2 Samuel 20 Cross References - Coverdale

1 There was a famous man of Belial there, whose name was Seba ye sonne of Bichri, a ma of Iemini, which blewe the trompe, and sayde: We haue no porcion in Dauid, ner inheritaunce in ye sonne of Isai: let euery get him to his tent, O Israel. 2 Then fell euery man in Israel from Dauid, and folowed Seba the sonne of Bichri. But the men of Iuda cleued vnto their kynge from Iordane vnto Ierusale. 3 Whan Dauid came home to Ierusalem, he toke the ten concubynes ( whom he had lefte to kepe the house) and put them in a holde to be kepte, and made prouysion for them: but he laye not with them, and so were they shut vp vnto their death, and lyued wedowes. 4 And ye kynge sayde vnto Amasa: Call me all the men of Iuda together agaynst the thirde daye, & be thou here present also. 5 And Amasa wete to call Iuda together. And he was slacke to come at ye tyme which he had appoynted him. 6 And Dauid sayde vnto Abisai: Now shall Seba the sonne of Bichri do vs more harme then Absalom. Take thou yi lordes seruauntes, and folowe vpon him, yt he fynde not some stroge cities for him, and so escape out of oure sighte. 7 Then wente Ioabs me forth after him, and the Chrethians and Plethians, and all the mightie me: and they wete out of Ierusalem to folowe vpon Seba the sonne of Bichri. 8 But whan they were by the greate stone at Gibeon, Amasa came before them. As for Ioab, he was gyrded aboue his garment which he had on, and vpon it he had a swerde gyrded, which hanged by his thye in the sheeth, and wente easely out and in, and fell fro him. 9 And Ioab sayde vnto Amasa: Peace be with the my brother. And Ioab toke Amasa by the beerde with his righte hade, to kysse him. 10 And Amasa toke no hede vnto ye swerde in Ioabs hande, and he thrust him therwith in to the bely, yt his bowels ranne out vpon the earth, and he thrust at him nomore. And so he dyed. Ioab & his brother Abisai folowed vpon Seba ye sonne of Bichri. 11 And one of Ioabs seruauntes stode by him, and sayde: What is he this yt wolde be agaynst Ioab to please Dauid, and to be with Dauid in Ioabs steade? 12 As for Amasa, he laye rolled in the bloude in ye myddes of the strete. But wha one sawe that all the people stode there still, he remoued Amasa from the strete vnto the felde, and cast a clothe vpon him, for so moch as he sawe, that who so euer came by him, stode styll. 13 Now whan he was put out of the waye, euery man wete after Ioab, to folowe vpon Seba the sonne of Bichri. 14 And he wente thorow all ye trybes of Israel vnto Abel Beth Maacha, and all the best chosen men gathered them selues together, & folowed after him, 15 and came and beseged him at Abel Beth Maacha, and made a banke aboute to cite harde on ye wall. And all the people that was with Ioab, layed to their ordynaunce, and wolde haue cast downe the wall. 16 Then cried there a wyse woma out of ye cite: Heare, heare, saye vnto Ioab that he come hither, I wyl speake with him. 17 And wha he came to her, the woman sayde: Art thou Ioab? He sayde: Yee. She sayde vnto him: Heare the wordes of thy handmayden. He sayde: I heare. 18 She sayde: The comonsayenge was somtyme: Who so wyll axe, let him axe at Abel, and so came it to a good ende. 19 This is ye noble and faithfull cite in Israel, and wilt thou destroye the cite and the mother in Israel? Why wilt thou swalowe vp the enheritaunce of the LORDE? 20 Ioab answered and sayde: That be farre, that be farre fro me, that I shulde swalowe vp and destroye. 21 The matter is not so, but a certayne man of mount Ephraim named Seba the sonne of Bichri, hath lifte vp him selfe agaynst kynge Dauid, delyuer him onely, and I wyl departe from the cite. The woman sayde vnto Ioab: Beholde, his heade shal be cast vnto the ouer the wall. 22 And the woman came in to all the people with hir wysdome. And they smote of the heade of Seba the sonne of Bichri, and cast it vnto Ioab. Then blewe he the trompe, and they departed from the cite, euery one vnto his tent. But Ioab came agayne to Ierusalem vnto the kynge. 23 Ioab was captayne ouer all the hoost of Israel: Benaia ye sonne of Ioiada was ouer the Chrethians and Plethians: 24 Adoram was rent gatherer: Iosaphat the sonne of Ahilud was Chaunceler: 25 Seia was the scrybe: Sadoc and Abiathar were the prestes: 26 Ira also ye Iairite was Dauids prest.

Genesis 4:8

8 And Cain talked with Abell his brother. And it happened, that whan they were in the felde, Cain arose agaynst Abell his brother, and slew him.

Genesis 18:23

23 and stepte vnto him, and sayde:Wilt thou then destroye the righteous with the vngodly?

Genesis 40:3

3 where Ioseph laye presoner.

Genesis 41:43

43 and made him ryde vpo the seconde charet: and caused it be proclamed before him, that men shulde bowe their knees vnto him, as to him who Pharao had set ouer the whole lande of Egipte.

Genesis 41:45

45 And he called him Zaphnath Paena, & gaue him a wife, euen Asnath the doughter of Potiphar the prest of On. So Ioseph wente out, for to vyset the lande of Egipte.

Exodus 2:14

14 But he sayde: Who made the a ruler or iudge ouer vs? Wilt thou slaye me also, as thou slewest the Egipcian? The was Moses afrayed, and sayde: How is this knowne?

Exodus 2:16

16 The prest Madian had seuen doughters, which came to drawe water, and fylled the troughes, to geue their fathers shepe to drinke.

Exodus 19:5-6

5 Yf ye wyll harken now vnto my voyce, and kepe my couenaunt, ye shalbe myne owne before all people: for the whole earth is myne: 6 and ye shall be vnto me a presterly kingdome, and an holy people. These are the wordes that thou shalt saye vnto the children of Israel.

Exodus 24:11

11 & he put not his hade vpo the pryncipall of Israel. And whan they had sene God, they ate & dronke.

