Isaiah 65:3 Cross References - Coverdale

3 To a people, that is euer defyenge me to my face. They make their oblacions in gardens, and their smoke vpon aulters of bricke,

Exodus 20:24-25

24 Make me an altare of earth, wher vpon thou mayest offer yi burntofferynges, & peaceofferynges, thy shepe and thine oxen. For loke in what place so euer I make ye remembraunce of my name, there wil I come vnto the, and blesse the. 25 And yf thou wilt make me an altare of stone, thou shalt not make it of hewen stone: For yf thou lift vp thy tole vpon it, thou shalt vnhalowe it.

Exodus 30:1-10

1 Thou shalt make also an incense altare to burne incense, of Fyrre tre, 2 a cubyte longe & brode, eauen foure squared, and two cubytes hye with his hornes, 3 & shalt ouerlaye it with pure golde, the rofe & the walles of it rounde aboute, and the hornes therof, & a crowne of golde shalt thou make rounde aboute it, 4 and two golde rynges on ether syde vnder the crowne, that there maie be staues put therin, to beare it withall. 5 The staues shalt thou make of Fyrre tre also, and ouerlaye the with golde: 6 and shalt set it before the vayle, that hangeth before the Arke of wytnesse, and before the Mercyseate yt is vpon the wytnesse, from whence I wyl proteste vnto the. 7 And Aaron shal burne swete incense theron euery morninge, wha he dresseth the lampes. 8 In like maner whan he lighteth the lampes at euen, he shall burne soch incense also. This shal be the daylie incense before the LORDE amonge youre posterities. 9 Ye shall put no straunge incense therin, & offer no burntofferynge, ner meatofferynge, nether drynkofferynge theron. 10 And vpon ye hornes of it shall Aaron reconcyle once in a yeare, with ye bloude of the synneofferynge, which they shall offer that are reconcyled. This shal be done amonge youre posterities for this is the most holy vnto the LORDE.

Leviticus 17:5

5 Therfore shall the children of Israel brynge their offerynges (that they wyll offre vpon the wyde felde) before the LORDE, euen before the dore of the Tabernacle of witnesse, vnto the prest, & there offre their healthofferynges vnto the LORDE.

Deuteronomy 32:16-19

16 He hath prouoked him to indignacion, thorow straunge goddes, and thorow abhominacion hath he angred him. 17 They offred vnto felde deuels, & not vnto their God. Vnto goddes whom they knewe not, eue vnto new goddes, yt came newly vp, whom their fathers honoured not. 18 Thy rocke that begat ye, hast thou despysed: and hast forgotten God that made the. 19 And whan the LORDE sawe it, he was moued vnto wrath ouer his sonnes and his doughters.

Deuteronomy 32:21

21 They haue prouoked me in it that is not God: wt their vanites haue they angred me. And I agayne wil prouoke them, by those that are no people: by a foolish nacion wil I anger them.

2 Kings 17:14-17

14 they wolde not herken, but herdened their neckes, acordinge to the hardneck of their fathers, which beleued not on the LORDE their God. 15 Yee they despysed his ordinaunces and his couenaunt which he made with their fathers, and his testimonies which he witnessed amonge them, and walked in their awne vanities, and became vayne folowinge the Heythen, which dwelt rounde aboute them, concernynge whom the LORDE had commaunded them, that they shulde not do as they dyd. 16 Neuertheles they forsoke all the commaundementes of the LORDE their God and made them two molten calues and groues, and worshipped all the hoost of heauen, & serued Baal, 17 and caused their sonnes and doughters to go thorow the fyre, and medled wt soythsayers and witches, and gaue them selues ouer to do that which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE, to prouoke him vnto wrath.

2 Kings 22:17

17 because they haue forsaken me, and brent incense vnto other goddes, to prouoke me vnto wrath with all the workes of their handes. Therfore is my wrath kindled agaynst this cite, and shall not be quenched.

Job 1:11

11 But laye thyne honde vpo him a litle, touch once all that he hath, and (I holde) he shall curse the to thy face.

Job 2:5

5 But laye thine honde vpon him, touch him once vpon the bone and flesh, and (I holde) he shall curse the to thy face.

Psalms 78:40

40 For he considered yt they were but flesh: euen a wynde that passeth awaye, and commeth not agayne.

Psalms 78:58

58 But turned their backes and fell awaye like their forefathers, startinge asyde like a broken bowe.

Isaiah 1:29

29 And excepte ye be ashamed of the oketrees wherin ye haue so delited, and of the gardes that ye haue chosen:

Isaiah 3:8

8 For Ierusalem and Iuda must decaye, because that both their wordes and councels are agaynst the LORDE, they prouoke the presence of his magesty vnto anger.

Isaiah 66:17

17 Soch as haue made themselues holy and cleane in the gardens, and those that haue eaten swyne flesh, myce, and other abhominacios, shalbe taken awaye together, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 3:6

6 The LORDE sayde also vnto me, in the tyme of Iosias the kinge: Hast thou sene what that shrekinge Israel hath done? how she hath runne vp vpon all hie hilles, and amonge all thick trees, and there played the harlot?

Jeremiah 32:30-35

30 For seinge the children of Israel and the children of Iuda haue wrought wickednes before me euer from their youth vp, what haue they els done, but prouoked me with the workes of their owne hondes? saieth the LORDE. 31 Or, what hath this cite bene els, but a prouokinge of my wrath, euer sence the daye that I buylded it, vnto this houre? Wherin I cast it out of my sight, 32 be cause of the greate blasphemies of the childre of Israel and Iuda, which they haue done to prouoke me: yee they, their kinges, their prynces, their prestes, their prophetes, whole Iuda, and all the citesyns of Ierusalem. 33 When I stode vp early, and taught them and instructe them, they turned their backes to me, and not their faces. 34 They wolde not heare, to be refourmed and correcte. They hane set their goddes in ye house, that is halowed vnto my name, to defyle it. 35 They haue buylded hie places for Baal in the valley of the children of Ennon, to vowe their sonnes and doughters vnto Moloch: which I neuer commauded them, nether came it euer in my thought, to make Iuda synne with soch abhominacion.

Ezekiel 8:17-18

17 And he sayde vnto me: hast thou sene this, thou sonne of man? Thinketh the house of Israel, that it is but a trifle, to do these abhominacions here? Shulde they fyll the londe full of wickednesse, and vndertake to prouoke me vnto anger? Yee & purposly to cast vp their noses vpon me? 18 Therfore wil I also do some thinge in my wrothfull displeasure, so that myne eye shall not ouersee them, nether wil I spare them. Yee and though they crie in myne eares with loude voyce, yet wil I not heare them.

Ezekiel 20:28

28 For after I had brought them in to the londe, yt I promysed to geue them, when they sawe euery hie hill & all the thicke trees: they made there their offringes, and prouoked me with their oblacions, makinge swete sauoures there, & poured out their drinkeofferinges.

Matthew 23:32-36

32 Go to, fulfyll ye also the measure of youre fathers. 33 O ye serpentes, O ye generacion of vypers, how wyl ye escape the damnacion of Hell? 34 Therfore beholde, I sende vnto you prophetes and wysemen, and scrybes, and some of them shal ye kyll and crucifye, and some of them shal ye scourge in youre synagoges, and persecute them from cite to cite: 35 that vpon you maye come all the righteous bloude which hath bene shed vpon ye earth, from the bloude of righteous Abel, vnto ye bloude of Zachary ye sonne of Barachias, whom ye slew betwene the temple and the altare. 36 Verely I saye vnto you: All these thinges shal light vpo this generacion.

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