Jeremiah 2:8 Cross References - Coverdale

8 The prestes the selues saide not once: where is ye LORDE? They yt haue the lawe in their hondes, knowe me not: The shepherdes offende agaynst me. The prophetes do seruyce vnto Baal, & folowe soch thinges as shall bringe them no profit.

Deuteronomy 33:10

10 they shal teach Iacob thy iudgmentes, and Israel thy lawe: they shal laie incense before thy nose, & burntofferinges vpon thine altare.

1 Samuel 2:12

12 But Elis sonnes were the childre of Belial, and knewe not the LORDE,

1 Samuel 12:21

21 and go not asyde after vanite, for it profyteth you nothinge, and can not delyuer you, in so moch as it is but a vayne thinge.

1 Kings 18:22

22 The sayde Elias vnto the people: I onely am lefte a prophet of ye LORDE: but Baals prophetes are foure C. and fiftie me.

1 Kings 18:29

29 But whan ye noone daye was past, they prophecied vntyll the tyme that the meatofferynge shulde be offered, & there was nether voyce ner answere, ner one to regarde them.

1 Kings 18:40

40 Elias sayde vnto them: Laye handes vpon Baals prophetes, yt none of them escape. And they toke them. And Elias broughte them downe vnto ye broke Cyson, & slewe the there.

Isaiah 28:7

7 But they go wronge by ye reason of wyne, they fall and stacker because of stroge drynke. Yee eue the prestes and prophetes them selues go amisse, they are dronken with wyne, and weake braned thorow stronge drynke. They erre in seinge, and in iudgmet they fayle.

Isaiah 29:10

10 For the LORDE shal geue you an hard slepinge sprete, and holde downe youre eyes: namely yor prophetes and heades which shulde se, them shal he couer.

Isaiah 30:5

5 But ye shal all be ashamed of the people yt maye not helpe you, which shal not bringe you strength or comforte, but shame and confucion.

Isaiah 56:9-12

9 All the beastes of the felde, & all the beastes of ye wod, shal come to deuoure hi. 10 For his watchmen are all blinde, they haue alltogether no vnderstondinge, they are all domme dogges, not beinge able to barcke, they are slepery: slogish are they, & lie snortinge: 11 they are shamelesse dogges, yt be neuer sati?fied. The sheperdes also in like maner haue no vnderstondinge, but euery man turneth his owne waye, euery one after his owne couetousnes, wt all his power. 12 Come (saye they) I wil fetch wyne, so shal we fyll oure selues, that we maye be dronken. And do tomorow, like as to daye, yee and moch more.

Jeremiah 2:6

6 They thought not in their hertes: Where haue we left the LORDE, yt brought vs out of the lode of Egipte: yt led vs thorow the wildernesse, thorow a deserte and rough londe, thorow a drie and a deedly londe, yee a londe that no man had gone thorow, and wherein no man had dwelt.

Jeremiah 2:11

11 whether the Gentiles themselues deale so falsly & vntruly with their goddes (which yet are no goddes in dede.) But my people hath geuen ouer their hie honoure, for a thinge that maye not helpe them.

Jeremiah 4:22

22 Neuertheles this shall come vpon them, because my people is become foolish, and hath vterly no vnderstondinge. They are the children of foolishnes, and without eny discrecio. To do euell, they haue witt ynough: but to do well, they haue no wi?dome.

Jeremiah 5:31

31 The prophetes teach falsely, and the prestes folowe them, and my people hath pleasure therin. What will come therof at the last?

Jeremiah 7:8

8 But take hede, yee trust in councels, that begyle you and do you no good.

Jeremiah 8:8-11

8 How darre ye saye then: we are wise, we haue the lawe of the LORDE amonge vs? Beholde, the disceatfull penne of the scrybes, setteth forth lies: 9 therfore shal the wise be confounded, they shalbe afrayed and taken: for lo, they haue cast out the worde of the LORDE: what wy?dome can then be amonge them? 10 Wherfore, I will geue their wynes vnto aleauntes, and their feldes to destroyers. For from the lowest vnto the hyest, they folowe all shamefull lucre: and from the prophet vnto the prest, they deale all with lies. 11 Neuertheles, they heale the hurte of my people with swete wordes, sayenge: peace, peace, where there is no peace at all.

Jeremiah 10:21

21 For the hyrdmen haue done folishly, that they haue not sought the LORDE. Therfore haue they dealt vnwisely with their catell, & all are scatred abrode.

Jeremiah 12:10

10 Dyuerse hyrdme haue broken downe my vynyarde, and troden vpon my porcion. Of my pleasaunt porcion, they haue made a wildernes & deserte.

Jeremiah 16:19

19 O LORDE, my strength, my power, and refuge in tyme off trouble. The Gentiles shall come vnto the from the endes off the worlde, and saye: Verely oure fathers haue cleued vnto lies, their Idols are but vayne and vnprofitable.

