Genesis 8 Cross References - Coverdale

1 Then God remembred Noe and all the beastes, and all the catell that were with him in the Arcke, and caused a wynde to come vpon the earth: and ye waters ceassed, 2 and the fountaynes of the depe and the wyndowes of heauen were stopte, and the rayne of heaue was forbydden, 3 and the waters ranne styll awaye from ye earth, and decreased after an hundreth and fiftye dayes. 4 Vpon the seuentene daye of the seuenth moneth rested the Arcke vpon the mountaynes of Ararat. 5 And the waters wete awaye and decreased vntyll the tenth moneth: for the first daye of the tenth moneth, the toppes of the mountaynes appeared. 6 After fourtie dayes Noe opened ye wyndow of the Arcke which he had made, 7 & sent forth a rauen, which flew out, and came agayne, vntyll the waters were dryed vp vpo the earth. 8 Then sent he forth a doue from him, to wete, whether the waters were falle vpon the earth. 9 But when ye doue coude fynde no restynge place for hir fete, she came agayne vnto him in to the Arcke, for the waters were yet vpon the face of all the earth. And he put out his hande, and toke her to him in to the Arke. 10 Then he abode yet seuen dayes mo, & sent out the doue agayne out of the Arke: 11 & she returned vnto him aboute the euen tyde: and beholde, she had broken of a leaf of an olyue tre, & bare it in hir nebb. Then Noe perceaued, that the waters were abated vpon the earth. 12 Neuertheles he taried yet seuen other dayes, and sent forth the doue, which came nomore to him agayne. 13 In the sixte hundreth and one yeare of Noes age, vpon the first daye of ye first moneth, the waters were dryed vp vpon the earth. Then Noe toke of the hatches of the Arke, and sawe yt the face of the earth was drye. 14 So vpon the seuen and twentye daye of the seconde moneth the whole earth was drye. 15 Then spake God vnto Noe, and sayde: 16 Go out of the Arke, thou and thy wyfe, and thy sonnes, and thy sonnes wyues with the. 17 As for all the beastes that are with the, what so euer flesh it be (both foule & catell and all maner of wormes that crepe vpon the earth) let them go out with the, and be ye occupied vpon the earth, growe and multiplye vpon the earth. 18 So Noe wente out, with his sonnes, and with his wife, and with his sonnes wyues. 19 All the beastes also and all the wormes, and all the foules, and all that crepte vpon the earth, wente out of the Arke, euery one vnto his like. 20 And Noe buylded an altare vnto ye LORDE, and toke of all maner of cleane beastes & of all maner of cleane foules, and offred bret sacrifices vpon ye altare. 21 And ye LORDE smelled the swete sauor, & sayde in his hert: I wyl hence forth curse the earth nomore for mas sake, for the ymaginacion of mans hert is euell, euen from the very youth of him. Therfore from hece forth I wil nomore smyte all that lyueth, as I haue done. 22 Nether shall sowynge tyme and haruest, colde and heate Sommer and wynter, daye and night ceasse so longe as the earth endureth.

Genesis 1:22

22 and blessed them, sayenge: Growe, and multiplie, and fyll the waters of the sees, and let the foules multiplie vpon the earth.

Genesis 1:28

28 And God blessed them, and sayde vnto them: Growe, and multiplie, and fyll the earth, and subdue it, & haue domynion ouer the fish of the see, and ouer the foules of the ayre, and ouer all the beastes that crepe vpo the earth.

Genesis 2:2-3

2 and thus in the seuenth daye God ended his worke, which he had made, & rested in the seuenth daye from all his workes which he had made: 3 And blessed the seuenth daye, & sanctified it, because yt in it he rested from all his workes, which God created and made.

Genesis 3:17

17 And vnto Adam he sayde: For so moch as thou hast herkened vnto the voyce of thy wyfe, and hast eaten of the tre, wherof I commaunded the, sayenge: thou shalt not eate of it. Cursed be ye earth for thy sake. With sorowe shalt thou eate therof, all the dayes of thy life.

Genesis 4:4

4 And Abell brought also of the firstlinges of his shepe, and of ye fat of them. And the LORDE had respecte vnto Abell and to his offerynge:

Genesis 4:12

12 Whan thou tyllest ye grounde, she shall hensforth not geue hir power vnto the. A vagabunde and a rennagate shalt thou be vpon ye earth.

Genesis 5:29

29 & called him Noe, and sayde: This same shall coforte vs in oure workes, and in the sorowe of oure hondes vpon the earth, which the LORDE hath cursed.

Genesis 6:5

5 But whan the LORDE sawe yt the wickednes of man was increased vpon ye earth, and that all ye thought and imaginacion of their hert was but onely euell contynually,

Genesis 6:16

16 A wyndow shalt thou make aboue of a cubyte greate: but the dore shalt thou set in the myddest in the syde of it: And the Arke shalt thou make with thre loftes one aboue another. 17 For lo, I wyll bringe a floude of water vpon the earth, to destroye all flesh (wherin the breth of life is) vnder the heaue: All that is vpon earth, shal perishe.

Genesis 7:1

1 And ye LORDE sayde vnto Noe: Go in to the Arcke thou & thy whole house: for the haue I sene righteous before me at this tyme. 2 Of all cleane beastes take vnto the seuen and seuen, the male and his female. And of vncleane beastes a payre, the male and his female.

Genesis 7:4

4 For yet after seuen dayes, I wil sende raine vpon the earth fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes, and wyll destroye all maner of thinges that I haue made, from of the face of the earth.

