Isaiah 60:3 Cross References - Coverdale

3 The Gentiles shal come to thy light, & kynges to the brightnes yt springeth forth vpo ye.

Genesis 49:10

10 The cepter shal not be remoued fro Iuda, ner a master fro his fete, tyll the Worthye come, and vnto him shal the people fall.

Psalms 2:10

10 Be wyse now therfore (o ye kynges) be warned, ye that are iudges of the earth.

Psalms 22:27

27 All the endes of the worlde shal remembre themselues, & be turned vnto the LORDE: and all the generacions of the Heithen shal worsh pe before him.

Psalms 67:1-4

1 God be mercifull vnto vs, blesse vs, & shewe the light off his countenauce apon vs. 2 Sela. That we maye knowe yi waye vpo earth, yi sauynge health amonge all Heithen. 3 Let the people prayse the (o God) yee let all people prayse the. 4 O let the people reioyse and be glad, that thou iudgest the folke rightuously, and gouernest the nacions vpo earth.

Psalms 68:29

29 For thy teples sake at Ierusalem shal kynges brynge presentes vnto the.

Psalms 72:11

11 All kynges shal worshipe him, & all Heithe shal do him seruyce.

Psalms 72:17-19

17 & shal be grene in the cite, like grasse vpo the earth. 18 His name shal endure for euer, his name shal remayne vnder the sonne amonge the posterites, which shalbe blessed thorow him, & all the Heithen shal prayse him. 19 Blessed be the LORDE God, euen the God of Israel, which only doth woderous thinges.

Psalms 98:2-3

2 With his owne right honde and with his holy arme hath he gotten the victory. 3 The LORDE hath declared his sauynge health, and his rightuousnes hath he openly shewed in the sight of the Heithe.

Psalms 117:1-2

1 O prayse the LORDE all ye Gentiles, laude him all ye people. 2 For his mercifull kyndnes is euer more and more towarde vs, & the trueth of the LORDE endureth for euer. Halleluya.

Psalms 138:4

4 All the kynges of the earth shal prayse the (o LORDE) when they heare the wordes of thy mouth.

Isaiah 2:2-5

2 It will be also in processe of tyme: That the hill where the the house of the LORDE is buylded, shal be ye chefe amoge hilles, and exalted aboue al litle hilles. And al heithe shal prease vnto him and the multitude of people shall go vnto him, 3 speakinge thus one to another: vp, let us go to the hill of the LORDE, and to the house of ye God of Iacob: yt he maye shewe us his waye, and yt we maye walke in his pathes. For ye lawe shal come out of Syon, and the worde of God from Ierusalem, 4 and shal geue sentence amonge the heithen, and shal reforme the multitude of people: So that they shal breake their swerdes and speares, to make sythes, sycles & sawes therof. From that tyme forth shal not one people lift vp wapen agaynst another, nether shal they lerne to fight from thensforth. 5 It is to the that I crie (o house of Iacob) vp, let us walke in the light of the LORDE.

Isaiah 11:10

10 Then shal the Gentiles enquere after the rote of Iesse (which shalbe set vp for a token vnto the Gentiles) for his dwellinge shalbe glorious.

Isaiah 19:23-25

23 Then shal there be a comon waye out of Egipte in to Assiria. The Assirians shal come in to Egipte, and the Egypcians in to Assiria. The Egipcians also and the Assirians shal both haue one Gods seruyce. 24 Then shal Israel with honoure be the thirde to Egipte and Assur. 25 And the LORDE of hoostes shal blesse them, sayenge: Blissed is my people of the Egipcians, Assur is the worke of my hodes, but Israel is myne enheritaunce.

Isaiah 45:14

14 The LORDE hath sayde morouer: The occupiers of Egipte, the marchauntes of the Moryans and Sabees, shal come vnto the with tribute, they shalbe thine, they shal folowe the, and go with cheynes vpon their fete. They shal fall downe before the, and make supplicacion vnto the. For God (wt out who there is none other God) shal be with the.

