Genesis 6:2 Cross References - Coverdale

2 the children of God sawe the doughters of men, that they were fayre, and toke vnto the wyues soch as they liked.

Genesis 3:6

6 And the woman sawe that ye tre was good to eate of, and lustye vnto the eyes, and a pleasaunt tre to make wyse, and toke of the frute of it, and ate, and gaue vnto hir husbande also therof, and he ate.

Genesis 4:26

26 And Seth begat a sonne also, and called him Enos. At the same tyme beganne men to call vpon the name of the LORDE.

Genesis 24:3

3 I maye make the sweare by ye LORDE the God of heauen and earth, that thou take no wife vnto my sonne amonge ye doughters of ye Cananites, (amonge whom I dwell)

Genesis 27:46

46 And Rebecca sayde vnto Isaac: I am weery of my life, because of the doughters of Heth: Yf Iacob take a wife of the doughters of Heth, which are as the doughters of this londe, what shall this life then profit me?

Genesis 39:6-7

6 therfore left he all yt he had, in Iosephs hande. And medled with nothinge himself, saue onely the bred that he ate. And Ioseph was fayre of bewtye, and well fauoured of face. 7 And it fortuned after these actes, that his masters wife cast hir eyes vpon Ioseph, and sayde: Slepe with me.

Exodus 4:22-23

22 And thou shalt saie vnto Pharao: Thus sayeth ye LORDE: Israel is my first borne sonne, 23 & I saye vnto the: Let my sonne go, yt he maye serue me: Yf thou wilt not let him go, then wil I slaye thy firstborne sonne.

Exodus 34:16

16 and lest thou take of their doughters vnto thy sonnes to wyues, and the same go a whoringe after their goddes,

Deuteronomy 7:3-4

3 Ye shall not geue youre doughters vnto their sonnes, ner take their doughters vnto youre sonnes. 4 For they will make youre sonnes departe fro me, to serue straunge goddes: then shall the wrath of the LORDE waxe whote vpon you, and destroye you shortly.

Deuteronomy 14:1

1 Ye are the children of the LORDE youre God, Cut not youre selues therfore, & make you no baldnesse betwene youre eyes ouer eny deed.

Joshua 23:12-13

12 But yf ye turne backe, and cleue vnto these other nacions, and make mariages with them, so that ye come amoge them, and they amonge you, 13 be ye sure then, that the LORDE youre God shall nomore dryue out all these nacions before you, but they shall be vnto you a snare and net, and prickes in youre sydes, and thornes in youre eyes, vntyll he haue destroyed you from the good lode, which the LORDE youre God hath geuen you.

2 Samuel 11:2

2 And aboute the euetyde it fortuned that Dauid arose from his restinge place, & wente vp to ye toppe of the kynges palace, and from ye toppe he sawe a woman wasshinge hir selfe, and the woman was of a very fayre bewtye.

Ezra 9:1-2

1 Whan all this was perfourmed, the rulers came to me, and sayde: The people of Israel, and the prestes, & Leuites are not separated from the nacions in the londes as touchinge their abhominacions, namely of the Cananites, Hethites, Pheresites, Iebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egipcians, and Amorites. 2 For they haue taken the doughters of the same, & their sonnes, and haue myxte the holy sede with ye nacions in the londes: and the hande of the rulers and lordes of councell hath bene principall in this trespace.

Ezra 9:12

12 Therfore shal ye not geue youre doughters vnto their sonnes, and their doughters shall ye not take vnto youre sonnes, and seke not their peace and welth for euer, that ye maye be stronge, and enioye the good in the londe, and yt ye and youre children maye haue the inheritaunce of it for euermore.

Nehemiah 13:24-27

24 and their children spake halfe in the speache of Asdod, and coulde not speake in ye Iewish language, but by ye tonge mighte a ma perceaue euery people. 25 And I reproued them, and cursed them, & smote certayne men of the, and plucte them vp, and toke an ooth of them by God: Ye shal not geue youre daughters vnto their sonnes, nether shal ye take their daughters vnto youre sonnes, or for youre selues. 26 Dyd not Salomon ye kynge of Israel synne ther in? & yet amonge many Heythen was there no kynge like him, & he was deare vnto his God, and God made him kynge ouer all Israel, and the outlandish wemen. 27 (Omitted Text)

Job 31:1

1 I made a couenaunt wt myne eyes, yt I wolde not loke vpo a dasell.

Psalms 82:6-7

6 I haue sayde: ye are goddes, ye all are the childre of ye most hyest. 7 But ye shal dye like men, & fall like one of the tyrauntes.

Isaiah 63:16

16 Yet art thou or father: For Abraham knoweth vs not, nether is Israel acquanted with vs. But thou LORDE art oure father and redemer, and thy name is euer lastinge.

Malachi 2:11

11 Now hath Iuda offended: yee the abhominacion is done in Israel and in Ierusale, for Iuda hath defyled the Sactuary of the LORDE, which he loued, and hath kepte the doughter of a straunge God.

Malachi 2:15

15 So dyd not the one, & yet had he an excellent sprete. What dyd then the one? He sought the sede promised of God. Therfore loke well to youre sprete, & let no man despyse ye wife of his youth.

John 8:41-42

41 Ye do the dedes of youre father. Then sayde they vnto him: We are not borne of fornicacion, we haue one father, euen God. 42 Iesus sayde vnto them: Yf God were youre father, then wolde ye loue me. For I am proceaded forth, and come from God. For I am not come of my self, but he hath sent me.

Romans 9:7-8

7 nether are they all children, because they are the sede of Abraham: but in Isaac shal the sede be called 8 vnto the, that is, They which are children after the flesh, are not the children of God, but the children of the promes are counted for the sede.

1 Corinthians 7:39

39 The wife is bounde to the lawe, as longe as hir hussbande lyueth. But yf hir hussbande slepe, she is at liberty to mary vnto whom she wil, onely that it be done in the LORDE.

2 Corinthians 6:14-16

14 Set youre selues therfore at large.Beare not a straunge yock with the vnbeleuers. For what fellishippe hath righteousnes with vnrighteousnes? What company hath lighte wt darknesse? 15 How agreeth Christ with Belial? Or what parte hath the beleuer with the infydele? 16 How acordeth ye teple of God with ymages? Ye are the temple of the lyuynge God, as sayeth God: I wyl dwell in them, and walke in them, and wyl be their God, & they shalbe my people.

2 Corinthians 6:18

18 & be youre father, & ye shalbe my sonnes and doughters, sayeth ye Allmightie LORDE.

2 Peter 2:14

14 hauynge eyes full of aduoutrye, and ca not ceasse from synne, entysinge vnstable soules: hauynge an hert exercysed wt couetousnes: they are cursed children,

1 John 2:16

16 for all that is in the worlde (namely the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pryde of life) is not of the father, but of the worlde.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.