Esther 3:4 Cross References - Coverdale

4 And whan they spake this daylie vnto him, and he folowed them not, they tolde Aman, that they mighte se whether Mardocheus matters wolde endure: for he had tolde them, yt he was a Iewe.

Genesis 39:10

10 But she spake soch wordes vnto Ioseph daylie. Neuertheles he herkened not vnto her, to slepe by her, or to be in her company.

Ezra 1:3

3 Who soeuer now amonge you is of his people, the LORDE his God be with him, and let him go vp to Ierusalem in Iuda, and buylde the house of the LORDE God of Israel. He is ye God that is at Ierusale.

Daniel 3:8-9

8 Now were there certayne men off the Caldees, that went euen then and accused ye Iewes, 9 and sayde vnto kynge Nabuchodonosor: O kynge, God saue thy lyfe for euer.

Daniel 3:12

12 Now are there certaine Iewes, whom thou hast set ouer the offices of the londe off Babilon: namely, Sydrac, Misac and Abdenago. These men (o kynge) regarde not thy comaundemet, yee they will not serue thy goddes, ner bowe them selues to the golden ymage, that thou hast set vp.

Daniel 3:16-18

16 Sydrac, Misac and Abdenago answered the kynge, and sayde: O Nabuchodonosor, we ought not to cosente vnto ye in this matter, for why: 17 oure God whom we serue, is able to kepe vs from the hote burnynge ouen (O kynge) and can right wel delyuer vs out off thy hondes. 18 And though he wil not, yet shalt thou knowe (o kynge) that we will not serue thy goddes, ner do reuerece to the ymage, which thou hast set vp.

Daniel 3:23-30

23 And these thre men Sydrac, Misac and Abdenago fell downe in ye hote burnynge ouen, beinge fast bounde. 24 Then Nabuchodonosor the kynge marueled, and stode vp in all haist: he spake vnto his councel and sayde: dyd not ye cast these thre men bounde in to the fyre? They answered, and sayde vnto the kynge: Yee o kynge. 25 He answered and sayde: lo, for all that, yet do I se foure men goinge lowse in the myddest off the fyre, and nothinge corrupte: and the fourth is like an angel to loke vpon. 26 Vpon this wete Nabuchodonosor vnto the mouth of the hote burnynge ouen: he speake also, & sayde: O Sydrac, Misac and Abdenago, ye seruauntes of the hye God: go forth, and come hither. And so Sydrac, Misac, and Abdenago wente out of the fyre. 27 Then the dukes, lordes and nobles, and the kynges councell came together to se these men, vpon whom the fyre had no maner of power in their bodies: In so moch that the very hayre of their heade was not burnt, and their clothes vnchaunged: Yee there was no smell of fyre felt vpon them. 28 Then spake Nabuchodonosor, and sayde: Blessed be the God of Sidrac, Misac & Abdenago: which hath sent his angel, ad defended his seruautes, that put their trust in him: yt haue altered the kynges commaundement, and ioperde their bodies thervpon: rather then they wolde serue or worshipe eny other god, excepte their owne God only. 29 Therfore I wil and commaude, that all people, kynreddes & tunges, which speake eny blasphemy agaynst the God of Sydrac, Misac and Abdenago, shal dye, and their houses shalbe prysed: Because, there is no God yt maye sane, as this. 30 So the kynge promoted Sidrac, Misac and Abdenago, in the londe of Babylon.

Daniel 6:13

13 Then answered they, and sayde vnto the kynge: Daniel one of the presoners of Iuda (O kynge) regardeth nether the ner thy statute, that thou hast made, but maketh his peticion thre tymes a daye.

Daniel 6:20-28

20 Now as he came nye vnto ye dene, he cried wt a piteous voyce vnto Daniel: Yee ye kige spake, and sayde vnto Daniel: O Daniel, thou seruaunt off the lyuynge God, Is not thy God (whom thou allwaye seruest) able to delyuer the from the lyons? 21 Daniel sayde vnto the kynge: O kynge, God saue thy life for euer: 22 My God hath sent his angel, which hath shut the lyons mouthes, so that they might not hurte me. For why: myne vngiltynesse is founde out before him. And as for the (o kynge) I neuer offended the. 23 Then was the kynge exceadinge glad, ad commaunded to take Daniel out off the denne. So Daniel was brought out of the dene, and no maner of hurte was founde vpo him For he put his trust in his God. 24 And as for those men which had accused Daniel, the kige commaunded to bringe them, and to cast them in the lyons denne: them, their children and their wyues. So the lyons had the mastry of them, and brake all their bones a sonder, or euer they came at the grounde. 25 After this, wrote kynge Darius vnto all people, kynreddes and tunges, that dwelt in all londes: peace be multiplied with you: 26 My commaundement is, in all my dominio and kyngdome, that men feare and stonde in awe off Daniels God: For he is the lyuinge God, which abydeth euer: his kyngdome shall not fayle, and his power is euerlastynge. 27 It is he that delyuereth, and saueth: he doth wonders and maruelous workes, in heauen and in earth: he hath preserued. Daniel from the power of the lyons. 28 This Daniel prospered in the raigne off Darius and Cirus of Persia.

Jonah 1:9

9 He answered them: I am an Ebrue, and I feare the LORDE God of heauen, which made both the see and drie londe.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.