Acts 26:17 Cross References - Coverdale

17 And I wil delyuer the from the people, and from the Heythen, amonge who I wil now sende the,

1 Chronicles 16:35

35 And saye: Helpe vs O God oure Sauioure, and gather vs together, and delyuer vs from the Heythen, that we maye geue thankes vnto yi holy name, and synge prayses vnto the in thy Psalmes.

Psalms 34:19

19 Greate are ye troubles of the rightuous, but the LORDE delyuereth them out of all.

Psalms 37:32-33

32 The lawe of his God is in his hert, therfore shal not his fotesteppes slyde. 33 The vngodly seyth the rightuous, & goeth aboute to slaye him.

Jeremiah 1:8

8 Be not afrayed of their faces, for I wilbe with the, to delyuer the, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 1:19

19 They shall fight agaynst the, but they shall not be able to ouercome the: for I am wt the, to delyuer the, saieth the LORDE.

Acts 9:15

15 The LORDE sayde vnto him: Go thy waye, for this man is a chosen vessell vnto me, that he maye beare my name before the Heythen, and before kynges, and before the children of Israel.

Acts 9:23-25

23 And after many dayes the Iewes helde a councell together to kyll him. 24 But it was tolde Saul, that they layed wayte for him. And they wayted at ye gates daye & night, that they might kyll him. 25 Then the disciples toke him by nighte, & put him thorow the wall, and let him downe in a baskett.

Acts 9:29-30

29 and quyte him selfe boldly in ye name of ye LORDE Iesu. He spake also, and disputed with ye Grekes. But they wete aboute to slaye him. 30 Whan the brethren knewe yt, they brought him to Cesarea, and sent him forth to Tharsis.

Acts 13:50

50 Howbeit the Iewes moued the deuoute and honorable wemen, and the chefe men of the citie, and raysed vp a persecucion agaynst Paul and Barnabas and expelled them out of their coastes.

Acts 14:5-6

5 But whan there rose vp an insurreccion of the Heythe and of ye Iewes, and of their rulers, to put them to shame, and to stone the, 6 they perceaued it, and fled vnto lystra and Derba cities of ye countre of Licaonia, and vnto ye region that lyeth rounde aboute,

Acts 14:19-20

19 But there came thither certayne Iewes from Antioche and Iconiu, and persuaded the people, and stoned Paul, and drue him out of the cite, supposinge he had bene deed. 20 Howbeyt as ye disciples stode rounde aboute him, he rose vp, & came in to the cite. And on the nexte daye he departed with Barnabas vnto Derba,

Acts 16:39

39 and came and besoughte them, and prayed the to departe out of the cite.

Acts 17:10

10 But the brethren immediatly sent awaye Paul and Sylas by night vnto Berea. Whan they came there, they wete in to the synagoge of the Iewes

Acts 17:14

14 Howbeit the brethren sent Paul awaye then immediatly, to go vnto the see. As for Sylas and Timotheus, they abode there styll.

Acts 18:10

10 for I am with the: and no man shal inuade the that shal hurte the, for I haue moch people in this cite.

Acts 18:12-16

12 But whan Gallio was ruler of the countre of Achaia, the Iewes made insurreccion wt one acorde agaynst Paul, & broughte him before the iudgment seate, 13 and sayde: This felowe counceleth men to worshipe God cotrary to the lawe. 14 Whan Paul was aboute to open his mouth, Gallio sayde vnto ye Iewes: Yf it were a matter of wronge or an euell dede (O ye Iewes) reason wolde that I shulde heare you: 15 but yf it be a question of wordes, and of names, and of ye lawe amoge you, loke ye to it youre selues, I thinke not to be iudge there ouer. 16 And he droue them from the iudgmet seate.

Acts 19:28-41

28 Whan they herde this, they were full of wrath, cried out, and sayde: Greate is Diana of the Ephesians. 29 And all ye cite was on a roore, and they russhed in with one assent in to the open place, and toke Gaius and Aristarchus of Macedonia, Pauls companyons. 30 Whan Paul wolde haue gone in amonge the people, the disciples suffred him not. 31 Certayne also of ye chefe of Asia which were Pauls good frendes, sent vnto him, and desyred him, that he shulde not preasse in to the open place. 32 Some cried one thinge, some another. And the congregacion was out of quyete, and the more parte knewe not wherfore they were come together. 33 Some of the people drue forth Alexander, whan ye Iewes thrust him forwarde. Alexader beckened with the hande, and wolde haue geuen the people an answere. 34 But whan they knewe that he was a Iewe, there arose a shoute of all, and cried the space of two houres: Greate is Diana of the Ephesians. 35 Whan the towne clarke had stylled the people, he sayde: Ye men of Ephesus, what man is it which knoweth not, that the cite of ye Ephesias is a worshipper of the greate goddesse Diana, and of the heauenly ymage? 36 Seinge now that this can not be sayde agaynst, ye ought to be contente, and to do nothinge without aduysement. 37 Ye haue broughte hither these men, which are nether churchrobbers ner blasphemers off youre goddesse. 38 But yff Demetrius and they that are craftesmen with him, haue ought to saye vnto eny man, the lawe is open, and there are rulers, let them accuse one another. 39 But yf ye wil go aboute eny other thinge, it maye be determyned in a laufull congregacion. 40 For we stonde in ioperdy to be accused of this dayes vproure: and yet is there no man giltye, of whom we mighte geue a rekenynge of this vproure. 41 And whan he had sayde this, he let the congregacion departe.