Genesis 7:7

7 And he wente in to the Arcke, with his sonnes, his wyfe, and his sonnes wyues, for the waters of the floude.

Genesis 7:10

10 And whan the seuen dayes were past, the water floude came vpon the earth. 11 In the sixe hundreth yeare of Noes age, vpon the seuentene daye of the seconde moneth, that same daye were all ye fountaynes of the greate depe broken vp, and the wyndowes of heauen were opened,

Genesis 7:13-14

13 Vpon the selfe same daye wete Noe into the Arcke, with Sem, Ham and Iaphet his sonnes, and with his wyfe, and the thre wyues of his sonnes,

Genesis 7:13

13 Vpon the selfe same daye wete Noe into the Arcke, with Sem, Ham and Iaphet his sonnes, and with his wyfe, and the thre wyues of his sonnes, 14 and all maner of beastes after their kynde, all maner of catell after their kynde, all maner of crepynge thinges (that crepe vpo the earth) after their kynde, and all maner of foules (what so euer coude flye & what so euer had fethers) after their kynde:

Genesis 7:14-15

14 and all maner of beastes after their kynde, all maner of catell after their kynde, all maner of crepynge thinges (that crepe vpo the earth) after their kynde, and all maner of foules (what so euer coude flye & what so euer had fethers) after their kynde: 15 These wente all vnto Noe in to the Arcke by cooples, of all flesh in whom was the breth of life.

Genesis 7:17-19

17 Then came the water floude fourtie dayes vpon the earth, and the water increased, and bare vp the Arcke, and lift it vp ouer ye earth. 18 Thus the water preuayled, and increased sore vpon the earth, so that the Arcke wente vpon the waters. 19 Yee the waters preuayled and increased so sore vpon earth, that all the hye mountaynes vnder the whole heauen were couered.

Genesis 7:24

24 And the waters preuayled vpon the earth, an hundreth and fiftie dayes.

Genesis 8:10-12

10 Then he abode yet seuen dayes mo, & sent out the doue agayne out of the Arke:

Genesis 8:10

10 Then he abode yet seuen dayes mo, & sent out the doue agayne out of the Arke: 11 & she returned vnto him aboute the euen tyde: and beholde, she had broken of a leaf of an olyue tre, & bare it in hir nebb. Then Noe perceaued, that the waters were abated vpon the earth. 12 Neuertheles he taried yet seuen other dayes, and sent forth the doue, which came nomore to him agayne.

Genesis 8:12

12 Neuertheles he taried yet seuen other dayes, and sent forth the doue, which came nomore to him agayne.

Genesis 9:1

1 And God blessed Noe and his sonnes, and sayde vnto them: increace & multiplye, and fyll the earth.

Genesis 9:7

7 As for you, be ye frutefull, and increase, and be occupied vpon the earth, that ye maye multiplye therin.

Genesis 9:11-15

11 And thus I make my couenaunt with you, that hence forth all flesh shal not be destroyed with the waters of eny floude, and from hence forth there shall come no floude to destroye the earth. 12 And God sayde: This is the token of my couenaunt which I haue made betwene me and you, and all lyuynge creatures amonge you for euermore: 13 My bowe will I set in the cloudes, and it shal be the token of my couenaunt betwene me and ye earth: 14 so that wha I brynge cloudes vpon the earth, the bowe shal appeare in the cloudes. 15 And then wyll I thynke vpon my couenaunt betwixte me and you and all lyuynge creatures in all maner of flesh: so that from hence forth there shall nomore come eny floude of water to destroye all flesh.

Genesis 12:7-8

7 Then the LORDE appeared vnto Abra, & sayde: This londe wil I geue vnto yi sede. And there he buylded an aulter vnto ye LORDE, which appeared vnto him. 8 The brake he vp fro thece, vnto a mountayne yt laye on ye east syde of the cite of Bethel, & pitched his tent: so yt he had Bethel on the west side, and Ay on ye east syde: & there buylded he an altare also vnto the LORDE, & called vpon the name of the LORDE.

Genesis 13:4

4 euen vnto ye place where he had made the altare before, & where he called vpon the name of the LORDE

Genesis 13:18

18 So Abram remoued his tent, and wente and dwelt in ye Okegroue of Mamre, which is in Ebron, and buylded there an altare vnto the LORDE.

Genesis 19:29

29 For whan God destroyed ye cities of the region, he thought vpon Abraham, and conueyed Lot out of the cities which he ouerthrew, wherin Lot dwelt.

Genesis 22:2

2 And he sayde: Take ye sonne, this onely sonne of thine, eue Isaac whom thou louest, and go thy waye in to the londe of Moria, & offre him there for a burntofferynge, vpon a mountayne that I shal shew the.

Genesis 22:9

9 And whan they came to the place which God shewed him, Abraham buylded there an altare, and layed the wodd vpon it, and bande his sonne Isaac, layed him on the altare, aboue vpo the wodd,

Genesis 26:25

25 Then buylded he an altare there, and called vpon the name of the LORDE, and pitched his tent there, and there his seruauntes dygged a well.

Genesis 30:22

22 Neuertheles God thought vpo Rachel, and herde her, and made her frutefull.

Genesis 33:20

20 and there he set vp an altare, and called vpon the name of the mightie God of Israel.

Genesis 35:1

1 And God sayde vnto Iacob: Get the vp, and go vnto Bethel, & dwell there, and make there an altare vnto the God, that appared vnto the, whan thou fleddest from thy brother Esau.

Genesis 35:7

7 and there he buylded an altare, and called ye place Bethel, because the LORDE appeared vnto him there, whan he fled from his brother.

Genesis 45:6

6 For these are now two yeares, that ye derth hath bene in the lande, and there are yet fyue yeares behynde, wherin there shalbe no plowinge ner haruest.

Exodus 2:24

24 And their crye ouer their labor, came before God. And God herde their coplaynte, & remebred his couenaunt with Abraham Isaac and Iacob.

Exodus 10:25

25 Moses sayde: Thou must geue vs offringes and brentofferynges, that we maye do sacrifice vnto the LORDE or God.

Exodus 14:21

21 Wha Moses now stretched forth his hade ouer ye see, the LORDE caused it to passe awaye thorow a mightie eastwynde all that night, and made the see drye, and ye water deuyded it self a sunder.

