Mark 3:14 Cross References - CLV

14 And He makes twelve, whom He also names apostles, that they may be with Him, and that He may be commissioning them to herald,

Luke 9:1-6

1 Now calling together the twelve apostles, He gives them power and authority over all the demons and to be curing diseases." 2 And He commissions them to be heralding the kingdom of God and to be healing the infirm. 3 And He said to them, "Nothing pick up for the road, neither staff, nor beggar's bag, nor bread, nor silver, nor have two tunics apiece." 4 And into whatever house you may be entering, there be remaining, and thence be coming away." 5 And whoever should not be receiving you, coming out from that city, twitch off even the dust from your feet for a testimony against them." 6 Now coming out, they passed through by the villages, bringing the evangel and curing everywhere."

Luke 10:1-11

1 Now after these things the Lord indicates seventy-two others also, and He dispatches them two by two before His face into every city and place where He was about to be entering." 2 Now He said to them, "The harvest, indeed, is vast, yet the workers are few. Beseech, then, the Lord of the harvest, so that He should be ejecting workers into His harvest." 3 Go! Lo! I am dispatching you as lambs in the midst of wolves." 4 Bear no purse not beggar's bag nor yet sandals, and you should be greeting no one by the way." 5 Now into whatever house you may be entering, first say, 'Peace to this household!'" 6 And if a son of peace should be there, your peace will be resting on it; otherwise, surely it will come back on you." 7 Now in the same house, remain, eating and drinking what they have, for worthy is the worker of his wages. Do not proceed from house to house." 8 And into whatever city you may be entering, and they may be receiving you, eat what is placed before you, 9 and cure the infirm in it, and say to them, 'Near to you is the kingdom of God.'" 10 Now into whatever city you may be entering, and they may not be receiving you, coming out into its squares, say, 11 Even the dust on our feet, which is clinging to us out of your city, are we wiping off before you. Moreover, know this, that near to you is the kingdom of God!"

Luke 24:47

47 and there is to be heralded in His name repentance for the pardon of sins, to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem."

John 15:16

16 Not you choose Me, but I choose you, and I appoint you, that you may be going away and be bringing forth much fruit, and your fruit may be remaining, that anything whichsoever you should be requesting the Father in My name, He will be giving it to you."

Acts 1:8

8 But you shall be obtaining power at the coming of the holy spirit on you, and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in entire Judea and Samaria, as far as the limits of the earth."

Acts 1:24-25

24 And praying, they say, "Thou, Lord, Knower of all hearts, indicate one whom Thou choosest, 25 out of these two to take the place of this dispensation and apostleship, from which Judas transgressed, to be gone into his own place."

Galatians 1:1

1 Paul, an apostle (not from men, neither through a man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, Who rouses Him from among the dead),

Galatians 1:15-20

15 Now, when it delights God, Who severs me from my mother's womb and calls me through His grace, 16 to unveil His Son in me that I may be evangelizing Him among the nations, I did not immediately submit it to flesh and blood, 17 neither came I up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me, but I came away into Arabia, and I return again to Damascus." 18 Thereupon, after three years, I came up to Jerusalem to relate my story to Cephas, and I stay with him fifteen days." 19 Yet I became acquainted with no one different from the apostles, except James, the brother of the Lord." 20 Now what I am writing to you, lo! in God's sight, I say that I am not lying."

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.