Acts 21:28-36

28 and cryed: Ye men of Israel, helpe, this is the man, that teacheth all men euery where agaynst oure people, the lawe, and this place. He hath broughte Grekes also in to the temple, and hath defyled this holy place. 29 For they had sene Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the cite, him they thoughte yt Paul had broughte in to the temple. 30 And all the cite was moued, and the people ranne together. And they toke Paul, and drue him out off the temple, and forth with the dores were shut to. 31 But whan they wete aboute to kyll him, tydinges came to the chefe captayne of the company, that all Ierusalem was moued. 32 Which immediatly toke soudyers and captaynes vnto him, and ranne in amoge them. Whan they sawe the captayne and the soudyers, they lefte smytinge of Paul. 33 Whan the captayne came nye, he toke him, and commaunded him to be bounde with two cheynes, and axed what he was, and what he had done. 34 One cried this, another that amonge the people. But whan he coulde not knowe the certente because of the rumoure, he commaunded him to be caried in to the castell. 35 And wha he came to the steppes, it fortuned that he was borne of ye soudyers because of the violence of the people. 36 For the multitude off the people folowed after, and cryed: Awaye with him.

Acts 22:21-22

21 And he sayde vnto me: Go thy waye, for I wil sende the farre amonge the Hey then. 22 They gaue him audience vnto this worde, and lifte vp their voyce, & sayde: Awaye with soch a felowe from the earth, for it is not reason that he shulde lyue.

Acts 23:10-24

10 But whan the discension was greate, ye vpper captayne feared, that Paul shulde haue bene pluckte a sonder of them, and commaunded the soudyers to go downe, and to take him from them, and to brynge him in to the castell. 11 But in the nighte folowinge, the LORDE stode by him, and sayde: Be of good cheare Paul, for as thou hast testified of me at Ierusalem so must thou testifye at Rome also. 12 Now whan it was daye, certayne of the Iewes gathered them selues together, and made a vowe nether to eate ner drynke, tyll they had kylled Paul. 13 They were mo then fortye, which had made this conspyracion. 14 These came to the hye prestes and Elders, and sayde: We haue bounde oure selues wt a vowe, that we wil eate nothinge, tyll we haue slayne Paul. 15 Now therfore geue ye knowlege to the vpper captayne and to the councell, that he maye brynge him forth vnto you tomorow, as though ye wolde heare him yet better: As for vs, we are ready to kyll him, or euer he come nye you. 16 But whan Pauls sisters sonne herde of their layenge awayte, he came, and entred into the castell, and tolde Paul. 17 So Paul called vnto him one of ye vnder captaynes, and sayde: Brynge this yonge man to the vpper captayne, for he hath somewhat to saye to him. 18 He toke him, and broughte him to the vpper captayne, and sayde: Paul the presoner called me vnto him, and prayed me to brynge to the this yonge man, which hath somwhat to saye vnto the. 19 Then the hye captayne toke him by the hande, and wente asyde with him out of the waye, and axed him: What is it, that thou hast to saye vnto me? 20 He sayde: The Iewes are agreed together, to desyre the, to let Paul be broughte forth tomorow before the councell, as though they wolde yet heare him better. 21 But folowe not thou their myndes, for there laye wayte for him mo then fortye men off them, which haue bounde them selues with a vowe, nether to eate ner drynke, tyll they haue slayne Paul: and euen now are they redye, and loke for thy promes. 22 Then the vpper captayne let the yonge man departe, and charged him to tell noman, that he had shewed him this. 23 And he called vnto him two vndercaptaynes, and sayde: Make redye two hundreth soudyers, that they maye go to Cesarea, and thre score and ten horsmen, and two hundreth speare men at the thirde houre of the nighte, 24 and delyuer the beastes, that they maye set Paul theron, and brynge him safe vnto Felix the debyte,

Acts 25:3

3 and desyred fauoure agaynst him, that he wolde sende for him to Ierusalem, and layed wayte for him, that they might slaye him by the waye.