Exodus 20:24-25

24 Make me an altare of earth, wher vpon thou mayest offer yi burntofferynges, & peaceofferynges, thy shepe and thine oxen. For loke in what place so euer I make ye remembraunce of my name, there wil I come vnto the, and blesse the. 25 And yf thou wilt make me an altare of stone, thou shalt not make it of hewen stone: For yf thou lift vp thy tole vpon it, thou shalt vnhalowe it.

Exodus 24:4-8

4 Then wrote Moses all the wordes of ye LORDE, & gat him vp by tymes in the mornynge, & buylded an altare vnder ye mount with twolue pilers, acordinge to the twolue trybes of Israel: 5 & sent twolue yonge me of the children of Israel, to offre burntofferynges, and peace offerynges theron of bullockes vnto the LORDE. 6 And Moses toke the half parte of the bloude, and put it in a basen, the other half sprenkled he vpon the altare: 7 & toke the boke of ye couenaunt, & cried in the eares of the people. And whan they had sayde: All yt the LORDE hath sayde, wil we do, & herken vnto him: 8 Moses toke the bloude, & sprenkled it vpon the people, & sayde: Beholde, this is ye bloude of the couenaunt that the LORDE maketh wt you vpon all these wordes.

Exodus 29:18

18 and burne the whole ramme vpon the altare: for it is a burntofferynge, and a swete sauoure of the sacrifice vnto the LORDE.

Exodus 29:25

25 The take it out of their handes, and burne it vpon the altare for a burnt offeringe, to be a swete sauoure vnto ye LORDE. For it is the LORDES sacrifice.

Exodus 34:21

21 Sixe dayes shalt thou labor, vpon ye seueth daye shalt thou rest both from plowinge and reapynge.

Leviticus 1:1-17

1 And the LORDE called Moses, and spake vnto him out of ye Tabernacle of wytnesse, and sayde: 2 Speake vnto ye childre of Israel, & saie vnto them: Who so euer amoge you wyl brynge an offerynge vnto the LORDE, let him brynge it of ye catell, euen of the oxen, & of the shepe. 3 Yf he wyl brynge a burntofferynge of ye oxen (or greate catell) the let him offre a male without blemysh, before ye dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, to reconcyle himself before the LORDE, 4 let him laye his hande vpon the heade of the burntofferynge, then shal he be reconcyled, so yt God shalbe mercifull vnto him. 5 And he shall kyll the yonge oxe before ye LORDE: and ye prestes Aarons sonnes shal brynge the bloude, and sprenkle it rounde aboute vpon the altare, that is before the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 6 And the skynne shalbe flayne from of the burntofferynge, and it shalbe hewen in peces. 7 And the sonnes of Aaron the prest shal make a fyre vpon the altare, 8 and laye wod aboue theron: and ye peces, the heade, and the fatt shal they laye vpon the wodd that lyeth vpon ye fyre on the altare. 9 But ye bowels & legges shal be wasshen with water, and the prest shal burne alltogether vpon the altare for a burntsacrifice: this is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE.

Leviticus 1:9

9 But ye bowels & legges shal be wasshen with water, and the prest shal burne alltogether vpon the altare for a burntsacrifice: this is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE. 10 Yf he wyl offre a burntsacrifice of the small catell, that is, of the lambes or goates, then let him offre a male without a blemysh. 11 And he shall kyll it before the LORDE, euen at the corner of the altare on the north syde before ye LORDE. And (the prestes) Aarons sonnes shal sprenkle his bloude rounde aboute vpon ye altare, 12 and it shal be hewen in peces. And the prest shall laye them with the heade and the fatt, vpon the wodd that lyeth vpon the fyre on the altare. 13 But the bowels and ye legges shal be wasshen with water. And ye prest shal offre it alltogether, and burne it vpon ye altare for a burntsacrifice. This is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE.

Leviticus 1:13

13 But the bowels and ye legges shal be wasshen with water. And ye prest shal offre it alltogether, and burne it vpon ye altare for a burntsacrifice. This is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE. 14 But yf he wil offre a burntsacrifice of ye foules vnto the LORDE, then let him offre it of the turtill doues or of ye yonge pigeons. 15 And the prest shal brynge it vnto the altare, and wrynge the neck of it a sunder, that it maye be burnt vpon the altare, and let the bloude of it runne out vpon the sydes of the altare, 16 and the croppe of it with the fethers shalbe cast vpon the heape of asshes besyde the altare towarde the east, 17 and he shall deuyde the wynges of it, but not breake the cleane of. And thus shall the prest burne it vpon the altare, euen vpon the wodd that lyeth vpo the fyre, for a burntsacrifice. This is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE.

Leviticus 1:17

17 and he shall deuyde the wynges of it, but not breake the cleane of. And thus shall the prest burne it vpon the altare, euen vpon the wodd that lyeth vpo the fyre, for a burntsacrifice. This is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE.