Numbers 16:32

32 & the earth opened hir wouth, & swalowed the, wt their houses, & all the me yt were wt Corah, & all their substauce,

Numbers 20:19

19 The children of Israel saide vnto him: We wil go ye como hye waye, & yf we or oure catell drynke of thy water, we wil paye for it: we wil do nothinge, but passe thorow on fote onely.

Numbers 21:16

16 And from thence they came to the well. This is the well, wherof the LORDE spake vnto Moses: gather the people together, I wil geue them water.

Numbers 26:10

10 & the earth opened hir mouth, and swalowed the wt Corah, wha the copany dyed, what tyme as the fyre consumed two hundreth & fiftye men, & they became a toke.

Deuteronomy 13:13

13 that it is sayde: There are certayne men, the children of Belial, gone out from amonge you, and haue disceaued the inhabiters of their cite, and sayde: let vs go, and serue other goddes, whom ye knowe not.

Deuteronomy 20:10-11

10 Whan thou commest nye vnto a cite to fight against it, thou shalt offre them peace 11 Yf they answere the peaceably, and open vnto the, then shal all ye people yt is founde therin, be tributaries vnto the, and serue ye.

Deuteronomy 32:9

9 For the LORDES parte is his folke, Iacob is the meetlyne of his enheritaunce.

Joshua 18:25

25 Gibeon, Rama, Beeroth,

Joshua 24:33

33 Eleasar the sonne of Aaron died also, and they buried him at Gibeath, which was Phineas his sonnes, that was geuen him vpon mount Ephraim.

Judges 2:9

9 they buried him in ye border of his inheritaunce at Timnath Heres vpon mount Ephraim on the north syde of mount Gaas.

Judges 3:21

21 But Ehud put forth his lefte hande, & toke the dagger from his righte thye, & thrust it in to his bely,

Judges 3:27

27 And whan he came in he blewe ye trompet vpo mount Ephraim, and the children of Israel wente with him from the mount, and he before them,

Judges 5:7

7 There was scarcenesse, there was scarcenesse of housbande men in Israel, vntyll I Debbora came vp, vntyll I came vp a mother in Israel.

Judges 7:24

24 And Gedeon sent messaungers vp vnto all mount Ephraim, sayenge: Come downe against the Madianites, and stoppe the water from them vnto Beth Bara and Iordane. And then cryed all they that were of Ephraim, and stopped the water from them vnto Bethbara and Iordane,

Judges 10:4-5

4 and hath thirtie sonnes, rydinge vpon thirtie asses foales: and had thirtie cities, whose names are Hauoth Iair (that is, the cities of Iair) vnto this daye, and lye in Gilead. 5 And Iair dyed, and was buried at Camon.

Judges 18:4-8

4 He answered the: Thus & thus hath Micha done vnto me, & hath hyred me to be his prest. 5 They sayde vnto him: O axe at God, yt we maye perceaue, whether oure iourney which we go, shal prospere well or not. 6 The prest answered them: Go youre waye in peace, youre iourney yt ye go, is before the LORDE. 7 Then the fyue men wente their waye, & came vnto Lais, and sawe that the people which was therin, dwelt sure, euen as ye Sidonians, at rest, and carelesse, and that there was no lorde in the londe to vexe them, and were farre from the Sidonias, and had nothinge to do with eny man. 8 And they came to their brethre to Zarga and Esthaol. And their brethren saide vnto them: How is it wt you?

Judges 19:22

22 And wha their hert was now ioyfull, the men of the cyte, the children of Belial, came, and compased the house rounde aboute, and russhed at ye dore, and sayde vnto ye olde man, which was the good man of ye house: Bringe out the ma which is come in to thy house, that we maye knowe him.

Judges 21:19

19 And they sayde: Beholde there is a yearly feast of the LORDE at Silo, which lieth on the northsyde of the Gods house, and on the eastside of the strete as a ma goeth from Bethel vnto Sichem, and lieth on the south side of Libona.

1 Samuel 2:12

12 But Elis sonnes were the childre of Belial, and knewe not the LORDE,

1 Samuel 6:12

12 And the kyne wente straight waye vnto BethSemes vpon one hye strete, and wente on bleatynge, and turned nether to the righte hande ner to the lefte. And the prynces of the Philistynes wente after them vnto ye coast of BethSemes.

1 Samuel 13:8

8 Then taried he seuen dayes acordinge to the tyme apoynted of Samuel. And whan Samuel came not vnto Gilgal, the people were scatered abrode from him.

1 Samuel 22:7-8

7 Then sayde Saul vnto his seruauntes that stode by him: Heare ye children of Iemini: Shal the sonne of Isai geue lodes and vynyardes vnto you all, & make you all captaynes ouer thousandes and ouer hudreds, 8 that ye haue all conspyred agaynst me, and there is no ma that sheweth it before myne eares, for so moch as my sonne also hath made a couenaunt with the sonne of Isai? There is no man amonge you that letteth it for my sake, or yt openeth it vnto myne eares: for my sonne hath stered vp my seruauntes against me, that he maye laye wayte for me, as it is manifest.

1 Samuel 24:6

6 and sayde vnto his men: The LORDE let that be farre frome, that I shulde do it, & laye my hande vpo my lorde the LORDES anoyntd: for he is ye anoynted of the LORDE.

1 Samuel 25:3

3 and his name was Nabal, but his wyues name was Abigail, and she was a woman of good vnderstondinge, & bewtyfull of face. But the man was harde, and wicked in his doynges, and was one of Caleb.

1 Samuel 25:24

24 and fell at his fete, and sayde: Oh my lorde, let this trespace be myne, and let thy handmayde speake before thine eares, and heare the wordes of thy handmayden:

1 Samuel 25:32-33

32 Then saide Dauid vnto Abigail: Blessed be the LORDE God of Israel, which hath sent the to mete me this daye: 33 and blessed be thy speach, and blessed be thou, which hast kepte me backe this daye, that I am not come agaynst bloude, to auenge me with myne awne hande.

1 Samuel 26:6

6 Then answered Dauid, and sayde vnto Ahimelech the Hethite, and to Abisai the sonne of Ieru Ia ye brother of Ioab: Who wil go downe wt me to Saul in to the hoost? Abisai sayde: I wil go downe with the.

