1 Corinthians 12:9 Cross References - Coverdale

9 to another, faith in the same sprete: to another, the giftes of healinge in the same sprete:

Matthew 10:8

8 Heale the sicke, clense the lepers rayse the deed, cast out the deuils. Frely ye haue receaued, frely geue againe.

Matthew 17:19-20

19 Then came the disciples vnto Iesus secretly, & sayde: Why coude not we cast him out? 20 Iesus sayde vnto them: Because of youre vnbeleue. For I saye verely vnto you? Yf ye haue faith as a grane of mustarde sede, ye maye saye vnto this mountayne: Remoue hence to yonder place, and he shal remoue, nether shal enythinge be vnpossible vnto you.

Matthew 21:21

21 Iesus answered and sayde vnto them: Verely I saye vnto you: Yf ye haue faith & doute not, ye shal not onely do this with the fygge tre, but yf ye shal saye vnto this mountayne: Avoyde, and cast thy self in to the see, it shal be done.

Mark 6:13

13 and they cast out many deuyls: and many that were sicke anoynted they with oyle, and healed the.

Mark 11:22-23

22 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto them: Haue faith in God. 23 Verely I saye vnto you: Who so euer saieth vnto this mountayne: Avoyde, and cast thy self in to the see, and douteth not in his hert, but beleueth that the thinges shal come to passe which he saieth, then loke what he sayeth, it shal come to passe.

Mark 16:18

18 Dryue awaye serpetes: And yf they drynke eny deedly thinge, it shal not hurte them: They shal laye their handes vpo the sicke, and they shal recouer.

Luke 9:2

2 And he sent the out to preach the kyngdome of God, and to heale ye sicke,

Luke 10:9

9 And heale the sicke that are there, and saye vnto them: The kyngdome of God is come nye vnto you.

Luke 17:5-6

5 And the Apostles sayde vnto ye LORDE: Increace oure faith. 6 The LORDE sayde: Yf ye haue faith as a grayne of mustarde sede, and saye vnto this Molbery tre: Plucke thy self vp by the rotes, and plate thy self in the see, it shalbe obediet vnto you.

Acts 3:6-8

6 Howbeit Peter saide: Syluer and golde haue I none: but soch as I haue geue I the. In the name of Iesus Christ of Nazareth ryse vp & walke. 7 And he toke him by the righte hande and lifte him vp. Immediatly his legges & ancle bones were made stroge, 8 and he sprange, stode and walked, and entred with them in to the teple, walkynge, and leapinge and praysinge God.

Acts 4:29-31

29 And now LORDE, beholde their threatenynges, and graunte vnto thy seruauntes with all stedfast boldnesse to speake thy worde: 30 and stretch out thine hande, that healinge and tokes and wonders maye be done by the name of thy holy childe Iesus. 31 And wha they had prayed, the place moued where they were gathered together, & they were all fylled with ye holy goost, & spake the worde of God boldly.

Acts 5:15

15 In so moch that they brought out the sycke in to the stretes, and layed them vpon beddes and barowes, that at the leest waye the shadowe of Peter (whan he came by) might ouershadowe some of the.

Acts 10:38

38 how God anoynted the same Iesus of Nazareth with the holy goost and wt power, which wente aboute, & dyd good, and healed all those that were oppressed of the deuell, for God was with him.

Acts 19:11-12

11 And God wroughte no small miracles by the handes of Paul, 12 so that from his body there were broughte napkyns or partlettes vnto the sicke, and the diseases departed from them, and the euell spretes wente out of them.

1 Corinthians 12:28

28 And God hath ordeyned in the congregacion, first the Apostles, secodly prophetes, thirdly teachers, then doers of miracles, after that the giftes of healinge, helpers, gouerners, dyuerse tunges.

1 Corinthians 12:30

30 Haue they all the giftes of healinge? Speake they all with tunges? Can they all interprete?

1 Corinthians 13:2

2 And though I coulde prophecy, & vnderstode all secretes, and all knowlege, and had all faith, so that I coulde moue moutaynes out of their places, and yet had not loue, I were nothinge.

2 Corinthians 4:13

13 But seynge that we haue the same sprete of faith (acordinge as it is wrytten: I beleued, and therfore haue I spoke.) we also beleue, & therfore we speake,

Ephesians 2:8

8 For by grace are ye saued thorow faith, and that not of youre selues, For it is ye gifte of God,

Hebrews 11:33

33 which thorow faith subdued kyngdomes, wroughte righteousnes, optayned ye promyses, stopped ye mouthes of lyos

James 5:14-15

14 Yf eny be deseased amonge you, let him call for the elders of the congregacion, & let the praye ouer him, and anoynte him with oyle in the name of the LORDE: 15 and ye prayer of faith shal saue the sicke, and the LORDE shal rayse him vp: and yf he haue comitted synnes, they shalbe forgeuen him.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.