Isaiah 49:6-7

6 Let it be but a smal thinge, that thou art my seruaunt, to set vp the kinreddes of Iacob, & to restore the destructio of Israel: yf I make the not also the light of the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my health vnto the ende of the worlde. 7 Morouer thus saieth the LORDE the aveger and holy one of Israel, because of the abhorringe and despisinge amonge the Gentiles, concernynge the seruaunt of all them yt beare rule: Kynges and prynces shal se, and arise and worshipe, because of the LORDE that he is faithfull: and because of the holy one of Israel, which hath chosen the.

Isaiah 49:12

12 And beholde, they shal come from farre: lo, some from the north and west, some from the south.

Isaiah 49:23

23 For kinges shalbe thy noursinge fathers, and Quenes shalbe thy noursinge mothers. They shal fall before the wt their faces flat vpon the earth, and lick vp the dust of thy fete: that thou mayest knowe, how that I am the LORDE. And who so putteth his trust in me, shal not be confounded.

Isaiah 54:1-3

1 Therfore be glad now, thou bare that bearest not. Reioyce, synge & be mery, thou yt art not with childe: For the desolate hath moo children, then the maried wife, saieth the LORDE. 2 Make thy tente wyder, & sprede out the hanginges of thine habitacio: spare not, laye forth thy coardes, and make fast thy stakes: 3 for thou shalt breake out on the right syde and on the left, & thy sede shal haue ye Getiles in possession, ad dwel in the desolate cities.

Isaiah 60:10

10 Straugers shal buylde vp thy walles, and their kiges shal do the seruyce. For when I am angrie, I smyte the: and when it pleaseth me, I pardon the.

Isaiah 60:16

16 Thou shalt sucke the mylck of the Gentiles, and kinges brestes shal fede the. And thou shalt knowe that I the LORDE am thy Sauioure and defender, the mighty one of Iacob.

Isaiah 66:12

12 For thus sayeth the LORDE: beholde, I wil let peace i to her, like a water floude, & ye might of the Heithe like a flowinge streame. Then shal ye sucke, ye shal be borne vpon hir sydes, and be ioyful vpo hir knees.

Isaiah 66:19-20

19 Vnto them shal I geue a toke, and sende certayne of the (that be delyuered) amonge the Gentiles: in to Celicia, Africa and Lidia (where men can handle bowes) into Italie also and Grekelonde. The Iles farre of, that haue not herde speake of me, & haue not sene my glory: shal preach my prayse amonge the Gentiles, 20 and shal bringe all youre brethre for an offringe vnto the LORDE, out of al people, vpo horses, charettes and horse lytters, vpo Mooles and cartes to Ierusalem my holy hill (saieth the LORDE) like as the children of Israel bringe the offringe in cleane vessels, to the house of the LORDE.

Amos 9:12

12 yt they maye possesse the remnaunt of Edom, yee and all soch people as call vpon my name wt the, saieth the LORDE, which doth these thinges.

Micah 4:1-2

1 But in the latter dayes it wil come to passe, that the hill off the LORDES house shalbe set vp hyer the eny moutaynes or hilles: Yee the people shall preese vnto it, 2 and the multitude off the Gentiles shal haist them thither, sayege: Come, let vs go vp to the hill of the LORDE, & to the house of the God of Iacob: that he maye teach vs his waye, and that we maye walke in his pathes. For the lawe shall come out off Sion, ad the worde of God from Ierusalem,

Zechariah 2:11

11 At the same tyme there shal many Heithen cleue to the LORDE, & shal be my people. Thus wil I dwel in the myddest of the, & thou shalt knowe, that the LORDE of hoostes hath sent me vnto the.

Zechariah 8:20-23

20 Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes: There shall yet come people, and the inhabiters of many cities: 21 and they that dwell in one cite, shal go to another, sayenge: Vp, let vs go, and praye before the LORDE, let vs seke the LORDE of hoostes, I wil go with you. 22 Yee moch people and mightie Heithen shal come and seke the LORDE of hoostes at Ierusalem, and to praye before the LORDE. 23 Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes: In that tyme shal ten men (out of all maner of languages of the Gentiles) take one Iewe by the hemme of his garment, and saye: we wil go with you, for we haue herde, that God is amonge you.

