1 Chronicles 26 Cross References - Coverdale

1 Of the ordinauces of the dorekepers Amonge the Korahytes was Meselemia of the children of Assaph. 2 The children of Meselemia were these: the fyrstborne Zacharias, the seconde Iediael, ye thirde Sebadia, the fourth Iathniel, 3 ye fifth Elam, the sixte Iohanan, the seuenth Elioenai. 4 The children of ObedEdom were these: the firstborne Semaia, the seconde Iosabad the thirde Ioah, the fourth Sachur, ye fyfth Nethaneel, 5 the sixte Ammiel, the seuenth Isachar, the eight Pegulthai: for God had blessed him. 6 And vnto Semaia his sonne there were sonnes borne also, which bare rule in the house of their fathers: for they were mightie valeaunt men. 7 The children of Semaia were, Athni, Rephael, Obed and Elsabad, whose brethren were valeaunt men, Elihu and Semachia: 8 all these were of the children of ObedEdom. 9 Meselemia had children and brethren which were stronge men, euen eightene. 10 Hossa of the children of Merari had children, Simri the chefest: for ye fyrstborne was not there, therfore dyd his father appoynte him to be chefest, 11 the secode Helchias, ye thirde Tebalia, ye fourth Zacharias. All the children and brethren of Hossa were thirtene. 12 This is the ordinaunce of the dorekepers amonge the heades of the valeaunt men in the offyce besyde their brethren, to mynister in the house of the LORDE. 13 And the lot was cast for the small as for ye greate thorow out the house of their fathers at euery dore. 14 The lot towarde the East fell vpon Meselemia. And the lot was cast for Zacharias his sonne, which was a man of prudent councell, & vnto him it fell towarde the North: 15 But vnto ObedEdom towarde the South, and to his sonnes besyde the house of Esupim. 16 And vnto Supim and Hossa towarde the West by the gate of Salechet in the strete of the burntofferinges, where the tabernacles stonde together. 17 Towarde the East were there sixe of the Leuites. Towarde the north foure on ye daie tyme. Towarde the south foure on the daye season likewyse. Besyde Esupim two & two. 18 By Parbar westwarde were there foure in in the strete, and two besyde Parbar. 19 These are the ordinaunces of the dorekepers amonge the children of the Korahites, and the children of Merari. 20 Of the Leuites, was Ahia ouer the treasures of the house of God, and ouer the treasures that were sanctifyed. 21 Of the children of Laedan, the childre of the Gersonites. Of Laedan were these the heades of the fathers, namely ye Iehielites. 22 The children of the Iehielites were, Setha and his brother Ioel ouer the treasures of the house of the LORDE. 23 Amonge the Amramites, Iezeharites, Hebronites and Vsielites, 24 was Sebuel the sonne of Gerson the sonne of Moses, prynce ouer the treasures. 25 His brother Elieser had a sonne Rehabia, whose sonne was Iesaia, whose sonne was Iora, whose sonne was Sichri, whose sonne was Selomith: 26 the same Selomith and his brethren were ouer all the treasures of the thinges that were halowed, which kinge Dauid halowed, and the pryncipall of the fathers amonge the rulers ouer thousandes & ouer hundreds, and rulers in the hoost 27 (of warres and spoyles had they halowed it, to repayre the house of the LORDE) 28 and ouer all yt Samuel the Seer, and Saul the sonne of Cis, & Abner the sonne of Ner, and Ioab the sonne of ZeruIa had halowed: whatsoeuer was sanctifyed, it was vnder the hande of Selomith and his brethren. 29 Amonge the Iezeharites was Chenaia with his sonnes for the worke without ouer Israel, offycers & Iudges. 30 Amonge the Hebronites was Hasabia & his brethren, valeaunt men, a thousande and seuen hundreth, ouer the offyces of Israel on this syde Iordane westwarde for all maner worke of the LORDE, and to serue the kinge. 31 But amonge the Hebronites was Ieria the chefest amonge the Hebronites of his kinred amoge the fathers. And search was made amonge them, and in the fortieth yeare of kynge Dauid there were founde valeaut men at Iaeser in Gilead, 32 and their brethren mightie men, two thousande and seuen hundreth pryncipall fathers, and Dauid set the ouer the Rubenites, Gaddites, and ouer the halfe trybe of Manasses, for all soch busynes as belonged vnto God and the kynge.

Exodus 18:4

4 And the other was called Eliaser, for he sayde: The God of my fathers hath bene my helpe, and hath delyuered me from Pharaos swerde.

