John 14:26 Cross References - Coverdale

26 But that comforter euen ye holy goost, who my father shal sende in my name, he shal teache you all thinges, & bringe all to youre remembraunce, what soeuer I haue tolde you.

Psalms 25:8-9

8 O how fredly & rightuous is the LORDE, therfore wil he teach synners in the waye. 9 He ledeth the symple a right, and soch as be meke the lerneth he his wayes.

Psalms 25:12-14

12 What so euer he be that feareth the LORDE, he shal shewe him the waye that he hath chosen. 13 His soule shall dwell at ease, and his sede shall possesse the londe. 14 The secrete of the LORDE is amonge them that feare him, and he sheweth them his couenaunt.

Psalms 51:11

11 Cast me not awaie from thy presence, and take not thy holy sprete fro me.

Isaiah 54:13

13 Thy childre shal all be taught of God, & I wil geue the plenteousnes of peace.

Isaiah 63:10

10 But after they prouoked him to wrath and vexed his holy minde, he was their enemie, and fought agaynst them him self.

Jeremiah 31:33-34

33 But this shalbe the couenaunt that I will make with the house of Israel after those dayes, saieth the LORDE: I will plante my lawe in the inwarde partes of them, and write it in their hertes, and wilbe their God, and they shalbe my people. 34 And from thece forth shall no man teach his neghboure or his brother, and saye: knowe the LORDE: But they shall all knowe me, from the lowest vnto the hyest, saieth the LORDE. For I will forgeue their my?dedes, and wil neuer remembre their synnes eny more.

Matthew 1:18

18 The byrth of Christ was on thys wyse: When his mother Mary was maried to Ioseph before they came together, she was foude with chylde by ye holy goost,

Matthew 1:20

20 Neuertheles whyle he thus thought, beholde, the angell of the LORDE appered vnto him in a dreame, saynge: Ioseph thou sonne of Dauid, feare not to take vnto the Mary thy wyfe. For that which is coceaued in her, is of ye holy goost.

Matthew 3:11

11 I baptise you with water to repentaunce: but he that cometh after me, is myghtier the I, whose shues I am not worthy to beare. He shall baptise you with ye holy goost & wt fyre:

Matthew 28:19

19 Go ye youre waye therfore, and teach all nacions, and baptyse them in the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the holy goost:

Mark 12:36

36 But Dauid himself saieth thorow the holy goost: The LORDE sayde vnto my LORDE: Syt thou on my right honde, tyll I make thine enemies yi fotestole.

Mark 13:11

11 Now whan they shal lede you and delyuer you vp, take ye no thought afore what ye shal saye: and ymagyn ye nothinge afore hande, but what so euer shal be geue you at the same houre, that speake: for it is not ye that speake, but the holy goost.

Luke 1:15

15 for he shal be greate before the LORDE. Wyne and stronge drynke shal he not drynke. And he shalbe fylled wt the holy goost, euen in his mothers wombe.

Luke 1:35

35 The angell answered, & sayde vnto her: The holy goost shal come vpon the, & the power of the Hyest shal ouershadowe the. Therfore that Holy also which shalbe borne (of the) shalbe called the sonne of God.

Luke 1:41

41 And it fortuned as Elizabeth herde the salutacion of Mary, the babe sprange in hir wombe. And Elizabeth was fylled with the holy goost,

Luke 1:67

67 And Zachary his father was fylled with the holy goost, and prophecied, and sayde:

Luke 2:25

25 And beholde, there was a man (at Ierusale) whose name was Symeon, and the same ma was iust, and feared God, and loged for the consolacion of Israel, and the holy goost was in him.

Luke 3:22

22 and the holy goost came downe in a bodely shappe like a doue vpon him. And out of heauen there came a voyce, which sayde: Thou art my deare sonne, in who I delyte.

Luke 11:13

13 Yf ye then which are euell, can geue youre children good giftes, how moch more shal the father of heauen geue the holy sprete vnto them that axe him?

Luke 24:49

49 And beholde, I wil sende vpon you the promes of my father: but ye shal tary in the cite of Ierusalem, tyll ye be endewed with power from aboue.

John 2:22

22 Now wha he was rysen agayne from the deed, his disciples remembred that he thus sayde, and they beleued the scripture, and the wordes which Iesus spake.

John 6:45

45 It is wrytten in the prophetes: They shal all be taught of God. Who so euer now heareth it of the father, and lerneth it, commeth vnto me.