1 Samuel 26:8

8 The sayde Abisai vnto Dauid: God hath closed thine enemye in thyne hande this daye. Therfore will I now thrust him thorow once with the speare euen in to the grounde, yt he shall haue ynough of it. 9 Neuertheles Dauid sayde vnto Abisai: Destroye him not, for who wil laye hande vpon the anoynted of ye LORDE, & remayne vngiltye?

1 Samuel 26:19

19 Yet let my lorde the kynge heare but the wordes of his seruaunt? Yf ye LORDE prouoke the against me, let there be smelled a meatofferynge: but yf the childre of men do it, cursed be they before the LORDE, because they haue thrust me out this daye (that I shulde not dwell in the LORDES inheritaunce) and saye: Go yi waye, and serue other goddes.

1 Samuel 30:22

22 Then answered soch men as were euell & Belials men (amonge them that had gone with Dauid) and sayde: Seynge they wente not wt vs, they shal haue none of the spoyles that we haue rescued: but let euery ma take his wife & his children and be goynge.

2 Samuel 2:13

13 And Ioab the sonne of Zeru Ia wete forth with Dauids seruauntes, and they met together by the pole at Gibeon, and these laye on the one syde of the pole, the other on the other syde.

2 Samuel 2:18

18 Thre sonnes of Zeru Ia were there, Ioab, Abisai & Asahel. As for Asahel, he was lighte of fete as a Roo in ye felde,

2 Samuel 2:23

23 Howbeit he wolde not go his waye. Then Abner thrust him in with a speare in to his bely, so that the speare wete out behynde him. And there he fell and dyed before him: and who so came to the place where Asahel laye deed, stode styll there.

2 Samuel 2:28

28 And Ioab blewe the trompet, & all the people stode still, and folowed nomore vpon Israel, nether foughte they eny more.

2 Samuel 3:27

27 Now whan Abner came agayne vnto Hebron, Ioab brought him in to ye middes vnder ye gate, to talke wt him secretly, and thrust him there in to ye bely that he dyed, because of his brother Asahels bloude. 28 Whan Dauid knewe of it therafter, he sayde: I am vngiltye, and so is my kyngdodome for euer before the LORDE concernynge the bloude of Abner ye sonne of Ner: 29 but vpon the heade of Ioab fall it, and vpon all his fathers house, and in the house of Ioab there ceasse not one to haue a renninge yssue and a leprosy, and to go vpon a staffe, and fall thorow the swerde, and to haue scarnesse of bred. 30 Thus Ioab and his brother Abisai slewe Abner, because he had slayne their brother Asahel in the battaill at Gibeon.

2 Samuel 3:30-39

30 Thus Ioab and his brother Abisai slewe Abner, because he had slayne their brother Asahel in the battaill at Gibeon. 31 Dauid sayde vnto Ioab and to all ye people yt was with him: Rente youre clothes, and gyrde sack cloth aboute you, and make lamentacion for Abner. And the kynge wente after the Bere. 32 And whan they buryed Abner at Hebron, the kynge lifte vp his voyce, and wepte besyde Abners graue, and all the people wepte also. 33 And the kynge mourned for Abner, and sayde: Abner is not deed as a foole dyeth. 34 Thy handes were not bounde, thy fete were not vexed with fetters, thou art fallen as a man falleth before wicked vnthriftes. Then all the people bewayled him yet more. 35 Now whan all the people came in to eate with Dauid, whyle it was yet hye daye, Dauid sware, and sayde: God do this and that vnto me, yf I taist ether bred or oughte els afore the Sone go downe. 36 And all ye people knewe it, and it pleased them well all that ye kynge dyd in the sighte of all the people. 37 And all the people and all Israel perceaued the same daye, that it came not of the kynge, that Abner the sonne of Ner was slayne. 38 And the kynge sayde vnto his seruauntes: Knowe ye not that this daye a prynce and a greate man is fallen in Israel? 39 As for me, I am yet but tender and anoynted kynge. But the men the children of Zeru Ia are to harde for me. The LORDE recompence him that doth euell, acordinge to his wickednes.

2 Samuel 3:39-39

39 As for me, I am yet but tender and anoynted kynge. But the men the children of Zeru Ia are to harde for me. The LORDE recompence him that doth euell, acordinge to his wickednes.

2 Samuel 8:16

16 Ioab ye sonne of Zeru Ia was captayne ouer the hoost. Iosaphat the sonne of Ahilud was Chaunceler.

2 Samuel 8:16-18

16 Ioab ye sonne of Zeru Ia was captayne ouer the hoost. Iosaphat the sonne of Ahilud was Chaunceler. 17 Zadok the sonne of Achitob, & Ahimelech the sonne of Abiathar were prestes. Seraia was Scrybe.

2 Samuel 8:17

17 Zadok the sonne of Achitob, & Ahimelech the sonne of Abiathar were prestes. Seraia was Scrybe. 18 Benaia the sonne of Ioiada was ouer ye Chrethians & Plethians. And the sonnes of Dauid were prestes.

2 Samuel 8:18-18

18 Benaia the sonne of Ioiada was ouer ye Chrethians & Plethians. And the sonnes of Dauid were prestes.

2 Samuel 10:9-10

9 Now whan Ioab sawe that the battayll was set vpo him before and behynde, he chose of all the best yonge men in Israel, & prepared him selfe agaynst the Syrians. 10 And the resydue of the people put he vnder the hande of his brother Abisai, that he mighte prepare him agaynst the childre of Ammon.

2 Samuel 10:14

14 And whan the children of Ammon sawe that the Syrians fled, they fled also before Abisai, & wente in to the cite. So Ioab turned agayne from the children of Ammon, & came to Ierusalem.

