1 Corinthians 15:4 Cross References - Coverdale

4 and that he was buried, and that he rose agayne ye thirde daye acordinge to the scriptures,

Psalms 2:7

7 As for me I will preach the lawe, wherof the LORDE hath sayde vnto me: Thou art my sonne, this daye haue I begotten the.

Psalms 16:10-11

10 Therfore dyd my hert reioyce, & my tunge was glad, my flesh also shall rest in hope. 11 For why? thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell, nether shalt thou suffre thy saynte to se corrupcion. Thou hast shewed me the wayes off life: thou shalt make me full of ioye wt thy countenaunce. At thy right hande there is pleasure and ioye for euermore.

Isaiah 53:9-12

9 His graue shalbe geue him with the codemned, & his crucifienge with the theues, Where as he dyd neuer violence ner vnright, nether hath there bene eny disceatfulnesse in his mouth. 10 Yet hath it pleased ye LORDE to smyte him with infirmite, that when he had made his soule an offeringe for synne, he might se a loge lastinge sede. And this device of the LORDE shal prospere in his honde. 11 With trauayle and laboure of his soule, shal he optayne greate riches. My rightuous seruaunt shall with his wisdome iustifie & delyuer the multitude, for he shal beare awaye their synnes. 12 Therfore wil I geue him the multitude for his parte, & he shal deuyde the stroge spoyle because he shal geue ouer his soule to death, & shalbe rekened amonge the transgressours, which neuertheles shal take awaye ye synnes of the multitude, and make intercession for the my?doers.

Hosea 6:2

2 He hath wounded vs, & he shal bynde vs vp agayne: after two dayes shal he quycken vs, in the thirde daye he shal rase vs vp, so that we shal lyue in his sight.

Jonah 1:17

17 Bvt the LORDE prepared a greate fyshe, to swalow vp Ionas. So was Ionas in the bely of the fysh, thre dayes and thre nightes.

Matthew 12:40

40 For as Ionas was thre dayes and thre nightes in the Whalles bely, so shal the sonne of ma be thre dayes and thre nightes in the hert of the earth.

Matthew 16:21

21 From that tyme forth beganne Iesus to shew vnto his disciples, how that he must go vnto Ierusale, and suffre many thinges of the elders, and of the hye prestes, and of the scrybes, and be put to death, and ryse againe the thirde daye.

Matthew 20:19

19 and shal delyuer him vnto ye Heithen, to be mocked to be scourged, and to be crucified. And the thirde daye he shal ryse agayne.

Matthew 27:57-60

57 At euen there came a rich man of Arimathia, called Ioseph, which was also a disciple of Iesus. 58 He wete vnto Pylate, and axed the body of Iesus. Then commaunded Pylate that the body shulde be geue him. 59 And Ioseph toke the body, and wrapped it in a cleane lynnen cloth, 60 and layed it in his owne new sepulcre, which he had hewen out in a rocke, and rolled a greate stone to the dore of the sepulcre, and wente his waye.

Matthew 27:63-64

63 and saide: Syr, we haue called to remembraunce, that this disceauer sayde whyle he was yet alyue: After thre dayes I wyl ryse agayne. 64 Comaunde therfore that the sepulcre be kepte vnto the thirde daye, lest peraduenture his disciples come, and steale him awaye, and saye vnto the people: He is rysen from the deed, and so shal the last errour be worse the the first.

Matthew 28:1-6

1 Upon the euenynge of the Sabbath holy daye, which dawneth ye morow of the first daye of ye Sabbathes, came Mary Magdalene and ye other Mary, to se ye sepulcre. 2 And beholde, there was made a greate earthquake: for the angell of the LORDE descended from heauen, and came and rolled backe ye stone from the dore, and sat vpon it. 3 And his countenaunce was as ye lightenynge, and his clothinge whyte as snowe. 4 But ye watch me were troubled for feare of him, and became as though they were deed. 5 The angell answered, and sayde vnto ye women: Be not ye afrayed. I knowe that ye seke Iesus that was crucified. 6 He is not here. He is rysen, as he sayde. Come, and se ye place, where the LORDE was layed,

Mark 9:31

31 But he taught his disciples, and sayde vnto them: The sonne of ma shalbe delyuered in to the handes of men, and they shal put him to death: and whan he is put to death, he shal ryse ageyne the thirde daye.

