Job 26:3 Cross References - Coverdale

3 Where is ye coucell yt thou shuldest geue him, which hath no wy?dome? Wilt thou so shewe thine excellent rightuousnes?

Job 6:13

13 Am I able to helpe my self? Is not my strength gone fro me,

Job 12:3

3 But I haue vnderstodinge as well as ye, and am no lesse then ye. Yee who knoweth not these thinges?

Job 13:5

5 Wolde God ye kepte youre tonge, that ye might be taken for wyse men.

Job 15:8-10

8 hast thou herde the secrete councell of God, that all wy?dome is to litle for ye? 9 What knowest thou, yt we knowe not? What vnderstondest thou, but we can the same? 10 With vs are olde and aged men, yee soch as haue lyued longer then thy forefathers.

Job 17:10

10 As for you, turne you, & get you hence, for I can not se one wyse ma amonge you.

Job 32:11-13

11 For whe I had wayted till ye made an ende of youre talkynge, & herde youre wy?dome, what argumetes ye made in youre communicacion: 12 yee when I had diligently pondred what ye sayde, I founde not one of you that made eny good argument agaynst Iob, or that directly coude make answere vnto his wordes: 13 lest ye shulde prayse youre selues, to haue founde out wy?dome: because it is God that hath cast him out, & no man.

Job 33:3

3 My hert shall ordre my wordes a right, & my lyppes shal talke of pure wy?dome.

Job 33:33

33 Yf thou hast nothinge, then heare me, and holde thy tonge, so shal I teach the wy?dome.

Job 38:2

2 what is he, that hydeth his mynde with foolysh wordes?

Psalms 49:1-4

1 O heare this, all ye people: pondre it well, all ye that dwell vpo the earth. 2 Hye & lowe, riche & poore, one wt another. 3 My mouth shal speake of wy?dome, and my hert shal muse of vnderstondinge. 4 I wil encline myne eare to the parable, & shewe my darcke speach vpon the harpe.

Psalms 71:15-18

15 Thou (o God) hast lerned me fro my youth vp vntill now, therfore wil I tell of yi wonderous workes. 16 Forsake me not (o God) in myne olde age, when I am gray headed: vntill I haue shewed thyne arme vnto childers children, & thy power to all them that are yet for to come. 17 Thy rightuousnes (o God) is very hie, thou that doest greate thinges: o God, who is like vnto the? 18 O what greate troubles & aduersite hast thou shewed me? & yet didest thou turne & refresh me, yee & broughtest me from the depe of the earth agayne.

Proverbs 8:6-9

6 Geue eare, for I wil speake of greate matters, & open my lippes to tell thinges that be right. 7 For my throte shal be talkynge of ye trueth, & my lippes abhorre vngodlynesse. 8 All the wordes of my mouth are rightuous, there is no frowardnesse ner falsede therin. 9 They are all playne to soch as wil vnderstode, & right to the that fynde knowlege.

Acts 20:20

20 how yt I haue kepte backe nothinge yt was profitable, but that I haue shewed you, and taughte you openly, and priuately from house to house.

Acts 20:27

27 For I haue kepte nothinge backe, but haue shewed you all the councell off God.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.