2 Samuel 11:6-21

6 Dauid sent vnto Ioab (sayege:) Sende me Vrias ye Hethite. And Ioab sent Vrias vnto Dauid. 7 And whan Vrias came to him, Dauid axed him yf it stode well with Ioab, and with the people and with the battayll. 8 And Dauid sayde to Vrias: Go downe in to thy house, and wash thy fete. And whan Vrias wente out of the kynges palace, the kynges gifte folowed him. 9 And Vrias layed him downe to slepe before the kynges palace gate, where all his lordes seruauntes laye, & wente not downe in to his house. 10 Whan worde came to Dauid: Vrias is not gone downe in to his house, Dauid sayde vnto him: Camest thou not ouer the felde? Why wentest thou not downe in to thy house? 11 Vrias sayde vnto Dauid: The Arke and Israel & Iuda abyde in the tentes: And Ioab my lorde and my lordes seruauntes lye in ye felde, and shal I go in to my house to eate and drynke, and to lye with my wife? As truly as thou lyuest, and as truly as thy soule lyueth, I wyll not do this thinge.

2 Samuel 11:11-21

11 Vrias sayde vnto Dauid: The Arke and Israel & Iuda abyde in the tentes: And Ioab my lorde and my lordes seruauntes lye in ye felde, and shal I go in to my house to eate and drynke, and to lye with my wife? As truly as thou lyuest, and as truly as thy soule lyueth, I wyll not do this thinge. 12 Dauid sayde vnto Vria: Abyde here then to daye, tomorow wil I let the go. So Vrias abode at Ierusalem the same daye, and the nexte also. 13 And Dauid called him to eate & drynke before him, & made him dronken. And at euen he wente to lye him downe for to slepe vpon his couche with his lordes seruauntes, and wente not downe in to his house. 14 On the morow wrote Dauid a letter vnto Ioab, & sent it by Vrias. 15 After this maner wrote he in the letter: Set Vrias in ye forest parte of ye batayll, & turne you behynde him, yt he maye be slayne. 16 Now wha Ioab layed sege to the cite, he set Vrias in ye place, where he knewe yt the mightiest men of Armes were. 17 And whan the men of the cite fell out and foughte agaynst Ioab, there fell certayne of ye people of Dauids seruauntes. And Vrias the Hethite dyed also. 18 Then sent Ioab, and caused to tell ye kynge all the matter concernynge the battayll, 19 and comaunded the messaunger, and sayde: Whan thou hast tolde ye kynge all the matter concernynge the batayll, 20 and seist that he is wroth, and yf the kynge saye vnto the: Wherfore came ye so nye the cite with the batayll? Knowe ye not how they vse to shute from the wall? 21 Who smote Abimelech the sonne of Ierubaall? Dyd not a woma cast a pece of a mylstone vpo him from the wall, so that he dyed at Thebez? Why came ye so nye the wall? Then shalt thou saye: Thy seruaunt Vrias the Hethite is deed also.

2 Samuel 14:2

2 and sent vnto Thecoa, and caused to fetch from thence a prudent woman and saide vnto her: Make lametacion, and weere mournynge garmentes, & anoynte the not with oyle: but fayne thy selfe as a woman which hath mourned longe ouer a deed,

2 Samuel 14:12

12 And the woman sayde: Let thy handmayde speake somwhat to my lorde the kynge. He sayde: speake on.

2 Samuel 15:10

10 But Absalom had sent out spyes in all the trybes of Israel, sayenge: Whan ye heare the noyse of the trompe, saye: Absalom is made kynge at Hebron.

2 Samuel 15:16

16 And the kynge wente forth on fote wt all his housholde. But ten concubynes lefte he to kepe the house.

2 Samuel 15:18

18 and all his seruauntes wente by him, and all the Chrethians and Plethians, and all the Gethites (euen sixe hundreth men) which were come on fote from Gath, wente before the kynge.

2 Samuel 16:21-22

21 Achitophel sayde vnto Absalom: Go lye with thy fathers concubynes, whom he hath lefte to kepe the house, so shall all Israel heare that thou hast made thy father to stynke, and the hande of all them that are with ye, shal be the bolder. 22 Then made they a tente vnto Absalom vpon the house toppe. And Absalom laye with his fathers concubynes in the sighte of all Israel.

2 Samuel 17:2-3

2 and fall vpo him whan he is feble and weery: When I vexe him the, so that all the people which is by him, flieth, I wil smite the kynge onely, 3 and brynge all the people vnto the agayne. So whan euery man is brought vnto the as thou desyrest, then shal all the people be in peace.

2 Samuel 17:16

16 Sende now therfore in all the haist, and tell Dauid, and saye: Abyde not all nighte in the playne felde of the wyldernes, but get the ouer, that the kynge be not swalowed vp, and all the people that is with him.

2 Samuel 17:25

25 And Absalom had set Amasa ouer the hoost in Ioabs steade. Amasa was the sonne of a man, whose name was Iethra a Iesraelite, which laye with Abigail the doughter of Nahas the sister of Zeru Ia Ioabs mother.

2 Samuel 18:2

2 And sent out of the people one thirde parte vnder Abisai the sonne of Zeru Ia Ioabs brother, and one thirde parte vnder Ithai the Gethite. And the kynge sayde vnto the people: I wyll go forth with you also.

2 Samuel 18:12

12 The man sayde vnto Ioab: Yf thou haddest weyed me a thousande syluerlynges in my handes, yet wolde I not haue layed my handes on the kynges sonne. For the kynge commaunded the and Abisai and Ithai before oure eares, and sayde: Kepe me the yonge man Absalom.

2 Samuel 18:16

16 Then blewe Ioab the trompe, and broughte the people agayne, that they shulde folowe nomore vpon Israel. For Ioab wolde fauoure the people.

2 Samuel 19:7

7 Get the vp now therfore, and go forth, and speake louyngly vnto thy seruauntes. For I sweare vnto the by ye LORDE, yf thou go not forth, there shall not be lefte the one man this nighte: this shalbe worse vnto ye, then all the euell that happened the sence yi youth vp hither to.

2 Samuel 19:13

13 And saye vnto Amasa: Art not thou my bone and my flesh? God do this & that vnto me, yf thou shalt not be the chefe captayne before me in Ioabs steade, as longe as thou lyuest.

2 Samuel 19:15

15 So the kynge came agayne. And whan he came vnto Iordane, ye men of Iuda were come to Gilgal, for to go downe to mete the kynge, that they mighte brynge ye kynge ouer Iordane.

