Jeremiah 51:50 Cross References - Coverdale

50 Ye that haue escaped the swearde, haist you, stode not still, remembre the LORDE afarre of: and thinke vpon Ierusalem,

Deuteronomy 4:29-31

29 But yf thou seke the LORDE yi God there thou shalt finde him, yee yf thou seke him wt thy whole hert and with all yi soule. 30 Whan thou shalt be strately troubled, & wha all these thinges shal come vpo the in ye latter dayes, then shalt thou turne agayne to ye LORDE thy God, and be obedient vnto his voice. 31 For ye LORDE yi God is a mercifull God, he shal not forsake the, ner destroye the: nether shall he forget the couenaunt with thy fathers, which he sware vnto them.

Deuteronomy 30:1-4

1 Now whan all this commeth vpon the, whether it be the blessinge or ye curse which I haue layed before the, and thou goest in to thine hert, beynge amoge the Heithen, whither the LORDE thy God hath thrust the, 2 and thou turnest vnto the LORDE yi God, so that thou herkenest vnto his voyce, thou and thy children with all yi hert and with all thy soule, in all that I commaunde the this daye, 3 then shal the LORDE thy God turne thy captiuyte, and haue compassion vpon the, and shal gather thy congregacion agayne from amonge all the nacions, whither the LORDE thy God hath scatered the. 4 And though thou werest thrust out vnto the vttemost partes of the heauen, yet shall the LORDE thy God gather the from thence, and from thece shal he fetch the,

Ezra 1:3-5

3 Who soeuer now amonge you is of his people, the LORDE his God be with him, and let him go vp to Ierusalem in Iuda, and buylde the house of the LORDE God of Israel. He is ye God that is at Ierusale. 4 And who so euer remayneth yet in eny maner of place (where he is a straunger) let the me of his place helpe him with syluer and golde, with good and catell of a good frewill, for the house of God at Ierusalem. 5 Then gat vp the pryncipall fathers of Iuda and Ben Iamin, and the prestes and Leuites, and all they whose sprete God had raysed to go vp, and to buylde the house of the LORDE at Ierusale.

Nehemiah 1:2-4

2 and Hanani one of my brethren came with certayne me of Iuda, and I axed them how the Iewes dyd that were delyuered and escaped from the captiuyte, & how it wente at Ierusale. 3 And they sayde vnto me: The remnaunt of the captiuyte are there in the londe in greate mysfortune & rebuke. The walles of Ierusalem are broken downe, and the portes ther of are brent with fyre. 4 Wha I herde these wordes, I sat me downe & wepte, & mourned two dayes, & fasted & prayed before the God of heauen,

Nehemiah 2:3-5

3 & sayde vnto the kynge: God saue the kynges life for euer, shulde I not loke sadly? the cite of my fathers buryall lyeth wayest, & the portes therof are consumed wt the fyre. 4 Then sayde the kynge vnto me: What is the thy request? Then made I my prayer to the God of heaue, 5 and sayde vnto the kynge: yf it please the kynge, and yf thy seruaunt be fauoured in thy sighte, I beseke the sende me in to Iuda vnto ye cite of my fathers buryall, that I maye buylde it.

Psalms 102:13-14

13 Arise therfore and haue mercy vpon Sion, for it is tyme to haue mercy vpon her, yee the tyme is come. 14 And why? thy seruauntes haue a loue to hir stones, & it pitieth them to se her in the dust.

Psalms 122:6

6 O praye for the peace of Ierusale, they shal prospere that loue the.

Psalms 137:5-6

5 Yf I forget the (o Ierusalem) let my right hande be forgotten. 6 Yf I do not remembre the, let my tonge cleue to the rofe of my mouth: yee yf I preferre not Ierusalem in my myrth.

Isaiah 48:20

20 Ye shal go awaye from Babilon, and escape the Caldees with a mery voyce. This shalbe spoken of, declared abrode, & go forth vnto the ende of the worlde: so that it shalbe sayde: The LORDE hath defended his seruaunte Iacob,

Isaiah 51:11

11 That the redemed of the LORDE, which turned agayne, might come with ioye vnto Sio, there to endure for euer? That myrth and gladnesse might be with them: that sorowe & wo might fle from the?

