Isaiah 65:18 Cross References - Coverdale

18 but me shalbe glad and euermore reioyse, for the thinges, that I shall do. For why: Beholde, I shal make a ioyfull Ierusale,

Psalms 67:3-5

3 Let the people prayse the (o God) yee let all people prayse the. 4 O let the people reioyse and be glad, that thou iudgest the folke rightuously, and gouernest the nacions vpo earth. 5 Let the people prayse the (o God) let all people prayse the.

Psalms 96:10-13

10 Tell it out amonge the Heithe, that the LORDE is kynge: and that it is he which hath made the rounde worlde so fast, that it cannot be moued, and how that he shal iudge the people rightuously. 11 Let the heaues reioyse, and let the earth be glad: let the see make a noyse, yee & all that therin is. 12 Let the felde be ioyfull and all that is in it, let all the trees of the wodd leape for ioye. 13 Before the LORDE, for he commeth: for he cometh to iudge the earth: yee with rightuousnesse shal he iudge the worlde, and ye people with his trueth.

Psalms 98:1-9

1 O synge vnto the LORDE a new songe, for he hath done maruelous thinges. 2 With his owne right honde and with his holy arme hath he gotten the victory. 3 The LORDE hath declared his sauynge health, and his rightuousnes hath he openly shewed in the sight of the Heithe. 4 He hath remembred his mercy and trueth towarde the house of Israel: so that all the endes of the worlde se the sauynge health of oure God. 5 Shewe youre self ioyfull vnto the LORDE all ye londes, synge, reioyse and geue thankes. 6 Prayse the LORDE vpon the harpe, synge to the harpe with a psalme of thankesgeuynge. 7 With trompettes also & shawmes: O shewe youre selues ioyfull before the LORDE the kynge. 8 Let the see make a noyse and all yt therin is, yee the whole worlde & all that dwell therin. 9 Let the floudes clappe their hondes, and let all the hilles be ioyfull together. Before the LORDE, for he is come to iudge the earth. Yee with rightuousnes shall he iudge the worlde, and the people with equite.

Isaiah 12:4-6

4 and then shal ye saye: Let vs geue thankes vnto the lorde, and call vpon his name, and declare his councels amonge the people, and kepe them in remembraunce, for his name is excellet. 5 O synge praises vnto the LORDE, for he doth greate thinges, as it is knowne in all the worlde. 6 Crie out, and be glad, thou that dwellest in Sion, for greate is thy prince: the holy one of Israel.

Isaiah 25:9

9 At the same tyme shal it be sayde: lo, this is oure God in who we put oure trust, and he hath healed vs. This is the LORDE that we haue wayted for: Let vs reioyse & delyte in his health.

Isaiah 42:10-12

10 Synge therfore vnto the LORDE, a new songe of thakes geuynge, blow out his prayse vnto the ende of the worlde. They that be vpon the see, & all that is therin, prayse him, the Iles & they that dwel in them. 11 Let the wildernes with hir cities lift vp hir voyce, the townes also that be in Cedar. Let them be glad that syt vpon rockes of stone, and let them crie downe from the hie mountaynes: 12 ascribinge almightynes vnto the LORDE, & magnifienge him amonge the Getiles.

Isaiah 44:23

23 Be glad ye heauens, whom the LORDE hath made, let all yt is here beneth vpon the earth, be ioyfull. Reioyse ye mountaynes & woddes, with all the trees that are in you: for ye LORDE shal redeme Iacob, & shewe his glory vpon Israel.

Isaiah 49:13

13 Reioyse ye heauens, and synge prayses thou earth: Talke of ioye ye hilles, for God wil coforte his people, & haue mercy vpon his, yt be in trouble.

Isaiah 51:11

11 That the redemed of the LORDE, which turned agayne, might come with ioye vnto Sio, there to endure for euer? That myrth and gladnesse might be with them: that sorowe & wo might fle from the?

Isaiah 52:7-10

7 O how bewtiful are the fete of the Embassitoure, yt bringeth the message fro the mountayne, & proclameth peace: yt brigeth the good tydinges, & preacheth health, & saieth vnto Sion: Thy God is the kinge. 8 Thy watchme shal lift vp their voyce, wt loude voyce shal they preach of him: for they shal se him present, whe the LORDE shal come agayne to Sion. 9 Be glad, o thou desolate Ierusale, & reioyse together: for the LORDE will coforte his people, he wil delyuer Ierusale. 10 The LORDE wil make bare his holy arme, & shewe it forth in the sight of all the Getiles, & all the endes of the earth shal se the sauynge health of oure God.

Isaiah 66:10-14

10 Reioyse with Ierusalem, & be glad with her, all ye that loue her. Be ioyful with her, all ye that mourned for her. 11 For ye shal sucke coforte out of hir brestes, and be satisfied. Ye shal taist, and haue delite in the plenteousnesse of hir power. 12 For thus sayeth the LORDE: beholde, I wil let peace i to her, like a water floude, & ye might of the Heithe like a flowinge streame. Then shal ye sucke, ye shal be borne vpon hir sydes, and be ioyful vpo hir knees. 13 For like as a childe is comforted of his mother, so shal I conforte you, and ye shalbe comforted in Ierusalem. 14 And when ye se this, youre herte shal reioyse, and youre bones shal florish like an herbe. Thus shal the honde of the LORDE be knowne amonge his seruauntes, and his indignacion amonge his enemies.

Zephaniah 3:14

14 Geue thankes o doughter Sio, be ioyful o Israel: reioyce & be glad from thy whole herte, o doughter Ierusalem,

Zechariah 9:9

9 Reioyce thou greatly, o doughter Sion: be glad, o doughter Ierusalem. For lo, thy kinge commeth vnto the, euen the rightuous and Sauioure: Lowly and symple is he, he rydeth vpon an asse, and vpo the foale of an asse.

1 Thessalonians 5:16

16 Reioyse alwaye,

Revelation 11:15-18

15 And the seuenth angel blewe, and ther were made greate voyces in heauen, sayege: the kyngdoms of this worlde are oure LORDES and his Christes, and he shal reigne for eurmore. 16 And the foure and twentye Elders, which sat before God on their seatts, fell vpon their faces, and worshipped God 17 sayenge: we geue the thankes LORDE God allmyghte: which art and wast, and art to come, for thou hast receaued thy greate might, and hast raygned. 18 And the Heythen were angry, & thy wrath is come, and the tyme of the deed that they shulde be iudged, and that thou shuldest geue rewarde vnto thy seruautes the prophettes and saynctes, and to the that feare thy name, small & greate: and shuldest destroye them which destroye the earth.

Revelation 19:1-6

1 And after that, I herde the voyce of moch people in heauen, sayenge: Alleluia. Saluacion and glory and honour, and power be ascribed to the LORDE or God, 2 for true and righteous are his iudgmentes, because he hath iudged the greate whore (which did corrupt ye earth with her fornicacion) and hath auenged the bloud of his seruautes of her hond. 3 And agayne they sayde: Alleluia. And smoke rose vp for euermore. 4 And ye xxiiij: elders, & the foure beestes fell downe, and worshipped God that sat on the seate, sayenge: Amen: Alleluia. 5 And a voice came out of the seate, sayenge: prayse or LORDE God all ye that are his seruautes, & ye that feare him both small and greate. 6 And I herde the voyce of moch people, eue as ye voyce of many waters, & as ye voyce of stronge thondrynges, sayenge: Alleluia, for God omnipotent raigneth.

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