Numbers 3:19

19 The childre of Rahath in their kynreds were, Amram, Iezehar, Hebron and Vsiel.

Numbers 3:27

27 These are the kynreds of Rahath: The Amramites, the Iezeharites, the Hebronites, and Vsielites,

Numbers 16:11

11 Thou and all thy copany conspyre agaynst the LORDE. What is Aaron, that ye shulde murmur against him?

Numbers 26:9-11

9 And the children of Eliab were Nemuel, and Dathan and Abiram. This is yt Dathan & Abira, those famous men in the congregacion, which stode vp agaynst Moses and Aaron in the copany of Corah, whan they rose vp agaynst the LORDE, 10 & the earth opened hir mouth, and swalowed the wt Corah, wha the copany dyed, what tyme as the fyre consumed two hundreth & fiftye men, & they became a toke. 11 But the children of Corah dyed not.

Numbers 31:30-52

30 But of the children of Israels halfe parte, thou shalt take one heade of fyftie, both of the wemen, oxen, Asses and shepe, and of all the catell, and shalt geue them vnto the Leuites, that wayte vpon the habitacio of the LORDE. 31 And Moses and Eleasar the prest dyd as the LORDE commaunded Moses. 32 And the spoyle and praye which ye men of warre had spoyled, was sixe hundreth thousande and fyue and seuentye thousande shepe, 33 two and seuentye thousande oxen, 34 one & thre score thousande Asses: 35 and the wemen yt had knowne no men ner lyen wt them, were two and thirtie thousande soules. 36 And the halfe parte which belonged vnto them that wente to the warre, was in nobre thre hundreth thousande, and seuen and thirtie thousande, and fyue hundreth shepe: 37 of the which the LORDE had sixe hundreth, & fyue and seuentye shepe. 38 Item sixe and thirtie thousande oxen: wherof the LORDE had two & seuentye. 39 Item thirtie thousande fyue hundreth Asses: wherof the LORDE had one & thre score. 40 Item sixtene thousande soules of wemen: wherof the LORDE had two & thirtie. 41 And Moses gaue this heueofferynge of the LORDE vnto Eleasar the prest, as the LORDE commaunded him. 42 As for the other halfe which Moses deuyded vnto the children of Israel fro thorne; men of warre 43 (namely ye halfe that fell to the congregacion) it was also thre hundreth thousande, and seuen and thyrtie thousande, & fyue hundreth shepe, 44 sixe and thirtie thousande oxen, 45 thyrtie thousande & fyue hundreth Asses, 46 and sixtene thousande wemen soules. 47 And of this halfe of the childre of Israel toke Moses one of euery fyftie, both of the catell & of the wemen, and gaue them vnto ye Leuites, that waited vpon the habitacio of the LORDE, as ye LORDE comauded Moses. 48 And the captaynes ouer ye thousandes of the hoost, namely they that were ouer thousandes and ouer hundreds, came forth vnto Moses, and sayde vnto him: 49 Thy seruauntes haue taken ye summe of ye men of warre, that were vnder oure hande, and there lacked not one: 50 therfore brynge we a present vnto the LORDE, what euery one hath foude of Iewels of golde, cheynes, bracelettes, rynges, earinges, and taches, that oure soules maye be reconcyled before the LORDE. 51 And Moses and Eleasar ye prest toke of them ye golde of all maner ornamentes. 52 And all the golde of the Heueofferynge that they Heued vnto the LORDE, was sixtene thousande and seuen hundreth and fyftye Sycles, of the captaynes ouer thousandes and hundreds.

Joshua 6:19

19 But all the syluer and golde, with the ornametes of brasse & yron, shalbe sanctified vnto the LORDE, that it maye come to the LORDES treasure.

Joshua 21:39

39 Hesbon and Iaeser with their suburbes:

Judges 6:12

12 Then appeared vnto him the angell of ye LORDE, and sayde vnto him: The LORDE with ye thou mightie giaunte.

1 Samuel 9:9

9 (Afore tyme in Israel, whan a man wente to axe councell at the LORDE, he sayde: Come, let vs go to the Seer: for they that now are called prophetes, were called Seers afore tyme).

