attonement for them, & it shall be forgeuen them.

Exodus 32:30

30 On the morow Moses sayde vnto the people: Ye haue done a greate synnne. Now I wil go vp vnto the LORDE, yf peraduenture I maye make an attonement for youre synnes.

Leviticus 1:4

4 let him laye his hande vpon the heade of the burntofferynge, then shal he be reconcyled, so yt God shalbe mercifull vnto him.

Leviticus 4:26

26 But all the fat of it shal he burne vpo the altare, like as the fat of the healthofferynge. And so the prest shal make an attonement for his synne, and it shal be forgeuen him.

Leviticus 5:6

6 he shal bringe vnto ye LORDE for his trespace of this his synne yt he hath done, a female from the flocke, either a yewe or a she goate for a synofferynge: so shal the prest make an attonement for him concernynge his synne.

Leviticus 6:7

7 Then shall the prest make an attonement for him before the LORDE, and all that he hath synned in, shalbe forgeuen him.

Leviticus 12:8

8 But yf she be not able to bringe a shepe, then let hir take two turtill doues, or two yonge pigeons, the one for a burntofferynge, the other for a synofferynge, then shall the prest make an attonement for her, so that she shal be cleane.

Leviticus 14:18

18 But the remnaunt of the oyle in his hande, shall he poure vpon the heade of him that is clensed, and make an attonement for him before the LORDE.

Numbers 15:25

25 And so shal the prest make an attonement for the whole congregacion of the children of Israel, and it shalbe forgeuen them: for it is an ignoraunce. And they shal brynge these their giftes for an offerynge vnto the LORDE, and their synofferynge before the LORDE for their ignoraunce,

Numbers 15:28

28 And the prest shall make an attonement for soch an ignoraunt soule with the synofferinge for the ignoraunce before the LORDE, that he maye reconcyle him, and it shal be forgeuen him.

Daniel 9:24

24 Lxx. wekes are determed ouer thy people, & ouer thy holy cite: that the wickednesse maye be consumed, that the synne maye haue an ende, that the offence maye be reconciled, and to bringe in euerlastinge rightuousnesse, to fulfill ye visions and the prophetes, and to anoynte the most holy one.

Romans 5:11

11 Not onely that, but we reioyse also in God thorow oure LORDE Iesus Christ, by whom we haue now receaued the attonement.

Galatians 3:13

13 But Christ hath delyuered vs from ye curse of the lawe, whan he became a curse for vs. (For it is wrytte: Cursed is euery man that hangeth on tre)

Hebrews 1:3

3 Which (sonne) beynge the brightnes of his glory, & the very ymage of his substaunce, bearinge vp all thinges with the worde of his power, hath in his owne personne pourged oure synnes, and is set on the righte hande of the maiestie on hye:

Hebrews 2:17

17 Wherfore in all thinges it became him to be made like vnto his brethren, that he mighte be mercyfull and a faithfull hye prest in thinges concernynge God, to make agrement for the synnes of ye people.

Hebrews 9:14

14 How moch more shal the bloude of Christ (which thorow the eternall sprete offred him selfe without spot vnto God) pourge oure conscience from deed workes, for to serue the lyuynge God?

Hebrews 10:10-12

10 In the which wyll we are sanctified by the offerynge vp of the body of Iesus Christ once for all. 11 And euery prest is ready daylie mynistringe, and oftymes offereth one maner of offerynges, which can neuer take awaye synnes. 12 But this man whan he had offred for synnes, one sacrifice which is of value for euer, sat him downe on the righte hande of God,

1 John 1:7

7 But yf we walke in lighte, euen as he is in lighte, then haue we fellishippe together, and the bloude of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all synne.

1 John 2:2

2 and he it is that optayneth grace for oure synnes: not for oure synnes onely, but also for the synnes of all the worlde.

Revelation 1:5

5 and from Iesus Christ which is a faithfull witnes, and first begotten of the deed: & LORDE ouer ye kinges of the earth. Vnto him that loued vs and wesshed vs fro synnes in his awne bloud,

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