Leviticus 11:1-47

1 And ye LORDE talked wt Moses & Aaron & sayde: 2 Speake vnto ye childre of Israel, and saye: These are the beestes which ye shal eate amoge all ye beestes vpo earth: 3 What so euer hath hoffe, & deuydeth it in to two clawes, & cheweth cud amonge the beestes, that shal ye eate. 4 But loke what cheweth cud & hath hoffe, & deuydeth it not, as the Camell, the same is vncleane vnto you, & ye shal not eate it. 5 The Conyes chewe cud, but they deuyde not the hoffe in to two clawes, therfore are they vncleane vnto you. 6 The Hare cheweth cud also, but deuydeth not ye hoffe in to two clawes, therfore is he vncleane vnto you. 7 And the Swyne deuydeth ye hoffe in to two clawes, but cheweth not the cud, therfore is it vncleane vnto you. 8 Of the flesh of these shall ye not eate, ner touch their carcases, for they are vncleane vnto you. 9 These shall ye eate of all that are in the waters: What so euer hath fynnes and scales in the waters, sees & ryuers, that shal ye eate. 10 But what so euer hath not fynnes and scales in the sees and ryuers, amonge all yt moue in the waters, & of all that lyue in the waters, it shalbe an abhominacion vnto you, 11 so that ye eate not of their flesh, and that ye abhorre their carcases. 12 For all that haue not fynnes & scales in the waters, shall ye abhorre. 13 And these shal ye abhorre amonge ye foules, so that ye eate them not: The Aegle, the Goshauke, the Cormoraunte, 14 the Vultur, ye Ryce, and all his kynde, 15 and all Rauens wt their kynde:

Leviticus 11:15-47

15 and all Rauens wt their kynde: 16 the Estrich, ye Nightcrow, the Cocow, the Sparow hauke with his kynde, 17 the litle Oule, the Storke, the greate Oule, 18 ye Backe, the Pellycane, the Swanne, the Pye, 19 the Heron, ye Iaye with his kynde, the Lapwynge, and ye Swalowe. 20 And whatsoeuer crepeth amonge the foules, and goeth vpon foure fete, shalbe an abhominacio vnto you. 21 Yet these shal ye eate of the foules that crepe and go vpon foure fete: euen those that haue no knyes aboue vpon ye legges, to hoppe withall vpon earth. 22 Of these maye ye eate, as there is the Arbe with his kynde, and the Selaam with his kynde, & the Hargol with his kynde, & the Hagab wt his kynde. 23 But what so euer els hath foure fete amonge the foules, it shalbe an abhominacion vnto you, 24 and ye shal take it for vncleane. Who so euer toucheth the carcase of soch, shall be vncleane vntill ye euen: 25 and who so euer beareth the carcase of eny of these, shall wash his clothes, and shalbe vncleane vntyll the euen. 26 Therfore euery beest that hath hoffe, and deuydeth it not in to two clawes, & cheweth not cud, shalbe vncleane vnto you. Who so euer toucheth soch, shalbe vncleane. 27 And what so euer goeth vpon handes amonge ye beestes that go vpon foure fete, shalbe vncleane vnto you. Who so euer toucheth the carcases of the, shalbe vncleane vntyll euen. 28 And he yt beareth their carcase, shall wash his clothes, and be vncleane vntyll the eue: For soch are vncleane vnto you. 29 These shalbe vncleane vnto you also, amonge the beestes that crepe vpon earth: ye Wesell, the Mouse, the Tode, euery one with his kynde, 30 the Hedgehogge, the Stellio, the Lacerte, the Snale, and the Moule, 31 these are vncleane vnto you amonge all that crepe. Who so euer toucheth the deed carcase of the, shalbe vncleane vntyll the euen. 32 And what so euer eny soch deed carcase falleth vpon, it shalbe vncleane, what so euer vessell of wodd it be, or rayment, or skynne, or bagge. And euery vessell that eny thinge is occupyed with all, shalbe put in the water, and is vncleane vntyll the euen, and then shal it be cleane. 33 All maner of earthen vessell that eny soch carcase falleth in to, shal all be vncleane that therin is, & ye shal breake it. 34 All meate which is eate, that eny soch water commeth in to, is vncleane: & all maner of drynke that is dronke in all maner of soch vessell, is vncleane. 35 And what so euer eny soch carcase falleth vpo, it shalbe vncleane, whether it be ouen or kettell, so shal it be broke, for it is vncleane, and shalbe vncleane vnto you: 36 Neuertheles the fountaynes, welles, & poundes of water are cleane. But who so euer toucheth their carcases, is vncleane. 37 And though the deed carcase of eny soch fell vpon the sede that is sowne, yet is it cleane. 38 But whan there is water poured vpon the sede, and afterwarde eny soch deed carcase falleth theron, then shall it be vncleane vnto you. 39 Whan a beest dyeth that ye maye eate, he that toucheth the deed carcase therof, is vncleane vntyll euen. 40 Who so eateth of eny soch carcase, shall wash his clothes, and be vncleane vntyll the euen. Likewyse he that beareth eny soch carcase, shal wash his clothes, and be vncleane vntyll the euen. 41 What so euer crepeth vpon earth, shall be an abhominacion vnto you, and shall not be eaten. 42 And what so euer crepeth vpon ye bely, or all that goeth vpon foure or mo fete, amoge all that crepeth vpon earth, shall ye not eate, for it shalbe an abhominacion vnto you. 43 Make not youre soules abhominable, and defyle you not in them, to stayne youre selues: 44 for I am the LORDE youre God. Therfore shal ye sanctifie youre selues, that ye maye be holy, for I am holy. And ye shal not defyle youre selues on eny maner of crepynge beest, that crepeth vpon earth: 45 for I am the LORDE, which brought you out of the londe of Egipte, that I might be youre God: therfore shal ye be holy, for I am holy. 46 This is the lawe ouer ye beestes and foules, & all maner of soules of crepynge beestes in the waters, and all maner of soules yt crepe vpon earth: 47 that ye maie knowe to discerne what is vncleane & cleane, and what maner of beestes are to be eaten, and which are not to be eaten.

Leviticus 26:31

31 And youre cities wyll I make waist, and brynge youre churches to naught, and wyll not smell youre swete odoures.

Numbers 22:32

32 And the angell of the LORDE sayde vnto him: Wherfore hast thou smytte thine Asse now thre tymes? Beholde, I am come out to resiste ye, for yi waye is frowarde, & cotrary vnto me.

