Ezekiel 30:11 Cross References - Coverdale

11 He and his people with him, yee and the cruell tyrauntes of the Heithen shalbe brought to destroye the londe. They shal drawe out their sweardes vpon Egipte and fyll the londe full of slayne men.

Deuteronomy 28:50

50 an harde fauoured people, which regarde not the personne of the olde, ner haue compassion on the yonge.

Isaiah 14:4-6

4 then shalt thou vse this mockage vpon ye kinge of Babilon, & saye: How happeneth it yt ye oppressour leaueth of? It ye golden tribute come to an ende? 5 Doutles the LORDE hath broken the staff of the vngodly, & the cepter of ye lordly. 6 Which whe he is wroth, smyteth ye people wt durable strokes, & in his woders he persecuteth the, & tameth the cotinually.

Isaiah 34:3-7

3 So that their slayne shalbe cast out, & their bodies stincke: that eue the very hilles shalbe wet with the bloude of them. 4 All the starres of heauen shalbe consumed, & the heauen shal folde together like a roll, & all the starres therof shall fall, like as the leaues fall from the vynes and fygetrees. 5 For my swearde (saieth he) shalbe bathed in heauen, & shal immediatly come downe vpon Idumea, and vpon the people which I haue cursed for my vengeaunce. 6 And the LORDES swearde shalbe full of bloude, & be rustie with the fatnesse & bloude of lambes and gootes, with the fatnesse of neeres of the wethers. For the LORDE shal kyl a great offringe in Bosra, and in the londe of Idumea. 7 There shal the Vnicornes fall with the Bulles, (that is with the giauntes) and their londe shalbe washed with bloude, & their grounde corrupte with fatnesse.

Jeremiah 51:20-23

20 Thou breakest my weapens of warre, & yet thorow the I haue scatred the nacions & kyngdomes: 21 Thorow the haue I scatred horse & horseman, yee the charettes, & soch as sat vpon them: 22 Thorow the I haue scatred man & woman, olde and yonge, bacheler & mayden. 23 Thorow the I haue scatred the shepherde & his flocke, the husbond man & his catell, the prynces & the rulers.

Ezekiel 28:7

7 beholde, I wil bringe enemies vpon the, euen the tyrauntes of the Heithe: these shal drawe out their sweardes vpon thy beuty and wi?dome, and shall defyle thy glory.

Ezekiel 31:12

12 the enemies shal destroye him, & the mighty men of the Heithen shall so scatre him, that his braunches shal lye vpon all mountaynes & in all valleys: his bowes shall be broken downe to the grounde thorow out the londe. Then all the people of the londe shal go from his shadowe, and forsake him.

Ezekiel 32:12

12 with ye sweardes of the worthies will I smyte downe thy people. All they that be mightie amonge the Getiles, shal waist the proude pompe of Egipte, and brynge downe all hir people.

Ezekiel 35:8

8 His mountaynes wil I fyll wt his slayne men: thy hilles, dales and valleys shal lye full of them, that are slayne with ye swearde.

Ezekiel 39:4

4 Thou with all thine heape, and all the people that is with the, must fall vpon the mountaynes of Israel. Then wil I geue the vnto ye foules and wilde beastes of the felde, to be deuoured:

Ezekiel 39:11-20

11 At the same tyme will I geue vnto Gog, a place to be buried in, in Israel: eue the valley, where thorow men go from the east to the see warde. Those that trauayle therby, shal abhorre it. There shal Gog and all his people be buried: and it shalbe called the valley of the people of Gog. 12 Seuen monethes longe shall the house of Israel be burienge of them, that they maye clense the lode: 13 Yee all the people of the londe shal burie them. O it shal be a glorious daye, when I get me that honoure, saieth the LORDE God. 14 They shal ordene men also to be deedburiers, euer goinge thorow the lode, and appoynte them certayne places to bury those in, which remayne vpon the felde, that the londe maye be clensed. From ende to ende shal they seke, and that vij monethes loge. 15 Now those that go thorow the londe, where they se a mans bone, they shall set vp a token by it, till the deedburiers haue buried it also, in the valley of the people of Gog. 16 And the name of the cite shalbe called Hamona: Thus shall they make the londe clene. 17 And thou sonne of man: thus saieth the LORDE God: Speake vnto all the foules and euery byrde, yee and to all the wilde beastes of the felde: heape you together and come, gather you roude aboute vpo my slaughter, that I haue slayne for you: euen a greate slaughter vpon the mountaynes of Israel: eate flesh, and drynke bloude. 18 Ye shal eate ye flesh of the worthies, and drynke the bloude of the prynces of the londe: of the wethers, of the lambes, of the goates, and of the oxen that be all slayne at Basan. 19 Eate ye fat youre bely full, and drynke bloude, till ye be droncken of the slaughter, which I haue slayne vnto you. 20 Fyl you at my table, with horses & stronge horsmen: with captaynes and all me of warre, saieth the LORDE God.

Habakkuk 1:6-9

6 For lo, I wil rase vp ye Caldees, that bytter and swifte people: which shal go as wyde as the londe is, to take possession of dwellinge places, that be not their owne. 7 A grymme & boysteous people is it, these shal syt in iudgment & punyshe. 8 Their horses are swifter then the cattes of the mountayne, & byte sorer then ye wolues in ye euenynge. Their horsmen come by greate heapes from farre, they fle hastely to deuor as the Aegle. 9 They come all to spoyle: out of them commeth an east wynde, which bloweth and gathereth their captyues, like as the sonde.

Zephaniah 1:17-18

17 I wil bringe ye people into soch vexacion, that they shal go aboute like blinde me, because they haue synned agaynst the LORDE. Their bloude shalbe shed as the dust, & their bodies as the myre. 18 Nether their syluer ner their golde shalbe able to delyuer the in that wrothfull daye of the LORDE, but the whole londe shalbe cosumed thorow the fyre of his gelousy: for he shall soone make clene ryddaunce of all them that dwell in the londe.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.