Ezekiel 24:13 Cross References - Coverdale

13 Thy filthinesse is abhominable, for I wolde haue clensed the, but thou woldest not be clensed. Thou canst not be pourged from thine vnclennesse, till I haue poured my wrothfull indignacion vpon the.

2 Chronicles 36:14-16

14 And all ye chefe amonge the prestes, and the people, multiplyed their synnes, acordinge to all the abhominacions of the Heythen, and dyfyled the house of the LORDE, which he had sanctified at Ierusalem. 15 And the LORDE God of their fathers sent vnto them early by his messaungers (for he spared his people and his habitacion) 16 but they laughed the messaungers of God to scorne, and despysed his wordes, and had his prophetes in derision, so loge tyll the indignacion of the LORDE increased ouer his people, and there was no remedye of healinge.

Isaiah 5:4-6

4 What more coude haue bene done for it, that I haue not done? Wherfore then hath it geuen thornes, where I loked to haue had grapes of it? 5 Well, I shall tell you how I will do wt my vynyarde: I will take the hedge from it, that it maye perish, and breake downe ye wall, that it maye be troden vnder fote. 6 I will laye it waist, that it shall nether be twysted nor cut, but beare thornes and breares. I wil also forbyd ye cloudes, that they shal not rayne vpon it.

Isaiah 9:13-17

13 For the people turneth not vnto him, that chastiseth them, nether do they seke the LORDE of hoostes. 14 Therfore the LORDE shal rote out of Israel both heade and tale, braunch and twygge in one daye. 15 By the heade, is vnderstonde the Senatoure and honorable man, and by ye tale, the prophet that preacheth lyes. 16 For all they which enfourme the people that they be in a right case, soch be disceauers. Soch as men thynke also to be perfecte amonge these, are but cast awaye. 17 Therfore shal the LORDE haue no pleasure in their yonge me, nether fauoure their fatherlesse and wydowes. For thei are altogether ypocrites and wicked, and all their mouthes speake foly. After all this shal not the LORDEs wrath ceasse, but yet his honde shalbe stretched out still.

Jeremiah 6:28-30

28 For they are all vnfaithful and fallen awaye, they hange vpon shameful lucre, they are clene brasse and yron, for they hurte and destroye euery man. 29 The bellous are brent in the fyre, the leade is consumed, the melter melteth in vayne, for the euel is not taken awaye from them. 30 Therfore shal they be called naughty syluer, because the LORDE hath cast them out.

Jeremiah 25:3-7

3 From the xiij yeare of Iosias the sonne of Amon kinge of Iuda, vnto this present daye, (that is euen xxiij yeare) the worde of the LORDE hath bene committed vnto me. And so I haue spoke to you, I haue rysen vp early, I haue geue you warnynge in season, but ye wolde not heare me. 4 Though the LORDE hath sent his seruauntes, all the prophetes vnto you in season: Yet wolde ye not obeye, ye wolde not encline yor eares to heare. 5 He sayde: turne agayne euery man from his euell waye, & from youre wicked ymaginacions, & so shal ye dwell for euer in the londe, that the LORDE promised you & youre fore fathers: 6 And go not after straunge goddes, serue them not, worshipe them not, & angre me not with the workes of youre hodes: then will not I punysh you. 7 Neuertheles, ye wolde not heare me (saieth the LORDE) but haue defied me with the workes of youre hodes, to youre owne greate harme.

Jeremiah 31:18

18 Morouer I herde Ephraim, (that was led awaye captyue) complayne on this maner: O LORDE, thou hast correcte me, and thy chastenynge haue I receaued, as an vntamed calfe. Conuerte thou me, and I shalbe conuerted, for thou art my LORDE God.

Ezekiel 5:13

13 Thus wil I perfourme my indignacion and set my wrath agaynst them, and ease my self. So that when I haue fulfilled myne anger agaynst them, they shall knowe, that I am the LORDE, which wt a feruent gelousy haue spoken it.

Ezekiel 8:18

18 Therfore wil I also do some thinge in my wrothfull displeasure, so that myne eye shall not ouersee them, nether wil I spare them. Yee and though they crie in myne eares with loude voyce, yet wil I not heare them.

Ezekiel 16:42

42 Shulde I make my wrath to be still, take my gelousy from the, be content, and nomore to be displeased?

Ezekiel 22:24

24 Thou sonne of ma, tell her: Thou art an vn clene londe, which is not rayned vpon in the daye off the cruell wrath:

Ezekiel 23:36-48

36 The LORDE sayde morouer vnto me: Thou sonne of ma, wilt thou not reproue Oola & Ooliba? Shewe the their abhominacios: 37 namely, yt they haue broke their wedlocke, & stayned their hodes wt bloude: yee euen wt their Idols haue they committed aduoutry, & offred them their owne children (to be deuoured) who they had borne vnto me. 38 Yee & this haue they done vnto me also: they haue defyled my Sactuary in that same daye, & haue vnhalowed my Sabbath. 39 For when they had slayne their childre for their Idols, they came the same daye in to my Sanctuary, to defyle it. Lo, this haue they done in my house. 40 Besyde all this, thou hast sent yi messaungers for men out of farre coutrees: and whe they came, thou hast bathed, trymmed and set forth thy selff off the best fashion: 41 thou sattest vpo a goodly bed, & a table spred before the: whervpon thou hast set myne incense and myne oyle. 42 Then was there greate cheare wt her, & the men yt were sent fro farre coutrees ouer the deserte: vnto these they gaue bracelettes vpon their hondes, & set glorious crownes vpon their heades. 43 Then thought I: no doute, these wil vse their harlotry also wt yoder olde whore. 44 And they wente in to her, as vnto a comon harlot: Euen so wente they also to Oola & Ooliba, those filthy women. 45 O ye all that loue vertue and rightuousnes, iudge the, punysh them: as aduoutrers and murtherers ought to be iudged and punyshed. For they are breakers off wedlocke, and the bloude is in their hondes. 46 Wherfore thus saieth the LORDE God: bringe a greate multitude off people vpon them, and make them be scatred and spoyled: 47 these shal stone them, and gorre them with their sweardes. They shal slaye their sonnes and doughters and burne vp their houses with fyre. 48 Thus will I destroye all soch fylthynes out off the londe: that all women may lerne, not to do after youre vnclenesse.