Deuteronomy 28:65

65 And amonge those same nacions shalt thou haue no quyetnesse, nether shal the sole of yi fote haue eny rest: for the LORDE shal geue the there a fearfull hert, and dasynge of eyes, and a troubled soule

Joshua 3:17

17 And the prestes that bare the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt, stode drye in ye myddes of Iordane, readye prepared: & all Israel wete thorow drye shod, vntyll ye whole people were all come ouer Iordane.

Joshua 4:10

10 As for ye prestes that bare ye Arke, they stode in the myddes of Iordane, vntyll all was perfourmed that the LORDE charged Iosua to saye vnto ye people acordinge as Moses gaue Iosua in commaundemet. The people also made haist, and wente ouer.

Joshua 4:16-18

16 Commaunde the prestes which beare the Arke of witnesse, that they come vp out of Iordane. 17 So Iosua comaunded the prestes, & sayde: Come vp out of Iordane. 18 And whan the prestes yt bare the Arke of the couenaut of ye LORDE were come out of Iordane, and trode with the soles of their fete vpon the drye londe, ye water of Iordane came agayne in to his place, and flowed (like as afore tyme) vpon all his banckes.

1 Samuel 1:19

19 and on ye morow they gat them vp by tymes. And whan they had worshipped before ye LORDE, they returned, and came home vnto Ramatha. And Elcana laye with Anna his wife, and the LORDE remembred her.

1 Kings 17:4

4 and thou shalt drynke of the ryuer: and I haue commaunded the rauens, that they shal fede the there.

1 Kings 17:6

6 And the raues broughte him bred and flesh in the mornynge and in the euenynge, and he dranke of the ryuer.

2 Kings 19:37

37 And as he worshipped in ye house of Nesrach his god, his awne sonnes Adramalech and Sarazer smote him with the swerde, and fled in to ye londe of Ararat. And Asarhadon his sonne was kynge in his steade.

Nehemiah 8:15

15 And so they caused it be declared and proclamed in all their cities, & at Ierusalem, sayenge: Go vp vnto ye mout and fetch Olyue braunches, Pynebraunches, Myrtbraunches, Palmebraunches, & braunches of thicketrees, to make bothes as it is wrytten.

Nehemiah 13:14

14 Thynke vpon me O my God here in, & wype not out my mercy, that I haue shewed on ye house of my God, & on the offices therof.

Nehemiah 13:22

22 And I sayde vnto the Leuites which were cleane, that they shulde come and kepe the gates, to halowe the Sabbath daye. Thynke vpo me (O my God) cocernynge this also, & spare me acordynge to thy greate mercy.

Nehemiah 13:29

29 O my God, thynke thou vpon them that are quyte of the presthode, and haue desyled the couenaunt of the presthode and of the Leuites.

Nehemiah 13:31

31 and to offre the wod at tymes appoynted, and the first frutes. Thynke thou vpon me (O my God) for the best.

Job 14:4

4 Who can make it cleane, that commeth of an vncleane thinge? No body.

Job 14:13

13 O that thou woldest kepe me, and hyde me in the hell, vntill thy wrath were stilled: & to appoynte me a tyme, wherin thou mightest remembre me.

Job 15:14-16

14 What is man, that he shulde be vncleane? what hath he (which is borne of a woman) wherby he might be knowne to be rightuous? 15 Beholde, he hath founde vnfaithfulnesse amoge his owne sanctes: yee the very heauens are vnclene in his sight. 16 How moch more then an abhominable and vyle ma, which dryncketh wickednesse like water?

Job 37:11-13

11 The cloudes do their laboure in geuynge moystnesse, the cloudes poure downe their rayne. 12 He distributeth also on euery syde, acordinge as it pleaseth him to deale out his workes, that they maye do, what so euer he commaundeth the thorow the whole worlde: 13 whether it be to punysh eny londe, or to do good vnto them, that seke him.

Job 38:37

37 who nombreth the cloudes in wisdome? who stilleth ye vehement waters of the heaue?

Job 38:41

41 who prouydeth meate for the rauen, whe his yonge ones crie vnto God, ad fle aboute for want of meate?

Psalms 27:14

14 O tary thou ye LORDES leysure, be stronge, let thine hert be of good comforte, and wayte thou still for the LORDE.

Psalms 36:6

6 Thy rightuousnesse stondeth like the stronge mountaynes, & thy iudgment like the greate depe.

Psalms 40:1

1 I wayted paciently for the LORDE, which enclyned himself vnto me, and herde my callinge.

Psalms 51:5

5 Beholde, I was borne in wickednesse, and in synne hath my mother conceaued me.

Psalms 58:3

3 The vngodly are frowarde, eue from their mothers wombe: as soone as they be borne, they go astraie & speake lyes.

Psalms 74:16-17

16 Thou dyggest vp welles & brokes, thou dryest vp mightie waters. 17 The daye is thyne, & the night is thine: thou hast prepared the lightes & the Sonne.

Psalms 91:11

11 For he shall geue his angels charge ouer the, to kepe the in all thy wayes.

Psalms 104:7-9

7 But at thy rebuke they fle, at the voyce of thy thonder they are afrayed. 8 Then are the hilles sene alofte, & the valleys beneth in their place which thou hast appoynted for the. 9 Thou hast set them their boundes, which they maie not passe, that they turne not agayne to couer ye earth.

Psalms 106:4

4 Remembre vs (o LORDE) acordinge to the fauoure that thou bearest vnto thy people: o vyset vs wt thy sauinge health.

Psalms 107:38

38 He blesseth them, so that they multiplie exceadingly, and suffreth not their catell to decrease.

Psalms 116:7

7 Turne agayne then vnto thy rest (o my soule) for the LORDE hath geuen the thy desyre.

Psalms 121:8

8 The LORDE preserueth thy goinge out and thy comynge in, from this tyme forth for euermore.

Psalms 130:5-6

5 I loke for the LORDE, my soule doth wayte for him, and in his worde is my trust. 6 My soule doth paciently abyde the LORDE, fro the one mornynge to the other.