Mark 10:33-34

33 Beholde, we go vp to Ierusalem, and the sonne of man shalbe delyuered vnto the hye prestes and scrybes, and they shal condemne him to death, and delyuer him vnto the Heythe. 34 And they shal mocke hi, and scourge him, and spyt vpon him, and put him to death, and on the thirde daye shal he ryse agayne.

Mark 15:43-46

43 there came one Ioseph of Arimathia, a worshipfull Senatoure (which loked also for the kyngdome of God) & wete in boldely vnto Pilate, & axed ye body of Iesus. 44 But Pylate marueyled yt he was deed all ready, & called ye captayne, & axed hi, whether he had loge bene deed. 45 And wha he had gotten knowlege of the captayne, he gaue Ioseph ye body. 46 And he bought a lynne cloth, & toke him downe, & wrapped hi in ye lynne clothe, & layed him in a sepulcre, which was hewe out of a rocke, & rolled a stone before ye dore of ye sepulcre.

Mark 16:2-7

2 And they came to the sepulcre vpo a daye of ye Sabbathes very early, wha ye Sonne arose, 3 & sayde one to another: Who shal rolle vs ye stone fro ye dore of the sepulcre? 4 And whan they loked, they sawe, that the stone was rolled awaye: for it was a very greate one. 5 And they wente in to the sepulcre, and on the right hande they sawe a yonge man syttinge, which had a longe whyte garmet vpon him, and they were abasshed. 6 But he sayde vnto the: Be not ye afrayed, ye seke Iesus of Nazareth which was crucified: he is rysen, he is not here. Beholde, ye place, where they layed him. 7 But go ye youre waye, and tell his disciples and Peter, that he wil go before you in to Galile, there shal ye se him as he sayde vnto you.

Luke 9:22

22 and sayde: For the sonne of man must suffre many thinges, and be cast out of the Elders and of ye hye prestes, and scrybes, and be put to death, and ryse agayne the thirde daye.

Luke 18:32-33

32 For he shal be delyuered vnto ye Heythen, and shalbe mocked, and despytefully intreated, and spitted vpon: 33 and whan they haue scourged him, they shal put him to death, and vpon the thirde daye shal he aryse agayne.

Luke 23:50-53

50 And beholde, a ma named Ioseph, a Senatour, which was a good iust man, 51 the same had not consented vnto their councell, and dede, which was of Arimathia a cite of the Iewes, which same also wayted for the kyngdome of God: 52 he wete vnto Pilate, and axed the body of Iesus. 53 And the toke him downe, wrapped him in a lynnen cloth, and layed him in a hewen sepulcre, wherin neuer man was layed.

Luke 24:5-7

5 And they were afrayed, and cast downe their faces to the earth. Then sayde they vnto the: What seke ye? the lyuynge amoge the deed? 6 He is not here. He is rysen vp. Remembre, how yt he tolde you wha he was yet in Galile, 7 and sayde: The sonne of man must be delyuered in to the hades of synners, and be crucified, and the thirde daye ryse agayne.

Luke 24:26

26 Ought not Christ to haue suffred these thinges, and to entre in to his glory?

Luke 24:46

46 and sayde vnto them: Thus is it wrytte, and thus it behoued Christ to suffre, & the thirde daye to ryse agayne fro the deed,

John 2:19-22

19 Iesus answered & sayde vnto the: Breake downe this temple, and in thre dayes wil I set it vp agayne. 20 Then sayde the Iewes: Sixe and fourtye yeare was this temple abuyldinge, and wilt thou set it vp in thre dayes? 21 But he spake of ye teple of his body. 22 Now wha he was rysen agayne from the deed, his disciples remembred that he thus sayde, and they beleued the scripture, and the wordes which Iesus spake.

John 19:38-20:9

38 After that, Ioseph of Arimathia, which was a disciple of Iesus (but secretly for feare of the Iewes) besought Pilate, yt he might take downe the body of Iesus. And Pilate gaue him lycence.

Acts 1:3

3 to who also he shewed himself alyue after his passion, by many tokes, and appeared vnto them fourtye dayes longe, and spake vnto them of the kyngdome of God.