1 Samuel 14:47-51

47 But whan Saul had coquered the kyngdome ouer Israel, he foughte against all his enemyes rounde aboute, against the Moabites, agaynst the childre of Ammon, agaynst the Edomites, agaynst the kynge of Zoba, agaynst ye Philistynes: and whither so euer he turned him, he gat ye victory. 48 And he made an hoost, and smote ye Amalechites, and delyuered Israel from the hande of all those that spoyled them. 49 Saul had these sonnes: Ionathas, Isui, and Malchisua. And these were ye names of his two doughters: the firstborne Merob, & ye yogest Michol. 50 And Sauls wife was called Ahinoam, the doughter of Ahimaas. And his chefe captaynes name was Abner, the sonne of Ner, Sauls vncle. 51 Cis was ye father of Saul. But Ner ye father of Abner was the sonne of Abiel.

1 Samuel 17:55

55 Whan Saul sawe Dauid go forth agaynst the Philistyne, he saide vnto Abner his chefe captayne: Abner, whose sonne is this childe? Abner sayde: As truly as thy soule lyueth O kynge, I wote not.

2 Samuel 2:7

7 Let youre hade now therfore be comforted, and be ye stronge: for though Saul youre lorde be deed, yet hath the house of Iuda chosen me to be kynge ouer them.

2 Samuel 8:11

11 which kynge Dauid halowed also vnto ye LORDE, with the syluer and golde which he sanctified vnto the LORDE from all the Heythe, whom he subdued,

2 Samuel 10:9-14

9 Now whan Ioab sawe that the battayll was set vpo him before and behynde, he chose of all the best yonge men in Israel, & prepared him selfe agaynst the Syrians. 10 And the resydue of the people put he vnder the hande of his brother Abisai, that he mighte prepare him agaynst the childre of Ammon. 11 And sayde: Yf ye Syrians be to mightie for me, helpe thou me: but yf the children of Ammon be to mightie for the, I shal helpe the. 12 Take a good corage vnto the, and let vs be stronge for oure people, and for ye cite of oure God: neuertheles the LORDE do what pleaseth him. 13 And Ioab made him forth with the people that was with him, to fighte agaynst the Syrians: and they fled before him. 14 And whan the children of Ammon sawe that the Syrians fled, they fled also before Abisai, & wente in to the cite. So Ioab turned agayne from the children of Ammon, & came to Ierusalem.

1 Kings 2:11

11 The tyme that Dauid was kynge ouer Israel, is fortie yeare. Seuen yeares was he kynge at Hebro and thre and thirtie yeare at Ierusalem.

1 Kings 7:51

51 Thus all the worke that kynge Salomon made in ye house of the LORDE, was fynisshed. And Salomon brought in that his father Dauid had sanctified, of syluer and golde and ornamentes, and layed it amonge the treasures of the house of the LORDE.

1 Kings 10:5

5 and the meates of his table, and the dwellinges of his seruauntes, & the offyces of his ministers, and their garmentes, and his butlers and the burntofferynges which he offred in the house of the LORDE, she wondred exceadingly, and coulde no longer refrayne,

1 Kings 14:26

26 & toke the treasure out of ye house of the LORDE, & out of the kynges house, & all that mighte be gotten, & toke all the shyldes of golde, which Salomon caused to be made.

1 Kings 15:18

18 Then toke Asa all the syluer and golde that was lefte in the treasure of the house of the LORDE, and in the treasure of the kynges house, and delyuered it in to his seruauntes handes, & sent it vnto Benadab the sonne of Tabrimon the sonne of Hesion kynge of Siria, which dwelt at Damascon, and let saye vnto him:

2 Kings 12:14

14 but it was geuen vnto the workmen to repayre the decaye in the house of the LORDE therwith.

2 Kings 23:11

11 And he put downe the horses, which ye kynges of Iuda had set vnto the Sonne, at the intringe in to the house of the LORDE, besyde the chest of Netham Melech the chamberlayne which was at Paruarim, and the charettes of the Sonne brent he with fyre,

1 Chronicles 5:1-2

1 The children of Ruben the first sonne of Israel: for he was the first sonne, but because he defyled his fathers bed, therfore was his first byrthrighte geuen vnto the children of Ioseph the sonne of Israel, & he was not rekened to ye first byrthrighte: 2 for vnto Iuda which was mightie amonge his brethren, was geuen the pryncipalite before him, and the first byrthrighte vnto Ioseph.

