Jeremiah 50:18 Cross References - Coverdale

18 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: Beholde, I will viset the kinge of Babilon & his kingdome, as I haue visited the kinge of the Assirians:

Isaiah 10:12

12 Wherfore the LORDE saieth: As soone as I haue perfourmed my whole worcke vpon the Hyl of Syon and Ierusalem: the will I also vyset the noble and stoute kynge of Assiria, with his wysdome and pryde.

Isaiah 37:36-38

36 Thus the angel went forth, and slewe of the Assirians hooste, an clxxxv. thousande. And when men arose vp early (at Ierusale:) Beholde, all laye ful of deed bodies. 37 So Sennacherib the kinge of the Assirians brake vp, and dwelt at Niniue. 38 Afterwarde it chaunsed, as he prayed in the Teple of Nesrah his god, that Adramalech and Sarazer his owne sonnes slewe him with the swearde, and fled in to the londe of Ararat. And Esarhadon his sonne reigned after him.

Ezekiel 31:3-17

3 Beholde, Assur was like a Cedre tre vpo the mount of Libanus, with fayre brauches: so thicke, that he gaue shadowes, and shot out very hye. His toppe reached vnto the cloudes. 4 The waters made him greate, and the depe set him vp an hye. Roude aboute the rotes of him rane there floudes of water, he sent out his litle ryuers vnto all the trees of the felde. 5 Therfore was he hyer the all the trees of the felde, and thorow ye multitude of waters that he sent fro him, he optayned many and longe braunches. 6 All foules of the ayre made their nestes in his brauches, vnder his bowes gedred all the beastes of ye felde, & vnder his shadow dwelt all people. 7 Fayre and beutifull was he in his greatnesse, and in the length of his braunches, for his rote stode besyde greate waters: 8 no Cedre tre might hyde him. In the pleasaut garden of God, there was no Fyrre tre like his brauches, the playne trees were not like ye bowes of him. All the trees in the garden off God might not be copared vnto him in his beuty: 9 so fayre and goodly had I made him with the multitude of his braunches: In so moch, yt all the trees in the pleasaut garde of God, had envye at hi. 10 Therfore, thus saieth the LORDE God: For so moch as he hath lift vp himself so hie, & stretched his toppe in to the cloudes, & seinge his hert is proude in his highnesse: 11 I wil delyuer him in to ye hondes of ye mightiest amoge ye Heithe, which shall rote him out. Acordige to his wickednes will I cast him awaye, 12 the enemies shal destroye him, & the mighty men of the Heithen shall so scatre him, that his braunches shal lye vpon all mountaynes & in all valleys: his bowes shall be broken downe to the grounde thorow out the londe. Then all the people of the londe shal go from his shadowe, and forsake him. 13 When he is falle, all ye foules of ye ayre shal syt vpon him, and all wilde beestes of the felde shal go aboute amonge his brauches: 14 so that from hence forth, no tre in the water shall attayne to his hyenesse, nor reach his toppe vnto the cloudes, nether shall eny tre off the water stonde so hye, as he hath done. For vnto death shall they all be delyuered vnder the earth, and go downe to ye graue, like other men. 15 Morouer, thus saieth the LORDE God: In the daye when he goeth downe to the graue, I will cause a lamentacion to be made. I will couer the depe vpon him, I will staunch his floudes, and the greate waters shalbe restrayned. I shall cause Libanus to be soroufull for his sake, and all the trees off the felde shall be smytte. 16 I wil make the Heithen shake at the sounde of his fall, when I cast him downe to hell, with them yt descende in to the pytte. All the trees of Eden, wt all the chosen and best trees of Libanus, yee and all they that are planted vpon the waters, shal mourne with him also in the lower habitacios: 17 for they shal go downe to hell wt him, vnto the that be slayne with the swearde, which dwelt afore vnder the shadow off his arme amoge the Heithe.

Nahum 1:1-3

1 This is the heuy burthen of Niniue, which Naum of Elchos dyd wryte, as he sawe it. 2 The LORDE is a gelous God, and a taker of vengeaunce: yee a taker of vegeaunce is ye LORDE, and wrothfull. The LORDE taketh vengeaunce of his enemies, and reserueth displeasure for his aduersaries. 3 The LORDE suffreth longe, he is of greate power, & so innocent, that he leaueth no man fautlesse before him. The LORDE goeth forth in tempest and stormy wether, the cloudes are the dust of his fete.

Zephaniah 2:13-15

13 Yee he shall stretch out his honde ouer the north, and destroye Assur. As for Niniue, he shal make it desolate, drye and waist. 14 The flockes and all the beastes of the people shall lye in the myddest of it, pellicanes and storckes shall abyde in the vpper postes of it, foules shal synge in the wyndowes, and rauens shal syt vpon the balckes, for the bordes of Cedre shalbe ryue downe. 15 This is the proude and carelesse cite, that sayde in hir herte: I am, and there is els none. O how is she made so waist, yt the beestes lye therin? Who so goeth by, mocketh her, and poynteth at her with his fynger.

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