Ezekiel 24:11

11 Morouer, set the pot emptye vpon the coales, that it maye be warme and the metall hote: that the fylth and rustynesse maye be consumed.

Hosea 7:1

1 When I vndertake to make Israel whole, then the vngraciousnesse of Ephraim and the wickednes of Samaria commeth to light: then go they aboute with lyes. At home, they be theues: and without, they fall to robbynge.

Hosea 7:9-16

9 straungers haue deuoured his strength, yet he regardeth it not: he waxeth ful of gray haires, yet wil he not knowe it: 10 & ye pride of Israel is cast downe before their face, yet wil they not turne to the LORDE their God, ner seke him, for all this. 11 Ephraim is like a doue, that is begyled, and hath no herte. Now call they vpon the Egipcians, now go they to the Assirians: 12 but whyle they be goinge here and there, I shal sprede my net ouer them, & drawe them downe as ye foules of the ayre: and acordinge as they haue bene warned, so will I punysh them. 13 Wo be vnto them, for they haue forsake me. They must be destroyed, for they haue set me at naught. I am he that haue redemed them, and yet they dyssemble wt me. 14 They call not vpon me with their hartes, but lye youlinge vpon their beddes. Where as they come together, it is but for meate & drincke, and me will they not obeye. 15 I haue taught them, and defended their arme, yet do they ymagin myschefe agaynst me. 16 They turne them selues, but not a right, & are become as a broken bowe. Their prynces shalbe slayne wt the swearde, for the malice of their tunges, soch blasphemies haue they lerned in the londe of Egipte.

Amos 4:6-12

6 Therfore haue I geuen you ydle teth in all youre cities, & scarcenesse off bred in all youre places: yet will ye not turne vnto me, sayeth the LORDE. 7 Whe there were but thre monethes vnto ye haruest, I withelde the rayne from you: yee I rayned vpo one cite, and not vpo another one pece off grounde was moystured with rayne, and the grounde that I rayned not vpon, was drye. 8 Wherfore two (yee thre) cities came vnto one, to drynke water: but they were not satisfied, yet will ye not turne vnto me, sayeth ye LORDE. 9 I haue smyten you with drouth and blastinge: and loke how many orchardes, vinyardes, fygetrees and olyue trees ye had: ye catirpiller hath eaten them vp. But yet will ye not turne vnto me, sayeth the LORDE. 10 Pestilence haue I sent amoge you, as I dyd in Egipte: youre yonge men haue I slayen wt ye swerde, and caused youre horses be taken captyue: I made the stynckinge sauoure of youre tentes to come vp in to youre nostrels: Yet wil ye not turne vnto me, sayeth the LORDE. 11 Some off you haue I ouerthrowen? as I ouerthrewe Sodome & Gomorre: so that ye were as a brande plucte out of the fyre. Yet will ye not turne vnto me, sayeth the LORDE. 12 Therfore, thus will I handle the agayne (O Israel) ye euen thus will I handle the. Make the ready then to mete thy God, o Israel.

Zephaniah 3:2

2 which wil not heare, ner be refourmed. Hir trust is not in the LORDE, nether wil she holde her to hir God.

Zephaniah 3:7

7 I sayde vnto them: O feare me, and be cotent to be refourmed. That their dwellinge shulde not be destroyed, and that there shulde happen vnto them none of these thinges, wherwith I shal vyset the. But neuertheles they stonde vp early, to folowe the filthynes of their owne ymaginacions.

Matthew 23:37-38

37 O Ierusalem Ierusalem, thou that slayest the prophetes, and stonest them that are sent vnto the: How oft wolde I haue gathered thy children together, euen as the henne gathereth hir chekens vnder hir wynges, and ye wolde not? 38 Beholde, youre habitacion shalbe left vnto you desolate.

Luke 13:7-9

7 Then sayde he vnto the wynegardener: Beholde, This thre yeare longe haue I come euery yeare, and sought frute vpon this fygge tre, and fynde none: cut it downe, why hyndreth it the grounde? 8 But he answered, and sayde: Syr, let it alone yet this yeare, tyll I dygge roude aboute it and donge it, 9 yf it wyl brynge forth frute: Yf no, then cut it downe afterwarde.

Romans 2:8-9

8 But vnto them that are contencious & not obedient vnto the trueth, but obeye vnrighteousnes, shal come indignacion and wrath, 9 trouble and anguysh vpo all the soules of me that do euell, of the Iewe first and also of the Greke:

2 Corinthians 7:1

1 Seynge now that we haue soch promyses (dearly beloued) let vs clense oureselues from all fylthynes of the flesh and sprete, and growe vp to full holynes in ye feare of God.

Revelation 22:11

11 He that doeth euell, let him do euell styll: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy styll: and he that is righteous, let him be more righteous: and he that is holy, let him be more holy.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.