2 Samuel 19:40-41

40 And ye kynge passed ouer vnto Gilgal, and Chimeam wente with him. And all the people of Iuda broughte the kynge ouer, howbeit there was but halfe of the people of Israel there. 41 And beholde, the came all the men of Israel vnto the kynge, & sayde vnto him: Why haue oure brethren the men of Iuda stollen the awaye, and haue conueyed ye kynge and his housholde ouer Iordane, and all Dauids men with him?

2 Samuel 19:41-41

41 And beholde, the came all the men of Israel vnto the kynge, & sayde vnto him: Why haue oure brethren the men of Iuda stollen the awaye, and haue conueyed ye kynge and his housholde ouer Iordane, and all Dauids men with him? 42 Then answered they of Iuda vnto them of Israel: The kynge is of oure nye kynred, why are ye angrie therfore? Thynke ye that we haue receaued eny fode or giftes of the kynge? 43 Then answered they of Israel vnto them of Iuda, & sayde: We haue ten tymes more with the kynge and with Dauid, the thou, why hast thou regarded me then so lightly, that oures were not the first to fetch oure kynge agayne? But they of Iuda spake harder then they of Israel.

2 Samuel 20:1

1 There was a famous man of Belial there, whose name was Seba ye sonne of Bichri, a ma of Iemini, which blewe the trompe, and sayde: We haue no porcion in Dauid, ner inheritaunce in ye sonne of Isai: let euery get him to his tent, O Israel.

2 Samuel 20:4-5

4 And ye kynge sayde vnto Amasa: Call me all the men of Iuda together agaynst the thirde daye, & be thou here present also.

2 Samuel 20:4

4 And ye kynge sayde vnto Amasa: Call me all the men of Iuda together agaynst the thirde daye, & be thou here present also. 5 And Amasa wete to call Iuda together. And he was slacke to come at ye tyme which he had appoynted him. 6 And Dauid sayde vnto Abisai: Now shall Seba the sonne of Bichri do vs more harme then Absalom. Take thou yi lordes seruauntes, and folowe vpon him, yt he fynde not some stroge cities for him, and so escape out of oure sighte. 7 Then wente Ioabs me forth after him, and the Chrethians and Plethians, and all the mightie me: and they wete out of Ierusalem to folowe vpon Seba the sonne of Bichri.

2 Samuel 20:9

9 And Ioab sayde vnto Amasa: Peace be with the my brother. And Ioab toke Amasa by the beerde with his righte hade, to kysse him. 10 And Amasa toke no hede vnto ye swerde in Ioabs hande, and he thrust him therwith in to the bely, yt his bowels ranne out vpon the earth, and he thrust at him nomore. And so he dyed. Ioab & his brother Abisai folowed vpon Seba ye sonne of Bichri.

2 Samuel 20:12-13

12 As for Amasa, he laye rolled in the bloude in ye myddes of the strete. But wha one sawe that all the people stode there still, he remoued Amasa from the strete vnto the felde, and cast a clothe vpon him, for so moch as he sawe, that who so euer came by him, stode styll. 13 Now whan he was put out of the waye, euery man wete after Ioab, to folowe vpon Seba the sonne of Bichri.

2 Samuel 20:13-13

13 Now whan he was put out of the waye, euery man wete after Ioab, to folowe vpon Seba the sonne of Bichri.

2 Samuel 20:16

16 Then cried there a wyse woma out of ye cite: Heare, heare, saye vnto Ioab that he come hither, I wyl speake with him.

2 Samuel 20:21

21 The matter is not so, but a certayne man of mount Ephraim named Seba the sonne of Bichri, hath lifte vp him selfe agaynst kynge Dauid, delyuer him onely, and I wyl departe from the cite. The woman sayde vnto Ioab: Beholde, his heade shal be cast vnto the ouer the wall.

2 Samuel 20:23

23 Ioab was captayne ouer all the hoost of Israel: Benaia ye sonne of Ioiada was ouer the Chrethians and Plethians:

2 Samuel 21:3

3 Then sayde Dauid to the Gibeonites: What shal I do vnto you? And where withall shal I make the attonement, that ye maye blesse ye enheritaunce of ye LORDE?

2 Samuel 21:17

17 Neuertheles Abisai the sonne of Zeru Ia helped him, & smote the Philistyne to death. Then sware Dauids men vnto him, & sayde: Thou shalt nomore go forth with vs vnto the warre, that the lanterne in Israel be not put out.

2 Samuel 23:6

6 But the Belial shalbe vtterly & cleane roted out as the thornes, which me take not in their hades.

2 Samuel 23:17

17 & sayde: The LORDE let this be farre fro me, that I shulde do it. Is it not the bloude of the men that ioperded their lyues, and wente thither? And he wolde not drynke it. This dyd the thre Worthies. 18 Abisai ye brother of Ioab the sonne of Zeru Ia was one also chefe amoge thre. He lifte vp his speare & smote thre hundreth, & was an awncient man amoge thre,

2 Samuel 23:22-23

22 This dyd Benaia the sonne of Ioiada, and was a famous man amoge thre Worthies, 23 and more honorable then the thirtie, but he came not vnto the thre. And Dauid made him of his secrete coucell.

2 Samuel 23:38

38 Ira the Iethrite, Gareb the Iethrite,

1 Kings 1:33

33 the kynge sayde vnto them: Take youre lordes seruauntes with you, and set my sonne Salomon vpon my Mule, and cary him downe to Gihon:

1 Kings 1:38

38 Then wente they downe, the prest Sadoc and the prophet Nathan, and Benaia the sonne of Ioiada, and the Chrethians, & Plethians, & set Salomon vpon kynge Dauids Mule, & broughte him to Gihon.

1 Kings 1:44

44 and hath sent with him Sadoc the prest, and the propheth Nathan, and Benaia the sonne of Ioiada, and the Chrethians and Plethians, and they haue set him vpon the kynges Mule:

1 Kings 2:5-6

5 Thou knowest well also what Ioab the sonne of Zeru Ia hath done vnto me, what he dyd vnto the two chefe captaynes of Israel, Abner the sonne of Ner, and Amasa the sonne of Iether, whom he slewe and shed the bloude of warre wha it was peace, & put the bloude of warre vpon his girdel yt was aboute his loynes, and in his shues that were vpon his fete: 6 Do thou acordynge to thy wy?dome, that thou brynge not his graye heer downe to the graue in peace.