Psalms 132:1

1 Lorde, remembre Dauid and all his trouble.

Psalms 136:23

23 Which remebreth vs, whe we are in trouble, for his mercy endureth for euer.

Psalms 137:7

7 Remembre the childre of Edom (o LORDE) in the daye of Ierusalem, how they sayde: downe with it, downe with it, eue to the grounde.

Psalms 144:13-14

13 That or garners maye be full and plenteous with all maner of stoare: that or shepe maye brynge forth thousandes and hundreth thousands in oure villages. 14 That oure oxen maye be stronge to laboure, that there be no myschaunce, no decaye, and no complayninge in oure stretes.

Psalms 147:9

9 Which geueth foder vnto ye catell, & fedeth ye yonge rauens yt call vpo him.

Proverbs 8:28

28 whan he hanged the cloudes aboue: whan he fastened the sprynges of the depe:

Proverbs 20:9

9 Who can saye: my hert is cleane, I am innocent from synne?

Proverbs 25:23

23 The north wynde dryueth awaye the rayne, euen so doth an earnest sober countenauce a backbyters tonge.

Ecclesiastes 7:20

20 for there is not one iust vpo earth, yt doth good, & sinneth not.

Song of Songs 1:15

15 O how fayre art thou (my loue) how fayre art thou? thou hast doues eyes.

Song of Songs 2:11-12

11 for lo, the wynter is now past, the rayne is awaie & gone. 12 The floures are come vp in the felde, the twystinge tyme is come, the voyce of the turtle doue is herde in oure londe.

Song of Songs 2:14

14 (my doue) out of the caues of the rockes, out of the holes of the wall: O let me se thy countenaunce and heare thy voyce, for swete is thy voyce and fayre is thy face.

Song of Songs 4:10-11

10 O how fayre and louely are thy brestes, my sister, my spouse? Thy brestes are more pleasaunt then wyne, and the smell of thy oyntmentes passeth all spices. 11 Thy lippes (o my spouse) droppe as the hony combe, yee mylck and hony is vnder thy tonge, and the smell of thy garmentes is like the smell of frankynsense.

Isaiah 8:17

17 Thus I waite vpon the LORDE, that hath turned his face from the house of Iacob, and I loke vnto him.

Isaiah 25:9

9 At the same tyme shal it be sayde: lo, this is oure God in who we put oure trust, and he hath healed vs. This is the LORDE that we haue wayted for: Let vs reioyse & delyte in his health.

Isaiah 26:8

8 Therfore (LORDE) we haue a respecte vnto the waye of thy iudgmentes, thy name and thy remebraunce reioyse the soule.

Isaiah 30:18

18 Yet stondeth the LORDE waitinge, that he maye haue mercy vpon you, and lifteth him self vp, that he maye receaue you to grace. For the LORDE God is rightuous. Happie are all thei that wate for him.

Isaiah 37:38

38 Afterwarde it chaunsed, as he prayed in the Teple of Nesrah his god, that Adramalech and Sarazer his owne sonnes slewe him with the swearde, and fled in to the londe of Ararat. And Esarhadon his sonne reigned after him.

Isaiah 47:12

12 Now go to thy coniurers, and to the multitude of thy witches, (whom thou hast bene acquanted withal from thi youth) yf they maye helpe the, or strengthe the.

Isaiah 47:15

15 Euen so shal they be vnto the, whom thou hast vsed & occupide from thy youth. Euery one shal shewe ye his erroneous waye, yet shall none of them defende the.

Isaiah 48:8

8 Morouer there be some wherof thou hast nether herde ner knowne, nether haue they bene opened vnto thine eares afore tyme. For I knew that thou woldest maliciousli offende, therfore haue I called the a transgressoure, euen from thy mothers wombe.

Isaiah 53:6

6 As for vs, we go all astraye (like shepe), euery one turneth his owne waye. But thorow him, the LORDE pardoneth all or synnes.

Isaiah 54:8-9

8 Whe I was angrie, I hid my face from the for a litle season, but thorow euerlastinge goodnesse shal I pardon the, saieth the LORDE thine avenger. 9 And this must be vnto me, as the water of Noe: For like as I haue sworne yt I wil not bringe the water off Noe eny more vpo the worlde: So haue I sworne, yt I wil neuer be angrie wt the, ner reproue the:

Isaiah 54:9-9

9 And this must be vnto me, as the water of Noe: For like as I haue sworne yt I wil not bringe the water off Noe eny more vpo the worlde: So haue I sworne, yt I wil neuer be angrie wt the, ner reproue the: 10 The mountaynes shall remoue, & the hilles shal fall downe: but my louynge kyndnesse shal not moue, and the bonde off my peace shal not fall downe fro ye, saieth ye LORDE thy merciful louer.

Isaiah 60:8

8 But what are these that fle here like the cloudes, and as the doues flienge to their wyndowes?

Isaiah 65:6

6 Beholde, it is written before my face, & shal not be forgotten, but recopensed. I shal rewarde it them in to their bosome:

Jeremiah 5:24

24 They thinke not in their hartes: O let vs feare the LORDE oure God, that geueth vs rayne early and late, when nede is: which kepeth euer still the haruest for vs yearly.

Jeremiah 8:6

6 For I haue loked, and considered: but there is no ma, that speaketh a good worde: there is no man, that taketh repetaunce for his synne, that will so moch as saye: wherfore haue I done this? But euery man (as soone as he is turned backe) runneth forth still, like a wilde horse in a battayl.

Jeremiah 17:9

9 Amonge all thinges lyuynge, man hath the most disceatfull and vnsercheable hert. Who shall then knowe it?

Jeremiah 18:12

12 But they saye: No more of this, we will folowe oure owne ymaginacions, and do euery ma acordinge to the wilfulnesse of his owne mynde.