Acts 25:9-11

9 But Festus wyllinge to shewe the Iewes a pleasure, answered Paul, and sayde: Wilt thou go vp to Ierusalem, and there be iudged off these thinges before me? 10 But Paul sayde: I stonde at the Emperours iudgmet seate, where I ought to be iudged: to the Iewes haue I done no harme, as thou also knowest very well. 11 Yf I haue hurte eny man, or committed eny thinge worthy off death, I refuse not to dye. But yf there are no soch thinges as they accuse me off, then maye no man delyuer me vnto them. I appeale vnto the Emperoure.

Acts 27:42-44

42 The soudyers councell was to kyll ye presoners, lest eny of them whan he had swymmed out, shulde flye awaye. 43 But the vndercaptayne wyllinge to saue Paul, keped them from their purpose, and commaunded that they which coulde swymme, shulde cast them selues first in to the see, and escape vnto londe: 44 and the other, some on bordes, some on broken peces of the shippe. And so it came to passe, that all the soules came safe vnto londe.

Acts 28:28

28 Be it knowne therfore vnto you, yt this saluacio of God is sent vnto ye Heythe, and they shal heare it.

Romans 11:13

13 I speake vnto you Heythen: for in as moch as I am ye Apostle of the Heythen, I wil prayse myne office,

Romans 15:16

16 that I shulde be a mynister of Iesu Christ amonge the Heythen, to declare the gospell of God, that the Heythen mighte be an acceptable offerynge vnto God, sanctified by the holy goost.

2 Corinthians 1:8-10

8 Brethren we wolde not haue you ignoraunt of oure trouble, which happened vnto vs in Asia, for we were greued out off measure passynge strength, so that we euen dispared of life, 9 and had concluded in oure selues yt we must nedes dye. But this was done, because we shulde not put oure trust in oure selues, but in God, which rayseth vp the deed to life agayne: 10 which delyuered vs from so greate a death, and yet delyuereth daylie, On whom we trust, that he wil delyuer vs here after also,

2 Corinthians 4:8-10

8 We are troubled on euery syde, yet are we not without shift. We are in pouertie, but not vtterly without somwhat. 9 We are persecuted, but we are not forsaken. We are oppressed, neuertheles we perish not. 10 We allwayes beare aboute in oure body the dyenge of the LORDE Iesus yt the life also of the LORDE Iesus might appeare in oure body.

2 Corinthians 11:23-26

23 They are the mynisters of Christ (I speake as a fole) I am more: in laboures more abudaunt, in strypes aboue measure, in presonmentes more plenteously, in death oft. 24 Of the Iewes receaued I fyue tymes fortye strypes, one lesse. 25 Thryse was I beaten with roddes. I was once stoned, I suffred thryse shypwracke: nighte and daye haue I bene in the depe of the see: 26 I haue oft iourneyed: I haue bene oft in parels of waters, in parels amonge murthurers, in parels amonge the Iewes, in parels amonge the Heythen, in parels in cities, in parels in the wylderners, in parels vpon the See, in parels amonge false brethre,

Galatians 2:9

9 they perceaued the grace that was geuen vnto me. Iames and Cephas and Ihon, which semed to be pilers, gaue me and Barnabas ye righte handes, and agreed with vs, that we shulde preach amonge the Heythe, and they amonge the Iewes:

Ephesians 3:7-8

7 wherof I am made a mynister acordynge to the gifte of the grace of God, which is geue me acordinge to the workynge of his power. 8 Vnto me the leest of all sayntes is this grace geuen, that I shulde preach amonge the Heythe ye vnsearcheable riches of Christ,

1 Timothy 2:7

7 wherevnto I am ordeyned a preacher & an Apostle (I tell ye trueth in Christ and lye not) a teacher of the Heythe in faith and in the trueth.

2 Timothy 1:11

11 whervnto I am appoynted a preacher and an Apostell, and a teacher of the Heythen:

2 Timothy 3:11

11 my persecucions, my affliccions, which happened vnto me at Antioche, at Iconium, at Lystra, which persecucions I suffred paciently, and from the all the LORDE delyuered me.

2 Timothy 4:16-17

16 In my first answerynge no man assisted me, but all forsoke me. I praye God that it be not layed to their charges. 17 Notwitstondynge the LORDE stode by me, & stregthed me, that by me the preachinge shulde be fulfylled to the vttemost, and that all the Heythe shulde heare. And I was delyuered out of the mouth of the lyon.

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