1 Kings 2:31-34

31 The kinge saide vnto him: Do as he hath spoken, and slaye him, and bury him, that thou mayest put fro me and my fathers house the bloude which Ioab hath shed without a cause, 32 and that the LORDE maye recompence him his bloude vpon his heade, because he smote two men, which were more righteous and better then he, and slewe them with ye swerde that my father Dauid knewe not of: namely, Abner ye sonne of Ner the chefe captaine ouer Israel, & Amasa the sonne of Iether ye chefe captaine ouer Iuda yt 33 their bloude maye be recompensed vpo ye heade of Ioab and of his sede for euer: but Dauid and his sede, his house and his seate haue peace for euermore of the LORDE. 34 And Benaia the sonne of Ioiada wente vp, and smote him, and slewe him: & he was buried in his house in the wyldernes.

1 Kings 4:3-6

3 Elihoreph, and Ahi Ia the sonnes of Sisa, were prestes: Iosaphat the sonne of Ahilud was chaunceler:

1 Kings 4:3

3 Elihoreph, and Ahi Ia the sonnes of Sisa, were prestes: Iosaphat the sonne of Ahilud was chaunceler: 4 Benaia ye sonne of Ioiada was the chefe captayne: Sadoc and Abiathar were prestes:

1 Kings 4:4

4 Benaia ye sonne of Ioiada was the chefe captayne: Sadoc and Abiathar were prestes: 5 Asaria the sonne of Nathan was ouer the officers: Sabud the sonne of Nathan the prest was the kynges frende: 6 Ahisar was stewarde: Adoniram the sonne of Abda was rent gatherer.

1 Kings 4:6

6 Ahisar was stewarde: Adoniram the sonne of Abda was rent gatherer.

1 Kings 12:16

16 But whan all Israel sawe that the kynge wolde not heare them, the people gaue ye kynge an answere and sayde: What porcion haue we then in Dauid or inheritaunce in the sonne of Isai? Get the to thy tentes O Israel. Loke thou now to thy house thou Dauid. So Israel wente vnto their tentes.

1 Kings 12:18

18 And whan kynge Roboam sent thither Adoram the rentgatherer, all Israel stoned him to death. But kynge Roboam strengthed himselfe, and gat him vp in to a charet, to fle vnto Ierusalem.

1 Kings 15:20

20 Benadab agreed vnto kynge Asa, and sent his captaynes agaynst the cities of Israel, and smote Iion and Dan, & Abel Beth Maecha, and all Cineroth with the whole londe of Nephtali.

2 Kings 5:22

22 He sayde: Yee. But my lorde hath sent me, & caused to saye vnto the: Beholde, there are now come to me fro mount Ephraim two yonge men of the prophetes childre, geue them a talete of siluer (I praye the) & two chaunge of rayment.

2 Kings 9:32

32 And he lifte vp his face to the wyndow, and sayde: Who is with me? Then resorted there two or thre chamberlaynes vnto him.

2 Kings 10:7

7 Now whan this letter came they toke the kynges sonnes, and slewe them euen thre score men and ten, and layed their heades in ba?kettes, and sent them to him vnto Iesrael.

2 Kings 15:29

29 In the tyme of Pecah the kynge of Israel, came Teglatphalasser the kynge of Assiria, & toke Eion, Abel Beth Maecha, Ianoha, Redes, Hasor, Gilead, Galile, and all the londe of Nephtali, & caried the awaye in to Assiria.

2 Kings 18:17

17 And the kynge of Assiria sent Thartan, and the chefe chamberlayne, & the chefe butler from Lachis to kynge Ezechias with a greate power vnto Ierusalem. And they wete vp: and whan they came there, they stode styll at the condyte by the ouer pole, which lyeth in the waye vpo the fullers londe,

2 Kings 19:32

32 Therfore thus sayeth the LORDE concernynge ye kynge of the Assyrians: He shall not come in to this cite, and shall shute no arowe therin, nether shal there come eny shylde before it, nether shall he dygge eny backe aboute it,

1 Chronicles 2:17

17 Abigail begat Amasa. The father of Amasa was Iether an Ismaelite.

1 Chronicles 11:20

20 Abisai the brother of Ioab, he was the chefest amonge thre. And he lifte vp his speare, and smote thre hundreth. And he was famous amonge thre,

1 Chronicles 11:40

40 Ira the Iethrite, Gareb the Iethrite,

1 Chronicles 12:2

2 and coulde handle bowes with both their handes, & coulde cast stones, and shute arowes with the bowe. Of Sauls brethren which were of Ben Iamin:

1 Chronicles 18:12

12 And Abisai the sonne of Zeru Ia smote eightene thousande of the Edomites in the Salt valley,

1 Chronicles 18:15-17

15 Ioab the sonne of Zeru Ia was captayne ouer the hoost. Iosaphat the sonne of Ahilud was Chaunceler. 16 Sadoc the sonne of Achitob, and Ahimelech ye sonne of Abiathar, were prestes. Sauesa was Scrybe.

1 Chronicles 18:16

16 Sadoc the sonne of Achitob, and Ahimelech ye sonne of Abiathar, were prestes. Sauesa was Scrybe. 17 Benaia the sonne of Ioiada was ouer the Chrethians & Plethians. And Dauids sonnes were chefe at ye kynges hande.

2 Chronicles 10:6

6 And Roboam the kynge axed coucell at the Elders, which had stonde before Salomon his father whyle he lyued, and he sayde: What is youre councell, that I maye geue this people an answere?

2 Chronicles 10:16

16 But whan all Israel sawe that the kynge wolde not consente vnto them, ye people answered the kynge, and sayde: What porcion haue we then in Dauid, or inheritauce in the sonne of Isai? Let euery man of Israel get him to his tent. Loke thou now to thy house Dauid. And all Israel wente vnto their tentes, 17 so that Roboam reigned but ouer the children of Israel that dwelt in the cities of Iuda.