1 Chronicles 6:17

17 These are the names of the children of Gerson: Libni and Semei.

1 Chronicles 6:37

37 the sonne of Thahath, the sonne of Assir, the sonne of Abijasaph, the sonne of Corah,

1 Chronicles 6:81

81 He?bon and Iaeser with their suburbes.

1 Chronicles 9:17-27

17 The porters were: Sallum, Acub, Talmon, Ahiman, with their brethren, and Sallum the chefest: 18 for hither to had the children of Leui kepte the watch at the eastsyde of the kinges gate by armies. 19 And Sallum the sonne of Core, the sonne of Abiassaph, the sonne of Corah, and his brethren of his fathers house. The Corahytes were in the worke of the seruyce, to kepe the thresholdes of the Tabernacle: and their fathers in the hoost of the LORDE, to kepe the intraunce. 20 Phineas the sonne of Eleasar was the prynce ouer them, because the LORDE had bene with him before. 21 Sacharia the sonne of Meselemia was keper at the dore of the Tabernacle of witnesse.

1 Chronicles 9:21

21 Sacharia the sonne of Meselemia was keper at the dore of the Tabernacle of witnesse. 22 All these were chosen out to be kepers of the thresholdes euen two hundreth and twolue. These were nombred in their vyllages. And Dauid and Samuel the Seer fouded them thorow their faith, 23 that they and their children shulde kepe the house of the LORDE, namely to kepe the watch of ye house of the Tabernacle. 24 These dorekepers were appointed towarde the foure wyndes, towarde the East, towarde the West, towarde the North, towarde ye South.

1 Chronicles 9:24

24 These dorekepers were appointed towarde the foure wyndes, towarde the East, towarde the West, towarde the North, towarde ye South. 25 But their brethre were in their vyllages, that they might come allwaye on the seuenth daye to be with them: 26 for vnto these foure maner of chefe dorrkepers were the Leuites committed. And they had the ouersight of the chestes and treasures in ye house of God.

1 Chronicles 9:26-30

26 for vnto these foure maner of chefe dorrkepers were the Leuites committed. And they had the ouersight of the chestes and treasures in ye house of God. 27 In the nighte season also remayned they aboute the house of God: for their dewtye was to geue attendaunce to open euery mornynge.

1 Chronicles 9:27-30

27 In the nighte season also remayned they aboute the house of God: for their dewtye was to geue attendaunce to open euery mornynge. 28 And some of them had the ouersight of the mynistrynge vessell: for they bare the vessell out and in. 29 And some of the were appoynted ouer the vessell, and ouer all the holy vessell, ouer the fine wheate floure, ouer ye wyne, ouer the oile, ouer the frankencense, ouer the swete odoures: 30 but some of ye prestes children made the incense.

1 Chronicles 12:28

28 Sadoc the yonge valeaunt man of armes with his fathers house, two and twentye rulers.

1 Chronicles 12:37

37 From beyonde Iordane, of the Rubenites, Gaddites and the halfe trybe of Manasses, with all maner of weapens to the battayll, an hudreth and twentye thousande.

1 Chronicles 15:12

12 and sayde vnto them: Ye are the heades of ye fathers amonge the Leuites: sanctifye yor selues therfore & youre brethre, yt ye maye brynge vp the Arke of the LORDE God of Israel, to the place yt I haue prepared for it.

1 Chronicles 15:18

18 and with them their brethren of the seconde course, namely Zacharias, Iaesiel, Semiramoth, Iehiel, Vnni, Eliab, Benaia, Maeseia, Mathithia, Elipheleia, Mikneia, Obed Edom, Ieiel, the dore kepers.

1 Chronicles 15:21

21 Mathithia, Elipheleia, Mikneia, Obed Edom, Ieiel & Asasia with harpes to synge aboue them on hye.

1 Chronicles 15:23-24

23 And Barachias and Elcana were the dorekepers of the Arke. 24 But Sachania, Iosaphat, Nathaneel, Amasai, Zacharias, Benaia, Elieser the prestes, blewe the trompettes before ye Arke of God. And Obed Edom and Iehia were dorekepers of the Arke.

1 Chronicles 15:24

24 But Sachania, Iosaphat, Nathaneel, Amasai, Zacharias, Benaia, Elieser the prestes, blewe the trompettes before ye Arke of God. And Obed Edom and Iehia were dorekepers of the Arke.

1 Chronicles 16:5

5 namely Assaph the first, Zacharias the seconde, Ieiel, Semiramoth, Iehiel, Mathithia, Eliab, Benaia, Obed Edom and Iehiel, with psalteries and harpes. But Assaph with loude Cymbales.

