1 Kings 22:27 Cross References - Coverdale

27 and saye: Thus sayeth the kynge: Put this man in preson, and fede him with bred and water of trouble, tyll I come agayne in peace.

Deuteronomy 16:3

3 Thou shalt eate no leuended bred in yt feast. Seuen dayes shalt thou eate the vnleuended bred of thy tribulacion: For with soroufull haist camest thou out of the londe of Egipte, that thou mayest remebre the daye of thy departinge out of ye londe of Egipte, all yi life longe.

2 Chronicles 16:10

10 But Asa was wroth at ye Seer, and put him in preson: for he murmured with him ouer this thinge. And Asa oppressed certayne of the people at ye same tyme.

2 Chronicles 18:25-27

25 But the kynge of Israel sayde: Take Micheas, and let him remayne wt Amon the ruler of the cite, and with Ioas the sonne of Melech, 26 and saye: Thus sayeth the kynge: Put this man in preson, and fede him wt bred and water of trouble, tyll I come agayne in peace. 27 Micheas saide: Yf thou commest agayne in peace, then hath not the LORDE spoken thorow me. And he sayde: Herken to all ye people.

Psalms 80:5

5 Thou hast fed the with the bred of teares, yee thou hast geuen the pleteousnes of teares to drynke.

Psalms 102:9

9 I eate ashes with my bred, and mengle my drynke with wepynge.

Psalms 127:2

2 Excepte the LORDE kepe the cite, the watchman waketh but in vayne.

Isaiah 30:20

20 The LORDE geueth you the bred of aduersite, and the water of trouble. But thine instructer fleyth not farre from the, yf thine eyes loke vnto thine instructer,

Jeremiah 20:2

2 he smote Ieremy, and put him in the stockes, that are by the hie gate of Ben Iamin, in the house of ye LORDE.

Jeremiah 29:26

26 The LORDE hath ordened the to be prest in steade of Ioiada the prest, that thou shuldest be the chefe in the house of the LORDE aboue all prophetes, & preachers, & that thou mightest put them in preson, or in ye stockes.

Jeremiah 37:15

15 Wherfore the princes were angrie with Ieremy, causinge him to be beaten, & to be layed in preson in the house of Ionathas the scrybe. For he was the ruler of the preson.

Jeremiah 38:6

6 Then toke they Ieremy, and cast him in to the dongeon off Malchias the sonne off Amalech, that dwelt in the fore entre off the preson. And they let downe Ieremy wt coardes in to a dongeon, where there was no water, but myre.

Lamentations 3:53-55

53 They haue put downe my life in to a pitte, and layed a stone vpon me. 54 They poured water vpon my heade, then thought I: now am I vndone. 55 I called vpon thy name (O LORDE) out of the depe pitte.

Mark 6:17-28

17 This Herode had sent forth, and taken Ihon, and put him in preson, because of Herodias his brother Philippes wife, for he had maried her. 18 Neuertheles Ihon sayde vnto Herode It is not laufull for the to haue yi brothers wife. 19 But Herodias layed wayte for him, and wolde haue slayne him, and coude not. 20 Notwithstodinge Herode feared Iho, for he knew that he was a iust and holy man: and he kepte him, and herkened vnto him in many thinges, and herde him gladly. 21 And there came a conuenient daye, that Herode on his byrth daye made a supper to the lordes, captaynes and chefe estates of Galile. 22 Then the daughter of Herodias came in, and daunsed, and pleased Herode, and them that sat at the table. Then sayde the kynge vnto ye damsel: Axe of me what thou wilt, I wil geue it the. 23 And he sware vnto her: What soeuer thou shalt axe of me, I wil geue it the, euen vnto ye one half of my kyngdome. 24 She wente forth, and sayde vnto hir mother: what shal I axe? She sayde: Ihon baptistes heade. 25 And immediatly she wete in to the kinge with haist, and sayde: I will that thou geue me straight waye in a platter the heed of Ihon the baptist. 26 Then the kynge was sory: Yet for the oothes sake and the that sat at the table, he wolde not saye her nay. 27 And immediatly he sent the hangman, and commaunded his heade to be brought in. So he wete, and heeded him in the preson, 28 and brought his heade in a platter, and gaue it vnto the damsell, and the damsell gaue it vnto hir mother.

Luke 3:20

20 besydes all this he layed Iho in preson.

Luke 12:45-46

45 But yf the same seruaut shal saye in his hert: Tush, it wil be longe or my lorde come, and shal begynne to smyte ye seruauntes and maydens, yee & to eate and drynke,& to be dronke: 46 the same seruauntes lorde shal come in a daye whan he loketh not for him, and in an houre that he is not aware of, & shal hew him in peces, and geue him his rewarde with the vnbeleuers.

Acts 5:18

18 & layed handes on the Apostles, and put them in the comon preson.

Acts 16:23-24

23 And whan they had beaten them sore, they cast the in preson, and commaunded the iayler, to kepe them diligetly. 24 Which whan he had receaued soch commaundement, he cast the in to the ynner preson, and put their fete in the stockes.

Acts 24:25-27

25 Howbeit whan Paul spake off righteousnesse, and off chastite and off the iudgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered: Go thy waye for this tyme. Whan I haue a conuenyent tyme, I wil sende for the. 26 He hoped also, that money shulde haue bene geuen him of Paul, therfore called he oft for him, and commened with him. 27 But after two yeares came Portius Festus in to felix rowme. Yet Felix wyllinge to shewe the Iewes a pleasure, left Paul bounde.

Acts 26:10

10 which I dyd at Ierusalem, whan I shut vp many sayntes in preson, whervpon I receaued auctorite of ye hye prestes. And wha they shulde be put to death, I broughte the sentence.

Ephesians 3:1

1 For this cause I Paul am a presoner of Iesus Christ for you Heythen,

1 Thessalonians 5:2-3

2 For ye youre selues knowe perfectly, that the daye of the LORDE shal come euen as a thefe in the nighte. 3 For whan they shal saye: Tush, It is peace, there is no daunger, then shall soden destruccion come vpo the, euen as the payne of a woman trauaylinge with childe, and they shal not escape.

James 4:13-14

13 Go to now ye that saye: to daye & to morow let vs go into soche a citie and continue there a yeare, and bye and sell, and wynne: 14 & yet ca not tell what shal happe to morowe. For what thinge is youre life? It is euen a vapoure that apereth for a lytell tyme, and the vanysheth awaye:

Revelation 2:10

10 Feare none of tho thinges which thou shalt soffre. Beholde, ye deuell shal cast of you in to preson, to tempte you, and ye shal haue tribulacion x. dayes. Be faithfull vnto the deeth, and I wil geue ye a crowne of life.

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