2 Chronicles 16:4

4 Benadad herkened vnto kynge Asa, and sent his hoost agaynst the cities of Israel, which smote Eion, Dan and Abel Maim, and all the corne cities of Nephtali.

2 Chronicles 35:15

15 And the syngers the children of Asaph stode in their place (acordinge to Dauids commaundement) and Asaph and Heman, and Iedithim the kynges Seer, and the porters at all the gates. And they departed not from their office. For the Leuites their brethren prepared for them.

Job 21:16

16 Lo, there is vtterly no goodnesse in them, therfore will not I haue to do with the councell of the vngodly.

Job 22:18

18 where as he (not with stodinge) fylleth their houses wt all good. Which meanynge of the vngodly be farre fro me.

Psalms 9:16

16 Thus ye LORDE is knowne to execute true iudgment, whe the vngodly is trapped in the workes of his owne handes.

Psalms 17:13

13 Vp LORDE, dispoynte him & cast him downe: delyuer my soule with thy swerde from the vngodly.

Psalms 34:19

19 Greate are ye troubles of the rightuous, but the LORDE delyuereth them out of all.

Psalms 55:21

21 O cast thy burthen (or care) vpon the LORDE, he shal norish the, and not leaue the rightuous in vnquietnesse.

Psalms 55:23

23 The bloudthurstie and disceatfull shal not lyue out half their daies. Neuerthelesse my trust is in the.

Psalms 62:9

9 Sela. As for men, they are but vayne, me are disceatfull: vpo the weightes they are al together lighter then vanite itself.

Psalms 118:8-10

8 It is better to trust in the LORDE, then to put eny confidence in man. 9 It is better to trust in the LORDE, then to put eny confidece in prynces. 10 All Heithen compased me rounde aboute, but in the name of the LORDE wil I destroye the.

Psalms 124:3

3 Yee the waters had drowned vs, the streame had gone ouer oure soule.

Proverbs 16:17

17 The path of ye righteous eschueth euell, & who so loketh well to his wayes, kepeth his owne soule.

Proverbs 17:14

14 He yt soweth discorde & strife, is like one yt dyggeth vp a water broke: but an open enemie is like the water yt breaketh out & reneth abrode.

Proverbs 24:21-22

21 My sonne, feare thou ye LORDE & ye kinge, & kepe no copany wt ye slaunderous: 22 for their destruccion shal come sodenly, & who knoweth ye fall of the both?

Proverbs 25:8

8 Be not haistie to go to the lawe, lest happlie thou ordre yi self so at ye last, yt thy neghbor put ye to shame.

Proverbs 26:21

21 Coles kyndle heate, and wodd ye fyre: euen so doth a braulinge felowe stere vp variaunce.

Proverbs 26:24-26

24 An enemie dyssembleth with his lippes, and in the meane season he ymagineth myschefe: 25 but wha he speaketh fayre, beleue him not, for there are seuen abhominacios in his herte. 26 Who so kepeth euell will secretly to do hurte, his malyce shalbe shewed before the whole congregacion.

Proverbs 28:13

13 He that hydeth his synnes, shall not prospere: but who so knowlegeth them and forsaketh them, shall haue mercy.

Ecclesiastes 7:19

19 Wy?dome geueth more corage vnto the wyse, then ten mightie men of the citie:

Ecclesiastes 8:11

11 Because now that euell workes are not haistely punyshed, the hert of man geueth him self ouer vnto wickednesse:

Ecclesiastes 9:13-18

13 This wi?dome haue I sene also vnder ye Sone, & me thought it a greate thinge. 14 There was a litle cite, & a few me within it: so there came a greate kynge & beseged it, & made greate bulworkes agaynst it. 15 And in the cite there was founde a poore man (but he was wyse) which wt his wy?dome delyuered the cite: yet was there no body, yt had eny respecte vnto soch a symple man. 16 Then sayde I: wy?dome is better then strength. Neuertheles, a symple mans wy?dome is despysed, & his wordes are not herde. 17 A wise mans councell that is folowed in sylence, is farre aboue the crienge of a captaine amoge fooles. 18 For wy?dome is better then harnesse: but one vnthrift alone destroyeth moch good.

Isaiah 7:3

3 Then sayde God vnto Esay: go mete Ahas (thou and thy sonne Sear Iasub) at the heade of ye ouer pole, in the fote path by the fullers grounde,

Isaiah 36:2

2 And the kinge of the Assirias sent Rabsaches from Lachis toward Ierusalem, agaynst kinge Ezechias, with a greuous hooste, which set him by the condite of the ouerpole, in the waye that goeth thorow ye fullers lode.

Isaiah 37:33

33 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE, cocernynge the kinge of the Assirians: He shall not come in to the citie, and shal shute no arowe in to it, there shall no shilde hurte it, nether shal they graue aboute it.

Isaiah 62:10

10 Stode back, & departe a sunder, ye yt stonde vnder ye gate, make rowme ye people, repayre the strete, & take awaye ye stones, & set out a toke for the people.

Jeremiah 4:15

15 For a voyce from Dan and from ye hill of Ephraim speaketh out, and telleth of a destruction.

Jeremiah 6:6

6 for thus hath the LORDE of hoostes commaunded. Hew downe hir trees, and set vp bulworkes agaynst Ierusale. This is the cite that must be punished, for in her is all maliciousnes.

Jeremiah 17:9

9 Amonge all thinges lyuynge, man hath the most disceatfull and vnsercheable hert. Who shall then knowe it?

Jeremiah 31:21

21 Get the watchmen, prouyde teachers for the: set thine herte vpon the right waie, that thou shuldest walke, and turne agayne: (o thou doughter of Israel,) turne agayne to these cities of thyne.