John 7:39

39 (But this spake he of the sprete, which they that beleue on him, shulde receaue. For the holy goost was not yet there, because Iesus was not yet glorifyed.)

John 12:16

16 Neuertheles his disciples vnderstode not these thinges at the first, but whan Iesus was glorified, then remebred they that soch thinges were wrytte of him, and that they had done soch thinges vnto him.

John 14:16

16 And I wyl praye the father, and he shal geue you another comforter, that he maye byde wt you for euer:

John 15:26

26 But wha the comforter commeth, who I shal sende you from the father eue the sprete of trueth which proceadeth of the father, he shal testifie of me

John 16:7

7 Neuertheles I tell you the trueth, It is better for you yt I go awaye: For yf I go not awaye that comforter commeth not vnto you: but yf I departe, I wil sende hi vnto you.

John 16:13-14

13 howbeit whan he (the sprete of trueth commeth) he shal lede you in to all trueth. For he shal not speake of himself, but what soeuer he shal heare, that shal he speake: and he shall shewe you, what is for to come. 14 He shal glorifye me: for he shal receaue of myne, and shal shewe vnto you.

John 20:22

22 And whan he had sayde yt, he brethed vpo the, and sayde vnto the: Receaue the holy goost.

Acts 1:2

2 vntyll ye daye that he was taken vp, after that he (thorow the holy goost) had geuen commaundementes to to the Apostles, whom he had chosen:

Acts 1:4

4 And whan he had gathered them together, he commaunded them that they shulde not departe from Ierusalem, but to wayte for the promyse of the father, wherof (sayde he) ye haue herde of me:

Acts 1:8

8 but ye shal receaue the power of ye holy goost, which shal come vpon you, and ye shalbe my witnesses at Ierusalem, and in all Iewrye and Samaria, and vnto the ende of the earth.

Acts 2:4

4 and they were all fylled with the holy goost. And they beganne to preach with other tunges, euen as the sprete gaue them vtteraunce.

Acts 2:33

33 Seynge now that he by the right hande of God is exalted, and hath receaued of ye father ye promyse of the holy goost, he hath shed forth this, that ye se and heare.

Acts 5:3

3 But Peter sayde: Ananias, Wherfore hath Sathan fylled thine hert, that thou shuldest lye vnto the holy goost, and withdrawe awaye parte of the money of the lyuelod?

Acts 7:51

51 Ye styffnecked & of vncircumcysed hertes and eares, ye allwaye resiste the holy goost: Eue as yor fathers dyd, so do ye also.

Acts 7:55

55 But he beynge full of the holy goost, loked vp towarde heauen, and sawe the glorye of God, and Iesus stodinge on the righte hande of God,

Acts 11:16

16 Then thoughte I vpon the worde of the LORDE, how he sayde: Ihon baptysed with water, but ye shalbe baptysed with ye holy goost.

Acts 13:2

2 As they serued ye LORDE, and fasted, the holy goost sayde: Separate me out Barnabas and Saul for the worke, where vnto I haue called them.

Acts 13:4

4 And they beynge sent of the holy goost, came vnto Seleucia, from thence they sayled vnto Cypers.

Acts 15:8

8 And God the knower of hertes bare wytnesse ouer the, and gaue the the holy goost, like as vnto vs,

Acts 15:28

28 For it pleased the holy goost and vs, to laye no charge vpon you, more then these necessary poyntes:

Acts 16:6

6 But as they wente thorow Phrygia and the londe of Galacia, they were forbydden of the holy goost, to preache the worde in Asia.

Acts 20:28

28 Take hede therfore vnto youre selues, and to all the flocke, amonge the which the holy goost hath set you to be Bishoppes, to fede the congregacion of God, which he hath purchaced thorow his owne bloude.

Acts 20:35

35 I haue shewed you all thinges, how that so labouringe ye oughte to receaue the weake, and to remembre the worde of the LORDE, how that he sayde: It is more blessed to geue, then to receaue.

Acts 28:25

25 But wha they agreed not amoge the selues, they departed, wha Paul had spoke one worde: Full well hath the holy goost spoke by ye prophet Esay vnto or fathers,

Romans 5:5

5 As for hope, is letteth vs not come to cofusion, because the loue of God is shed abrode in oure hertes, by the holy goost which is geuen vnto vs.

Romans 14:17

17 For the kyngdome of God is not meate and drynke, but righteousnes, & peace, and ioye in the holy goost.

Romans 15:13

13 The God off hope fyll you wt all ioye and peace in beleuynge, yt ye maye be plenteous in hope thorow ye power of the holy goost.

