James 3:14 Cross References - Coverdale

14 But yf ye haue bitter enuyenge and stryfe in yor hertes, reioyce not: nether be lyars agaynst the trueth.

Genesis 30:1-2

1 When Rachel sawe that she bare no children vnto Iacob, she had enuye at hir sister, & saide vnto Iacob: Geue me childre also, or els I am but deed. 2 But Iacob was very wroth at Rachel, & sayde: Am I then in Gods steade, which kepeth ye frute of yi wombe from ye?

Genesis 37:11

11 And his brethre had envie at him. But his father marcked this sayenge.

2 Kings 10:16

16 and saide: Come with me, and se my zele for the LORDE. And they caryed him with him vpon his charet.

2 Kings 10:31

31 Neuerthelesse Iehu was not diligent to walke in the lawe of the LORDE God of Israel with all his hert: for he lefte not of fro the synnes of Ieroboam which made Israel to synne.

Job 5:2

2 As for the foolish man displeasure kylleth him, and anger slayeth ye ignoraunt.

Proverbs 14:30

30 A mery herte is the life of the body, but rancoure consumeth awaye the bones.

Proverbs 27:4

4 Wrath is a cruell thige, and furiousnesse is a very tempest: yee who is able to abyde envye?

Isaiah 11:13

13 The hatred of Ephraim, and ye enmyte of Iuda shalbe clene rooted out. Ephraim shal beare no euel wil to Iuda, and Iuda shal not hate Ephraim:

Habakkuk 1:3

3 Why lettest thou me se weerynesse and laboure? Tyrany and violence are before me, power ouergoeth right:

Matthew 27:18

18 For he knewe well that they had delyuered him of enuye.

John 16:2

2 They shal excomunicate you. The tyme commeth, that who soeuer putteth you to death, shal thynke that he doth seruyce vnto God.

Acts 5:17

17 But the hye prest rose vp, and all they yt were with him, which is the secte of the Saduces, and were full of indignacion,

Acts 7:9

9 And the Patriarkes had indignacion at Ioseph, and solde hi in to Egipte. And God was with him,

Acts 13:45

45 But whan the Iewes sawe the people, they were full of indignacion, and spake agaynst that which was spoken of Paul, speakinge agaynst it, & blasphemynge.

Acts 26:9

9 I also verely thoughte by my selfe, that I oughte to do many cotrary thinges cleane agaynst the name off Iesus off Nazareth,

Romans 1:29

29 beynge full of all vnrighteousnes, whordome, wickednes, couetousnes, maliciousnes, full of enuye, murthur, strife, disceate, euell codicioned whisperers,

Romans 2:8

8 But vnto them that are contencious & not obedient vnto the trueth, but obeye vnrighteousnes, shal come indignacion and wrath,

Romans 2:17

17 But take hede, thou art called a Iewe, and trustest in the lawe, & makest thy boost of God,

Romans 2:23-29

23 Thou makest thy boost of the lawe, and thorow breakynge of the lawe thou dishonorest God. 24 For thorow you is the name of God euell spoken of amonge the Gentyles, as it is wrytten. 25 The circucision verely avayleth, yf thou kepe the lawe: but yf thou breake the lawe, then is thy circumcision become vncircumcision. 26 Therfore yf the vncircumcision kepe the righte thinges conteyned in the lawe, shal not his vncircumcision be counted for circumcision? 27 And so it that of nature is vncircumcision, and fulfilleth the lawe shal iudge the, which vnder the letter and circumcision trasgressest the lawe. 28 For he is not a Iew which is a Iewe outwarde: nether is that circucision which is done outwardly in ye flesh: 29 But he is a Iewe, which is hydd within. And the circumcision of ye hert is the circumcision, which is done in the sprete and not in the letter: Whoseprayse is not of men, but of God.

Romans 13:13

13 Let vs walke honestly as in the daye, not in excesse off eatinge aud in dronkennesse, not in chamburynge and wantonnesse, not in stryfe and enuyenge:

1 Corinthians 3:3

3 For seynge there is enuyenge, stryfe, and discencion amonge you, are ye not fleshly, & walke after ye maner of men?

1 Corinthians 4:7-8

7 For who preferreth the? What hast thou that thou hast not receaued? Yf thou hast receaued it, why makest thou the thy boost, as though thou haddest not receaued it? 8 Now ye are full, now ye are made riche, ye raigne without vs, and wolde God ye dyd raigne, that we might raigne with you.

1 Corinthians 5:2

2 And ye are puft vp, and haue not rather sorowed, that he which hath done this dede, mighte be put fro amoge you.

1 Corinthians 5:6

6 Youre reioysinge is not good. Knowe ye not that a litle leuen sowereth the whole lompe of dowe.

1 Corinthians 13:4

4 Loue is pacient & curteous, loue envyeth not, loue doth not frowardly, is not puft vp, dealeth not dishonestly,

2 Corinthians 12:20

20 For I feare, lest whan I come, I shal not fynde you soch as I wolde: and lest ye shal fynde me soch as ye wolde not: lest there be amonge you, debates, envyenges, wrathes, stryuynges, bacbytinges, whysperinges, swellinges, vproures:

Galatians 5:15

15 But yf ye byte and deuoure one another, take hede, that ye be not consumed one of another.

Galatians 5:21

21 envyenge, murthur, dronkennes, glotony, and soch like: of the which I tell you before, as I haue tolde you in tyme past, that they which commytte soch, shal not inheret the kyngdome of God.

Galatians 5:26

26 Let vs not be vayne glorious, prouokinge one another, and envyenge another.

Galatians 6:13

13 For eue they them selues which are circumcysed, kepe not the lawe, but wolde haue you circucysed, that they mighte reioyse in youre flesh.

Philippians 1:15

15 Some (no doute) preach Christ of enuye and stryfe, but some of good wil.

Philippians 2:3

3 that there be nothinge done thorow stryfe and vayne glory, but that thorow mekenesse of mynde euery man esteme another better then himselfe:

1 Timothy 6:4

4 he is puft vp, and knoweth nothinge, but waysteth his brayne aboute questions and stryuynges of wordes: wherof sprynge envye, stryfe, raylinges, euell surmysinges,

Titus 3:3

3 For we oure selues also were in tymes past, vnwyse, dishobedient, in erroure, seruynge lustes and dyuerse maners of voluptuousnes, lyuynge in maliciousnes and envye, full of hate, hatynge one another.

James 3:16

16 For where enuyenge and stryfe is, there is vnstablenes and all maner of euell workes.

James 4:1-5

1 From whence commeth warre and fightynge amonge you: come they not here hence? euen of yor volupteousnesses that rayne in youre mebres? 2 Ye lust, and haue not. Ye envie and haue indignacion, and can not obtayne. Ye fight & warre, and haue not, because ye axe not. 3 Ye axe & receaue not because ye axe amysse: eue to cosume it vpo yor voluptuousnes. 4 Ye aduouterars, & weme that breke matrimonie: knowe ye not how that the frenshippe of ye worlde is ennimite to godwarde? Whosoeuer wilbe a frende of the worlde, is made ye enemie of god. 5 Ether do ye thinke yt the scripture sayth in vayne. The sprete yt dwelleth in you, lusteth euen contrary to enuie:

James 5:19

19 Brethren, yf eny of you erre fro the trueth and another conuert him,

1 Peter 2:1-2

1 Wherfore laye asyde all maliciousnes and all gyle, and ypocrisye, and envye, and all bacbytinge, 2 & as new borne babes desyre that reasonable mylke, which is without corrupcion, that ye maye growe therin,

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