Isaiah 47:13 Cross References - Coverdale

13 Thou hast hither to had many councels of them, so let the heauengasers & the beholders of starres, come on now and delyuer the: yee and let the shewe, when these new thinges shall come vpon the.

Isaiah 44:25

25 I destroye the tokens of witches, and make the Sothsayers go wronge. As for the wise, I turne them bacward, and make their conninge folishnesse.

Isaiah 47:15

15 Euen so shal they be vnto the, whom thou hast vsed & occupide from thy youth. Euery one shal shewe ye his erroneous waye, yet shall none of them defende the.

Isaiah 57:10

10 Thou hast had trouble for ye multitude of thyne owne wayes, yet saydest thou neuer: I wil leaue of. Thou thinkest to haue life (or health) of thy self, and therfore thou beleuest not that thou art sick.

Jeremiah 51:58

58 Morouer, thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes: The thicke wall of Babilon shalbe broken, and hir proude gates shalbe brente vp. And the thinge that the Getiles and the people haue wrought with greate trauayle and laboure, shal come to naught, and be consumed in the fyre.

Ezekiel 24:12

12 But it will not go off, there is so moch off it: the rustinesse must be brent out.

Daniel 2:2-10

2 Then the kynge comaunded to call together all ye soythsayers, charmers, witches and Caldees, for to shewe the kynge his dreame. So they came, and stode before the kynge. 3 And the kynge sayde vnto them: I haue dreamed a dreame, & my sprete was so troubled therwith, yt I haue clene forgotten, what I dreamed. 4 Vpon this, the Caldees answered the kynge in the Syrians speach: O kynge, God saue thy life for euer. Shewe thy seruauntes the dreame, and we shal shewe the, what it meaneth. 5 The kynge gaue the Caldees their answere, ad sayde: It is gone fro me: Yf ye wil not make me vnderstonde the dreame with the interpretacion theroff, ye shal dye, and youre houses shal be prysed. 6 But yff ye tell me the dreame and the meanynge therof, ye shall haue off me giftes, rewardes and greate honoure: only, shewe me the dreame and the significacion of it. 7 They answered agayne, and sayde: the kynge must shewe his seruauntes the dreame, and so shal we declare, what it meaneth. 8 Then the kynge answerde, sayenge: I perceaue off a treuth, that ye do but prologe ye tyme: for so moch as ye se, that the thinge is gone fro me. 9 Therfore, yff ye wil not tell me the dreame, ye shal all haue one iudgment. But ye fayne and dyssemble with vayne wordes, which ye speake before me, to put off the tyme. Therfore tell me the dreame, ad so shall I knowe, yff ye can shewe me, what it meaneth. 10 Vpon this, the Caldees gaue answere before the kynge, and sayde: there is no man vpon earth, that can tell the thinge, which ye kynge speaketh of: Yee there is nether kynge prynce ner LORDE, that euer axed soch thinges at a soythsayer, charmer or Caldeer:

Daniel 5:7-8

7 Wherfore the kynge cryed mightely, that they shulde brynge him the charmers, Caldees and coniurers of deuels. The kynge spake also to the wyse men of Babilon, and sayde: Who so can rede this wrytynge, and shewe me the playne meanynge theroff: shall be clothed with purple, haue a cheyne off golde aboute his necke, and rule the thirdeparte off my kyngdome. 8 Vpon this, came all the kynges wyse men: but they coude nether rede the wrytinge, ner shewe the kynge what it signified.

Daniel 5:15-16

15 Now haue there bene brought me, wise and connynge charmers, to rede this wrytynge, and to shewe me the meanynge theroff: But they coude not tell me, what this matter signified. 16 Then herde I saye, yt thou canst expounde darcke thinges, and declare harde doutes. Well than, yf thou canst rede this writinge, and shewe me the meaninge therof: thou shalt be clothed wt purple, haue a cheyne of golde aboute thy necke, & rule the thirde parte of my kyngdome.

Daniel 5:30

30 The very same night was Balthasar the kynge off the Caldees slayne,

Habakkuk 2:13

13 Shal not the LORDE of hoostes bringe this to passe, that the laboures of the people shal be brent with a greate fyre, and that the thinge wher vpon the people haue weeried them selues, shall be lost?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.