Romans 15:16

16 that I shulde be a mynister of Iesu Christ amonge the Heythen, to declare the gospell of God, that the Heythen mighte be an acceptable offerynge vnto God, sanctified by the holy goost.

1 Corinthians 2:10-13

10 But God hath opened it vnto vs by his sprete. For the sprete searcheth out all thinges, yee euen the depenesses of the God heade. 11 For what ma knoweth what is in man, saue the sprete of ma which is in him? Euen so no man knoweth what is in God, saue ye sprete of God. 12 As for vs, we haue not receaued the sprete of this worlde, but the sprete which cometh of God, so that we ca knowe what is geue vs of God: 13 which we also speake, not with connynge wordes of mas wyssdome, but with the conynge wordes of the holy goost, and iudge spirituall matters spiritually.

1 Corinthians 6:19

19 Or knowe ye not that youre body is the temple of the holy goost? Whom ye haue of God, and are not youre awne?

1 Corinthians 12:3

3 Wherfore I declare vnto you, that no man speakynge thorow the sprete of God, defyeth Iesus. And no man can saye that Iesus is the LORDE, but by the holy goost.

2 Corinthians 6:6

6 in purenesse, in knowlege, in longe sufferynge, in kyndnesse, in the holy goost, in loue vnfayned,

2 Corinthians 13:14

14 The grace of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, & the loue of God, and the fellishippe of ye holy goost be with you all. Amen.

Ephesians 1:13

13 on who also ye beleued, after that ye herde the worde of trueth, namely ye Gospell of youre saluacion: wherin whan ye beleued, ye were sealed with the holy sprete of promes,

Ephesians 1:17

17 that ye God of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, the father of glory maye geue vnto you the sprete of wyssdome, and open vnto you the knowlege of himselfe,

Ephesians 4:30

30 And greue not the holy sprete of God, wherwith ye are sealed vnto ye daye of redempcion.

1 Thessalonians 1:5-6

5 for oure Gospell hath not bene with you in worde onely, but both in power and in the holy goost, and in moch certayntie, as ye knowe after what maner we were amonge you for youre sakes. 6 And ye became the folowers of vs and of the LORDE: and receaued the worde in moch affliccion with ioye of the holy goost:

1 Thessalonians 4:8

8 He therfore that despyseth, despyseth not man, but God, which hath geuen his holy sprete in to you.

2 Timothy 1:14

14 This hye charge kepe thou thorow the holy goost, which dwelleth in vs.

Titus 3:5

5 not for ye dedes of righteousnes which we wroughte, but after his mercy he saued vs by the fountayne of the new byrth, and renuynge of the holy goost,

Hebrews 2:4

4 God bearynge witnesse therto, with tokens, wonders and dyuerse powers, and giftes of the holy goost acordinge to his awne wyll.

Hebrews 3:7

7 Wherfore, as ye holy goost sayeth: Todaye yf ye shal heare his voyce,

Hebrews 9:8

8 Wherwith the holy goost this signifyeth, that the waye of holynes was not yet opened, whyle as yet the first Tabernacle was stondynge.

Hebrews 10:15

15 And the holy goost also beareth vs recorde of this, euen whan he sayde before:

1 Peter 1:12

12 Vnto the which (prophetes) it was declared, that not vnto them selues, but vnto vs they shulde mynister the thinges which are now shewed vnto you, by them which thorow ye holy goost sent downe from heauen, haue preached vnto you the thinges which the angels delyte to beholde.

2 Peter 1:21

21 For the prophecie was neuer broughte by the wyll of man, but the holy men of God spake, as they were moued of ye holy goost.

1 John 2:20

20 But ye haue the anoyntinge of him yt is holy, & ye knowe all thiges.

1 John 2:27

27 And the anoyntinge which ye haue receaued of him, dwelleth in you: & ye nede not yt eny ma teach you, but as the anoyntinge teacheth you all thiges, euen so is it true, & is no lye. And as it hath taughte you, eue so abide ye therin.

1 John 5:7

7 (For there are thre which beare recorde in heauen: the father, the worde, and the holy goost, & these thre are one.)

Jude 1:20

20 But ye derlye beloued, edifye youre selues in youre most holy faith, prayenge in the holy goost,

Revelation 2:11

11 Let him that hath ears, heare, what the sprete saith to the congregacions: He that ouercometh, shal not be hurte of the seconde deeth.

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