1 Chronicles 16:38

38 But Obed Edom and their brethren, eight and thre score, and Obed Edom the sonne of Iedithun, and Hossa, to be dore kepers.

1 Chronicles 18:11

11 dyd kynge Dauid consecrate vnto the LORDE, with the syluer and golde that he had taken from the Heythe, namely, from the Edomites, Moabites, Ammonites, Philistynes, and Amalechites.

1 Chronicles 22:3-4

3 And Dauid prepared moch yron for nales in the dores of the portes, and for soch thinges as were to be naled together, and so moch brasse, that is was not to be weyed: 4 and Cedre trees innumerable: for they of Zidon & Tyre brought Dauid moch Cedre tymbre:

1 Chronicles 22:14-16

14 Beholde, I haue in my pouerte prouyded for the house of the LORDE, an hundreth thousande talentes of golde, and a thousande tymes a thousande talentes of syluer, and brasse and yron without nombre: for there is so moch of it. And tymbre and stone haue I prepared, thou mayest get more therof.

1 Chronicles 22:14

14 Beholde, I haue in my pouerte prouyded for the house of the LORDE, an hundreth thousande talentes of golde, and a thousande tymes a thousande talentes of syluer, and brasse and yron without nombre: for there is so moch of it. And tymbre and stone haue I prepared, thou mayest get more therof. 15 Thou hast many workmen also, mesons and carpenters in stone and tymber, and all maner of men that haue vnderstondinge in all worke 16 off golde, syluer, brasse, and yron without nombre. Yet get the vp, and be doynge, and the LORDE shal be with the.

1 Chronicles 23:4

4 of whom there were foure & twentie thousande, which dyd their diligence in the worke ouer ye house of the LORDE, and sixe thousande officers and Iudges,

1 Chronicles 23:7

7 The Gersonites were: Laedan and Simei. 8 The children of Laedan: the first, Iehiel, Sethan, and Ioel, these thre.

1 Chronicles 23:12

12 The childre of Kahath were: Amram, Iezehar, Hebron and Vsiel, these foure.

1 Chronicles 23:15-16

15 The childre of Moses were Gerson and Elieser.

1 Chronicles 23:15

15 The childre of Moses were Gerson and Elieser. 16 The children of Gerson, the fyrst was Sebuel. 17 The children of Elieser, the fyrst was Rehabia & Elieser had none other children. But ye childre of Rehabia were many ther ouer. 18 The children of Iezehar were: Salomith the fyrst. 19 The children of Hebron were: Ieria the fyrst, Amaria the seconde, Iahasiel the thirde and Iakmeam ye fourth.

1 Chronicles 23:24

24 These are the children of Leui amonge their fathers houses, and the chefest of the fathers, which were counted after the nombre of ye names heade by heade: which executed the worke of the offices in the house of the LORDE from thirtie yeare olde & aboue.

1 Chronicles 24:5

5 Neuertheles he ordeyned them by lot, because that both the pryncipall of the children of Eleasar and of Ithamar were in ye Sanctuary, and chefe before God.

1 Chronicles 24:20

20 Of the children of Leui amonge the children of Amram, was Subael. Amonge the children of Subael, was Iohdea.

1 Chronicles 24:31

31 And the lot was cast for them also besyde their brethren the children of Aaron, in the presence of kynge Dauid and Sadoc and Ahimelech, and before the chefe fathers amonge the prestes & Leuites, as well for the leest brother as for the chefest amonge the fathers.

1 Chronicles 25:8

8 And they cast the lottes ouer their offyce, for the leest as for the greatest, for the master as for the scolar.

1 Chronicles 26:1

1 Of the ordinauces of the dorekepers Amonge the Korahytes was Meselemia of the children of Assaph.

1 Chronicles 26:8

8 all these were of the children of ObedEdom.

1 Chronicles 26:10-12

10 Hossa of the children of Merari had children, Simri the chefest: for ye fyrstborne was not there, therfore dyd his father appoynte him to be chefest, 11 the secode Helchias, ye thirde Tebalia, ye fourth Zacharias. All the children and brethren of Hossa were thirtene. 12 This is the ordinaunce of the dorekepers amonge the heades of the valeaunt men in the offyce besyde their brethren, to mynister in the house of the LORDE.

1 Chronicles 26:14

14 The lot towarde the East fell vpon Meselemia. And the lot was cast for Zacharias his sonne, which was a man of prudent councell, & vnto him it fell towarde the North:

1 Chronicles 26:17

17 Towarde the East were there sixe of the Leuites. Towarde the north foure on ye daie tyme. Towarde the south foure on the daye season likewyse. Besyde Esupim two & two.

