John 4:48 Cross References - Coverdale

48 And Iesus sayde vnto him: Excepte ye se tokens and wonders, ye beleue not.

Numbers 14:11

11 & the LORDE sayde vnMoses: How longe shal this people blaspheme me? And how longe wil it be, or they beleue me, for all the tokes that I haue shewed amonge them?

Daniel 4:2

2 I thought it good to shewe the tokes & maruelous workes, yt ye hye God hath wrought vpon me.

Daniel 6:27

27 It is he that delyuereth, and saueth: he doth wonders and maruelous workes, in heauen and in earth: he hath preserued. Daniel from the power of the lyons.

Matthew 16:1

1 Then came the Pharises & Saduces vnto him, & tepted him, requyringe him to shewe the a toke from heaue.

Matthew 24:24

24 For there shal aryse false Christes and false prophetes, and shal do greate tokes and wonders: In so moch, that (yf it were possible) the very chosen shulde be brought in to erroure.

Matthew 27:42

42 he hath helped other, and can not helpe himself: Yf he be the kynge of Israel, let him come downe now from the crosse, and we wil beleue him

Mark 13:22

22 For there shal aryse false Christes, and false prophetes, which shal do tokens & wonders, to disceaue euen the very chosen, yf it were possyble.

Luke 10:18

18 But he sayde vnto them: I sawe Sathan fall downe from heauen as a lightenynge.

Luke 16:31

31 Neuertheles he sayde vnto him: Yf they heare not Moses & the prophetes, then shal they not beleue also, though one rose agayne fro the deed.

John 2:18

18 Then answered the Iewes, and sayde vnto him: What token shewest thou vnto vs, that thou mayest do these thinges?

John 4:41-42

41 and many mo beleued because of his worde, 42 and sayde vnto the woman: We beleue now hence forth, not because of thy sayenge, we haue herde him oureselues, and knowe, that this of a trueth is Christ the Sauioure of the worlde.

John 12:37

37 And though he had done soch tokens before the, yet beleued they not on him,

John 15:24

24 Yf I had not done amoge the the workes which no other ma dyd, they shulde haue no synne. But now haue they sene it, and yet haue they hated both me & my father.

John 20:29

29 Iesus sayde vnto him: Thomas, because thou hast sene me, thou hast beleued. Blessed are they, that se not, and yet beleue.

Acts 2:19

19 And I wil shewe wonders in heauen aboue, and tokens on the earth beneth, bloude and fyre, and the vapoure of smoke.

Acts 2:22

22 Ye men of Israel, heare these wordes: Iesus of Nazareth, ye man approued of God amonge you with miracles, and wonders and tokens, which God dyd by him in the myddes amonge you, as ye yor selues knowe also,

Acts 2:43

43 And feare came vpo euery soule, and many wonders and tokens were done by ye Apostles.

Acts 4:30

30 and stretch out thine hande, that healinge and tokes and wonders maye be done by the name of thy holy childe Iesus.

Acts 5:12

12 Many tokens and wonders were done amonge the people by the hades of the Apostles (and they were all together with one acorde in Salomons porche:

Acts 6:8

8 Steuen full of faith and power, dyd wonders and greate tokens amonge the people.

Acts 7:36

36 The same broughte them out, and dyd wonders and tokens in Egipte, and in the reed see, and in ye wyldernesse fourtye yeares.

Acts 14:3

3 So they had their beynge there a loge season, and quyte them selues boldly in the LORDE, which gaue testimony vnto the worde of his grace, and caused tokens and wonders to be done by their handes.

Acts 15:12

12 Then all ye multitude helde their peace, and gaue audience vnto Paul and Barnabas, which tolde how greate tokens and wonders God had done by the amoge the Heythen.

Romans 15:19

19 thorow the power of tokens and wonders, and thorow the power of the sprete of God, so that from Ierusale, and roude aboute vnto Illyricon, I haue fylled all with the Gospell of Christ.

1 Corinthians 1:22

22 For the Iewes requyre tokens, and the Grekes axe after wyssdome.

2 Corinthians 12:12

12 yet are ye tokens of an Apostle wrought amoge you, with all paciece, with signes, & with woders & with mightie dedes.

2 Thessalonians 2:9

9 euen him, whose commynge is after the workynge of Sathan with all lyenge power, and signes and wonders,

Hebrews 2:4

4 God bearynge witnesse therto, with tokens, wonders and dyuerse powers, and giftes of the holy goost acordinge to his awne wyll.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.