1 Corinthians 1:7 Cross References - Coverdale

7 so that ye wante nothinge in eny gifte, and wayte but for the appearinge of oure LORDE Iesus Christ:

Genesis 49:18

18 LORDE I loke for thy saluacion.

Matthew 25:1

1 Then shal the kyngdome of heauen be like vnto ten virgins, which toke their lapes, and wente forth to mete the brydegome.

Luke 12:36

36 and be ye like vnto men that wayte for their lorde, agaynst he returne from the mariage, that whan he cometh & knocketh, they maye straight waye open vnto him.

Luke 17:30

30 After this maner also shal it go, in the daye whan the sonne of man shal appeare.

Romans 8:19

19 For the feruent loginge of ye creature loketh for the appearinge of the children of God,

1 Corinthians 4:5

5 Therfore iudge ye nothinge before ye tyme, vntyll the LORDE come, which shal brynge it to lighte that is hyd in darknesse, and ope the councels of ye hertes, and the shal euery one haue prayse of God.

2 Corinthians 12:13

13 For what is it, wherin ye are inferiours to the other congregacions? excepte it be yt I haue not bene greuous vnto you.Forgeue me this wroge.

Philippians 3:20

20 But oure conuersacion is in heauen, from whence we loke for the Sauioure Iesu Christ ye LORDE,

Colossians 3:4

4 But whan Christ or life shal shewe himselfe, the shal ye also appeare with him in glory.

1 Thessalonians 1:10

10 and to loke for his sonne from heaue: whom he raysed vp from the deed, euen Iesus, which hath delyuered vs fro the wrath to come.

2 Thessalonians 1:7

7 but vnto you which are troubled, rest with vs, wha the LORDE Iesus shal shewe himselfe from heauen, with the angels of his power,

1 Timothy 6:14-15

14 that thou kepe the commaundement, without spot, vnreproueable, vntyll the appearynge of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, 15 which appearynge (at his tyme) he shal shewe that is blessed, and mightie onely, the kynge of all kynges, and LORDE of all lordes:

2 Timothy 4:8

8 From hence forth there is layed vp for me a crowne of righteousnes, which the LORDE the righteous iudge shal geue me in yt daye: Howbeit not vnto me onely, but vnto all them that loue his comynge.

Titus 2:13

13 lokynge for that blessed hope and appearynge of the glory of ye greate God and of oure Sauioure Iesu Christ:

Hebrews 9:28

28 so Christ was once offred, to take awaye the synnes of many. And vnto them that loke for him, shal he appeare agayne without synne vnto saluacion.

Hebrews 10:36-37

36 For ye haue nede of pacience, that after ye haue done the wil of God, ye mighte receaue the promes. 37 For yet ouer a litle whyle, and then he that shal come, wyl come, and wyl not tary.

James 5:7-8

7 Be pacient therfore brethren, vnto the comynge of the LORDE. Beholde, the hussbade man wayteth for the precious frute of ye earth, and hath longe pacience there vpon, vntill he receaue the erly and the latter rayne. 8 Be ye also pacient therfore, and settle youre hertes, for the commynge of the LORDE draweth nye.

1 Peter 1:13

13 Wherfore gyrde op the loynes off youre mynde, be sober, and trust perfectly on the grace that is brought vnto you, by the declarynge of Iesus Christ,

1 Peter 4:13

13 but reioyce, in as moch as ye are partakers of Christes passios, yt wha his glory appeareth, ye maye be mery & glad.

1 Peter 5:4

4 & whan the chefe shepherde shal appeare, ye shal receaue the vncorruptible crowne of glory.

2 Peter 3:12

12 lokynge for and hastynge vnto the commynge of the LORDE? In the which the heauens shal perishe with fyre, and the elementes shal melt with heate.

1 John 3:2

2 Dearly beloued, we are now ye childre of God, and yet hath it not appeared what we shalbe. But we knowe yt when he shal appeare, we shal be like him: for we shal se him as he is.

Jude 1:21

21 and kepe youre selues in the loue of God, lokinge for the mercy of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, vnto eternall life.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.