1 Chronicles 26:20

20 Of the Leuites, was Ahia ouer the treasures of the house of God, and ouer the treasures that were sanctifyed.

1 Chronicles 26:22

22 The children of the Iehielites were, Setha and his brother Ioel ouer the treasures of the house of the LORDE. 23 Amonge the Amramites, Iezeharites, Hebronites and Vsielites, 24 was Sebuel the sonne of Gerson the sonne of Moses, prynce ouer the treasures.

1 Chronicles 26:26-28

26 the same Selomith and his brethren were ouer all the treasures of the thinges that were halowed, which kinge Dauid halowed, and the pryncipall of the fathers amonge the rulers ouer thousandes & ouer hundreds, and rulers in the hoost 27 (of warres and spoyles had they halowed it, to repayre the house of the LORDE) 28 and ouer all yt Samuel the Seer, and Saul the sonne of Cis, & Abner the sonne of Ner, and Ioab the sonne of ZeruIa had halowed: whatsoeuer was sanctifyed, it was vnder the hande of Selomith and his brethren.

1 Chronicles 27:17

17 Amonge the Leuites was Hasabia the sonne of Kemuel. Amonge the Aaronites was Sadoc.

1 Chronicles 28:12-19

12 & of all that he had in his mynde, namely of the courte of the LORDES house, and of all the oratories rounde aboute the treasures in ye house of God, and of the treasures of soch thinges as were halowed, 13 of the ordinaunces of the prestes, and Leuites, and of all ye busynesse of the offyces in the house of the LORDE. 14 Golde (gaue he him) after ye golde weight for all maner of vessels of euery offyce, and all siluer ornamentes after the weight for all maner of vessell of euery offyce: 15 and weight for the golden candilstickes and golden lampes, for euery candilstycke and his lampes his weight: likewyse for the siluer candilstickes gaue he the weight to the candilsticke & his lampes, acordynge as was requyred for euery candilstycke. 16 He gaue golde also for ye tables of the shewbred, for euery table his weight: and syluer lykewise for the syluer tables. 17 And pure golde for the fleshokes, basens and censors: and for the golden cuppes, vnto euery cuppe his weight: and for the siluer cuppes, vnto euery cuppe his weighte: 18 and for the altare of incense his weighte, of the most pure golde. And a patrone of the charett of the golden Cherubins, that they mighte sprede out them selues, and couer the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE. 19 All this is geuen me in wrytinge of the hande of the LORDE, to make me vnderstonde all the workes of the patrone.

1 Chronicles 29:2-8

2 Yet haue I after all my abilite prepared vnto the house of God, golde for the vessels of golde, syluer for them of syluer, brasse for them of brasse, yron for the of yron, wod for them of wod, Onix stones, set Rubyes, & stones of dyuerse coloures, & all precious stones, & Marble stones in multitude.

1 Chronicles 29:2-9

2 Yet haue I after all my abilite prepared vnto the house of God, golde for the vessels of golde, syluer for them of syluer, brasse for them of brasse, yron for the of yron, wod for them of wod, Onix stones, set Rubyes, & stones of dyuerse coloures, & all precious stones, & Marble stones in multitude. 3 Besydes this, for the good wyl yt I haue to the house of God,

1 Chronicles 29:3-9

3 Besydes this, for the good wyl yt I haue to the house of God, 4 I haue of myne awne proper good thre M. taletes of golde of Ophir, & seuen M. taletes of pure syluer, which I geue vnto the holy house of God, besyde all yt I haue prepared, to ouerlaye ye walles of the house,

1 Chronicles 29:4-9

4 I haue of myne awne proper good thre M. taletes of golde of Ophir, & seuen M. taletes of pure syluer, which I geue vnto the holy house of God, besyde all yt I haue prepared, to ouerlaye ye walles of the house, 5 yt the same which ought to be of golde, maye be of golde: & that it which ought to be of syluer, maye be of syluer: and for all maner of worke by the hande of the craftesmen. And who is now fre wyllinge, to fyll his hande this daye vnto the LORDE?