Jeremiah 31:27-28

27 Beholde (saieth the LORDE) the dayes come, that I will sowe the house of Israel and the house of Iuda, with men and with catell. 28 Yee it shall come therto, that like as I haue gone aboute in tymes past to rote them out, to scatre them, to breake them downe, to destroye them and chaste them: Euen so will I also go diligently aboute, to buylde them vp agayne, and to plante them, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 31:35

35 Thus saieth the LORDE which gaue the sonne to be a light for the daye, and the Moone and starres to shyne in the night: which moueth the see, so that the floudes therof waxe fearce: his name is the LORDE of hoostes.

Jeremiah 33:20-26

20 Thus saieth the LORDE: Maye the couenaunt which I haue made with daye and night, be broken, that there shulde not be daye and night in due season? 21 Then maye my couenaunt also be broken, which I made with Dauid my seruaunt, and so he not to haue a sonne to reigne in his Trone. So shall also the prestes and Leuites neuer fayle, but serue me. 22 For like as the starres of heauen maye not be nombred, nether the sonde of the see measured: so will I multiplie the sede of Dauid my seruaunt, and of the Leuites my ministers. 23 Morouer, the worde of the LORDE came to Ieremy, saienge: 24 Cosidrest thou not what this people speaketh? Two kynreddes (saye they) had the LORDE chosen, & those same two hath he cast awaye. For so farre is my people come, yt they haue no hope to come together eny more, and to be one people agayne. 25 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE: Yf I haue made no couenaunt with daye & night, and geue no statute vnto heauen and earth: 26 then will I also cast awaye the sede of Dauid my seruaunt: so that I wil take no prynce out of his sede, to rule the posterite of Abraha, Isaac and Iacob. But yet I will turne agayne their captiuyte, and be mercifull vnto them.

Jeremiah 51:27

27 Set vp a toke in the londe: blowe the trompettes amonge the Heithen, prouoke the nacions agaynst her, call the kyngdomes, of Ararat, Menni & Ascanes agaynst her: nombre out Taphsar agaynst her, bringe as greate a sorte of horses agaynst her, as yf they were greshoppers.

Ezekiel 7:16

16 And soch as escape and fle from amonge them, shal be vpon the hilles, like as the doues in the felde: euery one shalbe afrayed, because off his owne wickednesse.

Ezekiel 20:41

41 I wil accepte youre swete sauoure, when I bringe you from the nacions, and gather you together out of the londes, wherin ye be scatred: that I maye be halowed in you before the Heithen,

Daniel 6:10

10 Now when Daniel vnderstode that the wrytynge was made, he wente in to his house: and the wyndowes of his hall towarde Ierusalem stode open. There kneled he downe vpon his knees, thre tymes a daye: there he made his peticion, and praysed his God, like as his maner was to do afore tyme.

Daniel 9:25-26

25 Vnderstode this then, and marcke it well: that from the tyme it shalbe concluded, to go and repayre Ierusalem agayne, vnto Christ (or the anoynted) prynce: there shalbe seuen wekes. Then shall the stretes & walles be buylded agayne lxij. wekes, but with harde troublous tyme. 26 After these lxij. wekes, shal Christ be slayne, & they shal haue no pleasure in him. Then shal there come a people with the prynce, and destroye the cite and the sanctuary: and his ende shal come as the water floude. But the desolacion shall continue till the ende of the batell.

Amos 5:21-22

21 I hate and abhorre youre holy dayes, ad where as ye cense me when ye come together I will not accepte it. 22 And though ye offre me brentofferinges and meatofferinges, yet haue I no pleasure therin: As for youre fat thankofferynges, I wil not loke vpon them.

Amos 8:7

7 The LORDE hath sworne agaynst the pryde of Iacob: these workes of theirs will I neuer forget.

Jonah 2:3

3 Thou haddest cast me downe depe in ye middest off the see, and the floude compased me aboute: yee all thy wawes and rowles of water went ouer me,

Jonah 4:11

11 And shulde not I then haue compassion vpon Niniue that greate cite, wherin there are aboue an C. and xx. thousande personnes, yt knowe not their right hode fro the lefte, besydes moch catell?

Habakkuk 2:3

3 for ye visio is yet farre of for a tyme, but at ye last it shal come to passe, & not fayle. And though he tary, yet wait thou for him, for in very dede he wil come, and not be slacke.

Habakkuk 3:2

2 O Lorde, when I herde speake of ye, I was afrayed. The worke yt thou hast taken in honde, shalt thou perfourme in his tyme, O LORDE: and when thy tyme commeth, thou shalt declare it. In thy very wrath thou thinkest vpon mercy.

Zechariah 4:12-14

12 I spake morouer, & sayde vnto him: what be these ij. olyue braunches which (thorow ye two golden pipes) emptie them selues into the golde? 13 He answered me, & sayde: knowest thou not, what these be? And I sayde: No, my lorde. 14 Then sayde he: These are the two olyue braunches, that stonde before the ruler of the whole earth.

Zechariah 9:11

11 Thou also thorow the bloude of thy couenaunt: shalt let thy presoners out of the pytte, wherin is no water.

Matthew 8:9

9 For I myselfe also am a ma subiect to ye auctorite of another, & haue sowdiers vnder me. Yet wha I saye to one: go, he goeth, and to another: come, he commeth: & to my seruaunt: do this, he doeth it.

Matthew 8:26-27

26 And he sayde vnto them: why are ye fearfull, o ye of lytell faithe? Then he arose, and rebuked the wyndes and the see, & there folowed a greate calme. 27 And the men marueyled and sayde: what ma is this, that both wyndes and see obey hym?