Jeremiah 32:24

24 Beholde, there are bulworckes made now agaynst the cite, to take it: and it shalbe wonne of the Caldees that besege it, with swearde, with honger and death, and loke what thou hast spoken, that same shal come vpon them. For lo, all thinges are present vnto the:

Jeremiah 33:4

4 Thus (I saye) spake the LORDE God of Israel, concernynge the houses of this cite, and the houses of the kinges of Iuda: that they shalbe broken thorow the ordinaunce and weapens,

Jeremiah 50:19

19 and will bringe Israel agayne to his pleasaunt pasture, that he maye fede vpon Charmel & Basan, and be satisfied vpon the mount of Ephraim & Galaad.

Jeremiah 51:34

34 Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon hath deuoured and distroyed me, he hath made me an emptie vessell. He swalowed me vp like a Dragon, and fylled his bely with my delicates: he hath cast me out,

Jeremiah 51:44

44 Morouer, I wil vyset Bel at Babilo: & the thinge that he hath swalowed vp, that same shal I plucke out of his mouth. The Gentiles also shall runne nomore vnto him, yee and the walles of Babilon shal fall.

Lamentations 2:2

2 The LORDE hath cast downe all the glory of Iacob without eny fauoure: All the stronge places of the doughter Iuda hath he broken in his wrath, & throwne them downe to the grounde: hir kyngdome & hir prynces hath he suspended.

Lamentations 2:5

5 The LORDE is become, like as it were an enemie, he hath cast downe Israel & all his places: yee all his stronge holdes hath he destroyed, and fylled the doughter of Iuda wt moch sorow and heuynesse.

Lamentations 2:16

16 All thine enemies gape vpon the, whisperinge and bytinge their teth, sayenge: let vs deuoure, for the tyme that we loked for, is come: we haue founde and sene it.

Ezekiel 4:2

2 how it is beseged, how bulworkes and stroge diches are grauen on euery syde off it: descrybe also tentes, and an hoost off men rounde aboute it.

Ezekiel 16:45-49

45 Thou art euen thy mothers owne doughter, that hath cast of hir hou?bonde and hir children: Yee thou art the sister of thy sisters, which forsoke their hu?bodes and their children. Youre mother is a Cethite, and youre father an Amorite. 46 Thine eldest sister is Samaria, she and hir doughters that dwel vpo thy left honde. But thy yongest sister that dwelleth on ye right hode, is Sodoma and hir doughters. 47 Yet hast thou not walked after their wayes, ner done after their abhominacions: But in all thy wayes thou hast bene more corrupte then they. 48 As truly as I lyue, saieth the LORDE God: Sodoma thy sister with hir doughters, hath not done so euel, as thou and thy doughters. 49 Beholde, the synnes of thy sister Sodoma were these: Pryde, fulnesse of meate, abundaunce and Idilnesse: these thinges had she and hir doughters. Besydes that, they reached not their honde to the poore and nedy,

Micah 7:2

2 There is not a godly man vpo earth, there is not one rightuous amoge me. They laboure all to shed bloude, & euery ma hunteth his brother to death:

Habakkuk 1:12-13

12 But thou o LORDE my God, my holy one, thou art from the begynnynge, therfore shal we not dye. O LORDE, thou hast ordened them for a punyshmet, and set them to reproue the mightie. 13 Thine eyes are clene, thou mayest not se euell, thou canst not beholde ye thinge that is wicked. Wherfore then dost thou loke vpon the vngodly, and holdest thy tunge, when the wicked deuoureth the man that is better the himself?

Matthew 26:48-49

48 And he that betrayed him, had geuen them a toke, sayenge: Whom so euer I kysse, that same is he, laye hodes vpo him. 49 And forth withal he came to Iesus, and sayde: Hayle master, and kyssed him.

Mark 10:46

46 And they came vnto Iericho. And whan he wente out of Iericho, and his disciples, and moch people, there sat one blynde Barthimeus the sonne of Thimeus by ye waye, and begged.

Luke 10:29

29 But he wolde haue iustified himself, & sayde vnto Iesus: Who is then my neghboure?

Luke 19:14

14 But his citesyns hated him, and sent a message after him, and sayde: We wil not haue this man to raigne ouer vs.

Luke 19:27

27 As for those myne enemies, which wolde not that I shulde raigne ouer them, bringe them hither, and slaye them before me.

Luke 19:43

43 For the tyme shal come vpon the, that thine enimies shal cast vp a bake aboute the, and aboute thy children with the, and besege ye, and kepe the in on euery syde,

Luke 22:47-48

47 But whyle he yet spake, beholde, the multitude, and one of the twolue called Iudas wente before them, and he came nye vnto Iesus, to kysse him. 48 But Iesus sayde vnto him: Iudas, betrayest thou the sonne of ma with a kysse?

John 6:66-68

66 From that tyme forth, many of his disciples wente backe, and walked nomore with him. 67 Then sayde Iesus vnto the twolue: Wyll ye also go awaye? 68 Then answered Simon Peter: LORDE, Whither shal we go? Thou hast the wordes of euerlastinge life:

Acts 1:18-19

18 This same trulye possessed the felde for the rewarde of vnrighteousnes, and hanged himself, and brast asunder in the myddes, and all his bowels gusshed out. 19 And it is knowne vnto all the that dwell at Ierusalem, in so moch that the same felde is called in their mother tonge Acheldema, that is to saye, the bloude felde.

Acts 11:23

23 Which whan he was come thither, & sawe the grace of God, he was glad, and exorted them all, that with purpose of hert they wolde contynue in the LORDE.

Romans 13:3-4

3 For rulers are not to be feared for good workes, but for euell. Yf thou wilt be without feare off the power, do well then, and thou shalt haue prayse of the same: 4 for he is the minister off God for thy wealth. But yff thou do euell, then feare, for he beareth not the swerde for naughte. For he is the mynister of God, a taker of vengeaunce, to punyshe him that doth euell.

1 Corinthians 15:54

54 But whan this corruptible shal put on vncorrupcion, and this mortall shal put on immortalite, the shal the worde be fulfylled that is wrytte:

2 Corinthians 5:4

4 For as longe as we are in this tabernacle, we sighe and are greued, for we had rather not be vnclothed, but to be clothed vpon, that mortalite might be swalowed vp of life.

1 Timothy 2:2

2 for kynges, and for all that are in auctorite, that we maye lyue a quyete & peaceable life in all godlynes and honestie.

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