Jeremiah 23:1-2

1 Wo be vnto the shepherdes, that destroye, and scatre my flocke, saieth the LORDE. 2 Wherfore, this is the comaundemet of the LORDE God of Israel, vnto the shepherdes that fede my people: Ye scatre ad thrust out my flocke, and loke not vpon them. Therfore, now will I vyset the wickednes of youre ymaginacions, saieth ye LORDE:

Jeremiah 23:9-15

9 My herte breaketh in my body because of the false prophetes, all my bones shake: I am become like a droncken man (that by the reason of wyne can take no rest) for very feare of the LORDE, and of his holy wordes: 10 Because the londe is full of aduoterers, where thorow it is destroyed and mourneth, and ye pleasaunt pastures of the deserte are dryed vp. Yee the waye that men take, is wicked, & their gouernaunce is nothinge like the holy worde of the LORDE. 11 For the prophetes and the prestes them selues are poluted Ypocrytes, ad their wickednes haue I founde in my house, saieth the LORDE. 12 Wherfore, their waye shall be slippery in the darcknesse, where in they maye stacker and fall. For I will bringe a plage vpon them, euen the yeare of their visitacion, saieth the LORDE. 13 I haue sene foly amonge the prophetes of Samaria, yt they preched for Baal, ad disceaued my people off Israel. 14 I haue sene also amonge the Prophetes off Ierusalem foule aduoutery, and presumptuous lies. They take the most shamefull men by the hode, flatringe them, so that they canot returne from their wickednes. All these with their citesyns are vnto me, as Sodom, and as the inhabitours off Gomorre. 15 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes concernynge the prophetes: Beholde, I wil fede them with wormwod, & make them dryncke the water of gall. For fro the prophetes of Ierusalem is the sicknes of Ypocrisie come in to all the londe.

Hosea 4:6

6 my people perish, because they haue no knowlege. Seinge then that thou hast refused vnderstondinge, therfore wil I refuse ye also: so that thou shalt nomore be my prest. And for so moch as thou hast forgotten the lawe of thy God, I wil also forget thy childre.

Habakkuk 2:18

18 What helpe than wil ye ymage do, whom the workman hath fashioned? Or the vayne cast ymage, wherin because the craftesman putteth his trust, therfore maketh he domme Idols?

Malachi 2:6-9

6 The lawe of treuth was in his mouth, and there was no wickednesse founde in his lippes. He walked with me in peace ad equyte, and dyd turne many one awaye from their synnes. 7 For the prestes lippes shulde be sure knowlege, that men maye seke the lawe at his mouth, for he is a messaunger of the LORDE of hoostes. 8 But as for you, ye are gone clene out off the waye, and haue caused the multitude to be offended at the lawe: ye haue broken the couenaunt of Leui, sayeth the LORDE of hoostes. 9 Therfore wil I also make you to be despised, and to be of no reputacion amonge all ye people: because ye haue not kepte my wayes, but bene parciall in the lawe.

Matthew 16:26

26 What helpeth it a man though he wanne the whole worlde, and yet suffred harme in his soule? Or what can a man geue, to redeme his soule withall?

Luke 11:52

52 Wo vnto you scrybes, for ye haue receaued ye keye of knowlege. Ye are not come in youre selues, and haue forbydden them that wolde haue bene in.

John 8:55

55 and ye knowe hi not: but I knowe him. And yf I shulde saye, I knowe him not, I shulde be a lyar, like vnto you. But I knowe him, and kepe his worde.

John 16:3

3 And soch thinges shal they do vnto you, because they haue nether knowne ye father ner yet me.

Romans 2:17-24

17 But take hede, thou art called a Iewe, and trustest in the lawe, & makest thy boost of God, 18 and knowest his will: & for so moch as thou art enfourmed out of ye lawe, 19 thou prouest what is best to do, and presumest to be a leader of the blynde: a lighte of them yt are in darcknes: 20 an enformer of ye vnwyse: a teacher of ye symple: which hast the ensample of knowlege & of the trueth in the lawe. 21 Now teachest thou other, and teachest not thy selfe. Thou preachest that a man shulde not steale, and thou stealest. 22 Thou sayest, that a man shulde not breake wedlocke, and thou breakest wedlocke. Thou abhorrest ymages, and robbest God of his honoure. 23 Thou makest thy boost of the lawe, and thorow breakynge of the lawe thou dishonorest God. 24 For thorow you is the name of God euell spoken of amonge the Gentyles, as it is wrytten.

2 Corinthians 4:2

2 but cast from vs the clokes of vnhonestye, and walke not in craftines: nether corruppe we the worde of God but open the trueth, and reporte oure selues to euery mans conscyence in the sighte of God.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.