Matthew 10:16

16 Beholde, I sende you forth as shepe amoge wolues. Be ye therfore wyse as serpentes, and innocent as doues.

Matthew 11:28

28 Come vnto me all ye that laboure and are laden, and I wil ease you.

Matthew 15:19

19 For out of ye hert come euell thoughtes murthur, breakynge of wedlocke, whordome theft, false witnesse, blasphemy.

John 3:6

6 That which is borne of flesh, is flesh: & that which is borne of the sprete, is sprete.

John 16:33

33 These thinges haue I spoken vnto you, that in me ye might haue peace. In ye worlde haue ye trouble, but be of good comforte, I haue ouercome the worlde.

Acts 16:27-28

27 Wha the keper of the preson waked out of slepe, and sawe the preson dores open, he drue out his swerde, and wolde haue kylled him selfe: for he thoughte ye presoners had bene fled. 28 But Paul cryed loude, and sayde: Do thy self no harme, for we are all here.

Acts 16:37-39

37 But Paul sayde vnto them: They haue beaten vs openly vncondempned (where as we are yet Romaynes) and haue cast vs in preson, and shulde they now thrust vs out preuely? Not so, but let them come them selues, and brynge vs out. 38 The mynisters tolde these wordes vnto the officers. And they feared, whan they herde that they were Romaynes, 39 and came and besoughte them, and prayed the to departe out of the cite.

Romans 1:21

21 in as moch as they knewe, that there is a God, and haue not praysed him as God ner thanked him, but became vayne in their ymaginacions, and their foolish hert was blynded.

Romans 3:23

23 For they are all synners, and wate the prayse that God shulde haue of the,

Romans 8:7-8

7 For to be fleshly mynded is enemyte agaynst. God, syth it is not subdued vnto ye lawe of God, for it can not also. 8 As for the that are fleshlye, they can not please God.

Romans 8:20-22

20 because the creature is subdued vnto vanyte agaynst hir will, but for his wyll that hath subdued her vpon hope. 21 For the creature also shal be fre from the bondage of corrupcion, vnto the glorious libertye of the childre of God. 22 For we knowe, that euery creature groneth, and trauayleth with vs in payne vnto the same tyme.

Romans 8:25

25 But yf we hope for that which we se not, the do we thorow pacience abyde for it.

Romans 10:15

15 But how shal they preach, excepte they be sent? As it is wrytte: How beutyfull are the fete of the yt preach peace, yt brynge good tidinges?

Romans 12:1

1 I beseke you brethre by the mercyfulnesse of God, that ye geue ouer youre bodies for a sacrifice, yt is quycke holy, and acceptable vnto God, which is yor reasonable seruynge off God.

2 Corinthians 2:15

15 For we are vnto God the good fauoure of Christ, both amonge the yt are saued, & amonge them yt perishe.

Ephesians 2:1-3

1 And quyckened you also, whan ye were deed thorow trespaces and synnes, 2 in the which in tyme past ye walked, acordinge to the course off this worlde, and after the prynce that ruleth in the ayre namely, after ye sprete, which now worketh in the children of vnbeleue, 3 amonge whom we also had oure conuersacion in tyme past in the lustes of oure flesh, and dyd the wyll of the flesh and of the mynde, and were naturally the children of wrath, euen as well as other.

Ephesians 5:2

2 and walke in loue, euen as Christ loued vs, and gaue him selfe for vs an offerynge and sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto God.

Philippians 4:18

18 For I haue all, and haue plentye. I was euen fylled wha I receaued of Epaphroditus, that which came from you, an odoure of swetenes, a sacrifice accepted & pleasaunt vnto God.

Hebrews 13:10

10 We haue an altare, wherof they haue no power to eate, which serue in the Tabernacle.

Hebrews 13:15-16

15 Let vs therfore by him offre allwayes vnto God the sacrifice of prayse: that is to saye, the frute of those lippes which confesse his name. 16 To do good and to destribute forget not, for wt soch sacrifices God is pleased.

James 1:14-15

14 But euery ma is tepted, drawne awaye, & entysed of his awne cocupiscece. 15 The whe lust hath conceaued, she bringeth forth synne, & synne when it is fynished, bringeth forth deeth.

James 4:1-2

1 From whence commeth warre and fightynge amonge you: come they not here hence? euen of yor volupteousnesses that rayne in youre mebres? 2 Ye lust, and haue not. Ye envie and haue indignacion, and can not obtayne. Ye fight & warre, and haue not, because ye axe not.

James 5:7-8

7 Be pacient therfore brethren, vnto the comynge of the LORDE. Beholde, the hussbade man wayteth for the precious frute of ye earth, and hath longe pacience there vpon, vntill he receaue the erly and the latter rayne.

James 5:7

7 Be pacient therfore brethren, vnto the comynge of the LORDE. Beholde, the hussbade man wayteth for the precious frute of ye earth, and hath longe pacience there vpon, vntill he receaue the erly and the latter rayne. 8 Be ye also pacient therfore, and settle youre hertes, for the commynge of the LORDE draweth nye.

1 Peter 2:5

5 And ye also as lyuynge stones are made a spirituall house, and an holy presthode, to offre vp spirituall sacrifices, acceptable vnto God by Iesus Christ.

1 Peter 2:9

9 But ye are that chosen generacion, that kyngly presthode, that holy nacion, that peculier people, yt ye shulde shewe the vertues of him, which hath called you out of darknesse in to his maruelous lighte:

2 Peter 3:6-7

6 yet was the worlde at that tyme destroyed by the same with the floude. 7 But the heauens which are yet, and ye earth, are kepte in stoare by his worde, to be reserued vnto fyre agaynst the daye of iudgment and damnacion of vngodly men.

1 John 5:19

19 We knowe that we are of God, & the worlde is set alltogether on wickednes.

Revelation 16:19

19 And the greate cite was deuyded in to thre parties. And the cities of nacions fell. And greate Babilon came in remembraunce before God, to geue vnto hyr the cuppe of wyne of the fearcenes of his wrath.

Revelation 18:5

5 For her synnes are gone vp to heauen, and the LORDE hath remembred her wyckednes.

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