Isaiah 52:2

2 Shake the fro the dust, arise & stonde vp, o Ierusale. Pluck out thy neck from the bode, o thou captyue doughter Sion.

Isaiah 52:11-12

11 Awaye, Awaye, get you out fro thence, & touch no vncleane thinge. Go out from amonge soch, And be cleane, ye that beare the vessell of the LORDE. 12 But ye shal not go out with sedicio, ner make haist as they that fle awaye: for the LORDE shal go before you, ad the God of Israel shal kepe the watch.

Jeremiah 29:12-14

12 Ye shall crie vnto me, ye shal go & call vpo me, & I shal heare you. 13 Ye shal seke me, & fynde me: Yee, yf so be that ye seke me with youre whole herte, 14 I will be founde of you (saieth the LORDE) and will delyuer you out of preson, & gather you together agayne out of all places, where in I haue scatred you, saieth the LORDE: and wil bringe you agayne to the same place, from whence I caused you be caried awaye captyue.

Jeremiah 31:21

21 Get the watchmen, prouyde teachers for the: set thine herte vpon the right waie, that thou shuldest walke, and turne agayne: (o thou doughter of Israel,) turne agayne to these cities of thyne.

Jeremiah 44:28

28 Neuertheles, those that fled awaye for ye swearde, shal come agayne in to the lode of Iuda (but there shal be very fewe of them) And all the remnaunt off Iuda, that are gone in to Egipte, there to dwell, shall knowe, whose wordes shalbe founde true: theirs or myne.

Jeremiah 50:8

8 Yet shal ye fle from Babilon, & departe out of ye londe of the Caldees, and ye shall be as the rammes that go before the flocke.

Jeremiah 51:6

6 Fle awaye from Babilon, euery man saue his life. Let no man holde his tunge to hir wickednes, for the tyme of the LORDES vengeaunce is come, yee he shal rewarde her agayne.

Jeremiah 51:45

45 O my people, come out of Babilon, that euery man maye saue his life, from the fearfull wrath of the LORDE.

Daniel 9:2-3

2 Yee euen in the first yeare off his raigne, I Daniel desyred to knowe the yearly nombre out of the bokes, wherof the LORDE spake vnto Ieremy the prophet: that Ierusalem shulde lie waist lxx. yeares: 3 ad I turned me vnto God the LORDE, for to praye and make myne intercessio, with fastinge, sackcloth ad ashes

Daniel 9:16-19

16 (o LORDE) & done wickedly agaynst all thy rightuousnes: yet let thy wrothfull displeasure be turned awaye (I beseke the) from thy cite Ierusalem thy holy hill. And why? for oure synnes sake and for the wickednesse of oure forefathers: is Ierusalem and thy people abhorred, of all them that are aboute vs. 17 Now therfore (O oure God) heare the prayer of thy seruaunt, and his intercession: O let thy face shyne ouer thy sanctuary, that lieth waist. 18 O my God, enclyne thine eare, and herken (at the leest for thine owne sake) open thine eyes: beholde how we be desolated, yee and the cite also, which is called after thy name: For we do not cast oure prayers before the in oure owne rightuousnesse, no: but only in thy greate mercies. 19 O LORDE, heare: O forgeue LORDE: O LORDE considre, tary not ouer longe: but for thine owne sake do it, O my God: for thy cite and thy people is called after thy name.

Zechariah 2:7-9

7 Saue thy self, o Sion: thou that dwellest with ye doughter of Babilon, 8 for thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes: With a glorious power hath he sent me out to the Heithe, which spoyled you: for who so toucheth you, shal touche the aple of his owne eye. 9 Beholde, I will lift vp myne honde ouer them: so that they shal be spoyled of those, which afore serued them: & ye shal knowe, that the LORDE of hoostes hath sent me.

Revelation 18:4

4 And I herde another voyce from heauen saye: come awaye from her my people, that ye be not partakers of her synnes, lest ye receaue of her plages.

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