1 Chronicles 29:5-9

5 yt the same which ought to be of golde, maye be of golde: & that it which ought to be of syluer, maye be of syluer: and for all maner of worke by the hande of the craftesmen. And who is now fre wyllinge, to fyll his hande this daye vnto the LORDE? 6 Then were the prynces of the fathers, ye prynces of the trybes of Israel, the captaynes ouer thousandes & ouer hundreds, the rulers ouer the kynges busynes, fre wyllinge,

1 Chronicles 29:6-9

6 Then were the prynces of the fathers, ye prynces of the trybes of Israel, the captaynes ouer thousandes & ouer hundreds, the rulers ouer the kynges busynes, fre wyllinge, 7 & gaue to ye mynistracion in the house of God fyue M. talentes of golde, and ten M. guldens, and ten M. talentes of syluer, eightene M. taletes of brasse, and an hundred M. taletes of yron.

1 Chronicles 29:7-9

7 & gaue to ye mynistracion in the house of God fyue M. talentes of golde, and ten M. guldens, and ten M. talentes of syluer, eightene M. taletes of brasse, and an hundred M. taletes of yron. 8 And by whom so euer were foude stones, they gaue them to the treasure of the house of the LORDE, vnder the hade of Iehiel the Gersonite.

1 Chronicles 29:8

8 And by whom so euer were foude stones, they gaue them to the treasure of the house of the LORDE, vnder the hade of Iehiel the Gersonite.

1 Chronicles 29:8-9

8 And by whom so euer were foude stones, they gaue them to the treasure of the house of the LORDE, vnder the hade of Iehiel the Gersonite. 9 And ye people were glad that they were fre wyllinge: for they gaue it wt a good wyll (euen with all their hert) vnto the LORDE. And Dauid also ye kynge reioysed greatly,

1 Chronicles 29:27

27 And ye tyme that he was kynge ouer Israel, is fortye yeares: At Hebron reigned he seuen yeare, and at Ierusalem thre & thirtie yeare,

2 Chronicles 8:14

14 And he set the prestes in ordre to their ministracion acordynge as Dauid his father had appoynted, and the Leuites in their offyces, to geue thankes and to mynister in the presence of the prestes, euery one vpon his daye. And the dorekepers in their courses, euery one at his dore, for so had Dauid the ma of God commaunded.

2 Chronicles 9:4

4 the meates of his table, the dwellinges of his seruauntes, ye offices of his mynisters and their garmentes, & his butlers and their apparell, and his parler where he wente vp in to the house of the LORDE, she coulde no longer refrayne.

2 Chronicles 19:8-11

8 And at Ierusalem dyd Iosaphat ordeyne certayne of the Leuites and prestes, and of the awnciet fathers of Israel for ye iudgment of the LORDE, and ouer the matter of the lawe, and caused them to dwell at Ierusalem, 9 and commaunded them, and sayde: Se that ye do thus in the feare of the LORDE, in faithfulnes & in a perfect hert. 10 In all causes that come vnto you from youre brethren (which dwell in their cities) betwene bloude and bloude, betwene lawe and commaundement, betwene statutes and ordinaunces ye shal enforme them, yt they synne not against the LORDE, and so the wrath to come vpon you and youre brethren. Do thus, and ye shal not offende. 11 Beholde, Amaria the prest is chefe ouer you in all causes of ye LORDE: so is Sabadia the sonne of Ismael prynce in the house of Iuda in all the kynges matters: Ye haue officers likewyse the Leuites before you. Take a good corage vnto you, and be doynge, and the LORDE shalbe with the good.

2 Chronicles 19:11

11 Beholde, Amaria the prest is chefe ouer you in all causes of ye LORDE: so is Sabadia the sonne of Ismael prynce in the house of Iuda in all the kynges matters: Ye haue officers likewyse the Leuites before you. Take a good corage vnto you, and be doynge, and the LORDE shalbe with the good.

2 Chronicles 23:19

19 And ye porters set he at ye gates of ye house of ye LORDE, yt none shulde entre, which were defiled wt eny maner of thinge.

2 Chronicles 25:24

24 and toke with him all the golde, and siluer, and all the ornamentes that were foude in ye house of God with ObedEdom, and in the treasures in the kynges house, and the childre to pledge vnto Samaria.

2 Chronicles 26:17

17 But Asarias the prest wente after him, and foure score prestes with him, valeaunt men,

2 Chronicles 31:11-12

11 Then commaunded the kynge, that they shulde prepare chestes in the house of the LORDE. And they prepared them, 12 and put in the Heueofferynges, and tithes and that which was halowed, faithfully.And the ouersighte of the same had Chanania the Leuite, and Simei his brother the seconde,

2 Chronicles 34:13

13 But ouer them that bare burthens and furthured all maner of worke in all the offices, there were scrybes, officers and dore kepers of the Leuites.