Acts 2:23-33

23 him (after that he was delyuered by the determinate councell and foreknowlege of God) haue ye taken by the handes of vnrighteous personnes, and crucifyed him, & slayne him, 24 who God hath raysed vp, and lowsed the sorowes of death, for so moch as it was vnpossyble that he shulde be holden of it. 25 For Dauid speaketh of him: Afore honde haue I set the LORDE allwayes before me, for he is on my right hode, that I shulde not be moued. 26 Therfore dyd my hert reioyse, and my tunge was glad: For my flesh also shal rest in hope. 27 For thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell, nether shalt thou suffer yi Holy to se corrupcion. 28 Thou hast shewed me the wayes of life, thou shalt make me full of ioye with thy countenaunce. 29 Ye men and brethren, let me frely speake vnto you of the Patryarke Dauid: For he is deed and buried, and his sepulcre is with vs vnto this daye. 30 Wherfore now seinge yt he was a prophet, and knewe that God had promised him with an ooth, that the frute of his loynes shulde syt on his seate, 31 he sawe it before, and spake of the resurreccion of Christ: for his soule was not left in hell, nether hath his flesh sene corrupcion. 32 This Iesus hath God raysed vp, wherof we all are witnesses. 33 Seynge now that he by the right hande of God is exalted, and hath receaued of ye father ye promyse of the holy goost, he hath shed forth this, that ye se and heare.

Acts 13:29-37

29 And whan they had fulfylled all that was wrytten of him, they toke him downe from the tre, and layed him in a sepulcre. 30 But on ye thirde daye God raysed him vp from the deed, 31 and he appeared many dayes vnto the, that wente vp with him from Galile vnto Ierusalem, which are his witnesses vnto the people. 32 And we also declare vnto you ye promes, which was made vnto oure fathers, 33 how that God hath fulfylled the same vnto vs their children, in yt he raysed vp Iesus agayne. As it is wrytten in the seconde Psalme: Thou art my sonne, this daye haue I begotten the. 34 But that he hath raysed him vp fro the deed, now nomore to returne to corrupcion, he sayde on this wyse: The grace promysed to Dauid, wyl I faithfully kepe vnto you. 35 Therfore sayeth he also in another place: Thou shalt not suffre thy Holy to se corrupcion. 36 For Dauid, whan he in his tyme had serued the wyll of God, he fell a slepe, and was layed by his fathers, & sawe corrupcion. 37 But he who God raysed vp agayne, sawe no corrupcion.

Acts 17:31

31 because he hath appoynted a daye, in the which he wyl iudge the copasse of the worlde, with righteousnesse, by that one man in who he hath appoynted it: and offred faith vnto all men, after that he had raysed him vp from the deed.

Acts 26:22-23

22 But thorow the helpe of God lent vnto me, I stonde vnto this daye, and testifye both vnto small and greate, and saye no other thinge, the that ye prophetes haue sayde (that it shulde come to passe) and Moses, 23 that Christ shulde suffre, and be the first of the resurreccion from the deed, and shew light vnto the people, and to the Heythen.

Romans 6:4

4 Therfore are we buried wt him by baptyme in to death, that, like as Christ was raysed vp from the deed by the glory of the father, euen so we also shulde walke in a new life.

1 Corinthians 15:16-21

16 For yf the deed ryse not agayne, the is Christ also not rysen agayne. 17 But yf Christ be not rysen agayne, then is youre faith in vayne, and ye are yet in youre synnes: 18 they also that are falle a slepe in Christ, are perished. 19 Yf in this life onely we hope on Christ, then are we of all men the most miserable. 20 But now is Christ rysen from the deed, and is become ye first frutes of them that slepe. 21 For by one man commeth death, and by one man the resurreccion of the deed.

Colossians 2:12

12 in that ye are buried with him thorow baptyme: in whom ye are also rysen agayne thorow faith, that is wrought by the operacion of God, which raysed him vp from the deed.

Hebrews 13:20

20 The God of peace (that broughte agayue fro the deed oure LORDE Iesus the greate shepherde of the shepe thorow the bloude of the euerlastinge Testament)

1 Peter 1:11

11 searchinge whan or at what tyme the sprete off Christ that was in them, shulde signifye, which (sprete) testified before the passions that shulde come vnto Christ, and the glory that shulde folowe after.

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