Matthew 2:1-11

1 When Iesus was borne at Bethlee in Iury, in the tyme of Herode the kynge, Beholde, there came wyse men from the east to Ierusale, 2 saynge: Where is the new borne kynge of the Iues? We haue sene his starre in the east, and are come to worship him. 3 When Herode ye kynge had herde thys, he was troubled, & all Ierusale with hym, 4 and he gathered all the hye Prestes and Scribes of ye people, & axed of them, where Christ shulde be borne. 5 And they sayde vnto hym: at Bethleem in Iury. For thus it is written by the Prophet: 6 And thou Bethleem in the londe of Iury, art not the leest amonge the Princes of Iuda. For out of ye shall come vnto me the captayne, that shall gouerne my people Israel. 7 Then Herod preuely called the wyse men, and dyligently enquyred of them, what tyme the starre appered, 8 and sent them to Bethleem, sainge: Go, and searche dyligently for the chylde. And when ye haue founde hym, bringe me worde agayne, that I maye come and worshippe hym also. 9 When they had heard the kynge, they departed: and lo, the starre which they sawe in the east, went before them, tyll it came, and stode ouer the place where the chylde was. 10 When they sawe the starre, they were maruelously glad: 11 and went into the house, and found the chylde with Mary his mother, and kneled downe and worshipped hym, & opened ther treasures, and offred vnto hym gyftes: gold, franckynsence and myrre.

Matthew 28:19

19 Go ye youre waye therfore, and teach all nacions, and baptyse them in the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the holy goost:

Luke 24:47

47 and to let repentaunce and remyssion, of synnes be preached in his name amoge all nacions, and to begynne at Ierusale.

John 12:20-21

20 There were certayne Grekes (amonge the that were come vp to Ierusale to worshipe at the feast) 21 the same came vnto Philippe, which was of Bethsaida out of Galile, & prayed him, and sayde: Syr, we wolde fayne se Iesus.

John 12:32

32 And I whan I am lift vp from the earth, wyl drawe all vnto me.

Acts 13:47

47 For so hath the LORDE comaunded vs: I haue set the to be a lighte vnto ye Gentyles, yt thou be ye Saluacion vnto the ende of the earth.

Acts 15:17

17 that the residue of men maye seke after the LORDE: & also the Heythen vpo whom my name is named, sayeth the LORDE, which doth all these thinges.

Romans 11:11-15

11 I saye then: Haue they therfore stombled, yt they shulde cleane fall to naughte? God forbyd: but thorow their fall is saluacion happened vnto ye Heythen, that he mighte prouoke them to be zelous after them. 12 For yf their fall be the riches of the worlde, and the mynishinge of the the riches of the Heythen: how moch more shulde it be so, yf their fulnesse were there? 13 I speake vnto you Heythen: for in as moch as I am ye Apostle of the Heythen, I wil prayse myne office, 14 yf I mighte prouoke them vnto zele, which are my fleshe, and saue some of them. 15 For yf the losse of them by the recocylinge of the worlde, what were that els, then as yf life were taken of the deed?

Romans 15:9-12

9 and that the Heythen mighte prayse God because of mercy, as it is wrytten: For this cause wyl I prayse the amoge the Getyles, and synge vnto thy name. 10 And agayne he sayeth: Reioyse ye Heythen with his people. 11 And agayne: Prayse the LORDE all ye Gentiles, and laude him all ye nacios. 12 And agayne Esay sayeth: There shalbe the rote of Iesse, and he that shal ryse to rule the Gentyles, in him shal the Gentyles trust.

Revelation 11:15

15 And the seuenth angel blewe, and ther were made greate voyces in heauen, sayege: the kyngdoms of this worlde are oure LORDES and his Christes, and he shal reigne for eurmore.

Revelation 21:24

24 And ye people which are saued, shal walke in the light of it: and the kynges of the earth shal brynge their glory vnto it.

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