Ezra 2:69

69 and gaue after their abilyte vnto the treasure of the worke, one and threscore thousande guldens, and fyue thousande pounde of syluer, and an hundreth prestes garmentes.

Nehemiah 10:32-34

32 And we layed a statute vpon oure selues, to geue yearly ye thirde parte of a Sycle to the mynistracion in the house of oure God, 33 namely to the shewbred, to the daylie meatofferynge, to the daylie burntofferynge of ye Sabbathes, of the new mones and feast dayes, and to the thinges that were sanctified, and to the synofferynges, to reconcyle Israel with all, and to all the busynes in ye house of oure God. 34 And we cast the lot amonge the prestes, Leuites and the people, for offerynge of ye wod, to be brought vnto ye house of or God from yeare to yeare, after the houses of oure fathers, that it might be brent at tymes appoynted, vpon the altare of the LORDE oure God, as it is wrytten in the lawe:

Nehemiah 10:38

38 And the prest the sonne of Aaron shal wt the Leuites haue also of the tithes of ye Leuites, so that the Leuites shal brynge vp the tithes of their tithes vnto the house of oure God to the chest in ye treasure house.

Nehemiah 11:14

14 and his brethren were valeaunt men, of whom there were an hundreth and eight and twentye. And their ouerseer was Sabdaiel the sonne of Gedolim.

Nehemiah 11:16

16 And Sabthai and Iosabad of the chefe of the Leuites, in the outwarde busynes of ye house of God.

Nehemiah 12:24

24 And these were the chefe amoge the Leuites, Hasabia, Serebia and Iesua the sonne of Cadmiel, & their brethren ouer agaynst them, to geue prayse and thankes, acordinge as Dauid ye ma of God had ordeyned it, one watch ouer agaynst another.

Psalms 44:1

1 We haue herde with or eares (o God) or fathers haue tolde vs, what thou hast done in their tyme, of olde.

Psalms 49:1

1 O heare this, all ye people: pondre it well, all ye that dwell vpo the earth.

Psalms 128:1

1 Blessed are all they that feare the LORDE, & walke in his wayes.

Isaiah 16:9

9 Therfore I mourned for Iazer, & for ye vynyardes of Sibma wt greate sorow. I poured my teares vpon Hesebon & Eleale, for all their songes were layde downe, in their haruest & gatheringe of their grapes:

Malachi 3:10

10 Brynge euery Tythe in to my barne, yt there maye be meat in myne house: and proue me withall (sayeth the LORDE of hoostes) yf I wil not open the wyndowes of heauen vnto you, and poure you out a blessinge with plenteousnesse.

Matthew 25:15

15 And vnto one he gaue fyue talentes, to another two, and to another one: vnto euery man after his abilyte, and straight waye departed.

1 Corinthians 12:4-11

4 There are dyuerse giftes, yet but one sprete: 5 and there are dyuerse offices, yet but one LORDE: 6 and there are dyuerse operacions yet is there but one God, which worketh all in all. 7 The giftes of the sprete are geuen vnto euery man to profit the cogregacion. 8 To one is geuen thorow the sprete the vtteraunce of wissdome: to another is geuen the vtteraunce of knowlege acordinge to the same sprete: 9 to another, faith in the same sprete: to another, the giftes of healinge in the same sprete: 10 to another, power to do miracles: to another, prophecienge: to another, iudgment to discerne spretes: to another, dyuerse tunges: to another, the interpretacion of tunges. 11 These all doth ye same onely sprete worke, and distributeth vnto euery man, acordinge as he will.

2 Corinthians 3:6

6 which hath made vs able, to be mynisters of the new Testament: not of the letter, but of the sprete. For the letter kylleth, but the sprete geueth life.

1 Timothy 6:12

12 fighte a good fighte of faith: laye honde on eternall life, where vnto thou art called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

2 Timothy 2:3

3 Thou therfore suffre affliccion as a good soudyer off Iesu Christ.

1 Peter 4:11

11 Yf eny ma speake, let hi speake it as ye wordes of God. Yf eny man haue an office, let him execute it as out of the power yt God mynistreth vnto hi, yt God maye be praysed in all thinges thorow Iesus Christ, To who be honor and domynion for euer and euer Amen.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.